Rackspace Introduces On-demand Software as a Service to Seamlessly Simulate Complex Environments

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Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) has unveiled Rackspace Lab Services (RLS), a cloud SaaS solution that transforms training, testing, and demonstration environments globally. RLS combines Broadcom VMware Lab Platform with Rackspace SDDC Flex to offer an on-demand, consumption-based service for simulating complex real-world environments.

Key features include flexible distance learning, experiential learning, scalability, and LTI integration. Benefits range from fully maintained virtual lab environments to enhanced revenue opportunities. RLS aims to accelerate project timelines, facilitate quicker innovation, and provide a competitive advantage for companies.

The service is now available globally as an on-demand, pay-for-use solution, setting a new standard for workforce empowerment, sales facilitation, and application testing.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) ha presentato Rackspace Lab Services (RLS), una soluzione cloud SaaS che trasforma gli ambienti di formazione, test e dimostrazione a livello globale. RLS combina la Broadcom VMware Lab Platform con Rackspace SDDC Flex per offrire un servizio on-demand basato sul consumo, in grado di simulare ambienti reali complessi.

Tra le caratteristiche principali ci sono l'apprendimento a distanza flessibile, l'apprendimento esperienziale, la scalabilità e l'integrazione LTI. I vantaggi vanno da ambienti di laboratorio virtuali completamente manutenzionati a opportunità di guadagno enhance. RLS mira ad accelerare i tempi di progetto, facilitare l'innovazione più rapida e fornire un vantaggio competitivo alle aziende.

Il servizio è ora disponibile a livello globale come soluzione on-demand, a pagamento per utilizzo, stabilendo un nuovo standard per l'empowerment della forza lavoro, la facilitazione delle vendite e il testing delle applicazioni.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) ha presentado Rackspace Lab Services (RLS), una solución SaaS en la nube que transforma los entornos de capacitación, pruebas y demostraciones a nivel mundial. RLS combina la Broadcom VMware Lab Platform con Rackspace SDDC Flex para ofrecer un servicio bajo demanda, basado en el consumo, que simula entornos complejos del mundo real.

Las características clave incluyen aprendizaje a distancia flexible, aprendizaje experiencial, escalabilidad e integración LTI. Los beneficios varían desde entornos de laboratorio virtual completamente mantenidos hasta oportunidades de ingresos mejoradas. RLS tiene como objetivo acelerar los plazos de los proyectos, facilitar una innovación más rápida y proporcionar una ventaja competitiva a las empresas.

El servicio ya está disponible a nivel mundial como una solución bajo demanda y de pago por uso, estableciendo un nuevo estándar para el empoderamiento de la fuerza laboral, la facilitación de ventas y las pruebas de aplicaciones.

랙스페이스 테크놀로지 (NASDAQ: RXT)가 전 세계적으로 교육, 테스트 및 시연 환경을 혁신하는 클라우드 SaaS 솔루션인 랙스페이스 연구소 서비스 (RLS)를 발표했습니다. RLS는 브로드컴 VMware Lab Platform랙스페이스 SDDC Flex를 결합하여 복잡한 실제 환경을 시뮬레이션할 수 있는 온디맨드 소비 기반 서비스를 제공합니다.

주요 기능으로는 유연한 원거리 학습, 경험적 학습, 확장성 및 LTI 통합이 있습니다. 이점은 완전히 유지 관리되는 가상 실험실 환경에서 향상된 수익 기회에 이르기까지 다양합니다. RLS는 프로젝트 기간을 단축하고 더 빠른 혁신을 촉진하며 기업에 경쟁 우위를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 서비스는 이제 온디맨드 사용 요금제로 전 세계적으로 제공되며, 인력 강화, 판매 촉진 및 애플리케이션 테스트를 위한 새로운 표준을 설정합니다.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) a dévoilé Rackspace Lab Services (RLS), une solution SaaS cloud qui transforme les environnements de formation, de test et de démonstration à l’échelle mondiale. RLS combine la Broadcom VMware Lab Platform avec Rackspace SDDC Flex pour offrir un service à la demande basé sur la consommation pour simuler des environnements réels complexes.

Les caractéristiques clés incluent un apprentissage à distance flexible, un apprentissage expérientiel, la scalabilité et une intégration LTI. Les avantages varient d'environnements de laboratoire virtuels pleinement gérés à des opportunités de revenus améliorées. RLS vise à accélérer les délais de projet, faciliter une innovation plus rapide et fournir un avantage concurrentiel aux entreprises.

Le service est désormais disponible à l'échelle mondiale en tant que solution à la demande, payante à l'utilisation, établissant une nouvelle norme pour l'autonomisation des travailleurs, la facilitation des ventes et les tests d'applications.

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT) hat Rackspace Lab Services (RLS) vorgestellt, eine cloudbasierte SaaS-Lösung, die Schulungs-, Test- und Demonstrationsumgebungen weltweit transformiert. RLS kombiniert die Broadcom VMware Lab Platform mit Rackspace SDDC Flex, um einen bedarfsgerechten, verbrauchsabhängigen Dienst zur Simulation komplexer realer Umgebungen anzubieten.

Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören flexibles Fernlernen, erfahrungsbasiertes Lernen, Skalierbarkeit und LTI-Integration. Die Vorteile reichen von vollständig gewarteten virtuellen Laborumgebungen bis hin zu verbesserten Einnahmequellen. RLS zielt darauf ab, Projektzeiträume zu beschleunigen, eine schnellere Innovation zu ermöglichen und Unternehmen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen.

Der Dienst ist jetzt weltweit als bedarfsgerechte, nutzungsabhängige Lösung verfügbar und setzt einen neuen Standard für die Stärkung der Belegschaft, die Vertriebsförderung und die Anwendungstests.

  • Launch of Rackspace Lab Services (RLS), a new cloud SaaS solution
  • Partnership with Broadcom VMware for the Lab Platform
  • On-demand, consumption-based pricing model
  • Potential for accelerated project timelines and faster time-to-market
  • 24/7/365 expert platform support
  • None.

Rackspace's introduction of Lab Services (RLS) marks a significant advancement in cloud-based training and testing environments. By leveraging Broadcom VMware Lab Platform on their SDDC Flex infrastructure, Rackspace is positioning itself at the forefront of the SaaS market for complex environment simulation.

The on-demand, consumption-based model of RLS addresses a critical need in the industry for flexible, scalable and cost-effective training solutions. This could potentially disrupt traditional lab setups, offering a competitive edge to early adopters. The integration with Learning Management Systems through LTI further enhances its appeal to educational institutions and corporate training programs.

However, the success of RLS will largely depend on its performance, reliability and the breadth of applications it can support. While the concept is promising, Rackspace will need to demonstrate tangible benefits in terms of cost savings and improved learning outcomes to drive widespread adoption.

The launch of Rackspace Lab Services taps into several growing market trends. The global cloud-based learning market is expected to reach $25.7 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 23.2%. RLS is well-positioned to capitalize on this growth, especially given the increasing demand for remote and flexible learning solutions post-pandemic.

Moreover, the emphasis on "hands-on" learning aligns with the industry shift towards experiential training, which has shown to improve knowledge retention by up to 75%. The pay-per-use model could be particularly attractive to SMEs and educational institutions looking to optimize their IT training budgets.

However, Rackspace faces stiff competition in this space from established players like AWS and Microsoft. The company's success will hinge on its ability to differentiate its offering and deliver superior user experiences.

While specific financial projections for RLS aren't provided, this launch could significantly impact Rackspace's revenue streams. The SaaS model offers potential for recurring revenue and higher profit margins compared to traditional IT services. Given Rackspace's existing customer base and VMware partnership, there's a solid foundation for rapid adoption.

Investors should monitor key metrics such as customer acquisition costs, churn rates and average revenue per user to gauge RLS's performance. The scalability of the service could lead to improved operational efficiency for Rackspace, potentially boosting its EBITDA margins.

However, the initial investment in infrastructure and ongoing R&D costs to keep the platform competitive might pressure short-term profitability. The true financial impact will likely become clearer in the next 2-3 quarterly reports.

Rackspace Lab Services merges Broadcom VMware Lab Platform and Rackspace SDDC Flex for a cutting-edge cloud solution to transform organizations worldwide

SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading hybrid, multicloud, and AI technology services company, today announced the unveiling of Rackspace Lab Services (RLS), a cutting-edge cloud software as a service (SaaS) solution to transform training, testing, and demonstration environments for organizations worldwide. RLS hosts the Broadcom VMware Lab Platform (VLP) on Rackspace SDDC (Software Defined Data Center) Flex to deliver an on-demand, consumption-based service to simulate complex real-world environments.

Launching at VMware Explore 2024 in Las Vegas, RLS offers a flexible, cost-effective solution that allows you to demonstrate and train on any application that can be installed on an operating system and permits system-level access to the environment. The Service Offering provides a complete turn-key solution that requires no installation and minimal setup. RLS aims to enhance skills, drive innovation, and facilitate business growth by providing users with customized hands-on training and testing.

"By eliminating the complexities of setting up and maintaining dedicated lab environments, RLS accelerates project timelines by facilitating quicker innovation and faster time-to-market for new products and solutions," said Bryan Litchford, Vice President of Private Cloud, Rackspace Technology. "This streamlined approach provides a competitive advantage for companies using RLS, and in a world where remote work and distributed teams are the norm, RLS offers a robust solution for global distance learning and experiential training. Teams can develop and hone their skills in a real-world context, irrespective of their location, ensuring continuous learning and innovation."

RLS Key Features

RLS extends training into a real-world, hands-on environment with robust features that include:

  • Flexible distance learning: Users can access high-impact training anytime, anywhere worldwide.
  • Experiential learning: RLS supports complex lab environments, enabling you to duplicate production environments and provide robust, full-featured training environments.
  • Speed and scale: Quickly scale up and down as needed, paying only for the resources you need. If you prefer to host content in your own data center, you can use RLS to manage the labs so you can provide world-class training experiences.
  • Learning tools interoperability (LTI) integration: RLS provides API-based integration with industry-leading learning management systems (LMS), making it the go-to choice for extending training into a real-world, hands-on environment.

RLS Key Benefits

Advantages of RLS range from easily accessible environments to enhanced revenue opportunities:

  • Fully maintained virtual lab services environment: Save the effort required to build and maintain a dedicated lab solution.
  • Dedicated virtual RLS environment: Eliminate the struggle of finding viable places to train, test, and demonstrate concepts.
  • POC and demonstration environments: Accelerate development projects so you can go-to-market faster.
  • Configured environments: Choose configurations from simple to complex according to your exact training, testing, or demonstration specifications.
  • Rapidly remedy problems: Access 24x7x365 expert platform support.
  • Grow revenue: Provide on-demand sales demos and PoC environments to give your clients a hands-on solution experience to build their trust.

"The launch of RLS symbolizes a pivotal moment in empowering organizations while facilitating global workforce training and development with real-world scenarios to close deals faster," continued Litchford. "RLS is now available as an on-demand, pay-for-use solution globally, setting a new standard for workforce empowerment, sales facilitation, and application testing."

As a VMware Cloud Service Provider Pinnacle Partner, Rackspace Technology will host virtual labs at VMware Explore 2024 in Las Vegas Aug. 26 – 29, 2024, in the Hands-on Labs room at the Venetian Expo & Convention Center, Level 2, Hall B. In addition, attendees can visit Rackspace at Booth 1524.

Click here to learn more about Rackspace Lab Services (RLS)  

About Rackspace Technology

Rackspace Technology is a leading end-to-end, hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company. We can design, build, and operate our customers’ cloud environments across all major technology platforms, irrespective of technology stack or deployment model. We partner with our customers at every stage of their cloud journey, enabling them to modernize applications, build new products, and adopt innovative technologies.

Media Contact: Natalie Silva,


What is Rackspace Lab Services (RLS) and when was it launched?

Rackspace Lab Services (RLS) is a cloud SaaS solution for training, testing, and demonstration environments, launched by Rackspace Technology (RXT) on August 26, 2024.

How does Rackspace Lab Services (RLS) work?

RLS hosts the Broadcom VMware Lab Platform on Rackspace SDDC Flex, offering an on-demand, consumption-based service to simulate complex real-world environments.

What are the key features of Rackspace Lab Services (RLS)?

Key features of RLS include flexible distance learning, experiential learning, speed and scalability, and Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration with learning management systems.

How can Rackspace Lab Services (RLS) benefit businesses?

RLS can accelerate project timelines, facilitate quicker innovation, provide hands-on training environments, and offer opportunities for enhanced revenue through on-demand sales demos and PoC environments.

Where is Rackspace Technology (RXT) showcasing Rackspace Lab Services?

Rackspace Technology is showcasing RLS at VMware Explore 2024 in Las Vegas, from August 26-29, 2024, at the Venetian Expo & Convention Center, Booth 1524.

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