SentinelOne Honors Cybersecurity Innovation at 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Conference Awards

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SentinelOne, a leading AI-powered security company, announced the winners of its 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Awards at the annual PartnerOne conference in Budapest. The awards recognize outstanding contributions to innovation in security solutions among SentinelOne's partners across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Over 200 strategic partners attended the event to celebrate their success in driving enterprise security. Brian Lanigan, Senior VP and Head of Global Partner Ecosystem at SentinelOne, emphasized the important role partners play in helping organizations navigate complex cyber threats.

The award winners include:

  • Exclusive Networks UKI - EMEA Distributor Of The Year
  • Mark Sobol (SVA) - EMEA Champion Award
  • Sorint Sec - Momentum Award
  • Adeo - Technical Star Award
  • LogSearch - Rising Star Award
  • UMB AG - EMEA MSSP Partner of the Year
  • Cirosec - IR Partner of the Year
  • Softcat - EMEA Partner of the Year

The winners expressed their gratitude and commitment to continuing their partnership with SentinelOne in safeguarding clients' digital assets and ensuring business continuity in an increasingly complex threat landscape.

SentinelOne, una delle principali aziende di sicurezza alimentate dall'IA, ha annunciato i vincitori dei suoi PartnerOne Awards 2024 EMEA durante la conferenza annuale PartnerOne a Budapest. I premi riconoscono i contributi eccezionali all'innovazione nelle soluzioni di sicurezza tra i partner di SentinelOne in Europa, Medio Oriente e Africa.

Oltre 200 partner strategici hanno partecipato all'evento per celebrare il loro successo nell'implementazione della sicurezza informatica aziendale. Brian Lanigan, VP Senior e Head of Global Partner Ecosystem di SentinelOne, ha sottolineato il ruolo cruciale che i partner svolgono nell'aiutare le organizzazioni a navigare nelle complesse minacce informatiche.

I vincitori dei premi includono:

  • Exclusive Networks UKI - Distributore dell'Anno EMEA
  • Mark Sobol (SVA) - Premio Champion EMEA
  • Sorint Sec - Premio Momentum
  • Adeo - Premio Technical Star
  • LogSearch - Premio Rising Star
  • UMB AG - Partner MSSP dell'Anno EMEA
  • Cirosec - Partner IR dell'Anno
  • Softcat - Partner dell'Anno EMEA

I vincitori hanno espresso la loro gratitudine e il loro impegno a continuare la partnership con SentinelOne per proteggere le risorse digitali dei clienti e garantire la continuità aziendale in un panorama di minacce sempre più complesso.

SentinelOne, una de las principales empresas de seguridad impulsadas por la IA, anunció a los ganadores de sus Premios PartnerOne 2024 EMEA en la conferencia anual PartnerOne en Budapest. Los premios reconocen las contribuciones sobresalientes a la innovación en soluciones de seguridad entre los socios de SentinelOne en Europa, Oriente Medio y África.

Más de 200 socios estratégicos asistieron al evento para celebrar su éxito en la promoción de la seguridad empresarial. Brian Lanigan, vicepresidente senior y jefe del ecosistema de socios globales de SentinelOne, enfatizó el importante papel que juegan los socios en ayudar a las organizaciones a navegar por complejas amenazas cibernéticas.

Los ganadores de los premios incluyen:

  • Exclusive Networks UKI - Distribuidor del Año EMEA
  • Mark Sobol (SVA) - Premio Campeón EMEA
  • Sorint Sec - Premio Momentum
  • Adeo - Premio Technical Star
  • LogSearch - Premio Rising Star
  • UMB AG - Socio MSSP del Año EMEA
  • Cirosec - Socio IR del Año
  • Softcat - Socio del Año EMEA

Los ganadores expresaron su gratitud y compromiso por continuar su asociación con SentinelOne en la protección de los activos digitales de los clientes y garantizar la continuidad del negocio en un panorama de amenazas cada vez más complejo.

SentinelOne은 헝가리 부다페스트에서 열린 연례 PartnerOne 컨퍼런스에서 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Awards 수상자를 발표했습니다. 이 상은 유럽, 중동, 아프리카의 SentinelOne 파트너들 사이에서 보안 솔루션 혁신에 대한 뛰어난 기여를 인정합니다.

200명 이상의 전략적 파트너가 참석하여 기업 보안 추진의 성공을 축하했습니다. Brian Lanigan, SentinelOne의 글로벌 파트너 생태계 수석 부사장은 파트너가 복잡한 사이버 위협을 탐색하는 데 있어 조직을 도와주는 중요한 역할을 강조했습니다.

상 수상자는 다음과 같습니다:

  • Exclusive Networks UKI - EMEA 올해의 유통업체
  • Mark Sobol (SVA) - EMEA 챔피언 상
  • Sorint Sec - 모멘텀 상
  • Adeo - 기술 스타 상
  • LogSearch - 라이징 스타 상
  • UMB AG - EMEA 올해의 MSSP 파트너
  • Cirosec - 올해의 IR 파트너
  • Softcat - EMEA 올해의 파트너

수상자들은 고객의 디지털 자산을 보호하고 복잡한 위협 환경에서 비즈니스 연속성을 보장하기 위해 SentinelOne과의 파트너십을 지속하겠다는 다짐과 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다.

SentinelOne, une entreprise leader dans la sécurité alimentée par l'IA, a annoncé les gagnants des prix PartnerOne 2024 EMEA lors de la conférence annuelle PartnerOne à Budapest. Ces récompenses reconnaissent les contributions exceptionnelles à l'innovation en matière de solutions de sécurité parmi les partenaires de SentinelOne en Europe, au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique.

Plus de 200 partenaires stratégiques ont assisté à l'événement pour célébrer leur succès dans le domaine de la sécurité des entreprises. Brian Lanigan, VP Senior et Responsable de l'Écosystème Partenaire Mondial chez SentinelOne, a souligné le rôle important que jouent les partenaires pour aider les organisations à faire face à des menaces cybernétiques complexes.

Les lauréats comprennent :

  • Exclusive Networks UKI - Distributeur de l'année EMEA
  • Mark Sobol (SVA) - Prix Champion EMEA
  • Sorint Sec - Prix Momentum
  • Adeo - Prix Technical Star
  • LogSearch - Prix Rising Star
  • UMB AG - Partenaire MSSP de l'année EMEA
  • Cirosec - Partenaire IR de l'année
  • Softcat - Partenaire de l'année EMEA

Les gagnants ont exprimé leur gratitude et leur engagement à poursuivre leur partenariat avec SentinelOne pour protéger les actifs numériques des clients et garantir la continuité des affaires dans un paysage de menaces de plus en plus complexe.

SentinelOne, ein führendes KI-gestütztes Sicherheitsunternehmen, gab die Gewinner der PartnerOne Awards 2024 EMEA auf der jährlichen PartnerOne-Konferenz in Budapest bekannt. Die Auszeichnungen ehren herausragende Beiträge zur Innovation in Sicherheitslösungen unter den SentinelOne-Partnern in Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Afrika.

Über 200 strategische Partner nahmen an der Veranstaltung teil, um ihren Erfolg beim Bereich der Unternehmenssicherheit zu feiern. Brian Lanigan, Senior VP und Leiter des globalen Partner-Ökosystems bei SentinelOne, betonte die wichtige Rolle, die Partner bei der Unterstützung von Organisationen spielen, die komplexe Cyber-Bedrohungen navigieren.

Die Preisgewinner umfassen:

  • Exclusive Networks UKI - EMEA Distributor des Jahres
  • Mark Sobol (SVA) - EMEA Champion Award
  • Sorint Sec - Momentum Award
  • Adeo - Technical Star Award
  • LogSearch - Rising Star Award
  • UMB AG - EMEA MSSP Partner des Jahres
  • Cirosec - IR Partner des Jahres
  • Softcat - EMEA Partner des Jahres

Die Gewinner äußerten ihren Dank und ihr Engagement, die Partnerschaft mit SentinelOne fortzusetzen, um die digitalen Vermögenswerte der Kunden zu schützen und die Geschäftskontinuität in einer zunehmend komplexen Bedrohungslage zu gewährleisten.

  • None.
  • None.

BUDAPEST, Hungary--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SentinelOne® (NYSE: S), a global leader in AI-powered security, today announced the winners of the 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Awards, recognizing outstanding contributions to innovation in security solutions among its partners across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The awards were presented during the company's annual PartnerOne conference, where more than 200 strategic partners from the region gathered to celebrate the success they are helping to drive in enterprise security in partnership with SentinelOne.

“SentinelOne has a strong ecosystem of partners who share our mission to secure the world with cutting-edge solutions that aims to protect against every attack, every second of every day, and we are proud to celebrate their achievements,” said Brian Lanigan, Senior Vice President and Head of Global Partner Ecosystem, SentinelOne. “Partners play a crucial role in helping organizations navigate an increasingly complex cyber threat landscape. The combination of SentinelOne’s solutions and the expertise of our partners in deploying them is a powerful one that is delivering value to our customers and fueling our collective success.”

The 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Award Winners include:

  • 2024 EMEA Distributor Of The Year - Exclusive Networks UKI
  • 2024 EMEA Champion Award - Mark Sobol (SVA)
  • 2024 Momentum Award - Sorint Sec
  • 2024 Technical Star Award - Adeo
  • 2024 Rising Star Award - LogSearch
  • 2024 EMEA MSSP Partner of the Year - UMB AG
  • 2024 IR Partner of the Year - Cirosec
  • 2024 EMEA Partner of the Year - Softcat

The Power of Partnership

“Together with SentinelOne, we are committed to safeguarding our clients’ digital assets and ensuring their business continuity in an increasingly complex threat landscape, and we are honored to be recognized for our efforts,” said Gerard Luechinger, Head of Cyber Security, UMB AG, winner of the 2024 EMEA MSSP Partner of the Year Award.

“Admittedly, I have never received a personal award like this before. I am incredibly happy to accept it on behalf of the SVA Cyber Security Team that works every day to ensure our success and that of our customers,” said Marc Sobol, Head of BU Cyber Security, SVA, winner of the 2024 EMEA Champion Award.

“We’re very happy to win this award. It underlines the importance of our engagement in incident handling and response,” said Stefan Strobel, CEO, Cirosec, winner of the 2024 IR Partner of the Year Award. “It is also a great incentive for further investment in our partnership with SentinelOne.”

“We are honored to win this award as it reflects the excellent partnership we have with our friends at SentinelOne,” said Matthew Painter, Vendor Alliances Director at Exclusive Networks UKI, winner of the 2024 EMEA Distributor Of The Year Award. “We have been part of the journey from the start and are excited about what the future holds as we continue to invest in resources and services to support the growth and enablement of our mutual partners.”

“Softcat is honored to win the prestigious EMEA Partner of the Year Award and we love working closely with SentinelOne,” said Ryan Birch, Networking and Security Senior Team Leader at Softcat. “We really feel valued in our partnership and look forward to seeing more interaction and accelerated growth in the new financial year.”

“SentinelOne’s product and employees far outperform their competitors,” said Peder Bjerge, CEO at LogSearch A/S, winner of the 2024 Rising Star Award. “LogSearch is a proud SentinelOne partner and we live with one saying: we want secure and happy clients. With SentinelOne, we can deliver this.”

“Unwavering commitment to advancement and strong partnership is the foundation for reaching ever greater heights, and that is us and SentinelOne,” said Marco Battaglia, General Manager at Sorint SEC, winner of the 2024 Momentum Award.

“As a dedicated SentinelOne partner, we are absolutely thrilled to receive this award, which is a testament to our team's unwavering dedication to sustainable innovation and excellence in technology,” said Korhan ERGONUL, Managing Partner & CIDO, Adeo, winner of the 2024 Technical Star Award. “Our diverse and talented team at ADEO is passionate about creating solutions that not only advance technology but also promote cybersecurity environmental responsibility.”

To learn more about SentinelOne’s global partners and the value they can deliver, click here.

About SentinelOne

SentinelOne is a leading AI-powered cybersecurity platform. Built on the first unified Data Lake, SentinelOne empowers the world to run securely by creating intelligent, data-driven systems that think for themselves, stay ahead of complexity and risk, and evolve on their own. Leading organizations—including Fortune 10, Fortune 500, and Global 2000 companies, as well as prominent governments—trust SentinelOne to Secure Tomorrow™. Learn more at

Media Contact:

Karen Master

Source: SentinelOne


What awards did SentinelOne present at its 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Conference?

SentinelOne presented the 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Awards, recognizing outstanding contributions to innovation in security solutions among its partners across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The awards included categories such as Distributor Of The Year, Champion Award, Momentum Award, Technical Star Award, Rising Star Award, MSSP Partner of the Year, IR Partner of the Year, and EMEA Partner of the Year.

Who won the 2024 EMEA Partner of the Year award from SentinelOne (NYSE: S)?

Softcat won the 2024 EMEA Partner of the Year award from SentinelOne (NYSE: S) at the 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Conference Awards.

How many strategic partners attended SentinelOne's 2024 EMEA PartnerOne conference?

More than 200 strategic partners from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa attended SentinelOne's 2024 EMEA PartnerOne conference in Budapest, Hungary.

What did Brian Lanigan say about SentinelOne's partners at the 2024 EMEA PartnerOne Conference?

Brian Lanigan, Senior VP and Head of Global Partner Ecosystem at SentinelOne, stated that partners play a important role in helping organizations navigate an increasingly complex cyber threat landscape. He emphasized that the combination of SentinelOne's solutions and partner expertise is delivering value to customers and fueling collective success.

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