Royce Small-Cap Trust, Inc. (NYSE-RVT) declares Third Quarter Common Stock Distribution of $0.28 Per Share

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Royce Small-Cap Trust (NYSE: RVT) has declared a quarterly distribution of $0.28 per share on its Common Stock, payable on September 23, 2024. The distribution follows the Fund's policy of paying quarterly distributions at an annual rate of 7% of the rolling average of prior four quarter-end NAVs. For the current distribution, 87% comes from net realized long-term gains, 13% from short-term gains, and a minimal amount from return of capital. The Fund's 5-year average annual total return is 11.95%, with a current annualized distribution rate of 6.36%. Year-to-date, RVT has achieved a cumulative total return of 11.51% and a cumulative fiscal year distribution rate of 4.71%.

Il Royce Small-Cap Trust (NYSE: RVT) ha dichiarato una distribuzione trimestrale di $0.28 per azione sulle sue azioni ordinarie, pagabile il 23 settembre 2024. La distribuzione segue la politica del Fondo di effettuare distribuzioni trimestrali a un tasso annuale del 7% rispetto alla media mobile dell'ultimo trimestre di NAV. Per la distribuzione attuale, il 87% proviene da guadagni netti realizzati a lungo termine, il 13% da guadagni a breve termine e una quantità minima dal rimborso di capitale. Il rendimento totale annuo medio a 5 anni del Fondo è dell'11.95%, con un tasso di distribuzione annualizzato attuale del 6.36%. Da inizio anno, RVT ha raggiunto un rendimento totale cumulativo dell'11.51% e un tasso di distribuzione cumulativa dell'anno fiscale del 4.71%.

El Royce Small-Cap Trust (NYSE: RVT) ha declarado una distribución trimestral de $0.28 por acción sobre sus acciones ordinarias, que se pagará el 23 de septiembre de 2024. La distribución sigue la política del Fondo de pagar distribuciones trimestrales a una tasa anual del 7% de la media móvil de los últimos cuatro valores de NAV. Para la distribución actual, el 87% proviene de ganancias netas realizadas a largo plazo, el 13% de ganancias a corto plazo y una cantidad mínima de reembolso de capital. El rendimiento total anual promedio a 5 años del Fondo es del 11.95%, con una tasa de distribución anualizada actual del 6.36%. Hasta la fecha, RVT ha logrado un rendimiento total acumulado del 11.51% y una tasa de distribución acumulada del año fiscal del 4.71%.

로이스 스몰캡 트러스트(NYSE: RVT)는 주당 $0.28의 분기 배당금을 공시하였으며, 이는 2024년 9월 23일에 지급될 예정입니다. 이 배당금은 펀드의 분기 배당금 지급 정책에 따라 연간 7%의 비율로 지난 4분기의 순자산가치(NAV) 평균에 기반하여 지급됩니다. 이번 분배에서 87%는 순 실현 장기 이익에서 나오고, 13%는 단기 이익에서 비롯되며, 자본 환급은 소액에 불과합니다. 펀드의 5년 평균 연간 총 수익률은 11.95%이며, 현재 연간 배당 수익률은 6.36%입니다. 연초부터 지금까지 RVT는 누적 총 수익률 11.51%을 달성하였고, 누적 회계 연도 배당률은 4.71%입니다.

Le Royce Small-Cap Trust (NYSE: RVT) a déclaré une distribution trimestrielle de $0.28 par action sur ses actions ordinaires, payable le 23 septembre 2024. La distribution suit la politique du Fonds de verser des distributions trimestrielles à un taux annuel de 7% de la moyenne mobile des quatre derniers NAV trimestriels. Pour la distribution actuelle, 87% provient de gains à long terme réalisés nets, 13% de gains à court terme et un montant minime du retour de capital. La performance totale annuelle moyenne sur 5 ans du Fonds est de 11.95%, avec un taux de distribution annualisé actuel de 6.36%. Depuis le début de l'année, RVT a atteint un rendement total cumulé de 11.51% et un taux de distribution cumulé pour l'année fiscale de 4.71%.

Der Royce Small-Cap Trust (NYSE: RVT) hat eine vierteljährliche Ausschüttung von $0.28 pro Aktie auf seine Stammaktien erklärt, die am 23. September 2024 zahlbar ist. Die Ausschüttung folgt der Richtlinie des Fonds, vierteljährliche Ausschüttungen zu einem jährlichen Satz von 7% des gleitenden Durchschnitts der letzten vier Quartalsenden NAV zu zahlen. Bei der aktuellen Ausschüttung stammen 87% aus nettorrealisierten langfristigen Gewinnen, 13% aus kurzfristigen Gewinnen und ein minimaler Betrag aus Rücknahme von Kapital. Die 5-Jahres-Durchschnittsjährliche Gesamtrendite des Fonds beträgt 11.95%, mit einem aktuellen annualisierten Ausschüttungsrate von 6.36%. Seit Jahresbeginn hat RVT eine kumulative Gesamtrendite von 11.51% und eine kumulierte Ausschüttungsrate des Geschäftsjahres von 4.71% erreicht.

  • Quarterly distribution of $0.28 per share declared
  • 5-year average annual total return of 11.95%
  • Year-to-date cumulative total return of 11.51%
  • 87% of distribution comes from net realized long-term gains
  • Minimal portion of distribution (0.21%) classified as return of capital

The $0.28 per share quarterly distribution by Royce Small-Cap Trust (RVT) is consistent with its policy of distributing 7% of the rolling average NAV. This demonstrates the fund's commitment to providing regular income to shareholders. However, investors should note that 87% of the distribution comes from realized long-term gains, not income. This suggests the fund's performance is driven more by capital appreciation than dividend-generating holdings.

The fund's 11.95% 5-year average annual total return is solid for a small-cap fund, indicating good stock selection. The 11.51% year-to-date return is also impressive, especially considering the challenging market conditions for small-caps in 2024. However, the high distribution rate of 6.36% may not be sustainable long-term if market conditions deteriorate, potentially leading to NAV erosion.

Investors should be aware of the tax implications of RVT's distribution. With 87% coming from long-term capital gains, most of the distribution will be taxed at the more favorable long-term capital gains rate for many investors. However, the 13% from short-term gains will be taxed as ordinary income.

The fund's disclosure that it may be distributing more than its income and realized gains, resulting in a return of capital, is crucial. While the current return of capital is minimal ($0.0006 per share), investors should monitor this. Persistent return of capital can erode the fund's asset base and may indicate unsustainable distribution levels. Remember, return of capital is generally not taxable but reduces your cost basis, potentially increasing future capital gains taxes.

NEW YORK, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Royce Small-Cap Trust, Inc. (NYSE-RVT) has declared a quarterly distribution of $0.28 per share on its Common Stock. The distribution, optionally payable in additional shares of Common Stock, or in cash by specific stockholder election, is to be paid on September 23, 2024 to stockholders of record at the close of business on September 13, 2024 (ex-dividend on September 13, 2024). The price of shares issued for reinvestment will be determined on September 20, 2024.

The Fund has adopted a Distribution Policy of paying quarterly distributions on its Common Stock. Distributions are being made at the annual rate of 7% of the rolling average of the prior four calendar quarter-end net asset values (NAVs), with the fourth quarter distribution being the greater of 1.75% of the rolling average or the minimum distribution required by IRS regulations. The policy, including the annual rate, is subject to change at the discretion of the Fund's Board of Directors.

The Fund estimates that it has distributed more than its income and net realized capital gains; therefore, a portion of your distribution may be a return of capital. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the money that you invested in the Fund is paid back to you. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect the Fund's investment performance and should not be confused with 'yield' or 'income'.

The Fund's estimated sources of the distribution to be paid on September 23, 2024 and for 2024 year-to-date are as follows:

Estimated Allocations as of August 31, 2024


Per Share

Net Investment

Net Realized

Net Realized

Return of



$0.00 (0 %)

$0.0364 (13 %)

$0.2430 (87 %)

$0.0006 (0 %)

Estimated Allocations for 2024 through August 31, 2024


Per Share

Net Investment

Net Realized

Net Realized

Return of



$0.00 (0 %)

$0.1081 (13 %)

$0.7202 (87 %)

$0.0017 (0 %)

You should not draw any conclusions about the Fund's investment performance from the amount of the current distribution or from the terms of the Fund's Distribution Policy. The amounts and sources of distributions reported herein are only estimates and are not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources of the amounts for tax reporting purposes will depend upon the Fund's investment experience during the remainder of its fiscal year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. The Fund will send you a Form 1099-DIV for the calendar year that will tell you how to report these distributions for federal income tax purposes.

Fund Performance and Distribution Rate Information:


Average Annual
Total Return (in
relation to NAV
for the 5-year
period ending on

Distribution Rate
(expressed as a
percentage of
NAV as of

Cumulative Total
Return (in relation
to NAV for the
fiscal year through

Cumulative Fiscal
Year Distribution
Rate (as a
percentage of
NAV as of


11.95 %

6.36 %

11.51 %

4.71 %

1    Average Annual Total Return in relation to NAV represents the compound average of the Annual NAV Total Returns of the Fund for the five-year period ended August 31, 2024. Annual NAV Total Return is the percentage change in the Fund's NAV over a year, assuming reinvestment of distributions paid.

2 The Annualized Current Distribution Rate is the current fiscal period's distribution rate annualized as a percentage of the Fund's NAV as of August 31, 2024.

3   Cumulative Total Return is the percentage change in the Fund's NAV from December 31, 2023 to August 31, 2024, assuming reinvestment of distributions paid.

4   The Cumulative Fiscal Year Distribution Rate is the dollar value of distributions for the fiscal year period (January 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024), as a percentage of the Fund's NAV as of August 31, 2024.

About Royce Small-Cap Trust, Inc.

Royce Small-Cap Trust, Inc. (the "Fund") is a closed-end diversified management investment company whose shares of Common Stock are listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange.  The Fund's primary investment goal is long-term capital growth.  Effective May 1, 2024, the Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in equity securities of small-cap companies (i.e., those that have a market capitalization not greater than that of the largest company in the Russell 2000® Index at the time of its most recent reconstitution) under normal circumstances.

Contact: Peter Hoglund, (800) 348-1414

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SOURCE Royce Value Trust, Inc.


What is the quarterly distribution amount for Royce Small-Cap Trust (RVT) in Q3 2024?

Royce Small-Cap Trust (RVT) has declared a quarterly distribution of $0.28 per share for the third quarter of 2024.

When is the ex-dividend date for RVT's Q3 2024 distribution?

The ex-dividend date for RVT's Q3 2024 distribution is September 13, 2024.

What is RVT's annualized current distribution rate as of August 31, 2024?

RVT's annualized current distribution rate is 6.36% as of August 31, 2024.

What is the 5-year average annual total return for RVT as of August 31, 2024?

RVT's 5-year average annual total return is 11.95% as of August 31, 2024.

Royce Small-Cap Trust, Inc.


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