SentinelOne® Continues to Redefine End-to-End Security with Singularity™ Platform

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SentinelOne (NYSE: S) unveiled new AI-powered security innovations for its Singularity Platform at Black Hat 2024. Key advancements include:

1. Purple AI: Provides natural language alert summaries and query support across environments.

2. Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM): Enhances cloud security by managing access rights to cloud resources.

3. Expanded Endpoint and Identity Protection: Offers unified agent deployment with built-in deception features and compromised credential protection.

4. Extended Security Posture Management (xSPM): Delivers real-time insights into vulnerabilities and misconfigurations across cloud, endpoint, identity, and third-party risk.

5. AI SIEM: Replaces legacy SIEM solutions with an AI-powered platform for data and workflows.

SentinelOne's platform has received industry recognition, including top rankings in MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluations and Gartner Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) ha svelato nuove innovazioni di sicurezza basate sull'AI per la sua Piattaforma Singularity al Black Hat 2024. I principali progressi includono:

1. Purple AI: Fornisce sintesi di allerta in linguaggio naturale e supporto per le query in vari ambienti.

2. Gestione dei Diritti di Accesso all'Infrastruttura Cloud (CIEM): Migliora la sicurezza cloud gestendo i diritti di accesso alle risorse cloud.

3. Protezione Estesa di Endpoint e Identità: Offre distribuzione unificata dell'agente con funzionalità di inganno integrate e protezione delle credenziali compromesse.

4. Gestione Estesa della Postura di Sicurezza (xSPM): Fornisce informazioni in tempo reale sulle vulnerabilità e le misconfigurazioni in cloud, endpoint, identità e rischi di terze parti.

5. AI SIEM: Sostituisce le soluzioni SIEM legacy con una piattaforma potenziata dall'AI per dati e flussi di lavoro.

La piattaforma di SentinelOne ha ricevuto riconoscimenti nel settore, inclusi i punteggi più alti nelle valutazioni MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK e nel Gartner Magic Quadrant per le Piattaforme di Protezione degli Endpoint.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) presentó nuevas innovaciones de seguridad impulsadas por AI para su Plataforma Singularity en Black Hat 2024. Los principales avances incluyen:

1. Purple AI: Proporciona resúmenes de alertas en lenguaje natural y soporte de consultas en varios entornos.

2. Gestión de Derechos de Acceso a Infraestructuras en la Nube (CIEM): Mejora la seguridad en la nube gestionando los derechos de acceso a los recursos en la nube.

3. Protección Ampliada de Endpoint e Identidad: Ofrece implementación unificada de agentes con características de engaño integradas y protección de credenciales comprometidas.

4. Gestión Ampliada de la Postura de Seguridad (xSPM): Proporciona información en tiempo real sobre vulnerabilidades y errores de configuración en la nube, endpoints, identidad y riesgos de terceros.

5. AI SIEM: Reemplaza las soluciones SIEM heredadas con una plataforma impulsada por AI para datos y flujos de trabajo.

La plataforma de SentinelOne ha recibido reconocimiento en la industria, incluyendo las clasificaciones más altas en las evaluaciones MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK y en el cuadrante mágico de Gartner para plataformas de protección de endpoints.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S)는 2024년 블랙햇에서 AI 기반 보안 혁신을 Singularity 플랫폼에 발표했습니다. 주요 발전 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. Purple AI: 다양한 환경에서 자연어 경고 요약 및 쿼리 지원을 제공합니다.

2. 클라우드 인프라 엑세스 관리 (CIEM): 클라우드 리소스에 대한 접근 권한을 관리함으로써 클라우드 보안을 강화합니다.

3. 확장된 엔드포인트 및 ID 보호: 내장된 기만 기능과 타협된 자격 증명 보호 기능으로 통합 에이전트 배포를 제공합니다.

4. 확장된 보안 태세 관리 (xSPM): 클라우드, 엔드포인트, ID 및 제3자 위험 전반에 걸쳐 취약점 및 잘못 구성된 항목에 대한 실시간 통찰력을 제공합니다.

5. AI SIEM: 데이터 및 워크플로를 위한 AI 기반 플랫폼으로 기존의 SIEM 솔루션을 대체합니다.

SentinelOne의 플랫폼은 MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK 평가와 Gartner의 엔드포인트 보호 플랫폼에 대한 매직 쿼드런트에서 최고 순위를 기록하며 산업의 인정을 받고 있습니다.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) a dévoilé de nouvelles innovations en matière de sécurité alimentées par l'IA pour sa plateforme Singularity lors de la Black Hat 2024. Les principales avancées comprennent :

1. Purple AI: Fournit des résumés d'alertes en langage naturel et un support pour les requêtes dans divers environnements.

2. Gestion des Droits d'Accès à l'Infrastructure Cloud (CIEM): Renforce la sécurité du cloud en gérant les droits d'accès aux ressources cloud.

3. Protection Étendue des Endpoints et d'Identité: Offre un déploiement unifié des agents avec des fonctionnalités de tromperie intégrées et une protection des informations d'identification compromises.

4. Gestion Étendue de la Posture de Sécurité (xSPM): Fournit des aperçus en temps réel sur les vulnérabilités et les erreurs de configuration dans le cloud, les endpoints, l'identité et les risques tiers.

5. AI SIEM: Remplace les solutions SIEM traditionnelles par une plateforme alimentée par l'IA pour les données et les flux de travail.

La plateforme de SentinelOne a reçu une reconnaissance dans l'industrie, notamment des classements de premier plan dans les évaluations MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK et le quadrant magique de Gartner pour les plateformes de protection des endpoints.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) hat auf der Black Hat 2024 neue KI-gestützte Sicherheitsinnovationen für seine Singularity-Plattform vorgestellt. Zu den wichtigsten Fortschritten gehören:

1. Purple AI: Bietet natürliche Sprachzusammenfassungen von Warnmeldungen und Unterstützung für Abfragen in verschiedenen Umgebungen.

2. Cloud-Infrastruktur-Berechtigungsmanagement (CIEM): Verbessert die Sicherheit in der Cloud, indem es Zugriffsrechte auf Cloud-Ressourcen verwaltet.

3. Erweiterter Endpunkt- und Identitätsschutz: Bietet eine einheitliche Agentenbereitstellung mit integrierten Täuschungsfunktionen und Schutz vor kompromittierten Anmeldeinformationen.

4. Erweiterte Sicherheitsmanagement-Posturen (xSPM): Bietet Echtzeiteinsichten zu Schwachstellen und Fehlkonfigurationen in Cloud-, Endpunkt-, Identitäts- und Drittanbieterrisiken.

5. AI SIEM: Ersetzt herkömmliche SIEM-Lösungen durch eine KI-gestützte Plattform für Daten und Arbeitsabläufe.

Die Plattform von SentinelOne hat Anerkennung in der Branche erhalten, einschließlich der höchsten Platzierungen in den MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK-Bewertungen und im Gartner Magic Quadrant für Plattformen zum Schutz von Endpunkten.

  • Introduced new AI-powered security innovations for the Singularity Platform
  • Expanded cloud security capabilities with Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)
  • Enhanced endpoint and identity protection with unified agent deployment and built-in deception features
  • Launched Extended Security Posture Management (xSPM) for real-time risk insights
  • Developed AI SIEM to replace legacy SIEM solutions
  • Achieved top rankings in industry evaluations and reports
  • None.

SentinelOne's latest innovations in their Singularity Platform represent a significant leap forward in AI-powered security. The introduction of Purple AI with natural language alert summaries and query support is a game-changer for security analysts, potentially reducing response times by 30-50%. The addition of CIEM to their CNAPP offering strengthens their position in the competitive cloud security market.

The expanded capabilities in endpoint and identity protection, particularly the unified agent approach and built-in deception features, address critical vulnerabilities in modern enterprise environments. The new xSPM and AI SIEM capabilities further solidify SentinelOne's position as a comprehensive security solution provider. These advancements could translate to increased market share and potentially higher revenue growth in the coming quarters.

SentinelOne's integration of advanced generative AI across their platform is noteworthy. The Purple AI feature, acting as an AI security analyst, represents a significant advancement in automating complex security tasks. This could potentially reduce human error and increase efficiency by up to 40% in security operations.

The AI-powered SIEM built on the Singularity Data Lake is particularly impressive, offering scalability and speed that traditional SIEMs can't match. This could be a major differentiator in the crowded security market. However, the true test will be in the real-world performance and accuracy of these AI systems, which will be important for SentinelOne to maintain its competitive edge and justify potential premium pricing for these advanced features.

SentinelOne's continued innovation and expansion of its Singularity Platform could have a positive impact on its financial performance. The company's focus on AI-driven solutions and comprehensive security offerings positions it well in the rapidly growing cybersecurity market, expected to reach $366.10 billion by 2028 with a CAGR of 12%.

SentinelOne's recognition in Gartner reports and high customer recommendation rate (95%) suggest strong market acceptance, which could lead to increased customer acquisition and retention. However, investors should monitor the company's ability to monetize these new features effectively and maintain profitability in the face of R&D expenses. The stock's performance may be influenced by the company's ability to translate these technological advancements into tangible financial growth in the coming quarters.

Major new advancements delivered on secure-by-design, unified agent unleash power of one industry’s leading AI-security technology, turbocharging protection across every endpoint, identity and cloud

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SentinelOne (NYSE: S), a global leader in AI-powered security, today unveiled a series of new Purple AI, Cloud, Endpoint and Identity innovations to the company’s market-leading Singularity Platform. Announced at Black Hat 2024, the new offerings and capabilities all leverage the industry’s most advanced generative AI technology, modern secure-by-design single-agent architecture, and most performant data lake to protect organizations against attacks across any surface, from endpoint and identity to the cloud.

“Our latest innovations are designed to give security teams the ability to see everything, already prioritized and contextualized, so that they can stay ahead of attacks and strengthen their security posture across every surface from a single platform,” said Ric Smith, Chief Product and Technology Officer, SentinelOne. “This is the future of enterprise security, and SentinelOne is leading the way in delivering it today.”

New Natural Language Alert Summaries and Alert Query Support with Purple AI

Seamlessly embedded throughout the Singularity Operations Center, Purple AI, the first AI security analyst, now provides natural language alert summaries - including alerts from third party vendors who may themselves require their own portals - so analysts can easily view and understand the details of their alerts across their environment. Analysts can further query alert information using natural language to get information such as total reported alerts, unassigned critical alerts, and more, and get quick answers right within their investigation notebooks.

Continued Innovation in Cloud Security with Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)

Available on the Singularity Platform as part of Singularity Cloud Native Security, Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) helps organizations manage and control access rights to cloud resources. With this innovation, customers can leverage the leading cloud native application protection platform (CNAPP) to detect risky and over-privileged human and machine identities, pinpoint toxic permission combinations and curtail risk from privilege escalations with greater speed and efficiency. With out-of-the-box detection content created by the SentinelOne Research team, security analysts are equipped to immediately deploy pre-built, advanced detections in their environments, saving time and resources.

Expanded Capabilities for Endpoint and Identity Protection

SentinelOne provides visibility and alerting with simplified installation, deployment, and management of a single agent across endpoint security and identity use cases to enforce all security policies without the need for any additional infrastructure. With new, built-in deception features, the unified agent provides real-time, fake credentials to attackers when passwords are extracted and raises endpoint protection levels.

Additionally, to further prevent identity-based risks, SentinelOne announced a new compromised credential protection feature that constantly monitors the dark web for security breaches related to third-party vendors, in addition to checking for weak or banned passwords uploaded by customers.

Extended Security Posture Management (xSPM)

A new capability delivered as part of the Singularity Platform, xSPM provides real-time insights into vulnerability and misconfiguration that security teams can use to drive enterprise-wide visibility and control across cloud, endpoint, identity, and third-party risk. Intelligent scoring and contextual assessment ensure teams effectively prioritize risk, with integrated guidance and native remediation to accelerate decision-making and improve security posture.


Built on the Singularity Data Lake, Singularity AI SIEM empowers customers to replace costly, cumbersome legacy SIEM solutions to secure their entire organization with an infinitely scalable, automated and blazing fast AI-powered platform for all their data and workflows.

SentinelOne’s Singularity Platform leads the MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluations: Enterprise, providing 100 percent detection and #1 Real-World Protection. For three consecutive years, the company has been named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms and was ranked number one in the Gartner Critical Capabilities for Endpoint Protection Platforms . Customers attest to the benefits of the platform, naming SentinelOne as a 2024 Gartner Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Endpoint Protection Platforms report and providing a 95% recommendation rate on Gartner Peer Insights.

To learn more about Singularity Platform and the value it can deliver for your organization, click here.

About SentinelOne

SentinelOne is a leading autonomous AI-powered cybersecurity platform. Built on the first unified Data Lake, SentinelOne empowers the world to run securely by creating intelligent, data-driven systems that think for themselves, stay ahead of complexity and risk, and evolve on their own. Leading organizations—including Fortune 10, Fortune 500, and Global 2000 companies, as well as prominent governments—all trust SentinelOne to Secure Tomorrow™. Learn more at

Karen Master


Source: SentinelOne


What new AI-powered security innovations did SentinelOne (NYSE: S) announce at Black Hat 2024?

SentinelOne announced several new AI-powered security innovations for its Singularity Platform, including Purple AI for natural language alert summaries, Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM), expanded endpoint and identity protection, Extended Security Posture Management (xSPM), and AI SIEM.

How does SentinelOne's (NYSE: S) new Purple AI feature benefit security analysts?

Purple AI provides natural language alert summaries and query support, allowing security analysts to easily view and understand alert details across their environment, including alerts from third-party vendors. It also enables analysts to query alert information using natural language within their investigation notebooks.

What is the purpose of SentinelOne's (NYSE: S) new Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) feature?

The CIEM feature helps organizations manage and control access rights to cloud resources. It detects risky and over-privileged identities, identifies toxic permission combinations, and reduces risk from privilege escalations, enhancing overall cloud security.

How does SentinelOne (NYSE: S) enhance endpoint and identity protection with its latest update?

SentinelOne enhances endpoint and identity protection through a unified agent deployment with built-in deception features, providing real-time fake credentials to attackers when passwords are extracted. It also includes a new compromised credential protection feature that monitors the dark web for security breaches related to third-party vendors.

SentinelOne, Inc.


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