SentinelOne® and Intezer Team to Simplify Reverse Engineering of Rust Malware

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SentinelOne (NYSE: S) and Intezer have launched Project OxA11C, aimed at simplifying the reverse engineering of Rust malware. The initiative, unveiled at Black Hat 2024, seeks to address the growing complexity of Rust-based threats and empower threat researchers to better understand and characterize this emerging malware ecosystem. Key points include:

1. Development of a methodology to make Rust malware analysis more approachable
2. Creation and release of open-source tools to tackle the problem
3. Collaboration between SentinelLabs and Intezer researchers
4. Drawing insights from previous work on Go malware analysis (AlphaGolang)
5. Addressing the challenges posed by Rust's unique features in malware analysis

The project aims to provide clarity on the true size of the Rust malware ecosystem and equip reverse engineers with the necessary tools to combat these threats effectively.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) e Intezer hanno lanciato il Progetto OxA11C, volto a semplificare l'analisi inversa del malware Rust. L'iniziativa, presentata al Black Hat 2024, mira a fronteggiare la crescente complessità delle minacce basate su Rust e a dare potere ai ricercatori sulle minacce per comprendere e caratterizzare meglio questo emergente ecosistema di malware. I punti chiave includono:

1. Sviluppo di una metodologia per rendere l'analisi del malware Rust più accessibile
2. Creazione e rilascio di strumenti open-source per affrontare il problema
3. Collaborazione tra i ricercatori di SentinelLabs e Intezer
4. Approfondimenti basati su lavori precedenti sull'analisi del malware Go (AlphaGolang)
5. Affrontare le sfide poste dalle caratteristiche uniche di Rust nell'analisi del malware

Il progetto mira a fornire chiarezza sulle reali dimensioni dell'ecosistema di malware Rust e a dotare gli ingegneri inversi degli strumenti necessari per combattere efficacemente queste minacce.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) e Intezer han lanzado el Proyecto OxA11C, con el objetivo de simplificar la ingeniería inversa del malware en Rust. La iniciativa, presentada en Black Hat 2024, busca abordar la creciente complejidad de las amenazas basadas en Rust y empoderar a los investigadores de amenazas para comprender y caracterizar mejor este ecosistema emergente de malware. Los puntos clave incluyen:

1. Desarrollo de una metodología para que el análisis de malware en Rust sea más accesible
2. Creación y liberación de herramientas de código abierto para abordar el problema
3. Colaboración entre los investigadores de SentinelLabs e Intezer
4. Obtención de insights de trabajos previos sobre el análisis de malware en Go (AlphaGolang)
5. Abordar los desafíos que presentan las características únicas de Rust en el análisis de malware

El proyecto tiene como objetivo brindar claridad sobre el verdadero tamaño del ecosistema de malware en Rust y equipar a los ingenieros inversos con las herramientas necesarias para combatir estas amenazas de manera efectiva.

센티넬 원(SentinelOne)(NYSE: S)와 인테저(Intezer)가 러스트 멀웨어의 역공학을 단순화하기 위한 프로젝트 OxA11C를 시작했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 2024 블랙햇에서 공개되었으며, 러스트 기반 위협의 증가하는 복잡성을 해결하고 사고 조사자들이 이 새로운 멀웨어 생태계를 더 잘 이해하고 특징화할 수 있도록 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 러스트 멀웨어 분석을 보다 접근하기 쉽게 만드는 방법론 개발
2. 문제를 해결하기 위한 오픈 소스 도구의 생성 및 배포
3. 센티넬랩과 인테저 연구자 간의 협력
4. 이전에 수행된 Go 멀웨어 분석(AlphaGolang)에서 통찰력 얻기
5. 멀웨어 분석에서 러스트의 고유한 특징이 제기하는 도전 과제 해결

이 프로젝트는 러스트 멀웨어 생태계의 실제 규모에 대한 명확성을 제공하고, 역공학 전문가들이 이러한 위협에 효과적으로 대응할 수 있도록 필요한 도구를 갖추게 하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) et Intezer ont lancé le Projet OxA11C, visant à simplifier l'ingénierie inverse des malwares Rust. L'initiative, dévoilée lors de Black Hat 2024, cherche à faire face à la complexité croissante des menaces basées sur Rust et à donner aux chercheurs sur les menaces les moyens de mieux comprendre et caractériser cet écosystème de malware émergent. Les points clés comprennent :

1. Développement d'une méthodologie pour rendre l'analyse des malwares Rust plus accessible
2. Création et publication d'outils open-source pour traiter le problème
3. Collaboration entre les chercheurs de SentinelLabs et d'Intezer
4. Tirer parti des expériences passées sur l'analyse des malwares Go (AlphaGolang)
5. S'attaquer aux défis posés par les caractéristiques uniques de Rust dans l'analyse des malwares

Le projet vise à fournir de la clarté sur la taille réelle de l'écosystème des malwares Rust et à doter les ingénieurs inverses des outils nécessaires pour combattre efficacement ces menaces.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) und Intezer haben das Projekt OxA11C gestartet, das darauf abzielt, die reverse Engineering von Rust-Malware zu vereinfachen. Die Initiative, die auf dem Black Hat 2024 vorgestellt wurde, soll die wachsende Komplexität von Rust-basierten Bedrohungen angehen und Bedrohungsforscher befähigen, dieses aufkommende Malware-Ökosystem besser zu verstehen und zu charakterisieren. Die wichtigsten Punkte umfassen:

1. Entwicklung einer Methodik, um die Analyse von Rust-Malware zugänglicher zu machen
2. Erstellung und Veröffentlichung von Open-Source-Tools zur Bekämpfung des Problems
3. Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Forschern von SentinelLabs und Intezer
4. Erkenntnisse aus früheren Arbeiten zur Analyse von Go-Malware (AlphaGolang) nutzen
5. Herausforderungen, die durch die einzigartigen Merkmale von Rust in der Malware-Analyse entstehen, angehen

Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Klarheit über die tatsächliche Größe des Rust-Malware-Ökosystems zu schaffen und Reverse Engineers mit den notwendigen Werkzeugen auszustatten, um diese Bedrohungen effektiv zu bekämpfen.

  • Collaboration between two leading cybersecurity companies (SentinelOne and Intezer) to address an emerging threat
  • Development of open-source tools to tackle Rust malware analysis
  • Potential to improve industry-wide understanding and defense against Rust-based threats
  • Increasing complexity of Rust malware poses significant challenges for cybersecurity analysts
  • Current tooling inadequacy for reverse engineering Rust malware
  • Potential for rapid growth of Rust malware ecosystem before effective countermeasures are developed

The collaboration between SentinelOne and Intezer to tackle Rust malware is a significant development in the cybersecurity landscape. This initiative, dubbed Project OxA11C, aims to address a critical blind spot in malware analysis. The rising popularity of Rust among malware authors poses a unique challenge due to its complex nature and the current lack of effective reverse engineering tools.

This project could potentially lead to a breakthrough in understanding and combating Rust-based threats, similar to the impact of the AlphaGolang methodology for Go malware. For investors, this positions SentinelOne as an innovator in the cybersecurity space, potentially enhancing its competitive edge and market value. However, the immediate financial impact may be , as the project is still in its early stages and its success remains to be seen.

The focus on Rust malware is timely and strategically important. Rust's growing popularity among developers, due to its memory safety and performance benefits, has inevitably attracted malicious actors. The complexity of Rust's abstractions and optimizations makes traditional reverse engineering techniques ineffective, creating a significant security gap.

SentinelOne and Intezer's approach of developing open-source tools and methodologies is commendable. It not only addresses an immediate threat but also fosters community collaboration, which is important in the fast-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. This initiative could potentially accelerate the development of more robust security solutions and position both companies as thought leaders in addressing emerging threats.

Companies developing methodology and open-source tools to tame complexities of complex language, empowering organizations to get and stay ahead of attackers

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SentinelOne (NYSE: S), a global leader in AI-powered security, and Intezer, a leader in AI-powered technology for autonomous security operations, today launched a project aimed at illuminating the blind spot surrounding Rust malware so that threat researchers can better understand and accurately characterize the complex malware ecosystem before it reaches critical mass and blindsides the industry. As part of the initiative, researchers from SentinelLabs and Intezer have teamed to develop a methodology to make reverse engineering Rust malware more approachable and engage the security community to create and release tools to tackle the problem head on. Details of the project, known as OxA11C, will be unveiled today at Black Hat 2024.

“In malware analysis, the arrival of a new programming language introduces an entirely new set of challenges that obstruct our ability to quickly grasp the malicious intent of a threat actor,” said Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade, AVP of Research, SentinelLabs. “With the current state of our tooling, Rust is practically impossible to reverse engineer, and as a result, many analysts are shying away from researching the Rust malware ecosystem. Together with Intezer, we aim to change this.”

In 2021, SentinelLabs researchers took a similar approach to address the rise of Go malware, developing a Go malware analysis methodology dubbed ‘AlphaGolang.’ Their efforts revealed that once underlying data is put back in its rightful context, reversing engineering Golang malware can often be easier than malware written with traditional programming languages.

“We've observed a similar trend with Rust malware,” said Nicole Fishbein, Security Researcher, Intezer. “The same features of Rust that engineers love, such as memory safety, aggressive compiler optimizations, borrowing, intricate types and traits, translate into a perplexing tangle of code that surpasses even C++ in the complexity of its abstractions. Drawing on insights derived from the development of AlphaGolang, we can gain additional clarity, into the true size of the Rust malware ecosystem and arm reverse engineers with tools to take it head on.”

To learn more about and contribute to Project OxA11C, visit

About SentinelLabs

InfoSec works on a rapid iterative cycle where new discoveries occur daily and authoritative sources are easily drowned in the noise of partial information. SentinelLabs is an open venue for our threat researchers and vetted contributors to reliably share their latest findings with a wider community of defenders. No sales pitches, no nonsense. We are hunters, reversers, exploit developers, and tinkerers shedding light on the world of malware, exploits, APTs, and cybercrime across all platforms. SentinelLabs embodies our commitment to sharing openly –providing tools, context, and insights to strengthen our collective mission of a safer digital life for all.

About SentinelOne

SentinelOne is a leading AI-powered cybersecurity platform. Built on the first unified Data Lake, SentinelOne empowers the world to run securely by creating intelligent, data-driven systems that think for themselves, stay ahead of complexity and risk, and evolve on their own. Leading organizations—including Fortune 10, Fortune 500, and Global 2000 companies, as well as prominent governments—all trust SentinelOne to Secure Tomorrow™. Learn more at

About Intezer

Intezer is a leading provider of AI-powered technology for autonomous security operations. With a focus on innovation and quality, its Autonomous SOC Platform is designed to investigate incidents, make triage decisions, and escalate findings about serious threats like an expert Tier 1 SOC analyst (but without the burnout, skill gaps, and alert fatigue). For more information about Intezer for SIEM alert triage and how it can transform your security operations, please visit

Karen Master


Source: SentinelOne


What is Project OxA11C launched by SentinelOne (NYSE: S) and Intezer?

Project OxA11C is an initiative aimed at simplifying the reverse engineering of Rust malware. It involves developing a methodology and open-source tools to help threat researchers better understand and characterize the complex Rust malware ecosystem.

When and where was Project OxA11C unveiled by SentinelOne (NYSE: S)?

Project OxA11C was unveiled at Black Hat 2024 in Las Vegas.

How does Project OxA11C relate to SentinelOne's (NYSE: S) previous work on Go malware?

Project OxA11C draws insights from SentinelOne's previous work on Go malware analysis, known as 'AlphaGolang,' which successfully simplified the reverse engineering of Golang malware.

Why is analyzing Rust malware challenging according to SentinelOne (NYSE: S) and Intezer?

Analyzing Rust malware is challenging due to Rust's features like memory safety, aggressive compiler optimizations, and complex abstractions, which make the resulting code highly complex and difficult to reverse engineer with current tools.

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