Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness CEO Kathryn A. Walker to Speak at The AANA Annual Congress on Psychedelics in Anesthesia

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Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness CEO Kathryn A. Walker is set to speak at the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiologists (AANA) Annual Congress on August 5, 2024, in San Diego. Her presentation, titled 'Entering the World of Psychedelics as an Anesthesia Professional,' will explore the emerging field of psychedelic medicines and their relevance to nurse anesthetists.

The session will cover key topics including:

  • Identification of psychedelic medicines and their legal approval status
  • Pharmacologic nature of psychedelic medications and their applications
  • Guidelines for working in the outpatient community

Walker emphasizes the transformative potential of psychotropic medications in healthcare, particularly for mental health and complex conditions management. The presentation aims to provide valuable insights for CRNAs looking to contribute to this evolving field.

Kathryn A. Walker, CEO di Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness, parlerà al Congresso Annuale dell'American Association of Nurse Anesthesiologists (AANA) il 5 agosto 2024 a San Diego. La sua presentazione, intitolata 'Entrare nel Mondo degli Psichedelici come Professionista dell'Anestesia.', esplorerà il campo emergente dei medicinali psichedelici e la loro rilevanza per gli infermieri anestesisti.

La sessione coprirà argomenti chiave tra cui:

  • Identificazione dei medicinali psichedelici e il loro stato di approvazione legale
  • Natura farmacologica dei farmaci psichedelici e le loro applicazioni
  • Linee guida per lavorare nella comunità ambulatoriale

Walker sottolinea il potenziale trasformativo dei farmaci psicoattivi nella sanità, in particolare per quanto riguarda la salute mentale e la gestione di condizioni complesse. La presentazione ha l'obiettivo di fornire preziose informazioni ai CRNA che desiderano contribuire a questo campo in evoluzione.

Kathryn A. Walker, CEO de Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness, estará hablando en el Congreso Anual de la Asociación Americana de Anestesiólogos Enfermeros (AANA) el 5 de agosto de 2024 en San Diego. Su presentación, titulada 'Entrando al Mundo de los Psicodélicos como Profesional de Anestesia.', explorará el campo emergente de los medicamentos psicodélicos y su relevancia para los enfermeros anestesistas.

La sesión cubrirá temas clave, incluyendo:

  • Identificación de los medicamentos psicodélicos y su estado de aprobación legal
  • Naturaleza farmacológica de los medicamentos psicodélicos y sus aplicaciones
  • Directrices para trabajar en la comunidad ambulatoria

Walker enfatiza el potencial transformador de los medicamentos psicoactivos en la atención médica, particularmente para la salud mental y el manejo de condiciones complejas. La presentación tiene como objetivo proporcionar información valiosa a los CRNA que buscan contribuir a este campo en evolución.

Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness의 CEO인 Kathryn A. Walker가 2024년 8월 5일 샌디에이고에서 열리는 미국 간호 마취사 협회(AANA) 연례 총회에서 발표할 예정입니다. 그녀의 발표 제목은 '마취 전문가로서의 환각제 세계에 들어가기'로, 환각제 의약품의 새로운 분야와 그들이 간호 마취사에게 미치는 관련성을 탐구할 것입니다.

이 세션에서는 다음과 같은 주요 주제를 다룰 것입니다:

  • 환각제 의약품의 식별 및 법적 승인 상태
  • 환각제 약물의 약리학적 성질 및 그 응용
  • 외래 환자 커뮤니티에서 일하기 위한 지침

Walker는 정신 건강 및 복잡한 질환 관리를 위해 의료 분야에서의 정신 작용 약물의 변혁적인 잠재력을 강조합니다. 이 발표는 진화하는 이 분야에 기여하고자 하는 CRNA들에게 귀중한 통찰을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Kathryn A. Walker, PDG de Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness, est prévue pour intervenir lors du Congrès Annuel de l'Association Américaine des Infirmières Anesthésistes (AANA) le 5 août 2024 à San Diego. Sa présentation, intitulée 'Entrer dans le Monde des Psychédéliques en tant que Professionnel de l'Anesthésie.', explorera le domaine émergent des médecines psychédéliques et leur pertinence pour les infirmiers anesthésistes.

La session abordera des sujets clés, notamment :

  • Identification des médicaments psychédéliques et leur statut d'approbation légale
  • Nature pharmacologique des médicaments psychédéliques et leurs applications
  • Directives pour travailler dans la communauté ambulatoire

Walker souligne le potentiel transformateur des médicaments psychoactifs dans le secteur de la santé, en particulier pour la santé mentale et la gestion des conditions complexes. La présentation vise à fournir des informations précieuses aux CRNAs désireux de contribuer à ce domaine en pleine évolution.

Kathryn A. Walker, CEO von Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness, wird am 5. August 2024 auf dem Jahreskongress der American Association of Nurse Anesthesiologists (AANA) in San Diego sprechen. Ihr Vortrag mit dem Titel 'Eintauchen in die Welt der Psychedelika als Anästhesie-Fachkraft.' wird sich mit dem aufkommenden Bereich der psychedelischen Medizin und deren Relevanz für Anästhesiepfleger befassen.

Die Sitzung wird wichtige Themen behandeln, darunter:

  • Identifizierung von psychedelischen Medikamenten und deren rechtlichem Genehmigungsstatus
  • Pharmakologische Natur der psychedelischen Medikamente und deren Anwendungen
  • Richtlinien für die Arbeit in der ambulanten Gemeinschaft

Walker betont das transformative Potenzial von psychoaktiven Medikamenten im Gesundheitswesen, insbesondere im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit und des Managements komplexer Erkrankungen. Der Vortrag zielt darauf ab, wertvolle Einblicke für CRNAs zu bieten, die zu diesem sich entwickelnden Bereich beitragen möchten.

  • None.
  • None.

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 31, 2024) - Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness Ltd. (CSE: CALM) (OTC: RVLWF) (FSE: 4DO) (the "Company") announces that Kathryn A. Walker, CEO of Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness Ltd., will be presenting at the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiologists (AANA) Annual Congress. The event will take place from August 2-6, 2024, at the San Diego Convention Center.

Walker's session, "Entering the World of Psychedelics as an Anesthesia Professional," is scheduled for August 5, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM PT in Hall B on the Lower Level.

In this session, Walker will delve into the emerging field of psychedelic medicines and their relevance to nurse anesthetists. With psychedelic therapies rapidly advancing in both medical and mental health contexts, Walker will discuss how these medications can enhance anesthesia practices, including medication delivery techniques and therapeutic communication styles.

The session will cover the following learning objectives:

  • Identification of psychedelic medicines and their legal approval dates at both federal and state levels.
  • Understanding the pharmacologic nature of psychedelic medications and their applications in mental health, pain syndromes, and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • General concepts for working in the outpatient community and the requirements for meeting state and federal guidelines as a practitioner.

"Psychotropic medications are becoming a transformative element in healthcare, offering new opportunities for improving mental health and managing complex conditions," said Kathryn A. Walker. "Nurse anesthetists are uniquely equipped to lead in this evolving field, and our session will provide valuable insights into how CRNAs can leverage their expertise to contribute to this exciting area."

Attendees can earn Class A credit by participating in the live session in-person or via live webinar. Please note that recorded sessions will not be available immediately following the Congress due to CE guidelines.

For more information and to register for the event, please visit AANA Annual Congress or access the presentation details directly at AANA 2024 Presentation.

About Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness Ltd. Revitalist (CSE: CALM) (OTC: RVLWF) (FSE: 4DO) Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness Ltd. (CSE: CALM) (OTC: RVLWF) (FSE: 4DO) is a mental health and wellness company focused on comprehensive care in the ketamine wellness space offering innovative, evidenced based services. The Company operates through physical locations and virtual offices across the United States and the British Virgin Islands.

Founded and led by Kathryn Walker, an advanced provider in the psychedelic space, Revitalist is at the forefront of this emerging field. Visit for more information.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions and accordingly, actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. You are hence cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of present or historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements with respect to Revitalist™' future business plans and partnerships. Forward-looking statements include words or expressions such as "proposed", "anticipated", "will", "subject to", "near future", "in the event", "would", "expect", "prepared to" and other similar words or expressions and include, but are not limited to: the ability of Revitalist™ to secure patent protection; the regulatory environment in which Revitalist™ operates; the ability of Revitalist™ to carry out its business plans and unforeseen challenges in carrying out such plans; trends in the future use of psychedelics; general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; the state of capital markets; and other unforeseen events, developments, or factors causing any of the aforesaid expectations, assumptions, and other factors ultimately being inaccurate or irrelevant. The forward-looking information contained in this news release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. We disclaim any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law.

PR Contact
Kristina Spionjak

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


When and where is Kathryn A. Walker speaking at the AANA Annual Congress?

Kathryn A. Walker is speaking on August 5, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM PT in Hall B on the Lower Level of the San Diego Convention Center.

What is the topic of Kathryn A. Walker's presentation at the AANA Annual Congress?

The topic of her presentation is 'Entering the World of Psychedelics as an Anesthesia Professional,' focusing on the emerging field of psychedelic medicines and their relevance to nurse anesthetists.

What are the key learning objectives of Walker's session at the AANA Annual Congress?

The key learning objectives include identifying psychedelic medicines and their legal status, understanding their pharmacologic nature and applications, and grasping general concepts for working in the outpatient community while meeting state and federal guidelines.

How can attendees earn credit for attending Walker's session at the AANA Annual Congress?

Attendees can earn Class A credit by participating in the live session in-person or via live webinar. Recorded sessions will not be immediately available for credit due to CE guidelines.

What is the stock symbol for Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness on the OTC market?

The stock symbol for Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness on the OTC market is RVLWF.



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Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians)
Health Care and Social Assistance
United States of America