Rackspace Technology Strengthens Commitment to Global OpenStack Community with Board of Directors' Seat on OpenInfra Foundation

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Rackspace Technology has strengthened its commitment to the global OpenInfra Foundation by joining its Board of Directors and becoming an OpenStack community Platinum Member. This highest level of membership allows Rackspace to influence the strategic direction of the OpenInfra Foundation community and the industry. The company, which partnered with NASA in 2010 to launch OpenStack, cites increasing demand for OpenStack due to organizations seeking multicloud flexibility, hybrid infrastructure solutions, and cost-efficient cloud consumption.

OpenStack's advantages include empowerment, scalability, flexibility, automation, performance, and interoperability. It's experiencing a resurgence due to expanding demands for data sovereignty, privacy, and cost control. Industries leveraging OpenStack include retail, pharmaceuticals, and banking. Rackspace Technology aims to expand its contributions to the OpenInfra community through this renewed commitment.

Rackspace Technology ha rafforzato il suo impegno verso la OpenInfra Foundation globale unendosi al suo Consiglio di Amministrazione e diventando un membro Platinum della comunità OpenStack. Questo livello massimo di adesione consente a Rackspace di influenzare la direzione strategica della comunità OpenInfra e del settore. L'azienda, che ha collaborato con la NASA nel 2010 per lanciare OpenStack, cita l'aumento della domanda di OpenStack a causa delle organizzazioni che cercano flessibilità multicloud, soluzioni infrastrutturali ibride e un consumo cloud cost-effective.

I vantaggi di OpenStack includono empowerment, scalabilità, flessibilità, automazione, prestazioni e interoperabilità. Sta vivendo un rinascimento a causa delle crescenti esigenze di sovranità dei dati, privacy e controllo dei costi. I settori che sfruttano OpenStack includono il commercio al dettaglio, la farmacologia e la banca. Rackspace Technology mira ad ampliare i propri contributi alla comunità OpenInfra attraverso questo rinnovato impegno.

Rackspace Technology ha fortalecido su compromiso con la Fundación OpenInfra global al unirse a su Junta Directiva y convertirse en un miembro Platinum de la comunidad OpenStack. Este nivel más alto de membresía permite a Rackspace influir en la dirección estratégica de la comunidad OpenInfra y de la industria. La empresa, que se asoció con NASA en 2010 para lanzar OpenStack, cita la creciente demanda de OpenStack debido a que las organizaciones buscan flexibilidad multicloud, soluciones de infraestructura híbrida y un consumo de nube rentable.

Las ventajas de OpenStack incluyen empoderamiento, escalabilidad, flexibilidad, automatización, rendimiento e interoperabilidad. Está experimentando un resurgimiento debido a las crecientes demandas de soberanía de datos, privacidad y control de costos. Las industrias que aprovechan OpenStack incluyen retail, farmacéutica y banca. Rackspace Technology busca ampliar sus contribuciones a la comunidad OpenInfra a través de este renovado compromiso.

Rackspace Technology는 전 세계 OpenInfra 재단에 대한 헌신을 강화했습니다. 이 회사는 이사회에 가입하고 OpenStack 커뮤니티의 플래티넘 회원이 되었습니다. 이 최고 수준의 회원 자격은 Rackspace가 OpenInfra 재단 커뮤니티와 산업의 전략적 방향에 영향을 미칠 수 있도록 합니다. 2010년 NASA와 협력하여 OpenStack을 시작한 이 회사는 OpenStack에 대한 수요 증가를 언급하고 있습니다. 이는 조직들이 다중 클라우드의 유연성, 하이브리드 인프라 솔루션 및 비용 효율적인 클라우드 소비를 원하고 있기 때문입니다.

OpenStack의 장점으로는 권한 부여, 확장성, 유연성, 자동화, 성능 및 상호 운용성이 있습니다. 데이터 주권, 개인 정보 보호 및 비용 통제에 대한 수요 증가로 인해 재부흥을 경험하고 있습니다. OpenStack을 활용하는 산업으로는 소매업, 제약 및 은행이 있습니다. Rackspace Technology는 이번 새롭게 맺은 각성을 통해 OpenInfra 커뮤니티에 대한 기여를 확대할 계획입니다.

Rackspace Technology a renforcé son engagement envers la Fondation OpenInfra mondiale en rejoignant son Conseil d'Administration et en devenant un membre Platinum de la communauté OpenStack. Ce niveau de membre le plus élevé permet à Rackspace d'influencer la direction stratégique de la communauté OpenInfra et de l'industrie. L'entreprise, qui s'est associée à la NASA en 2010 pour lancer OpenStack, cite une demande croissante pour OpenStack de la part d'organisations cherchant une flexibilité multicloud, des solutions d'infrastructure hybride et une consommation de cloud rentable.

Les avantages d'OpenStack incluent l'autonomisation, la scalabilité, la flexibilité, l'automatisation, la performance et l'interopérabilité. Elle connaît un regain d'intérêt en raison des exigences croissantes en matière de souveraineté des données, de confidentialité et de contrôle des coûts. Les secteurs utilisant OpenStack incluent le commerce de détail, la pharmacie et la banque. Rackspace Technology vise à élargir ses contributions à la communauté OpenInfra grâce à cet engagement renouvelé.

Rackspace Technology hat sein Engagement für die globale OpenInfra-Stiftung verstärkt, indem es dem Board of Directors beigetreten ist und ein Platin-Mitglied der OpenStack-Community geworden ist. Diese höchste Mitgliedschaft ermöglicht es Rackspace, die strategische Richtung der OpenInfra-Community und der Branche zu beeinflussen. Das Unternehmen, das 2010 mit der NASA zusammenarbeitete, um OpenStack zu starten, verweist auf die steigende Nachfrage nach OpenStack, da Organisationen Flexibilität im Multicloud-Bereich, hybride Infrastruktur-Lösungen und kosteneffizienten Cloud-Konsum anstreben.

Zu den Vorteilen von OpenStack gehören Empowerment, Skalierbarkeit, Flexibilität, Automatisierung, Leistung und Interoperabilität. Es erlebt ein Wiederaufleben aufgrund der zunehmenden Anforderungen an Datenhoheit, Datenschutz und Kostenkontrolle. Zu den Branchen, die OpenStack nutzen, gehören Einzelhandel, Pharmazie und Bankwesen. Rackspace Technology hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, durch dieses erneuerte Engagement seine Beiträge zur OpenInfra-Community zu erweitern.

  • Rackspace Technology joins OpenInfra Foundation Board of Directors
  • Becomes OpenStack community Platinum Member, gaining strategic influence
  • OpenStack experiencing record demand and accelerated adoption
  • Rackspace OpenStack solutions offer enterprise-grade cloud platform at lower cost
  • None.

OpenStack resurgence fueled by demand for cost control, flexible open infrastructure, and hybrid cloud

SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company, today announced its enhanced commitment to the global OpenInfra Foundation by joining the OpenInfra Foundation Board of Directors and becoming an OpenStack community Platinum Member. This highest level of membership includes representation on the Board of Directors, the ability to influence the strategic direction of the OpenInfra Foundation community and the industry, access to open group forums and work groups, and the ability to fast-track standards.

Rackspace Technology partnered with NASA in 2010 to launch OpenStack, an open-source cloud software collaborative project, to power public and private clouds. Since then, OpenStack has grown to be one of the most active open-source projects, with enterprises all over the globe benefiting from a mature, scalable, and open cloud platform.

"As more organizations choose multicloud flexibility and hybrid infrastructure solutions to reclaim control of their infrastructure, OpenStack is experiencing record demand and accelerated adoption for companies to meet digital sovereignty and security requirements with cost-efficient cloud consumption," said Lance Weaver, Chief Product and Technology Officer, Rackspace Private Cloud. "We look forward to expanding our contributions to the OpenInfra community through our continued commitment to OpenStack as a Platinum Member of the OpenInfra Foundation."

OpenStack is differentiated by its ability to enable open-source, customized private clouds across on-premises and hosted infrastructure. As a mature infrastructure platform, OpenStack delivers the following advantages:

  • Empowerment: provides the flexibility to build private cloud data centers or at the edge.
  • Foundation: lays the foundation needed to deploy containers and orchestrators, like Kubernetes.
  • Scalability: scale up or down quickly and easily to meet an organization's needs.
  • Flexibility: sync with a business's growth and scale.
  • Automation: built-in tools that make cloud management easier.
  • Performance: runs on a wide range of hardware and integrates well with many different types of networking, storage, and other infrastructure.
  • Development: open-source code allows experts from around the world to contribute to the platform's development.
  • Interoperability: works across a variety of platforms and software.

Given these factors, OpenStack is experiencing an enterprise cloud resurgence more than a decade after its debut due to expanding demands for data sovereignty, privacy, and cost control that are driving customers to explore alternatives to public cloud. Additionally, the introduction of custom AI models optimized for unique requirements is fueling interest in on-premises and hybrid hosting solutions.

"At the core of today's data transformation is the need for agility. Organizations need a dynamic set of core services that provide the capabilities that empower essential platforms for modern applications, such as Kubernetes," said Josh Villarreal, Rackspace Technology OpenStack GM. "Rackspace OpenStack solutions deliver the capability, scalability, and reliability of an enterprise-grade cloud platform at a fraction of the cost."

How Industries are Leveraging OpenStack

  • Retailers want to avoid using public cloud competitors to host proprietary systems.
  • Pharmaceutical firms require keeping sensitive patient data private.
  • Banks can use it to maintain strict data sovereignty regulations.

"Rackspace Technology partnered with NASA to originally launch OpenStack, so we are thrilled about Rackspace's renewed commitment to OpenStack as a contributor and Platinum Member of the OpenInfra Foundation," said Thierry Carrez, General Manager, OpenInfra Foundation. "Rackspace has accrued a lot of expertise at supporting OpenStack-based public and private cloud infrastructures, which they will be able to leverage as a key member of the OpenStack ecosystem."

Click here for more information about Rackspace OpenStack.

About the Open Infrastructure Foundation
The OpenInfra Foundation builds communities who write open-source infrastructure software that runs in production. With the support of over 110,000 individuals in 187 countries, the OpenInfra Foundation hosts open-source projects and communities of practice, including infrastructure for AI, container native apps, edge computing and datacenter clouds. Join the OpenInfra movement:

About Rackspace Technology 
Rackspace Technology is a leading end-to-end, hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company. We can design, build, and operate our customers' cloud environments across all major technology platforms, irrespective of technology stack or deployment model. We partner with our customers at every stage of their cloud journey, enabling them to modernize applications, build new products, and adopt innovative technologies. 

Media Contact: Natalie Silva, 


What is Rackspace Technology's new role in the OpenInfra Foundation?

Rackspace Technology has joined the OpenInfra Foundation Board of Directors and become an OpenStack community Platinum Member, allowing them to influence the strategic direction of the community and industry.

Why is OpenStack experiencing increased demand according to Rackspace (RXT)?

OpenStack is seeing increased demand due to organizations seeking multicloud flexibility, hybrid infrastructure solutions, cost-efficient cloud consumption, and the need for data sovereignty and privacy.

What are the main advantages of OpenStack mentioned by Rackspace Technology (RXT)?

The main advantages of OpenStack include empowerment, scalability, flexibility, automation, performance, interoperability, and its ability to provide a foundation for deploying containers and orchestrators like Kubernetes.

How are different industries leveraging OpenStack according to Rackspace (RXT)?

Retailers use OpenStack to avoid hosting proprietary systems on public cloud competitors, pharmaceutical firms use it to keep sensitive patient data private, and banks use it to maintain strict data sovereignty regulations.

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