CORRECTION - Recursion Provides Business Updates and Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results
Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX) issued a correction to its earlier press release regarding its second quarter 2024 financial results. The company clarified that its earnings call took place earlier in the morning on Aug 8, 2024 at 8:30 am Eastern Time / 6:30 am Mountain Time, rather than being scheduled for later in the afternoon as previously stated. The live stream of the call was broadcast from Recursion's X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and YouTube accounts, providing opportunities for questions. No other changes were made to the original release.
Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX) ha emesso una correzione al suo precedente comunicato stampa riguardo i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024. L'azienda ha chiarito che la call sugli utili si è svolta nella mattinata del 8 agosto 2024 alle 8:30 ora orientale / 6:30 ora delle Montagne, anziché essere programmata per il pomeriggio come precedentemente indicato. La diretta della call è stata trasmessa dai profili di Recursion su X (ex Twitter), LinkedIn e YouTube, offrendo opportunità per domande. Non sono state apportate ulteriori modifiche al comunicato originale.
Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX) emitió una corrección a su comunicado de prensa anterior sobre los resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024. La empresa aclaró que su llamada de ganancias tuvo lugar más temprano en la mañana del 8 de agosto de 2024 a las 8:30 a.m. hora del Este / 6:30 a.m. hora de las Montañas, en lugar de estar programada para más tarde en la tarde como se había indicado anteriormente. La transmisión en vivo de la llamada se realizó desde las cuentas de Recursion en X (anteriormente Twitter), LinkedIn y YouTube, brindando oportunidades para preguntas. No se realizaron otros cambios en el comunicado original.
Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과에 대한 이전 보도 자료를 수정했습니다. 회사는 실적 발표 전화 회의가 2024년 8월 8일 오전 8시 30분 동부 표준시 / 오전 6시 30분 산악 표준시에 이루어졌으며, 이전에 언급한 대로 오후에 예정되어 있지 않다고 명확히 했습니다. 전화 회의의 생중계는 Recursion의 X (이전 Twitter), LinkedIn 및 YouTube 계정에서 방송되었으며, 질문 기회를 제공했습니다. 원래 발표에는 다른 변경 사항이 없었습니다.
Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX) a émis une correction à son précédent communiqué de presse concernant les résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre 2024. La société a précisé que son appel sur les bénéfices a eu lieu plus tôt dans la matinée du 8 août 2024 à 8h30 heure de l'Est / 6h30 heure des montagnes, et non pas programmé pour plus tard dans l'après-midi comme précédemment indiqué. Le flux en direct de l'appel a été diffusé depuis les comptes de Recursion sur X (anciennement Twitter), LinkedIn et YouTube, offrant des opportunités de poser des questions. Aucun autre changement n'a été apporté au communiqué original.
Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX) hat eine Korrektur zu seiner früheren Pressemitteilung bezüglich der finanziellen Ergebnisse des zweiten Quartals 2024 herausgegeben. Das Unternehmen stellte klar, dass die Gewinnanruf am 8. August 2024 um 8:30 Uhr Eastern Time / 6:30 Uhr Mountain Time am Morgen stattfand und nicht, wie zuvor angegeben, für später am Nachmittag geplant war. Der Livestream des Anrufs wurde über die Konten von Recursion auf X (ehemals Twitter), LinkedIn und YouTube übertragen und bot die Möglichkeit für Fragen. Es wurden keine weiteren Änderungen an der ursprünglichen Mitteilung vorgenommen.
- None.
- None.
SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a release issued under the same headline earlier today by Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX), please note that in the first bullet under "Additional Corporate Updates", the company's conference call should have been mentioned as having already taken place earlier this morning, rather than coming up later this afternoon as previously stated. The corrected bullet should have read:
- L(earnings) Call: We will host a L(earnings) Call on Aug 8, 2024 at 8:30 am Eastern Time / 6:30 am Mountain Time. We will broadcast the live stream from Recursion’s X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and YouTube accounts and there will be opportunities to ask questions of the company.
The rest of the release remains unchanged.
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