Sage Therapeutics Announces Topline Results from the Phase 2 LIGHTWAVE Study of Dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) in the Treatment of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Dementia in Alzheimer’s Disease

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Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE) announced topline results from the Phase 2 LIGHTWAVE Study of dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) in treating mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia in Alzheimer's Disease. The study did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference from baseline in participants treated with dalzanemdor versus placebo on the primary endpoint, which was the WAIS-IV Coding Test score at Day 84.

Key points:

  • Dalzanemdor was generally well-tolerated with no new safety signals observed
  • The company does not plan further clinical development of dalzanemdor in Alzheimer's Disease
  • Topline data from the Phase 2 DIMENSION Study of dalzanemdor in Huntington's Disease is expected later this year
  • The study involved 174 randomized participants over 12 weeks
  • No meaningful differences were observed in exploratory endpoints such as RBANS total score or MoCA total score

Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE) ha annunciato i risultati preliminari dello Studio LIGHTWAVE di Fase 2 su dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) per il trattamento del lieve deterioramento cognitivo e della lieve demenza nella Malattia di Alzheimer. Lo studio non ha dimostrato una differenza statisticamente significativa rispetto alla linea di base nei partecipanti trattati con dalzanemdor rispetto al placebo sul primo endpoint, che era il punteggio del WAIS-IV Coding Test al Giorno 84.

Punti chiave:

  • Dalzanemdor è stato generalmente ben tollerato, senza nuovi segnali di sicurezza osservati
  • L'azienda non prevede ulteriori sviluppi clinici di dalzanemdor per la Malattia di Alzheimer
  • I dati preliminari dello Studio DIMENSION di Fase 2 su dalzanemdor nella Malattia di Huntington sono attesi entro la fine di quest'anno
  • Lo studio ha coinvolto 174 partecipanti randomizzati per 12 settimane
  • Non sono state osservate differenze significative negli endpoint esplorativi come il punteggio totale RBANS o il punteggio totale MoCA

Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE) anunció resultados preliminares del Estudio LIGHTWAVE de Fase 2 sobre dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) en el tratamiento del leve deterioro cognitivo y la leve demencia en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer. El estudio no demostró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa desde la línea de base en los participantes tratados con dalzanemdor en comparación con el placebo en el punto final principal, que fue la puntuación del WAIS-IV Coding Test en el Día 84.

Puntos clave:

  • Dalzanemdor fue generalmente bien tolerado sin nuevos señales de seguridad observadas
  • La compañía no planea desarrollar más clínicamente dalzanemdor para la Enfermedad de Alzheimer
  • Se esperan los datos preliminares del Estudio DIMENSION de Fase 2 de dalzanemdor en la Enfermedad de Huntington más tarde este año
  • El estudio involucró a 174 participantes aleatorizados durante 12 semanas
  • No se observaron diferencias significativas en los puntos finales exploratorios como la puntuación total RBANS o la puntuación total MoCA

Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE)는 알츠하이머병의 경도 인지장애 및 경도 치매 치료를 위한 dalzanemdor (SAGE-718)의 2상 LIGHTWAVE 연구의 주요 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 플라세보와 비교하여 dalzanemdor로 치료받은 참가자들의 기준선에서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 나타내지 않았습니다, 주요 평가 지표는 Day 84의 WAIS-IV Coding Test 점수였습니다.

주요 사항:

  • Dalzanemdor는 일반적으로 잘 견뎌졌으며 새로운 안전 신호는 관찰되지 않았습니다
  • 회사는 알츠하이머병에 대한 dalzanemdor의 추가 임상 개발을 계획하지 않습니다
  • Huntington병에 대한 dalzanemdor의 2상 DIMENSION 연구의 주요 데이터는 올해 말에 발표될 예정입니다
  • 이 연구에는 12주 동안 무작위로 선정된 174명의 참가자가 포함되었습니다
  • RBANS 총점이나 MoCA 총점과 같은 탐색 지표에서 의미 있는 차이는 관찰되지 않았습니다

Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE) a annoncé les résultats préliminaires de l'étude LIGHTWAVE de phase 2 sur le dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) dans le traitement du léger trouble cognitif et de la légère démence dans la maladie d'Alzheimer. L'étude n'a pas montré de différence statistiquement significative par rapport à la ligne de base chez les participants traités avec dalzanemdor par rapport au placebo sur le critère principal, qui était le score du WAIS-IV Coding Test au Jour 84.

Points clés :

  • Le dalzanemdor a été généralement bien toléré sans nouveaux signaux de sécurité observés
  • L'entreprise ne prévoit pas de développement clinique supplémentaire de dalzanemdor dans la maladie d'Alzheimer
  • Les données préliminaires de l'étude DIMENSION de phase 2 sur le dalzanemdor dans la maladie de Huntington sont attendues plus tard cette année
  • L'étude a impliqué 174 participants randomisés sur 12 semaines
  • Aucune différence significative n'a été observée dans les critères exploratoires tels que le score total RBANS ou le score total MoCA

Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE) gab die vorläufigen Ergebnisse der Phase 2 LIGHTWAVE-Studie zu dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) bekannt, die zur Behandlung von leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung und leichter Demenz bei Alzheimer genutzt wird. Die Studie zeigte keinen statistisch signifikanten Unterschied gegenüber der Ausgangsbasis bei den mit dalzanemdor behandelten Teilnehmern im Vergleich zu Placebo hinsichtlich des primären Endpunkts, der die Punktzahl im WAIS-IV Coding Test am Tag 84 war.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Dalzanemdor wurde allgemein gut vertragen, ohne dass neue Sicherheitsrisiken festgestellt wurden
  • Das Unternehmen plant keine weitere klinische Entwicklung von dalzanemdor bei Alzheimer
  • Die vorläufigen Daten der Phase 2 DIMENSION-Studie zu dalzanemdor bei der Huntington-Krankheit werden später in diesem Jahr erwartet
  • Die Studie umfasste 174 randomisierte Teilnehmer über einen Zeitraum von 12 Wochen
  • Es wurden keine bedeutenden Unterschiede in den explorativen Endpunkten wie dem Gesamtscore von RBANS oder dem Gesamtscore von MoCA beobachtet
  • Dalzanemdor was generally well-tolerated with no new safety signals observed
  • Topline data from the Phase 2 DIMENSION Study in Huntington's Disease expected later this year
  • LIGHTWAVE Study did not meet its primary endpoint for Alzheimer's Disease treatment
  • No statistically significant difference observed between dalzanemdor and placebo
  • No meaningful differences in exploratory endpoints
  • Company discontinues further clinical development of dalzanemdor for Alzheimer's Disease


The Phase 2 LIGHTWAVE study results for dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) are disappointing. The drug failed to show statistically significant improvement in cognitive function compared to placebo, as measured by the WAIS-IV Coding Test. This outcome is a significant setback for Sage Therapeutics' AD program.

Key points to consider:

  • The failure in AD impacts Sage's pipeline diversity and potential future revenue streams.
  • The company will discontinue further development in AD, allowing reallocation of resources to other programs.
  • Safety profile appears favorable, with no new safety signals observed.
  • Attention now shifts to the upcoming DIMENSION study results in Huntington's Disease, which could be important for dalzanemdor's future.

For investors, this news likely represents a negative short-term impact on Sage's stock price. However, the long-term outlook will depend on results from other pipeline candidates and the company's ability to pivot its strategy effectively.

- In the Phase 2 LIGHTWAVE Study, dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference from baseline in participants treated with dalzanemdor versus placebo on the primary endpoint

- Dalzanemdor was generally well-tolerated and no new safety signals were observed

- Topline data from the Phase 2 DIMENSION Study of dalzanemdor in Huntington’s Disease expected later this year

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Sage Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: SAGE) announced today topline results from LIGHTWAVE, a 12-week, Phase 2 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effects of dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) in participants with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The LIGHTWAVE Study did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference from baseline in participants treated with dalzanemdor versus placebo on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) Coding Test score at Day 84, the primary outcome measure of the study.

Based on these data, the Company does not plan further clinical development of dalzanemdor in AD. The Company expects to report topline data from the Phase 2 DIMENSION Study of dalzanemdor in people with cognitive impairment associated with Huntington’s Disease later this year.

“Alzheimer’s Disease is an incredibly complex and devastating condition, and people with related mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia need more treatment options. While we are disappointed by the results of the LIGHTWAVE Study, we are grateful to participants, investigators, care partners, patient advocates and the Alzheimer’s community who helped make this important research possible. We hope our work and these findings help to inform future research,” said Barry Greene, Chief Executive Officer, Sage Therapeutics.

LIGHTWAVE Study Results
The LIGHTWAVE study was a 12-week, Phase 2 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effects of dalzanemdor in participants with MCI or mild dementia due to AD. A total of 174 participants were randomized.

  • The LIGHTWAVE study did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference from baseline in participants treated with dalzanemdor versus placebo on the WAIS-IV Coding Test score at Day 84.
  • Dalzanemdor was generally well-tolerated and no new safety signals were observed. The majority of treatment emergent adverse events were mild to moderate in severity.
  • Analyses did not demonstrate any meaningful differences in the dalzanemdor-treated group versus placebo in exploratory endpoints such as RBANS total score or MoCA total score.

About dalzanemdor (SAGE-718)
Dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) is a first-in-class investigational NMDA receptor positive allosteric modulator (PAM). Sage has an ongoing placebo-controlled Phase 2 study evaluating dalzanemdor in cognitive impairment associated with Huntington’s Disease.

About Sage Therapeutics
Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE) is a biopharmaceutical company committed to our mission of pioneering solutions to deliver life-changing brain health medicines, so every person can thrive. Sage developed the only two FDA-approved treatments indicated for postpartum depression and is advancing a robust pipeline to target unmet needs in brain health. Sage was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Mass. Find out more at or engage with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and X.

Forward-Looking Statements
Various statements in this release concern future expectations, plans and prospects, including without limitation statements regarding: our expectations with respect to the timing of reporting of results from the ongoing clinical trial of dalzanemdor in Huntington’s Disease; our belief in the unmet need for new treatment options for brain health; and the mission, goals, opportunity and potential for our business. These statements constitute forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees of future performance, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements, including the risks that: the results of our ongoing DIMENSION study of dalzanemdor in HD may be negative like the results we announced today from the LIGHTWAVE study, and may not support further development of dalzanemdor in HD; we may encounter delays in reporting results from the DIMENSION study and may not meet our expected timelines; even if data from the DIMENSION study, or any other data we generate in the development of any of our product candidates at any stage, are positive, the FDA may not agree with our view of the data; decisions or actions of the FDA or other regulatory agencies may affect the initiation, timing, design, size, or progress of ongoing or future clinical trials or the regulatory pathway for any of our product candidates or our ability to proceed with further development; the FDA may ultimately decide that the design or results of completed, ongoing and planned clinical trials, even if positive, are not sufficient for the next phase of development or ultimately for regulatory approval of any of our product candidates in any indication that is the focus of our development programs and plans; we may encounter adverse results or adverse events at any stage of development that negatively impact further development or that require additional nonclinical and clinical work which may not yield positive results; we may at any time encounter unexpected hurdles in the development and manufacture of our product candidates; and all of these factors and other developments related to our science or business could cause us not to achieve our mission or the goals for our business; as well as those risks more fully discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in our most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in our subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent our views only as of today, and should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any subsequent date. Sage explicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements.


Francesca Dellelci



Katie Plante


Source: Sage Therapeutics, Inc.


What were the results of Sage Therapeutics' LIGHTWAVE Study for dalzanemdor (SAGE-718)?

The LIGHTWAVE Study did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference from baseline in participants treated with dalzanemdor versus placebo on the WAIS-IV Coding Test score at Day 84, which was the primary endpoint.

Will Sage Therapeutics (SAGE) continue developing dalzanemdor for Alzheimer's Disease?

No, based on the LIGHTWAVE Study results, Sage Therapeutics does not plan further clinical development of dalzanemdor in Alzheimer's Disease.

What is the next step for dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) after the LIGHTWAVE Study results?

Sage Therapeutics expects to report topline data from the Phase 2 DIMENSION Study of dalzanemdor in people with cognitive impairment associated with Huntington's Disease later this year.

Were there any safety concerns with dalzanemdor (SAGE-718) in the LIGHTWAVE Study?

Dalzanemdor was generally well-tolerated and no new safety signals were observed. The majority of treatment emergent adverse events were mild to moderate in severity.

Sage Therapeutics, Inc


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