Russel Metals to Redeem All of its Outstanding 5.75% Notes Due October 27, 2025

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Russel Metals Inc. (TSX: RUS) has announced the redemption of all its outstanding 5.75% senior unsecured notes due October 27, 2025, effective October 27, 2024. The redemption price will be 100% of the aggregate principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest. This action covers the entire original $150 million principal amount of the Notes.

Martin L. Juravsky, Executive Vice President and CFO, stated that this redemption will reduce interest expenses and increase financial flexibility while maintaining strong liquidity. It marks the final step in removing Russel's legacy high yield debt structure, following the May 2024 redemption of $150 million of 6% senior unsecured notes and the July 2024 establishment of a new $600 million investment grade unsecured bank credit facility.

Russel Metals Inc. (TSX: RUS) ha annunciato il riscatto di tutte le sue note senior non garantite con un tasso del 5,75% in scadenza il 27 ottobre 2025, a partire dal 27 ottobre 2024. Il prezzo di riscatto sarà del 100% dell'importo principale totale più gli interessi maturati e non pagati. Questa operazione comprende l'intero importo principale originale di 150 milioni di dollari delle note.

Martin L. Juravsky, Vicepresidente Esecutivo e CFO, ha dichiarato che questo riscatto ridurrà le spese per interessi e incrementerà la flessibilità finanziaria mantenendo una forte liquidità. Costituisce l'ultimo passo per rimuovere la struttura del debito ad alto rendimento ereditata da Russel, dopo il riscatto di 150 milioni di dollari di note senior non garantite al 6% nel maggio 2024 e l'istituzione, nel luglio 2024, di una nuova linea di credito bancaria non garantita da 600 milioni di dollari con rating investment grade.

Russel Metals Inc. (TSX: RUS) ha anunciado el rescate de todas sus notas senior no garantizadas con un interés del 5,75% que vencen el 27 de octubre de 2025, efectivo a partir del 27 de octubre de 2024. El precio de rescate será del 100% del monto principal total más los intereses acumulados y no pagados. Esta acción cubre el monto principal original total de 150 millones de dólares de las notas.

Martin L. Juravsky, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y CFO, declaró que este rescate reducirá los gastos por intereses y aumentará la flexibilidad financiera manteniendo una sólida liquidez. Marca el paso final para eliminar la estructura de deuda de alto rendimiento heredada de Russel, luego del rescate de 150 millones de dólares de notas senior no garantizadas al 6% en mayo de 2024 y el establecimiento en julio de 2024 de una nueva línea de crédito bancaria no garantizada de 600 millones de dólares con grado de inversión.

Russel Metals Inc. (TSX: RUS)는 2025년 10월 27일 만기인 모든 5.75% 선순위 무담보 채권을 2024년 10월 27일부터 상환한다고 발표했습니다. 상환 가격은 총 원금의 100%와 발생했지만 미지급된 이자가 포함됩니다. 이 조치는 채권의 전체 원금인 1억 5000만 달러를 포함합니다.

Martin L. Juravsky, 부사장 겸 CFO는 이 상환이 이자 비용을 줄이고 재정적 유연성을 증가시킬 것이며 강력한 유동성을 유지할 것이라고 밝혔습니다. 이는 2024년 5월 6% 선순위 무담보 채권 1억 5000만 달러의 상환 및 2024년 7월 6억 달러의 투자 등급 무담보 은행 신용 시설의 설립에 이어 Russel의 유산인 고수익 부채 구조를 제거하는 마지막 단계입니다.

Russel Metals Inc. (TSX: RUS) a annoncé le rachat de toutes ses obligations senior non sécurisées à 5,75 % arrivant à échéance le 27 octobre 2025, à partir du 27 octobre 2024. Le prix de rachat sera de 100 % du montant principal total, plus les intérêts courus et non payés. Cette action couvre l'ensemble du montant principal original de 150 millions de dollars des Obligations.

Martin L. Juravsky, Vice-Président Exécutif et CFO, a déclaré que ce rachat réduira les frais d'intérêt et augmentera la flexibilité financière tout en maintenant une forte liquidité. Cela marque la dernière étape pour éliminer la structure de dettes à haut rendement héritée de Russel, suite au rachat en mai 2024 de 150 millions de dollars d'obligations senior non sécurisées à 6 % et à la mise en place en juillet 2024 d'une nouvelle ligne de crédit bancaire non sécurisée de 600 millions de dollars avec une note de crédit d'investissement.

Russel Metals Inc. (TSX: RUS) hat die Rückzahlung aller ausstehenden 5,75% Senior Unsecured Notes, die am 27. Oktober 2025 fällig werden, zum 27. Oktober 2024 angekündigt. Der Rückzahlungspreis beträgt 100% des Gesamtnennbetrags zuzüglich aufgelaufener und unbezahlter Zinsen. Diese Maßnahme umfasst den gesamten ursprünglichen Nennbetrag von 150 Millionen US-Dollar der Anleihen.

Martin L. Juravsky, Executive Vice President und CFO, erklärte, dass diese Rückzahlung Zinskosten senken und finanzielle Flexibilität erhöhen wird, während eine starke Liquidität aufrechterhalten wird. Es markiert den letzten Schritt zur Beseitigung der veralteten Hochzinsverschuldungsstruktur von Russel, nach der Rückzahlung von 150 Millionen US-Dollar an 6% Senior Unsecured Notes im Mai 2024 und der Einrichtung einer neuen unbesicherten Bankkreditfazilität in Höhe von 600 Millionen US-Dollar mit Investment-Grade im Juli 2024.

  • Redemption of $150 million 5.75% senior unsecured notes
  • Reduction in interest expenses
  • Increased financial flexibility
  • Removal of legacy high yield debt structure
  • New $600 million investment grade unsecured bank credit facility established in July 2024
  • None.

TORONTO, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Russel Metals Inc. (TSX: RUS) today gave notice to redeem its 5.75% senior unsecured notes due October 27, 2025 (the "Notes") effective October 27, 2024, at a price equal to 100% of the aggregate principal amount of the Notes to be redeemed plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon. This redemption represents all of the original $150 million principal amount of the Notes.

Martin L. Juravsky, Executive Vice President and CFO commented, "This redemption will reduce Russel's interest expense and increase our future financial flexibility, while maintaining strong ongoing liquidity. This redemption is the final step in removing our legacy high yield debt structure, following the May, 2024 redemption of $150 million of 6% senior unsecured notes and in July 2024 entering into our new $600 million investment grade unsecured bank credit facility".

About Russel Metals Inc.

Russel Metals is one of the largest metals distribution companies in North America with a growing focus on value-added processing. It carries on business in three segments: metals service centers, energy field stores and steel distributors. Its network of metals service centers carries an extensive line of metal products in a wide range of sizes, shapes and specifications, including carbon hot rolled and cold finished steel, pipe and tubular products, stainless steel, aluminum and other non-ferrous specialty metals. Its energy field stores carry a specialized product line focused on the needs of energy industry customers. Its steel distributors operations act as master distributors selling steel in large volumes to other steel service centers and large equipment manufacturers mainly on an "as is" basis.

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SOURCE Russel Metals Inc.


When will Russel Metals (RUSMF) redeem its 5.75% senior unsecured notes?

Russel Metals will redeem its 5.75% senior unsecured notes on October 27, 2024.

What is the redemption price for Russel Metals' (RUSMF) 5.75% notes?

The redemption price is 100% of the aggregate principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest.

How much is the principal amount of Russel Metals' (RUSMF) 5.75% notes being redeemed?

The entire original $150 million principal amount of the 5.75% notes is being redeemed.

What new credit facility did Russel Metals (RUSMF) establish in July 2024?

Russel Metals established a new $600 million investment grade unsecured bank credit facility in July 2024.



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United States of America