Saia LTL Freight Honored with 2024 SmartWay Excellence Award

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Saia LTL Freight has been awarded the 2024 SmartWay Excellence Award by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recognizing its leadership in environmental performance and efficiency in the freight sector. Saia was the sole recipient in the less-than-truckload (LTL) category, highlighting its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving fuel efficiency.

The award represents the EPA's highest recognition for environmental performance in the freight industry. Saia's President and CEO, Fritz Holzgrefe, emphasized the company's dedication to sustainable business practices aligning with their core values of 'Do the Right Thing' and 'Community'.

The SmartWay program, established to help freight businesses track and reduce their carbon footprint, recognized 47 companies this year, representing the top one to two percent of all SmartWay partners. Saia's commitment to optimizing freight operations has set a benchmark for efficiency in the LTL sector.

Saia LTL Freight ha ricevuto il Premio SmartWay Excellence 2024 da parte dell'Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale (EPA), riconoscendo la sua leadership nelle prestazioni ambientali e nell'efficienza nel settore del trasporto merci. Saia è stata l'unico destinatario nella categoria meno di un camion (LTL), evidenziando il suo impegno nella riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra e nel miglioramento dell'efficienza del carburante.

Il premio rappresenta il più alto riconoscimento dell'EPA per le prestazioni ambientali nell'industria dei trasporti. Il Presidente e CEO di Saia, Fritz Holzgrefe, ha sottolineato la dedizione dell'azienda a pratiche commerciali sostenibili che si allineano ai loro valori fondamentali di 'Agire nel modo giusto' e 'Comunità'.

Il programma SmartWay, istituito per aiutare le aziende di trasporto a monitorare e ridurre la loro impronta di carbonio, ha riconosciuto 47 aziende quest'anno, rappresentando il top dell'uno o due percento di tutti i partner SmartWay. L'impegno di Saia nell'ottimizzazione delle operazioni di trasporto ha stabilito un benchmark per l'efficienza nel settore LTL.

Saia LTL Freight ha sido galardonado con el Premio SmartWay Excellence 2024 por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA), reconociendo su liderazgo en el rendimiento y la eficiencia ambiental en el sector de carga. Saia fue el único destinatario en la categoría de menos de camión completo (LTL), subrayando su compromiso para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y mejorar la eficiencia del combustible.

El premio representa el más alto reconocimiento de la EPA por el rendimiento ambiental en la industria del transporte. El presidente y CEO de Saia, Fritz Holzgrefe, enfatizó la dedicación de la empresa a prácticas comerciales sostenibles que se alinean con sus valores fundamentales de 'Hacer lo correcto' y 'Comunidad'.

El programa SmartWay, establecido para ayudar a las empresas de carga a rastrear y reducir su huella de carbono, reconoció a 47 empresas este año, representando el uno o dos por ciento de todos los socios de SmartWay. El compromiso de Saia para optimizar las operaciones de carga ha establecido un estándar de eficiencia en el sector LTL.

Saia LTL Freight는 환경 보호국(EPA)로부터 2024 SmartWay Excellence Award를 수상하여 물류 부문에서 환경 성과 및 효율성에 대한 리더십을 인정받았습니다. Saia는 적재량 미만(LTL) 부문에서 유일한 수상자로서 온실가스 배출을 줄이고 연료 효율성을 높이려는 의지를 강조했습니다.

이 상은 물류 산업에서 환경 성과에 대한 EPA의 최고 인정입니다. Saia의 회장 겸 CEO인 Fritz Holzgrefe는 '올바른 일을 하라'와 '커뮤니티'라는 핵심 가치에 부합하는 지속 가능한 비즈니스 관행에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다.

SmartWay 프로그램은 물류 기업이 탄소 발자국을 추적하고 줄이는 데 도움을 주기 위해 설립되었으며, 올해 47개 기업이 인정받았으며, 이는 모든 SmartWay 파트너의 1~2%에 해당합니다. Saia의 화물 운영 최적화에 대한 헌신은 LTL 부문에서 효율성의 기준을 설정했습니다.

Saia LTL Freight a reçu le Prix SmartWay Excellence 2024 de l'Agence de Protection de l'Environnement (EPA), reconnaissant son leadership en matière de performance environnementale et d'efficacité dans le secteur du fret. Saia est le seul récipiendaire dans la catégorie moins que camion complet (LTL), soulignant son engagement à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et à améliorer l'efficacité énergétique.

Ce prix représente la plus haute reconnaissance de l'EPA pour la performance environnementale dans l'industrie du fret. Le Président et CEO de Saia, Fritz Holzgrefe, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise envers des pratiques commerciales durables qui s'alignent sur leurs valeurs fondamentales de 'Faire ce qui est juste' et 'Communauté'.

Le programme SmartWay, établi pour aider les entreprises de fret à suivre et réduire leur empreinte carbone, a reconnu 47 entreprises cette année, représentant le haut du classement un à deux pour cent de tous les partenaires SmartWay. L'engagement de Saia à optimiser les opérations de fret a établi une norme d'efficacité dans le secteur LTL.

Saia LTL Freight wurde mit dem 2024 SmartWay Excellence Award der Umweltschutzbehörde (EPA) ausgezeichnet, was seine Führungsrolle in der Umweltleistung und Effizienz im Frachtsektor anerkennt. Saia war der einzige Preisträger in der Kategorie weniger als Lkw (LTL), was sein Engagement zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen und zur Verbesserung der Kraftstoffeffizienz hervorhebt.

Der Preis stellt die höchste Anerkennung der EPA für Umweltleistungen in der Frachtindustrie dar. Der Präsident und CEO von Saia, Fritz Holzgrefe, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für nachhaltige Geschäftspraktiken, die mit ihren Grundwerten 'Das Richtige tun' und 'Gemeinschaft' in Einklang stehen.

Das SmartWay-Programm, das eingerichtet wurde, um Frachtunternehmen bei der Verfolgung und Reduzierung ihres CO2-Fußabdrucks zu unterstützen, erkannte in diesem Jahr 47 Unternehmen an, die ein bis zwei Prozent aller SmartWay-Partner darstellen. Saias Engagement für die Optimierung von Frachtbetrieben hat einen Benchmark für Effizienz im LTL-Sektor gesetzt.

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The award recognizes companies that optimize environmental performance and efficiency in their operations

JOHNS CREEK, Ga., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Saia Inc. (NASDAQ: SAIA) proudly announces that Saia LTL Freight has been awarded the 2024 SmartWay Excellence Award by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Saia was the sole recipient in the less-than-truckload (LTL) category, recognizing its leadership and continued commitment to reducing its environmental impact through innovative business practices.

The SmartWay Excellence Award represents the EPA’s highest recognition for top-tier environmental performance in the freight sector, highlighting those organizations that excel in improving fuel efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Saia's commitment to sustainability, particularly through its partnership with the SmartWay program, has been integral to its mission of providing efficient, eco-friendly transportation solutions across its national network.

"We are deeply honored to be recognized by the EPA as a leader in sustainability," said Saia President and CEO Fritz Holzgrefe. "Our dedication to sustainable business practices, such as reducing emissions and improving fuel efficiency, aligns with our core values of ‘Do the Right Thing’ and ‘Community’ and with our broader strategy of operational excellence, innovation, and environmental stewardship."

The SmartWay program was established to help businesses in the freight industry track and reduce their carbon footprint. This year, SmartWay recognized 47 companies (18 shippers and 29 truck carriers) with a 2024 SmartWay Excellence Award. This represents about the top one to two percent of all SmartWay partners. Saia’s commitment to optimizing its freight operations has not only enhanced its environmental performance but also set a benchmark for efficiency in the LTL sector.

For more information on Saia and its sustainability initiatives, visit corporate responsibility at

About Saia, Inc.

Saia Inc. (NASDAQ: SAIA) offers customers a wide range of less-than-truckload, non-asset truckload, expedited, and logistics services. With headquarters in Johns Creek, Georgia, Saia LTL Freight operates over 210 terminals across the country and employs more than 15,000 people. Recognized by the American Trucking Associations Safety Management Council for its outstanding safety record and by the EPA’s SmartWay program for its efforts to reduce its environmental impact, Saia is also a multiyear recipient of Women In Trucking’s “Top Companies for Women to Work for in transportation.” For more information on Saia Inc., visit

For more information, contact:
Jeannie S. Jump
Senior Marketing and Corporate Affairs Specialist
Phone: 770-232-4069


What award did Saia LTL Freight receive in 2024?

Saia LTL Freight received the 2024 SmartWay Excellence Award from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2024.

Why was Saia LTL Freight given the SmartWay Excellence Award?

Saia LTL Freight was given the SmartWay Excellence Award for its leadership in environmental performance, particularly in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving fuel efficiency in the freight sector.

How many companies received the SmartWay Excellence Award in 2024?

In 2024, 47 companies (18 shippers and 29 truck carriers) received the SmartWay Excellence Award, representing about the top one to two percent of all SmartWay partners.

What is the significance of the SmartWay Excellence Award for Saia (SAIA)?

The SmartWay Excellence Award represents the EPA's highest recognition for environmental performance in the freight industry, highlighting Saia's (SAIA) commitment to sustainability and operational excellence.

How does the SmartWay Excellence Award align with Saia's (SAIA) company values?

The SmartWay Excellence Award aligns with Saia's (SAIA) core values of 'Do the Right Thing' and 'Community', as well as their broader strategy of operational excellence, innovation, and environmental stewardship.

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