U.S. Department of Justice requests information from Saab North America, Inc. regarding Brazil's acquisition of Gripen fighters in 2014

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Saab North America, Inc., a U.S. subsidiary of Saab, has received a subpoena from the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) requesting information about Brazil's 2014 acquisition of 36 Gripen E/F fighter aircraft. This relates to Brazil's FX-2 fighter procurement program (2008-2014) where Saab won the contract. Saab intends to comply with the request and cooperate with the DoJ.

Previous investigations by Brazilian and Swedish authorities into parts of the procurement process were closed without indicating any wrongdoing by Saab. Due to secrecy obligations, Saab cannot provide further details on this matter.

Saab North America, Inc., una filiale americana di Saab, ha ricevuto un decreto di comparizione dal Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti (DoJ) che richiede informazioni riguardanti l'acquisizione da parte del Brasile di 36 aerei da combattimento Gripen E/F nel 2014. Questo riguarda il programma di approvvigionamento di aerei da combattimento FX-2 del Brasile (2008-2014), dove Saab ha vinto il contratto. Saab intende adeguarsi alla richiesta e collaborare con il DoJ.

Indagini precedenti delle autorità brasiliane e svedesi su parti del processo di approvvigionamento sono state chiuse senza indicare alcun illecito da parte di Saab. A causa di obblighi di riservatezza, Saab non può fornire ulteriori dettagli su questa questione.

Saab North America, Inc., una subsidiaria estadounidense de Saab, ha recibido un citatorio del Departamento de Justicia de EE. UU. (DoJ) solicitando información sobre la adquisición en 2014 de 36 aviones de combate Gripen E/F por parte de Brasil. Esto se relaciona con el programa de adquisición de aviones de combate FX-2 de Brasil (2008-2014) en el cual Saab ganó el contrato. Saab tiene la intención de cumplir con la solicitud y cooperar con el DoJ.

Las investigaciones anteriores de las autoridades brasileñas y suecas sobre partes del proceso de adquisición se cerraron sin indicar ninguna irregularidad por parte de Saab. Debido a obligaciones de confidencialidad, Saab no puede proporcionar más detalles sobre este asunto.

사브 북미, Inc.는 사브의 미국 자회사로서, 미국 법무부(DoJ)로부터 2014년 브라질의 36대 그리펜 E/F 전투기 인수에 관한 정보를 요청받은 소환장을 받았습니다. 이는 사브가 계약을 체결한 브라질의 FX-2 전투기 조달 프로그램(2008-2014)과 관련이 있습니다. 사브는 요청에 따르고 DoJ와 협력할 것입니다.

브라질 및 스웨덴 당국에 의한 조달 과정의 일부에 대한 이전 조사에서는 사브에 대한 불법 행위가 확인되지 않았습니다. 기밀 유지를 이유로, 사브는 이 문제에 대한 추가 세부 사항을 제공할 수 없습니다.

Saab North America, Inc., une filiale américaine de Saab, a reçu une assignation du Département de la justice des États-Unis (DoJ) demandant des informations concernant l'acquisition en 2014 de 36 avions de chasse Gripen E/F par le Brésil. Cela concerne le programme d'approvisionnement d'avions de chasse FX-2 du Brésil (2008-2014), où Saab a remporté le contrat. Saab envisage de se conformer à la demande et de coopérer avec le DoJ.

Les enquêtes précédentes menées par les autorités brésiliennes et suédoises sur des parties du processus d'approvisionnement ont été clôturées sans indiquer de faute de la part de Saab. En raison d'obligations de confidentialité, Saab ne peut fournir plus de détails sur ce sujet.

Saab North America, Inc., eine US-Tochtergesellschaft von Saab, hat eine Vorladung vom US-Justizministerium (DoJ) erhalten, die Informationen über den Erwerb von 36 Gripen E/F Kampfjets durch Brasilien im Jahr 2014 anfordert. Dies bezieht sich auf das Beschaffungsprogramm FX-2 für Kampfflugzeuge in Brasilien (2008-2014), bei dem Saab den Vertrag gewonnen hat. Saab beabsichtigt, dem Antrag nachzukommen und mit dem DoJ zusammenzuarbeiten.

Frühere Ermittlungen brasilianischer und schwedischer Behörden zu Teilen des Beschaffungsprozesses wurden ohne Hinweise auf Fehlverhalten von Saab abgeschlossen. Aufgrund von Vertraulichkeitsverpflichtungen kann Saab keine weiteren Einzelheiten zu diesem Thema bereitstellen.

  • Saab's willingness to cooperate with the DoJ investigation
  • Previous investigations by Brazilian and Swedish authorities found no wrongdoing by Saab
  • DoJ subpoena may indicate potential legal or regulatory issues
  • Investigation could impact Saab's reputation and future defense contracts
  • Secrecy obligations limit transparency, potentially affecting investor confidence

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Saab North America, Inc., a U.S. subsidiary of Saab, has received a subpoena from the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ). The DoJ has requested information about the Brazilian Government's acquisition of 36 Gripen E/F fighter aircraft for its air force. The contract was signed in 2014.

Brazil's fighter procurement (the FX-2 programme) took place between 2008 and 2014 and Saab was awarded the contract. Saab intends to comply with the request to supply information and to cooperate with the DoJ in this matter.

Both Brazilian and Swedish authorities have previously investigated parts of the Brazilian fighter procurement process. These investigations were closed without indicating any wrongdoings by Saab.

Due to secrecy obligations, Saab is not able to communicate further regarding this.  

Mattias Rådström
Head of Media Relations
+46 (0)734 180 018

Merton Kaplan
Head of Investor Relations
+46 (0)734 182 071

Saab is a leading defence and security company with an enduring mission, to help nations keep their people and society safe. Empowered by its 22,000 talented people, Saab constantly pushes the boundaries of technology to create a safer and more sustainable world. Saab designs, manufactures and maintains advanced systems in aeronautics, weapons, command and control, sensors and underwater systems. Saab is headquartered in Sweden. It has major operations all over the world and is part of the domestic defence capability of several nations.

The information is such that Saab AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on 10 October 2024 at 16.15 (CEST).

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U.S. Department of Justice requests information from Saab North America, Inc. regarding Brazil’s acquisition of Gripen fighters in 2014,c3341447

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What is the U.S. Department of Justice investigating regarding Saab (SAABY)?

The DoJ is requesting information about Brazil's 2014 acquisition of 36 Gripen E/F fighter aircraft from Saab, specifically related to the Brazilian FX-2 fighter procurement program that took place between 2008 and 2014.

How is Saab (SAABY) responding to the DoJ subpoena?

Saab intends to comply with the request to supply information and cooperate fully with the U.S. Department of Justice in this matter.

Were there previous investigations into Saab's (SAABY) Brazilian fighter deal?

Yes, both Brazilian and Swedish authorities previously investigated parts of the Brazilian fighter procurement process. These investigations were closed without indicating any wrongdoing by Saab.

When did Brazil acquire Gripen fighters from Saab (SAABY)?

Brazil signed a contract to acquire 36 Gripen E/F fighter aircraft from Saab in 2014, as part of their FX-2 fighter procurement program that ran from 2008 to 2014.



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