Rackspace Technology Helps TrueData Achieve Cloud Cost Reduction on AWS

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Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) has partnered with TrueData, a leader in independent omnichannel identity resolution, to achieve significant cloud cost reduction on AWS. Rackspace implemented Optimizer+ for TrueData, providing enhanced visibility into cloud spending and cost optimization strategies. The collaboration resulted in TrueData reducing its monthly cloud expenses by approximately 85% while expanding capabilities.

Key achievements include:

  • Shifting to more cost-effective EC2 instances
  • Optimizing AWS EBS and S3 storage
  • Migrating from a third-party data warehouse to a fully AWS-based solution
  • Improving resource use through Spot Instances

This partnership allows TrueData to focus on its core product offerings while Rackspace manages cloud cost optimization, positioning the company for future innovation and growth.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) ha collaborato con TrueData, leader nella risoluzione dell'identità omnicanale indipendente, per raggiungere una significativa riduzione dei costi cloud su AWS. Rackspace ha implementato Optimizer+ per TrueData, fornendo una maggiore visibilità sulle spese cloud e strategie di ottimizzazione dei costi. La collaborazione ha portato TrueData a ridurre le sue spese cloud mensili di circa l'85%, espandendo al contempo le sue capacità.

I risultati principali includono:

  • Transizione a istanze EC2 più economiche
  • Ottimizzazione dello storage AWS EBS e S3
  • Migrazione da un data warehouse di terze parti a una soluzione completamente basata su AWS
  • miglioramento dell'utilizzo delle risorse tramite Spot Instances

Questa partnership consente a TrueData di concentrarsi sulle proprie offerte principali mentre Rackspace gestisce l'ottimizzazione dei costi cloud, posizionando l'azienda per future innovazioni e crescita.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) se ha asociado con TrueData, un líder en la resolución de identidad omnicanal independiente, para lograr una reducción significativa de costos en la nube en AWS. Rackspace implementó Optimizer+ para TrueData, proporcionando una mayor visibilidad de los gastos en la nube y estrategias de optimización de costos. La colaboración resultó en que TrueData redujera sus gastos mensuales en la nube en aproximadamente un 85% mientras expandía sus capacidades.

Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Transición a instancias EC2 más rentables
  • Optimización del almacenamiento AWS EBS y S3
  • Migración de un almacén de datos de terceros a una solución completamente basada en AWS
  • Mejora en el uso de recursos a través de Spot Instances

Esta asociación permite a TrueData centrarse en sus ofertas de productos principales, mientras que Rackspace gestiona la optimización de costos en la nube, posicionando a la empresa para futuras innovaciones y crecimiento.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT)는 독립적인 옴니채널 정체성 해결의 선두주자인 TrueData와 협력하여 AWS에서의 클라우드 비용을 상당히 절감할 수 있게 되었습니다. Rackspace는 TrueData를 위해 Optimizer+를 구현하여 클라우드 지출 및 비용 최적화 전략에 대한 향상된 가시성을 제공했습니다. 협력의 결과 TrueData는 월별 클라우드 비용을 약 85% 줄였습니다 동시에 능력을 확장했습니다.

주요 성과로는:

  • 더 비용 효율적인 EC2 인스턴스로 전환
  • AWS EBS 및 S3 스토리지 최적화
  • 타사 데이터 웨어하우스에서 완전히 AWS 기반 솔루션으로 이전
  • 스팟 인스턴스를 통한 자원 사용 개선

이번 파트너십을 통해 TrueData는 핵심 제품 제공에 집중할 수 있으며, Rackspace는 클라우드 비용 최적화를 관리하여 회사의 미래 혁신 및 성장을 위한 위치를 확립합니다.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) s'est associé à TrueData, un leader dans la résolution indépendante des identités omnicanales, pour réaliser une réduction significative des coûts cloud sur AWS. Rackspace a mis en œuvre Optimizer+ pour TrueData, offrant une visibilité améliorée sur les dépenses cloud et des stratégies d'optimisation des coûts. Cette collaboration a permis à TrueData de réduire ses dépenses cloud mensuelles d'environ 85% tout en élargissant ses capacités.

Les réalisations clés incluent :

  • Passage à des instances EC2 plus économiques
  • Optimisation du stockage AWS EBS et S3
  • Migration d'un entrepôt de données tiers vers une solution entièrement basée sur AWS
  • Amélioration de l'utilisation des ressources grâce aux Spot Instances

Ce partenariat permet à TrueData de se concentrer sur ses offres de produits principaux, tandis que Rackspace gère l'optimisation des coûts cloud, positionnant ainsi l'entreprise pour de futures innovations et croissances.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) hat sich mit TrueData, einem führenden Anbieter für unabhängige Omnichannel-Identitätsauflösungen, zusammengeschlossen, um eine signifikante Senkung der Cloud-Kosten bei AWS zu erreichen. Rackspace implementierte Optimizer+ für TrueData, was eine verbesserte Sichtbarkeit der Cloud-Ausgaben und Strategien zur Kostenoptimierung bietet. Die Zusammenarbeit führte dazu, dass TrueData seine monatlichen Cloud-Ausgaben um etwa 85% senkte und gleichzeitig die Fähigkeiten erweiterte.

Wichtige Erfolge sind:

  • Wechsel zu kosteneffizienteren EC2-Instanzen
  • Optimierung des AWS EBS- und S3-Speichers
  • Migration von einem Drittanbieter-Datenlager zu einer vollständig AWS-basierten Lösung
  • Verbesserung der Ressourcennutzung durch Spot-Instanzen

Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht es TrueData, sich auf sein Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren, während Rackspace das Management der Cloud-Kostenoptimierung übernimmt, was das Unternehmen für zukünftige Innovationen und Wachstum positioniert.

  • Rackspace helped TrueData reduce monthly cloud expenses by approximately 85%
  • TrueData expanded capabilities while reducing costs
  • Implemented cost-saving strategies including optimizing EC2 instances, EBS, and S3 storage
  • Migrated from third-party data warehouse to fully AWS-based solution, eliminating associated expenses
  • Improved resource utilization by shifting more workloads to Spot Instances
  • None.

TrueData's partnership with Rackspace Technology has yielded impressive financial results, with an approximately 85% reduction in monthly cloud expenses. This significant cost-saving achievement is a strong positive for TrueData's financial health and operational efficiency. The shift from a third-party data warehouse to an AWS-based solution, coupled with optimized resource utilization, demonstrates a strategic approach to cost management without compromising capabilities. The dramatic decrease in infrastructure costs should translate to improved profit margins and potentially increased competitiveness in the AdTech market. However, investors should monitor how TrueData reinvests these savings and whether it translates to tangible growth or innovation in their core business offerings.

Rackspace's implementation of Optimizer+ for TrueData showcases a sophisticated approach to cloud cost optimization. The shift towards cost-effective EC2 instances and efficient use of EBS and S3 storage indicates a deep understanding of AWS services and best practices. The migration from a third-party data warehouse to a fully AWS-based solution is particularly noteworthy, as it not only reduces costs but also potentially improves data integration and processing capabilities. The increased use of Spot Instances for workloads demonstrates advanced cloud architecture knowledge, balancing cost savings with performance. This optimization strategy could serve as a competitive advantage for TrueData, allowing for more agile and cost-effective scaling of their data services in the future.

The collaboration between Rackspace and TrueData highlights a growing trend in the tech industry towards optimizing cloud infrastructure for cost efficiency. This move aligns with the broader market shift from growth-at-all-costs to profitability-focused strategies, especially relevant in the current economic climate. For TrueData, operating in the competitive AdTech space, this cost reduction could provide a significant edge, potentially allowing for more competitive pricing or increased R&D investment. The focus on "fast, accurate and sustainable deployments" suggests a maturing business model, which could appeal to investors looking for stability in the volatile tech sector. However, it's important to monitor whether these cost savings translate into market share gains or improved product offerings in the long term.

Rackspace achieves strategic cost-savings for TrueData, resulting in improved business outcomes

SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading end-to-end, hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company, today announced it is working with TrueData, the leader in providing first-party data for advertisers, publishers, and AdTech firms, to achieve cloud and data storage cost savings that can be invested in innovative new services for its clients.

Founded in 2013, TrueData is a leader in independent omnichannel identity resolution. The company connects individuals and households to digital devices and empowers businesses to enhance and leverage first-party data for improved business outcomes.

Focused on profitability while maintaining innovation, TrueData quickly identified the need for better visibility into cloud spending and cost optimization as growth brought increasing infrastructure costs. Substantial costs from a third-party data warehouse added an obstacle to cost savings, so TrueData partnered with Rackspace Technology to identify opportunities to optimize cloud cost savings.

Rackspace Technology implemented Optimizer+ for TrueData, providing the company with enhanced visibility into its cloud spending through an intuitive interface, monthly cost optimization reviews, and proactive recommendations from the team. In addition, the Rackspace Technology team worked closely with TrueData to implement various cost-saving strategies by analyzing the company’s Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance usage and recommended a shift toward more cost-effective options like cleaning up their AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS). The Rackspace Technology team reviewed and optimized data storage policies across Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets and assisted in migrating from the third-party data warehouse to a fully AWS-based solution.

"We've evolved beyond the initial startup phase and are now focused on fast, accurate, and sustainable deployments optimized for long-term product success. Our time and resources need to be focused on what matters, on the core product line offering, instead of inefficient side work on financial User Interface Design (UI) development," said Nader Salehi, VP and Head of Engineering at TrueData. "Our Rackspace partnership lets us leave the intricacies of cloud cost management to the experts. The ongoing support of the Rackspace team helped ensure that TrueData is continually optimizing its cloud usage and costs. Having a partner that comes up with recommendations without me asking is invaluable.”

Rackspace and TrueData Achieved Dramatic Results Together
TrueData dramatically reduced its monthly cloud expenses by approximately 85% while simultaneously expanding its capabilities. The significant cost savings were achieved through decreased spending on AWS services as well as the elimination of expenses related to its previous third-party data warehouse solution. Beyond raw numbers, the optimization effort allowed TrueData to improve resource use by shifting more workloads to Spot Instances. The company also trimmed storage costs through efficient Amazon S3 bucket management. The Rackspace team continues to pursue additional savings through storage commitments, addressing the company's high storage usage.

“Looking to the future, TrueData plans to leverage its optimized cloud infrastructure and ongoing partnership with Rackspace to fuel further innovation," says Donny Cross, Rackspace Technology Vice President, Strategic Operations. “Rackspace is about putting our customers and their needs first and driving 85% savings for TrueData, which is a significant business outcome.”

To read more about the Rackspace Technology TrueData solution, click here.

About Rackspace Technology
Rackspace Technology is a leading end-to-end hybrid, multicloud, and AI technology services company. We design, build, and operate our customers' cloud environments across all major technology platforms, irrespective of technology stack or deployment model. We partner with our customers at every stage of their cloud journey, enabling them to modernize applications, build new products, and adopt innovative technologies.

About TrueData
TrueData is a leader in independent omnichannel identity resolution, offering data enrichment and identity resolution solutions to clients focused on interoperable addressability at scale. TrueData’s identity solutions connect people & households to their digital devices. As a trusted partner of the largest enterprise data companies, AdTech platforms, and publishers worldwide, Truedata continues to build privacy-centric solutions that help clients own their data strategy and build sustainable products using the most advanced datasets.

Media Contact: Natalie Silva,


How much did TrueData reduce its monthly cloud expenses with Rackspace Technology's help?

TrueData reduced its monthly cloud expenses by approximately 85% with Rackspace Technology's help.

What specific AWS services did Rackspace optimize for TrueData?

Rackspace optimized Amazon EC2 instances, AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS), and Amazon S3 storage for TrueData.

How did Rackspace Technology (RXT) help TrueData improve resource utilization?

Rackspace Technology helped TrueData improve resource utilization by shifting more workloads to AWS Spot Instances.

What tool did Rackspace implement to provide TrueData with enhanced visibility into cloud spending?

Rackspace implemented Optimizer+ for TrueData to provide enhanced visibility into cloud spending.

Rackspace Technology, Inc.


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