Rackspace Technology Delivers on Long-standing Commitment to OpenStack Community with Launch of OpenStack Enterprise

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Rackspace Technology has launched Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise, a fully-managed, enterprise-ready cloud solution built to ensure critical workloads are secure, efficient, and perform at scale. This move reaffirms Rackspace's long-standing commitment to OpenStack and open-source principles.

Key points:

  • Rackspace aims to provide cost-effective, flexible cloud alternatives with high control
  • The company has contributed over 5.6 million lines of code to OpenStack
  • Rackspace has over one billion server hours of experience operating OpenStack clouds
  • The new offering addresses security, compliance, cost efficiency, and application modernization needs
  • CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, partnered with Rackspace to modernize its OpenStack Private Cloud

This launch builds on Rackspace's heritage of open-source leadership and development, empowering businesses to prioritize innovation over infrastructure.

Rackspace Technology ha lanciato Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise, una soluzione cloud completamente gestita e pronta per l'impresa, progettata per garantire che i carichi di lavoro critici siano sicuri, efficienti e performanti su larga scala. Questa mossa riafferma l'impegno di lunga data di Rackspace verso OpenStack e i principi dell'open source.

Punti chiave:

  • Rackspace mira a fornire alternative cloud economiche e flessibili con un alto grado di controllo
  • La società ha contribuito con oltre 5,6 milioni di righe di codice a OpenStack
  • Rackspace ha oltre un miliardo di ore server di esperienza nella gestione di cloud OpenStack
  • La nuova offerta affronta le esigenze di sicurezza, conformità, efficienza dei costi e modernizzazione delle applicazioni
  • CAS, una divisione dell'American Chemical Society, ha collaborato con Rackspace per modernizzare il suo Cloud Privato OpenStack

Questo lancio si basa sull'eredità di leadership e sviluppo open source di Rackspace, dando possibilità alle aziende di dare priorità all'innovazione anziché all'infrastruttura.

Rackspace Technology ha lanzado Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise, una solución en la nube completamente gestionada y lista para empresas, diseñada para asegurar que las cargas de trabajo críticas sean seguras, eficientes y funcionen a gran escala. Este movimiento reafirma el compromiso de Rackspace con OpenStack y los principios de código abierto.

Puntos clave:

  • Rackspace tiene como objetivo proporcionar alternativas en la nube rentables y flexibles con un alto control
  • La empresa ha contribuido con más de 5.6 millones de líneas de código a OpenStack
  • Rackspace tiene más de mil millones de horas de servidor de experiencia operando nubes OpenStack
  • La nueva oferta aborda las necesidades de seguridad, cumplimiento, eficiencia de costos y modernización de aplicaciones
  • CAS, una división de la American Chemical Society, se asoció con Rackspace para modernizar su Nube Privada OpenStack

Este lanzamiento se basa en el legado de liderazgo y desarrollo de código abierto de Rackspace, empoderando a las empresas para priorizar la innovación sobre la infraestructura.

Rackspace Technology는 Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise를 출시했습니다. 이 솔루션은 완전 관리형이며 기업에 적합한 클라우드 솔루션으로, 중요한 작업 부하가 안전하고 효율적이며 대규모로 수행되도록 설계되었습니다. 이번 조치는 Rackspace의 OpenStack과 오픈 소스 원칙에 대한 오랜 헌신을 재확인하는 것입니다.

주요 사항:

  • Rackspace는 높은 제어력을 갖춘 비용 효율적이고 유연한 클라우드 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
  • 회사는 OpenStack에 560만 줄 이상의 코드를 기여했습니다.
  • Rackspace는 OpenStack 클라우드 운영 경험이 10억 서버 시간에 이릅니다.
  • 새로운 솔루션은 보안, 규정 준수, 비용 효율성 및 애플리케이션 현대화 요구를 해결합니다.
  • 미국 화학 연합의 부서인 CAS는 Rackspace와 협력하여 OpenStack 프라이빗 클라우드를 현대화했습니다.

이번 출시는 Rackspace의 오픈 소스 리더십 및 개발 유산을 기반으로 하여 기업이 인프라보다 혁신에 우선순위를 두도록 지원합니다.

Rackspace Technology a lancé Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise, une solution cloud entièrement gérée et prête pour les entreprises, conçue pour garantir que les charges de travail critiques soient sécurisées, efficaces et performantes à grande échelle. Ce mouvement réaffirme l'engagement de longue date de Rackspace envers OpenStack et les principes de l'open source.

Points clés :

  • Rackspace vise à fournir des alternatives cloud économiques et flexibles avec un contrôle élevé
  • L'entreprise a contribué avec plus de 5,6 millions de lignes de code à OpenStack
  • Rackspace a plus d'un milliard d'heures serveur d'expérience dans l'exploitation des clouds OpenStack
  • La nouvelle offre répond aux besoins en matière de sécurité, de conformité, d'efficacité des coûts et de modernisation des applications
  • CAS, une division de l'American Chemical Society, a collaboré avec Rackspace pour moderniser son Cloud Privé OpenStack

Ce lancement s'appuie sur l'héritage de leadership et de développement open source de Rackspace, permettant aux entreprises de donner la priorité à l'innovation plutôt qu'à l'infrastructure.

Rackspace Technology hat Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise eingeführt, eine vollständig verwaltete, für Unternehmen geeignete Cloud-Lösung, die sicherstellt, dass kritische Arbeitslasten sicher, effizient und in großem Maßstab ausgeführt werden. Dieser Schritt bekräftigt das langjährige Engagement von Rackspace für OpenStack und die Prinzipien des Open Source.


  • Rackspace möchte kostengünstige, flexible Cloud-Alternativen mit hoher Kontrolle bieten
  • Das Unternehmen hat über 5,6 Millionen Zeilen Code zu OpenStack beigetragen
  • Rackspace hat über eine Milliarde Serverstunden Erfahrung im Betrieb von OpenStack-Clouds
  • Das neue Angebot geht auf Sicherheits-, Compliance-, Kosten- und Modernisierungsbedürfnisse ein
  • CAS, eine Abteilung der American Chemical Society, hat mit Rackspace zusammengearbeitet, um ihren OpenStack Private Cloud zu modernisieren

Dieser Launch baut auf dem Erbe von Rackspaces Führung und Entwicklung im Open Source auf und ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Innovationen anstelle von Infrastruktur in den Vordergrund zu stellen.

  • None.
  • None.

New offering builds on a heritage of open-source leadership and development

SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading end-to-end, hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company, today announced a reaffirmation of its long-standing commitment to OpenStack® with the launch of Rackspace OpenStack® Enterprise, the only fully-managed, enterprise-ready cloud solution built from the ground up to ensure critical workloads are secure, efficient, and perform at scale. Rackspace’s investment in OpenStack empowers businesses to prioritize innovation over infrastructure, offering cloud flexibility at a fraction of the cost of competitors. Customers leveraging OpenStack Enterprise also benefit from Rackspace’s unparalleled support and expertise, ensuring peak performance and efficiency across their cloud environments.

“Enterprises are seeking cost-effective, flexible cloud alternatives that provide a high degree of control, aligned with open-source principles and community-driven innovation,” said Josh Villarreal, General Manager, OpenStack and Kubernetes, at Rackspace Technology. “Our re-dedication to OpenStack tackles long-standing platform challenges by simplifying complexity and delivering a range of fully managed services that enhance accessibility. We strongly believe in the impact of open source and the value of collaborative community efforts. OpenStack Enterprise reflects our longstanding confidence in its ability to revolutionize the cloud industry and deliver top-tier solutions for our customers.”

Over the past year, Rackspace has solidified its role as a leader and innovator in open-source cloud technologies by launching a comprehensive product roadmap for OpenStack and introducing frequent feature updates. The updates include a significant increase in upstream code contributions to the OpenStack community, aligning with Rackspace’s One OpenStack Strategy, which centers around using a single technology stream for the OpenStack products. The strategy’s alignment ensures that customers can seamlessly leverage each solution without a technology barrier between each product.

Rackspace’s OpenStack investment legacy dates from the platform’s original creation in collaboration with NASA in 2010. To date, Rackspace has contributed more than 5.6 million lines of code to OpenStack and is one of the largest OpenStack cloud providers in the world. Its expertise includes over one billion server hours of experience operating production-ready OpenStack clouds at scale, with a dedicated team comprising more than 150 OpenStack experts and 50+ Kubernetes administrators.

OpenStack aims to cater to a wide range of customer needs, including security and compliance for sensitive data requiring the highest levels of protection and control, with data locality and sovereignty options. It also addresses cost efficiencies, offering a pathway to lower the total cost of cloud infrastructure. Moreover, OpenStack services enable seamless application and data center modernization, allowing customers to migrate applications to the cloud without extensive changes and transition to fully managed solutions.

“As cloud infrastructure options have evolved, traditional solutions can tether enterprises with high costs and limited flexibility, limiting innovation,” said Kevin Carter, Product Director, Rackspace Technology. “We are empowering customers with industry-leading, enterprise-grade, open-source solutions that simplify infrastructure management and enable them to own their destiny, stay in control, and modernize with the latest technological advances.”

In line with its enhanced commitment to OpenStack, Rackspace worked with CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, to accelerate its scientific knowledge management breakthroughs by modernizing its OpenStack Private Cloud. The mission-critical private cloud environment supports CAS in providing scientific innovators access to cutting-edge, lifesaving, chemistry-related, and life-science research. CAS prioritized high availability, reliability, and performance to meet its cloud platform’s highest standards.

“We partnered with Rackspace as our managed service provider to raise the bar for our private cloud on OpenStack — including everything from resiliency and reliability to service robustness,” said Luke Chandler, Senior Director of Cloud Platforms and Solutions, Infrastructure and Support Services for CAS. “Rackspace played a crucial role in enabling CAS to implement a robust private cloud infrastructure that will empower people, companies, institutions, and academics to develop innovations faster and deliver scientific discoveries that save people’s lives.”

Click here for more information about Rackspace and OpenStack. To read the Rackspace Technology CAS case study, click here.

About Rackspace Technology
Rackspace Technology is a leading end-to-end, hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company. We can design, build, and operate our customers’ cloud environments across all major technology platforms, irrespective of technology stack or deployment model. We partner with our customers at every stage of their cloud journey, enabling them to modernize applications, build new products, and adopt innovative technologies.

Media Contact: Natalie Silva,


What is Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise and when was it launched?

Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise is a fully-managed, enterprise-ready cloud solution launched by Rackspace Technology (RXT) on August 20, 2024. It's designed to ensure critical workloads are secure, efficient, and perform at scale.

How much code has Rackspace contributed to OpenStack?

Rackspace has contributed more than 5.6 million lines of code to OpenStack, demonstrating their significant investment in the platform's development and improvement.

What benefits does Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise offer to customers?

Rackspace OpenStack Enterprise offers cloud flexibility at a lower cost, enhanced security and compliance, data locality options, cost efficiencies, and seamless application modernization. Customers also benefit from Rackspace's expert support and managed services.

How many OpenStack experts does Rackspace Technology (RXT) employ?

Rackspace Technology (RXT) has a dedicated team of more than 150 OpenStack experts and over 50 Kubernetes administrators, showcasing their deep expertise in open-source cloud technologies.

Which notable company has partnered with Rackspace for OpenStack Private Cloud modernization?

CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, partnered with Rackspace Technology (RXT) to modernize its OpenStack Private Cloud, enhancing its scientific knowledge management capabilities.

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