2024 SAIC Corporate Responsibility Report: Inclusion

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SAIC's 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report highlights the company's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). Key achievements include:

- Achieving gender pay parity with less than 1% gap for non-executive employees

- Reaching 28% women in leadership roles, meeting their FY26 parity goal

- Increasing people of color in leadership to 25%, a 2% improvement

- Spending over $420 million with small, diverse-owned businesses

SAIC focuses on attracting and retaining top talent through meaningful work, professional development, and inclusive culture. The company offers various leadership programs and partners with organizations to promote diversity. SAIC has been recognized by Forbes, Newsweek, and other institutions for its inclusive workforce practices.

Il Rapporto di Responsabilità Aziendale 2024 di SAIC evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda per la diversità, equità e inclusione (DE&I). I principali traguardi includono:

- Raggiungimento della parità retributiva di genere con un gap inferiore all'1% per i dipendenti non esecutivi

- Ottenimento del 28% di donne in ruoli di leadership, raggiungendo l'obiettivo di parità per l'anno fiscale 26

- Aumento della quota di persone di colore in leadership al 25%, con un miglioramento del 2%

- Spesa di oltre 420 milioni di dollari con piccole imprese di proprietà diversificata

SAIC si concentra sull'attrarre e trattenere talenti di alto livello attraverso un lavoro significativo, sviluppo professionale e una cultura inclusiva. L'azienda offre vari programmi di leadership e collabora con organizzazioni per promuovere la diversità. SAIC è stata riconosciuta da Forbes, Newsweek e altre istituzioni per le sue pratiche di forza lavoro inclusiva.

El Informe de Responsabilidad Corporativa 2024 de SAIC destaca el compromiso de la empresa con la diversidad, equidad e inclusión (DE&I). Los logros clave incluyen:

- Lograr la paridad salarial de género con una brecha de menos del 1% para empleados no ejecutivos

- Alcanzar un 28% de mujeres en roles de liderazgo, cumpliendo su objetivo de paridad para el año fiscal 26

- Aumentar la proporción de personas de color en liderazgo al 25%, una mejora del 2%

- Gastar más de 420 millones de dólares con pequeñas empresas de propiedad diversa

SAIC se centra en atraer y retener talento de primer nivel a través de un trabajo significativo, desarrollo profesional y una cultura inclusiva. La empresa ofrece varios programas de liderazgo y colabora con organizaciones para promover la diversidad. SAIC ha sido reconocida por Forbes, Newsweek y otras instituciones por sus prácticas laborales inclusivas.

SAIC의 2024년 기업 책임 보고서는 다양성, 형평성 및 포용성 (DE&I)에 대한 회사의 약속을 강조합니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 비임원 직원의 성별 임금 격차가 1% 미만성별 임금 평등 달성

- 리더십 역할에서 여성 비율 28%, FY26 평등 목표 달성

- 리더십에서 유색인종 비율 25%로 증가, 2% 개선됨

- 소기업 및 다양성 소유 비즈니스와 4억 2천만 달러 이상 지출

SAIC는 의미 있는 작업, 전문 개발 및 포용적인 문화를 통해 최고의 인재를 유치하고 유지하는 데 집중합니다. 이 회사는 다양한 리더십 프로그램을 제공하고 조직과 협력하여 다양성을 촉진합니다. SAIC는 Forbes, Newsweek 및 기타 기관으로부터 포용적인 인력 관행에 대해 인정을 받았습니다.

Le Rapport de Responsabilité Sociétale de l'Entreprise 2024 de SAIC souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion (DE&I). Les principales réalisations comprennent :

- Atteindre la parité salariale entre les sexes avec un écart de moins de 1 % pour les employés non exécutifs

- Atteindre 28 % de femmes dans des postes de direction, atteignant leur objectif de parité pour l'exercice fiscal 26

- Augmenter la proportion de personnes de couleur dans la direction à 25%, une amélioration de 2%

- Dépenser plus de 420 millions de dollars avec de petites entreprises appartenant à des diversités

SAIC se concentre sur l'attraction et la fidélisation des meilleurs talents grâce à un travail significatif, au développement professionnel et à une culture inclusive. L'entreprise propose divers programmes de leadership et collabore avec des organisations pour promouvoir la diversité. SAIC a été reconnue par Forbes, Newsweek et d'autres institutions pour ses pratiques de main-d'œuvre inclusives.

Der Corporate Responsibility Report 2024 von SAIC hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für Diversität, Chancengleichheit und Inklusion (DE&I) hervor. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:

- Erreichung der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit bei den Löhnen mit einer Lücke von weniger als 1 % für nicht-executive Mitarbeiter

- Erreichen von 28 % Frauen in Führungspositionen, Zielvorgabe für die Parität im Geschäftsjahr 26 erreicht

- Erhöhung des Anteils von People of Color in Führungspositionen auf 25 %, eine Verbesserung um 2 %

- Ausgaben von über 420 Millionen Dollar bei kleinen, diversitätsgeführten Unternehmen

SAIC konzentriert sich darauf, Top-Talente durch sinnvolle Arbeit, berufliche Entwicklung und eine inklusive Kultur zu gewinnen und zu halten. Das Unternehmen bietet verschiedene Führungsprogramme an und kooperiert mit Organisationen zur Förderung der Diversität. SAIC wurde von Forbes, Newsweek und anderen Institutionen für seine inklusiven Arbeitspraktiken anerkannt.

  • Achieved gender pay parity with less than 1% gap for non-executive employees
  • Reached 28% women in leadership roles, meeting FY26 parity goal
  • Increased people of color in leadership to 25%, a 2% improvement
  • Spent over $420 million with small, diverse-owned businesses
  • Received multiple recognitions for inclusive workforce practices from Forbes, Newsweek, and other institutions
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 19, 2024 / Science Applications International Corp.
2024 SAIC Corporate Responsibility Report

The company's success begins and ends with our people.

As we seek to advance the power of technology and innovation to serve and protect our world, a critical part of our business strategy is attracting, continually developing and retaining top talent - engineering, science and IT innovation cannot happen without it. To deliver that strategy and its value to shareholders, customers and employees, we aim to be a company that provides meaningful work and purpose, as we:

  • Develop solutions for our customers' most challenging problems

  • Continue to deliver value to our business through meaningful diversity, equity and inclusion efforts

  • Nurture our people throughout the talent lifecycle including upskilling and job rotation to improve retention and fill critical skill gaps

  • Create a culture of empowerment where our people can be their authentic selves and do their best work for our customers

  • Provide benefits and programs that enhance employees' experiences and their well-being

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our vision for diversity, equity and inclusion at SAIC is straightforward:

  • We commit to creating a workplace where we value, respect and empower everyone to reach their full potential.

  • We foster a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion that celebrates our differences and promotes collaboration, innovation and growth.

  • We work every day to be a company that is diverse and inclusive and a leader in promoting the business value of DE&I in our industry and beyond.


In FY24, we achieved significant progress of workforce diversity, equity and inclusion through internal efforts, employee development, talent acquisition and employee engagement.

Notably, last year, based on our population of full-time, nonexecutive employees, our gender pay gap was less than 1%, with the pay equity ratio approximately 99% for the compensation of women relative to men.

In FY21, we set goals to achieve parity in the representation of women and people of color between our leader and non-leadership roles by the end of FY26. Our goal is to ensure that our leadership reflects our workforce, and our workforce reflects the customers and communities we serve. In FY23, we achieved our parity goal for women in leadership, and in FY24, we sustained it at 28%. In FY24, we continued our progress improving parity for people of color in leadership by 2% for a total of 25% of leaders being people of color. To hold ourselves accountable for progress, we tie meeting parity goals to a part of our leader's performance plans, which impacts their bonus compensation.

We develop a diverse leadership team from our existing workforce by promoting diverse candidate slates for leadership roles; ensuring our job descriptions, recruiting tools and processes help eliminate the potential for bias; and providing training, educational resources and leadership development programs, including our AcceleratHER Women's Leadership Academy, Leadership 365 for Aspiring Leaders and Developing Frontline Leaders programs. To ensure further opportunity to underrepresented populations, we offer several programs that incorporate internal networking components; programs include McKinsey Leadership Essentials, Management Accelerator, Executive Leadership Program and Connected Leaders Academy for Asian, Black and Hispanic and Latino cohorts.

To ensure equitable access to opportunities for all, SAIC continues to enhance our workplace practices to eliminate bias, remove barriers to equitable opportunity and improve inclusion; to include diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility training for recruiters and hiring managers; use of diverse talent communities and sourcing tools; and our advertising and marketing efforts to make sure we reach a diverse pool of candidates. Through these efforts, women make up 32% and people of color make up 57% of our job candidates. We also do this through our partnerships with organizations such as historically Black colleges and universities; the Thurgood Marshall College Fund; Black Engineer of the Year Awards; Catalyst, an organization dedicated to helping accelerate progress for women in the workplace; DisabilityIN; Fair360; Women in Aerospace; and Women in Tech.

At SAIC, we believe small and diverse businesses are essential for maintaining a robust, dynamic contractor ecosystem, and play an integral role in the types of supply chain efforts required to meet the unique needs of our government customers. With that belief, we work to expand our partnerships with diverse small businesses and suppliers, hosting outreach sessions and mentoring and providing contract opportunities to those that drive innovation, improve processes and value diversity. SAIC has a robust small business outreach program and tracks its spend with small business diverse-owned suppliers in several categories such as Disadvantaged, Women-Owned, Veteran-Owned, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned, HUBZone and Alaskan Native Corporations and Indian Tribes.

In FY24, we spent over $420 million with these small, diverse-owned businesses. Independent third parties consistently recognize SAIC for its industry-leading engagement efforts such as the 2023 Small Business Industry Large Prime of the Year, the 2022 National Veterans Small Business Advocate of the Year, Champion for service-disabled veteran-owned small business and veteran-owned small business and the National Hub Zone Council 2020 Small Business Liaison of the Year.


Third parties acknowledge SAIC's inclusive workforce:

  • Forbes list of 500 Best Employers for Diversity

  • Forbes America's Best Employers for Women 2024

  • LATINA Style's Top 50 Best Companies for Latinas

  • Newsweek America's Greatest Workplaces for Diversity

  • Newsweek America's Greatest Workplaces for Women 2024

  • Fair360 Noteworthy Companies for 2024

Learn more about Inclusion at SAIC in SAIC's 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report.

Courtesy SAIC

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SOURCE: Science Applications International Corp.

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What is SAIC's gender pay gap for non-executive employees in 2024?

According to SAIC's 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report, the gender pay gap for full-time, non-executive employees was less than 1%, with the pay equity ratio approximately 99% for the compensation of women relative to men.

How much did SAIC (SAIC) spend with small, diverse-owned businesses in FY24?

In FY24, SAIC spent over $420 million with small, diverse-owned businesses, including Disadvantaged, Women-Owned, Veteran-Owned, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned, HUBZone, and Alaskan Native Corporations and Indian Tribes.

What percentage of SAIC's leadership roles are held by women in 2024?

As of 2024, 28% of SAIC's leadership roles are held by women, meeting and sustaining their FY26 parity goal for women in leadership positions.

What is SAIC's progress on increasing people of color in leadership roles?

In FY24, SAIC continued its progress by improving parity for people of color in leadership by 2%, reaching a total of 25% of leaders being people of color.

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