SentinelOne Achieves FedRAMP High Authorization for Singularity Platform and Singularity Data Lake

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SentinelOne (NYSE: S) has achieved Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) authorization at the High Impact Level for its Singularity Platform and Singularity Data Lake. This certification validates the strength of SentinelOne's AI-powered security solutions in protecting sensitive government data against cyber attacks. The authorization allows more federal entities to leverage SentinelOne's cloud-native SaaS offerings to meet stringent security mandates, including Executive Order 14028 and OMB M-21-31.

The Singularity Platform and Data Lake enable public sector entities to aggregate security data, orchestrate responses, and align with M-21-31 requirements by providing cost-effective storage of 12 months hot and 18 months cold across EDR telemetry and third-party data sources. This achievement reinforces SentinelOne's commitment to securing critical infrastructure and information for US Federal, Public Sector, Defense Industrial Base, and Critical Infrastructure entities.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) ha ottenuto l'autorizzazione del Programma di Gestione del Rischio e dell'Autorizzazione Federale (FedRAMP) a livello di impatto elevato per la sua piattaforma Singularity e il lago di dati Singularity. Questa certificazione valida la robustezza delle soluzioni di sicurezza alimentate da AI di SentinelOne nella protezione dei dati sensibili del governo contro gli attacchi informatici. L'autorizzazione consente a più enti federali di sfruttare le offerte SaaS native nel cloud di SentinelOne per soddisfare i rigorosi requisiti di sicurezza, compresi l'Ordine Esecutivo 14028 e l'OMB M-21-31.

La piattaforma Singularity e il Data Lake permettono agli enti del settore pubblico di aggregare i dati di sicurezza, orchestrare risposte e allinearsi ai requisiti M-21-31 fornendo uno stoccaggio economico di 12 mesi per i dati attivi e 18 mesi per i dati archivio provenienti dalla telemetria EDR e da fonti di dati di terze parti. Questo traguardo rafforza l'impegno di SentinelOne per garantire la sicurezza delle infrastrutture critiche e delle informazioni per gli enti federali statunitensi, il settore pubblico, la base industriale della difesa e le infrastrutture critiche.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) ha obtenido la autorización del Programa Federal de Gestión de Riesgos y Autorización (FedRAMP) a nivel de Alto Impacto para su Plataforma Singularity y el Lago de Datos Singularity. Esta certificación valida la fortaleza de las soluciones de seguridad impulsadas por IA de SentinelOne en la protección de datos sensibles del gobierno contra ciberataques. La autorización permite que más entidades federales aprovechen las ofertas SaaS nativas en la nube de SentinelOne para cumplir con los estrictos mandatos de seguridad, incluyendo la Orden Ejecutiva 14028 y la OMB M-21-31.

La Plataforma Singularity y el Lago de Datos permiten a las entidades del sector público agregar datos de seguridad, orquestar respuestas y alinearse con los requisitos M-21-31 proporcionando almacenamiento rentable de 12 meses para datos activos y 18 meses para datos fríos a través de la telemetría EDR y fuentes de datos de terceros. Este logro refuerza el compromiso de SentinelOne para asegurar la infraestructura crítica y la información para entidades Federales de EE. UU., el Sector Público, la Base Industrial de Defensa y las Infraestructuras Críticas.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S)는 연방 위험 및 승인 관리 프로그램(FedRAMP) 승인을 고위험 수준에서 Singularity 플랫폼 및 Singularity 데이터 호수에 대해 획득했습니다. 이 인증은 사이버 공격으로부터 민감한 정부 데이터를 보호하는 데 있어 SentinelOne의 AI 기반 보안 솔루션의 강점을 검증합니다. 이 승인은 더 많은 연방 기관이 엄격한 보안 요구 사항을 충족하기 위해 SentinelOne의 클라우드 네이티브 SaaS 솔루션을 활용할 수 있도록 합니다. 이는 14028호 행정명령 및 OMB M-21-31을 포함합니다.

Singularity 플랫폼과 데이터 호수는 공공 부문 기관이 보안 데이터를 집계하고, 대응을 조정하며, M-21-31 요구 사항에 맞추도록 12개월의 핫 스토리지와 18개월의 콜드 스토리지로 EDR 텔레메트리 및 타사 데이터 소스를 제공하여 비용 효율적으로 운영할 수 있게 합니다. 이 성과는 미국 연방, 공공 부문, 방위 산업 기지 및 중요 인프라 기관의 안전한 정보를 확보하겠다는 SentinelOne의 지속적인 의지를 강화합니다.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) a obtenu l'autorisation du Programme Fédéral de Gestion des Risques et d'Autorisation (FedRAMP) au niveau d'impact élevé pour sa plateforme Singularity et le lac de données Singularity. Cette certification valide la force des solutions de sécurité alimentées par l'IA de SentinelOne pour protéger les données sensibles du gouvernement contre les cyberattaques. L'autorisation permet à davantage d'entités fédérales de tirer parti des offres SaaS natifs dans le cloud de SentinelOne pour répondre aux strictes exigences de sécurité, y compris l'Ordre Exécutif 14028 et l'OMB M-21-31.

La plateforme Singularity et le lac de données permettent aux entités du secteur public de valoriser les données de sécurité, d'orchestrer des réponses et de s'aligner sur les exigences M-21-31 en fournissant un stockage rentable pendant 12 mois pour les données actives et 18 mois pour les données froides provenant de la télémétrie EDR et des sources de données tierces. Ce succès renforce l'engagement de SentinelOne à sécuriser les infrastructures critiques et les informations pour les entités fédérales américaines, le secteur public, l'industrie de la défense et les infrastructures critiques.

SentinelOne (NYSE: S) hat die Genehmigung des Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) auf hohem Risikoniveau für seine Singularity-Plattform und den Singularity-Datenpool erhalten. Diese Zertifizierung bestätigt die Stärke von SentinelOnes KI-gestützten Sicherheitslösungen zum Schutz sensibler Regierungsdaten vor Cyberangriffen. Die Genehmigung ermöglicht es weiteren Bundesbehörden, die cloud-native SaaS-Angebote von SentinelOne zu nutzen, um strenge Sicherheitsvorgaben, einschließlich des Exekutivbefehls 14028 und des OMB M-21-31, zu erfüllen.

Die Singularity-Plattform und der Datenpool ermöglichen es öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Sicherheitsdaten zu aggregieren, Reaktionen zu orchestrieren und sich an die Anforderungen von M-21-31 anzupassen, indem kostengünstiger Speicherplatz für 12 Monate aktive und 18 Monate kalte Daten aus EDR-Telemetrie und Drittanbieterdatenquellen bereitgestellt wird. Dieser Erfolg verstärkt das Engagement von SentinelOne für die Sicherung kritischer Infrastrukturen und Informationen für US-Bundesbehörden, den öffentlichen Sektor, die Verteidigungsindustrie und kritische Infrastrukturen.

  • Achieved FedRAMP High Authorization for Singularity Platform and Data Lake
  • Enables compliance with Executive Order 14028 and OMB M-21-31
  • Provides 12 months hot and 18 months cold storage for EDR telemetry
  • Offers AI-driven context for high-fidelity alerts and reduced response time
  • Expands market access to more federal entities with stricter compliance requirements
  • None.

SentinelOne's achievement of FedRAMP High Authorization for its Singularity Platform and Data Lake is a significant milestone in the cybersecurity landscape. This certification demonstrates the platform's ability to protect highly sensitive government data, which is important in today's threat-laden environment. The authorization opens doors for SentinelOne to expand its federal market presence, potentially leading to increased revenue streams from government contracts.

The compliance with NIST SP 800-53 security controls and alignment with Executive Order 14028 and OMB M-21-31 positions SentinelOne as a strong contender in the federal cybersecurity market. The platform's AI-driven capabilities, including real-time threat detection and response across endpoints and cloud, address critical needs in government cybersecurity infrastructure. This could translate to a competitive advantage over rivals without similar high-level certifications.

From a financial perspective, SentinelOne's FedRAMP High Authorization is a positive development. This certification could significantly expand the company's addressable market within the lucrative federal sector. Government contracts often involve substantial, long-term commitments, which could provide SentinelOne with a stable revenue stream and improve its financial outlook.

However, investors should note that while this authorization is promising, it doesn't guarantee immediate financial gains. The sales cycle for government contracts can be lengthy and competition in the federal cybersecurity space remains fierce. Nonetheless, this achievement strengthens SentinelOne's market position and could potentially lead to increased investor confidence in the company's growth prospects, particularly in the high-value government sector.

SentinelOne's FedRAMP High Authorization underscores the company's commitment to innovation and security excellence. The cloud-native, SaaS-based delivery model of the Singularity Platform aligns well with modern IT infrastructure trends, offering flexibility and scalability to federal agencies. The platform's ability to aggregate security data and orchestrate responses through a unified console addresses the growing need for integrated security solutions.

The emphasis on AI-driven context and high-fidelity alerts demonstrates SentinelOne's focus on efficiency and accuracy in threat detection and response. This approach could significantly reduce the workload on security teams and improve overall cybersecurity posture. As government agencies increasingly seek advanced, AI-powered security solutions, SentinelOne's authorized offerings position the company to capitalize on this growing market demand.

Status in government’s most rigorous security compliance framework validates strength of company’s industry-leading AI-powered security platform and commitment to empowering federal agencies with innovations that enhance cyberdefenses and keep critical infrastructure and information safe

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SentinelOne® (NYSE: S), a global leader in AI-powered security, today announced that the SentinelOne Singularity™ Platform and Singularity Data Lake have achieved Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®) authorization at the High Impact Level from the FedRAMP Program Management Office. The authorization validates the strength of SentinelOne’s AI-powered solutions in providing industry-leading protection against cyber attacks to US Federal, Public Sector, Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and Critical Infrastructure entities.

The FedRAMP High Authorization certifies that SentinelOne has undergone and passed an extensive and rigorous third-party security assessment, demonstrating our compliance with NIST SP 800-53 security controls to protect the government’s most sensitive, unclassified data. This authorization reinforces SentinelOne’s ability to help the US Federal government secure their most sensitive and critical information assets. The SentinelOne Singularity Platform and Singularity Data Lake, delivered as cloud-native SaaS offerings, enable public sector entities to meet stringent security and compliance mandates including Executive Order (EO) 14028 and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) M-21-31.

With SentinelOne’s FedRAMP High Authorization, more federal entities subject to stricter compliance requirements can now purchase the Singularity Platform and Singularity Data Lake and leverage the offerings to quickly protect, detect, and respond to threats in real time across attack surfaces including endpoint and cloud. Using the solution, security teams can:

  • Aggregate all security data and orchestrate investigatory and response actions through integration with many trusted security vendors in a single, unified console.
  • Align with M-21-31 by providing cost-effective storage of 12 months hot and 18 months cold across EDR telemetry as well third-party data sources.
  • Receive AI-driven context across threats to bring high–fidelity alerts to analysts and reduce mean time to detect and respond.

“SentinelOne’s authorization at the FedRAMP High Impact Level is a significant milestone in our journey to secure the nation’s most critical assets,” said Michael Loefflad, Senior Director, Federal Sales Engineering, SentinelOne. “With our enhanced status, government agencies can arm themselves with world-class protection and visibility and confidently defend against the increasing number of attacks they face through one, autonomous, easy-to-maintain platform.

To learn more about SentinelOne’s FedRAMP authorized solutions and the value they can deliver, click here.

About SentinelOne

SentinelOne is the world’s most advanced, autonomous AI-powered cybersecurity platform. Built on the first unified Data Lake, SentinelOne empowers the world to run securely by creating intelligent, data-driven systems that think for themselves, stay ahead of complexity and risk, and evolve on their own. Leading organizations—including Fortune 10, Fortune 500, and Global 2000 companies, as well as prominent governments—all trust SentinelOne to Secure Tomorrow™. Learn more at

Karen Master


Source: SentinelOne


What FedRAMP authorization level did SentinelOne (NYSE: S) achieve for its Singularity Platform?

SentinelOne achieved FedRAMP authorization at the High Impact Level for its Singularity Platform and Singularity Data Lake.

How does SentinelOne's FedRAMP High Authorization benefit federal agencies?

The authorization allows federal agencies to leverage SentinelOne's AI-powered security solutions to protect sensitive data, meet stringent security mandates, and defend against cyber attacks through a unified platform.

What storage capabilities does SentinelOne (S) offer to align with OMB M-21-31?

SentinelOne provides cost-effective storage of 12 months hot and 18 months cold across EDR telemetry and third-party data sources, aligning with OMB M-21-31 requirements.

How does SentinelOne's Singularity Platform help reduce response time to threats?

The platform uses AI-driven context across threats to bring high-fidelity alerts to analysts, reducing mean time to detect and respond to security incidents.

SentinelOne, Inc.


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