SentinelOne® Names Alex Stamos Chief Information Security Officer

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SentinelOne (NYSE: S), a global leader in AI-powered security, has appointed Alex Stamos as its Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Stamos, formerly Chief Security Officer at Meta and CISO at Yahoo!, will oversee the company's security engineering and operations teams. His primary focus will be on developing secure-by-design systems that enterprises can trust.

Stamos joined SentinelOne as Chief Trust Officer in 2023 through the acquisition of the Krebs Stamos Group. He brings extensive experience, including roles on various cybersecurity committees and teaching at Stanford University. The appointment underscores SentinelOne's commitment to prioritizing security and maintaining high standards in product delivery.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S), leader globale nella sicurezza potenziata dall'IA, ha nominato Alex Stamos come Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Stamos, precedentemente Chief Security Officer di Meta e CISO di Yahoo!, supervisionerà i team di ingegneria e operazioni di sicurezza dell'azienda. Il suo obiettivo principale sarà quello di sviluppare sistemi progettati per essere sicuri, ai quali le imprese possono affidarsi.

Stamos è entrato in SentinelOne come Chief Trust Officer nel 2023 attraverso l'acquisizione del Krebs Stamos Group. Porta con sé un'ampia esperienza, comprese le mansioni in vari comitati di cybersecurity e l'insegnamento presso l'Università di Stanford. Questa nomina sottolinea l'impegno di SentinelOne a dare priorità alla sicurezza e mantenere elevati standard nella consegna dei prodotti.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S), un líder global en seguridad impulsada por IA, ha nombrado a Alex Stamos como su Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Stamos, anteriormente Chief Security Officer en Meta y CISO en Yahoo!, supervisará los equipos de ingeniería y operaciones de seguridad de la compañía. Su enfoque principal será en desarrollar sistemas diseñados para ser seguros, en los que las empresas puedan confiar.

Stamos se unió a SentinelOne como Chief Trust Officer en 2023 tras la adquisición del Krebs Stamos Group. Aporta amplia experiencia, incluidos roles en varios comités de ciberseguridad y enseñanza en la Universidad de Stanford. El nombramiento subraya el compromiso de SentinelOne de priorizar la seguridad y mantener altos estándares en la entrega de productos.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S)는 AI 기반 보안의 글로벌 리더로서 Alex Stamos를 최고 정보 보안 책임자(CISO)로 임명했습니다. Stamos는 이전에 Meta의 최고 보안 책임자와 Yahoo!의 CISO를 역임했으며, 회사의 보안 엔지니어링 및 운영 팀을 감독할 것입니다. 그의 주요 초점은 기업이 신뢰할 수 있는 안전 설계 시스템을 개발하는 것입니다.

Stamos는 Krebs Stamos Group의 인수를 통해 2023년에 SentinelOne에 Chief Trust Officer로 합류했습니다. 그는 사이버 보안 위원회에서의 다양한 역할과 스탠포드 대학교에서의 강의 경험을 포함하여 폭넓은 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 이 임명은 SentinelOne이 제품 제공에서 보안을 우선시하고 높은 기준을 유지할 것에 대한 의지를 강조합니다.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S), un leader mondial dans la sécurité alimentée par l'IA, a nommé Alex Stamos au poste de Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Stamos, anciennement Chief Security Officer chez Meta et CISO chez Yahoo !, supervisera les équipes d'ingénierie et d'exploitation de la sécurité de l'entreprise. Son principal objectif sera de développer des systèmes conçus pour être sûrs, auxquels les entreprises peuvent faire confiance.

Stamos a rejoint SentinelOne en tant que Chief Trust Officer en 2023 suite à l'acquisition du Krebs Stamos Group. Il apporte une vaste expérience, y compris des rôles au sein de divers comités de cybersécurité et un enseignement à l'Université de Stanford. Cette nomination souligne l'engagement de SentinelOne à prioriser la sécurité et maintenir des normes élevées dans la livraison des produits.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S), ein globaler Marktführer in KI-gestützter Sicherheit, hat Alex Stamos zum Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) ernannt. Stamos, der zuvor Chief Security Officer bei Meta und CISO bei Yahoo! war, wird die Sicherheitsingenieurs- und Operationsteams des Unternehmens überwachen. Sein Hauptfokus liegt auf der Entwicklung sicherer Systeme, denen Unternehmen vertrauen können.

Stamos trat 2023 als Chief Trust Officer in das Unternehmen ein, nachdem das Krebs Stamos Group übernommen wurde. Er bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen mit, einschließlich seiner Rollen in verschiedenen Cybersecurity-Ausschüssen und einem Lehrauftrag an der Stanford University. Die Ernennung unterstreicht das Engagement von SentinelOne, Sicherheit zu priorisieren und hohe Standards bei der Produktlieferung aufrechtzuerhalten.

  • Appointment of highly experienced CISO Alex Stamos
  • Focus on developing secure-by-design systems for enterprise trust
  • Reinforcement of security-first approach in product development
  • None.

Alex Stamos' appointment as CISO at SentinelOne is a significant move, but its immediate impact on the company's stock or financials is likely minimal. However, this strategic hire underscores SentinelOne's commitment to strengthening its security posture, which could have long-term positive implications.

Stamos brings a wealth of experience from high-profile roles at Meta and Yahoo!, as well as his academic position at Stanford. His expertise in cybersecurity and policy, coupled with his involvement in prestigious organizations like the Aspen Institute's Cyber Security Task Force and the DHS Cybersecurity Advisory Committee, adds substantial credibility to SentinelOne's security leadership.

The emphasis on a "security-first mindset" and "secure-by-design systems" aligns with growing market demands for robust cybersecurity solutions. This approach could potentially differentiate SentinelOne in the competitive AI-powered security market, possibly leading to increased customer trust and market share over time.

Stamos' statement about "chasing adversaries, not dollars" and setting "a new standard rooted in trust, transparency and accountability" suggests a focus on ethical practices in the cybersecurity industry. This stance could resonate well with customers and investors who are increasingly concerned about the integrity of security providers.

While this appointment doesn't directly impact SentinelOne's financial performance, it could enhance the company's reputation and potentially lead to stronger customer relationships and product development in the long run. Investors should monitor how this leadership change translates into tangible improvements in SentinelOne's security offerings and market position over time.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Continuing its focus on security first, SentinelOne (NYSE: S), a global leader in AI-powered security, today announced Alex Stamos as its Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). In this role, the former Chief Security Officer of Meta and Chief Information Security Officer at Yahoo!, will oversee the company’s security engineering and operations teams. His primary focus will be on developing and delivering secure-by-design systems that enterprises can trust to keep them safe.

“In an era where state actors are targeting large cloud and security providers to gain access to the world’s most important companies, security cannot be an afterthought. It has to come first,” said Ric Smith, Chief Product and Technology Officer at SentinelOne. “Tens of thousands of organizations rely on SentinelOne to keep their organizations safe. We have always believed that our ethical duty is to design products with a security-first mindset and uphold the highest standards in delivering them. Alex is the ideal person to lead and accelerate our efforts.”

Stamos, a seasoned professional in the cybersecurity field, joined SentinelOne as Chief Trust Officer in 2023 through the acquisition of the Krebs Stamos Group. His extensive experience includes serving on the Aspen Institute’s Cyber Security Task Force, the DHS Cybersecurity Advisory Committee, the Bay Area CSO Council, and the Council on Foreign Relations. He is also on the advisory board of NATO’s Collective Cybersecurity Center of Excellence and continues to teach cybersecurity and policy at Stanford University.

“Organizations must be able to trust that their providers are focused on chasing adversaries, not dollars,” Stamos said. “At SentinelOne, security is ingrained in every aspect of our operations. Unfortunately, upselling security and misleading customers has become an accepted part of the business model of huge enterprise software companies. I look forward to leading the team to set a new standard rooted in trust, transparency, and accountability that helps propel the industry forward.”

About SentinelOne

SentinelOne is the world’s leading autonomous AI-powered cybersecurity platform. Built on the first unified Data Lake, SentinelOne empowers the world to run securely by creating intelligent, data-driven systems that think for themselves, stay ahead of complexity and risk, and evolve independently. Leading organizations—including Fortune 10, Fortune 500, Global 2000 companies, and prominent governments—all trust SentinelOne to Secure Tomorrow™. Learn more at

Karen Master


Source: SentinelOne


Who is the new Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of SentinelOne (NYSE: S)?

Alex Stamos has been appointed as the new Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of SentinelOne (NYSE: S).

What is Alex Stamos's background before joining SentinelOne (NYSE: S)?

Alex Stamos was previously the Chief Security Officer at Meta and Chief Information Security Officer at Yahoo!. He also served on various cybersecurity committees and teaches at Stanford University.

What will be Alex Stamos's primary focus as CISO at SentinelOne (NYSE: S)?

Alex Stamos's primary focus will be on developing and delivering secure-by-design systems that enterprises can trust to keep them safe.

When did Alex Stamos join SentinelOne (NYSE: S)?

Alex Stamos joined SentinelOne as Chief Trust Officer in 2023 through the acquisition of the Krebs Stamos Group.

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