Sunrun and Tesla Partner to Support Texas Power Grid Using Residential Solar-Plus-Battery Systems

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Sunrun (Nasdaq: RUN), the leading clean energy subscription service provider, has partnered with Tesla Electric to create a customer-driven power plant in Texas using residential solar-plus-battery systems. The program has enrolled over 150 Sunrun customers and aims to dispatch stored solar energy from home batteries to increase electricity reserves during high consumption periods.

This partnership marks Sunrun's first operational aggregated power plant program in Texas, addressing recent grid vulnerabilities and power outages. Participating customers will receive compensation, estimated at $400 per Powerwall for 2024, while retaining energy for backup during outages. Sunrun will earn incremental recurring revenue from the program.

The initiative aligns with ERCOT's efforts to diversify and strengthen the power grid through the Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources Task Force. With nearly one million customers and over 116,000 installed storage systems, Sunrun aims to enhance grid resilience and provide homeowners with energy security and independence.

Sunrun (Nasdaq: RUN), il principale fornitore di servizi di abbonamento per l'energia pulita, ha collaborato con Tesla Electric per creare una centrale elettrica su base clientelare in Texas utilizzando sistemi solari residenziali con batterie. Il programma ha iscritto oltre 150 clienti di Sunrun e punta a distribuire l'energia solare immagazzinata dalle batterie domestiche per aumentare le riserve elettriche durante i periodi di alta domanda.

Questa collaborazione segna il primo programma operativo di centrale elettrica aggregata di Sunrun in Texas, affrontando le recenti vulnerabilità della rete e le interruzioni di energia. I clienti partecipanti riceveranno un compenso, stimato in $400 per Powerwall nel 2024, mantenendo energia come riserva durante le interruzioni. Sunrun guadagnerà un reddito ricorrente incrementale dal programma.

L'iniziativa è in linea con gli sforzi dell'ERCOT per diversificare e rafforzare la rete elettrica attraverso il Gruppo di lavoro sulle Risorse Energetiche Distribuite Aggregate. Con quasi un milione di clienti e oltre 116.000 sistemi di stoccaggio installati, Sunrun mira a migliorare la resilienza della rete e a fornire sicurezza energetica e indipendenza ai proprietari di casa.

Sunrun (Nasdaq: RUN), el principal proveedor de servicios de suscripción de energía limpia, se ha asociado con Tesla Electric para crear una planta de energía impulsada por los clientes en Texas que utiliza sistemas solares residenciales con baterías. El programa ha inscrito a más de 150 clientes de Sunrun y tiene como objetivo distribuir la energía solar almacenada de las baterías del hogar para aumentar las reservas eléctricas durante períodos de alta demanda.

Esta asociación marca el primer programa operativo de planta de energía agregada de Sunrun en Texas, abordando las recientes vulnerabilidades de la red y cortes de energía. Los clientes participantes recibirán una compensación, estimada en $400 por Powerwall para 2024, mientras mantienen energía como respaldo durante cortes. Sunrun generará ingresos recurrentes incrementales del programa.

La iniciativa se alinea con los esfuerzos de ERCOT para diversificar y fortalecer la red eléctrica a través del Grupo de Trabajo de Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos Agregados. Con casi un millón de clientes y más de 116,000 sistemas de almacenamiento instalados, Sunrun busca mejorar la resiliencia de la red y proporcionar seguridad energética e independencia a los propietarios de viviendas.

Sunrun (Nasdaq: RUN)은 주요 청정 에너지 구독 서비스 제공업체로, Tesla Electric와 협력하여 텍사스에서 주택용 태양광 및 배터리 시스템을 활용한 고객 주도의 발전소를 만들었습니다. 이 프로그램은 150명 이상의 Sunrun 고객이 참여했으며, 고소비 기간 동안 가정용 배터리에서 저장된 태양광 에너지를 배분하여 전력 저장량을 증대시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이번 파트너십은 Sunrun의 텍사스에서의 첫 번째 운영 집합 발전소 프로그램으로, 최근의 전력망 취약성과 정전 문제를 해결하고 있습니다. 참여 고객들은 2024년 Powerwall 당 예상 400달러의 보상을 받을 수 있으며, 정전 발생 시 에너지를 백업으로 유지할 수 있습니다. Sunrun은 이 프로그램에서 점진적인 반복 수익을 얻을 것입니다.

이 이니셔티브는 전력망을 다양화하고 강화하기 위한 ERCOT의 노력과 일치하며, 집합 분산 에너지 자원 태스크포스를 통해 이루어지고 있습니다. 거의 백만 명의 고객과 116,000개 이상의 설치된 저장 시스템을 보유한 Sunrun은 전력망의 회복력을 향상시키고 주택 소유자에게 에너지 보안과 독립성을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Sunrun (Nasdaq: RUN), le principal fournisseur de services d'abonnement en énergie propre, s'est associé à Tesla Electric pour créer une centrale électrique pilotée par les clients au Texas à l'aide de systèmes solaires résidentiels avec batteries. Le programme a enregistré plus de 150 clients de Sunrun et vise à distribuer l'énergie solaire stockée à partir des batteries domestiques pour augmenter les réserves d'électricité pendant les périodes de forte consommation.

Ce partenariat marque le premier programme opérationnel de centrale électrique agrégée de Sunrun au Texas, répondant aux vulnérabilités récentes du réseau et aux coupures de courant. Les clients participants recevront une compensation, estimée à 400 $ par Powerwall pour 2024, tout en maintenant de l'énergie en réserve en cas de panne. Sunrun générera des revenus récurrents supplémentaires grâce à ce programme.

Cette initiative s'inscrit dans les efforts d'ERCOT pour diversifier et renforcer le réseau électrique à travers le Groupe de travail sur les ressources énergétiques distribuées agrégées. Avec près d'un million de clients et plus de 116 000 systèmes de stockage installés, Sunrun vise à améliorer la résilience du réseau et à offrir aux propriétaires un accès sécurisé à l'énergie et une indépendance énergétique.

Sunrun (Nasdaq: RUN), der führende Anbieter von Abonnementdiensten für saubere Energie, hat sich mit Tesla Electric zusammengetan, um in Texas ein von Kunden betriebenes Kraftwerk mit solar- und batteriebasierten Systemen für Wohnhäuser zu schaffen. Das Programm hat über 150 Sunrun-Kunden aufgenommen und zielt darauf ab, in den Haushaltsbatterien gespeicherte Solarenergie während hoher Verbrauchszeiten bereitzustellen, um die Stromreserven zu erhöhen.

Diese Partnerschaft markiert Sunruns erstes operatives aggregiertes Kraftwerksprogramm in Texas, das auf jüngste Schwachstellen im Stromnetz und Stromausfälle reagiert. Die teilnehmenden Kunden erhalten eine Entschädigung, die für 2024 auf 400 USD pro Powerwall geschätzt wird, während sie Energie für Rücklagen in Ausfallsituationen behalten. Sunrun wird durch das Programm wiederkehrende zusätzliche Einnahmen erzielen.

Die Initiative steht im Einklang mit den Bemühungen von ERCOT, das Stromnetz durch die Arbeitsgruppe für aggregierte dezentrale Energiequellen zu diversifizieren und zu stärken. Mit fast einer Million Kunden und über 116.000 installierten Speichersystemen strebt Sunrun an, die Resilienz des Stromnetzes zu verbessern und Hausbesitzern Energiesicherheit und Unabhängigkeit zu bieten.

  • Partnership with Tesla Electric to create a customer-driven power plant in Texas
  • Enrolled over 150 Sunrun customers in the aggregated power program
  • Customers to receive compensation, estimated at $400 per Powerwall for 2024 participation
  • Sunrun to earn incremental recurring revenue from the program
  • Aligns with ERCOT's efforts to strengthen the power grid
  • Expands Sunrun's virtual power plant operations to Texas
  • None.


This partnership between Sunrun and Tesla Electric represents a significant step towards grid resilience in Texas. The creation of a customer-driven power plant using residential solar-plus-battery systems is innovative and timely, given recent grid challenges. Key points:

  • Over 150 Sunrun customers already enrolled, with plans to scale up
  • Potential yearly compensation of $400 per Powerwall for participants
  • Addresses Texas' grid vulnerabilities exposed by recent extreme weather events

This initiative aligns with ERCOT's efforts to diversify and strengthen the power grid, potentially reducing outage risks and lowering wholesale energy costs. For Sunrun, this represents a new revenue stream and market expansion opportunity in Texas.

This partnership has positive financial implications for both Sunrun and Tesla, as well as their customers:

  • Sunrun gains incremental recurring revenue from the program
  • Increased incentive for customers to choose Sunrun's solar-plus-battery systems
  • Tesla benefits from promoting Powerwall sales and its retail electricity service
  • Customers can earn up to $400 per Powerwall annually

The program's scalability and Sunrun's market leadership (1 million customers, 116,000 storage systems) suggest significant growth potential. This could lead to improved customer acquisition and retention rates, potentially boosting Sunrun's financial performance in the competitive Texas market.

This partnership marks a significant shift towards decentralized, renewable energy in Texas' power infrastructure. Key environmental and policy implications:

  • Aligns with ERCOT's Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources pilot program
  • Promotes adoption of residential solar and battery storage
  • Enhances grid resilience against extreme weather events
  • Potentially reduces reliance on fossil fuel peaker plants

By incentivizing homeowners to contribute to grid stability, this model could accelerate the transition to clean energy while addressing Texas' unique energy challenges. It sets a precedent for other states to follow, potentially influencing national energy policy towards more distributed, resilient systems.

Sunrun partners with retail electricity provider Tesla Electric to create a customer-driven power plant in Texas using customers’ solar-plus-battery systems

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sunrun (Nasdaq: RUN), the nation’s leading provider of clean energy as a subscription service, announced today that it has expanded its support for the energy grid in Texas with a partnership with Tesla Electric, a retail electricity provider operated by Tesla Energy Ventures LLC, a subsidiary of Tesla, Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA). The partnership has already enrolled more than 150 Sunrun customers in an aggregated power program and will scale up enrollments while dispatching stored solar energy from at-home batteries to rapidly increase available electricity reserves on the grid during periods of high consumption.

The ongoing partnership marks Sunrun’s first operational aggregated power plant program in the Lone Star State and comes just weeks after Hurricane Beryl caused widespread power outages impacting nearly 3 million homes and businesses. It also comes three years after the state’s devastating and deadly power grid meltdown during the winter storm in February 2021. Since both catastrophic events, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the state’s grid operator, has begun adopting ways to diversify and strengthen the power grid, including through the Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources Task Force.

“Texas grid has already experienced a traumatic spring and summer due to weather vulnerabilities and we know the state also needs more power to meet soaring demand on a daily basis. We’re eager to bring Sunrun’s on-demand battery response expertise to help make the grid more resilient against outages,” said Sunrun CEO Mary Powell. “Texas families are increasingly opting to add batteries to their solar installations. On-site energy storage not only provides homeowners peace of mind with outage protection but also enables them to participate in programs like these by contributing to solutions that better the lives of those in their communities.”

Severe weather events and soaring electricity demands in Texas highlight the importance of solar-plus-battery systems for residents seeking greater control, energy security, and independence. Sunrun will enhance these benefits through its partnership with Tesla Electric by enabling residents to receive compensation for sharing energy from their Tesla Powerwall batteries to help stabilize the electric grid for all Texans.

Sunrun customers who enroll will be participating in ERCOT’s Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources pilot program aimed at strengthening grid reliability by networking together customer-sited storage devices to serve as a resource for the wholesale electricity market. Additionally, customer Powerwall batteries will also help to lower the costs of energy at the wholesale level. The resulting energy cost savings will be shared with customers.

Customers will be compensated for their participation in the form of yearly payments, currently calculated at $400 per Powerwall for 2024 participation. In addition, customers will retain a portion of the stored energy in their batteries to provide back-up power to their homes in the event of a power outage. Sunrun will also earn incremental recurring revenue for the program.

Tesla Electric is one of Sunrun’s preferred Retail Electricity Providers for Sunrun customers in Texas because of its attractive rate structures and ability to participate in this power plant program. Sunrun customers with solar panels combined with a Tesla Powerwall battery are eligible to participate once they choose Tesla Electric as their electricity provider.

With nearly one million customers and more than 116,000 installed storage systems, Sunrun has a proven track record of incentivizing customers to support local power grids. Sunrun currently operates more than a dozen power plants across the country, including the largest single-owner virtual power plant program.

About Sunrun
Sunrun Inc. (Nasdaq: RUN) revolutionized the solar industry in 2007 by removing financial barriers and democratizing access to locally-generated, renewable energy. Today, Sunrun is the nation’s leading provider of clean energy as a subscription service, offering residential solar and storage with no upfront costs. Sunrun’s innovative products and solutions can connect homes to the cleanest energy on earth, providing them with energy security, predictability, and peace of mind. Sunrun also manages energy services that benefit communities, utilities, and the electric grid while enhancing customer value. Discover more at

Media Contact
Wyatt Semanek
Director, Corporate Communications

Investor & Analyst Contact
Patrick Jobin
SVP, Deputy CFO & Investor Relations Officer


What is the partnership between Sunrun and Tesla Electric in Texas?

Sunrun has partnered with Tesla Electric to create a customer-driven power plant in Texas using residential solar-plus-battery systems. The program aims to dispatch stored solar energy from home batteries to increase electricity reserves during high consumption periods.

How many customers has Sunrun (RUN) enrolled in the Texas power program?

Sunrun has enrolled over 150 customers in the aggregated power program in Texas and plans to scale up enrollments.

What compensation will Sunrun (RUN) customers receive for participating in the Texas power program?

Participating customers are expected to receive yearly payments, currently calculated at $400 per Powerwall for 2024 participation.

How does the Sunrun (RUN) and Tesla Electric partnership benefit the Texas power grid?

The partnership aims to strengthen grid reliability by networking customer-sited storage devices to serve as a resource for the wholesale electricity market, helping to stabilize the electric grid and lower energy costs at the wholesale level.

When did Sunrun (RUN) announce its partnership with Tesla Electric for the Texas power grid?

Sunrun announced its partnership with Tesla Electric for the Texas power grid on August 6, 2024.
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