Good Housekeeping Names Sunrun a ‘Sustainability Innovator’ in its 2025 Home Renovation Awards

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Sunrun, the leading provider of clean energy subscription services, has been recognized as a Sustainability Innovator in Good Housekeeping's 2025 Home Renovation Awards. The award highlights Sunrun's solar-plus-storage subscription service for its ability to protect families against rising energy costs and power outages.

Sunrun's CEO, Mary Powell, emphasized that their service offers customers independence and security from power outages and utility rate increases. Good Housekeeping praised Sunrun's 'Attainable Rooftop Solar' model, which allows homeowners to enjoy solar benefits without upfront costs. The company's subscription includes 24/7 system monitoring, 25-year free maintenance, and an industry-leading Performance Guarantee.

Sunrun's systems not only benefit individual households but also contribute to community grid stability through virtual power plant programs in certain markets. Good Housekeeping's recognition followed a rigorous evaluation process, involving 10,000 hours of hands-on testing and expert judgement.

Sunrun, il principale fornitore di servizi di abbonamento per energia pulita, è stato riconosciuto come Innovatore della Sostenibilità nei Good Housekeeping's 2025 Home Renovation Awards. Questo premio evidenzia il servizio di abbonamento solare con accumulo di Sunrun per la sua capacità di proteggere le famiglie contro l'aumento dei costi energetici e le interruzioni di corrente.

Il CEO di Sunrun, Mary Powell, ha sottolineato che il loro servizio offre ai clienti indipendenza e sicurezza dalle interruzioni di corrente e dagli aumenti delle tariffe di fornitura energetica. Good Housekeeping ha elogiato il modello di Sunrun 'Attainable Rooftop Solar', che consente ai proprietari di casa di godere dei vantaggi del solare senza costi iniziali. L'abbonamento dell'azienda include monitoraggio del sistema 24/7, 25 anni di manutenzione gratuita e una garanzia di prestazioni leader nel settore.

I sistemi di Sunrun non solo beneficiano i singoli nuclei familiari, ma contribuiscono anche alla stabilità della rete comunitaria attraverso programmi di centrale elettrica virtuale in alcuni mercati. Il riconoscimento di Good Housekeeping è seguito a un rigoroso processo di valutazione, che ha coinvolto 10.000 ore di test pratici e giudizi di esperti.

Sunrun, el principal proveedor de servicios de suscripción de energía limpia, ha sido reconocido como Innovador en Sostenibilidad en los Premios de Renovación del Hogar 2025 de Good Housekeeping. Este premio destaca el servicio de suscripción de solar más almacenamiento de Sunrun por su capacidad de proteger a las familias contra el aumento de los costos de energía y los cortes de electricidad.

La CEO de Sunrun, Mary Powell, enfatizó que su servicio ofrece a los clientes independencia y seguridad ante cortes de energía y aumentos en las tarifas de servicios públicos. Good Housekeeping elogió el modelo de Sunrun 'Solar en Techos Accesible', que permite a los propietarios disfrutar de los beneficios solares sin costos iniciales. La suscripción de la empresa incluye monitoreo del sistema las 24 horas, mantenimiento gratuito durante 25 años y una Garantía de Rendimiento líder en la industria.

Los sistemas de Sunrun no solo benefician a los hogares individuales, sino que también contribuyen a la estabilidad de la red comunitaria a través de programas de planta de energía virtual en ciertos mercados. El reconocimiento de Good Housekeeping siguió a un riguroso proceso de evaluación, que incluyó 10,000 horas de pruebas prácticas y juicios de expertos.

Sunrun은 클린 에너지 구독 서비스의 선두 제공업체로, Good Housekeeping의 2025년 주택 개조상에서 지속 가능성 혁신가로 인정받았습니다. 이 상은 에너지 비용 상승과 정전으로부터 가정을 보호하는 능력을 가진 Sunrun의 태양광 + 저장 시스템 구독 서비스를 강조합니다.

Sunrun의 CEO인 Mary Powell은 이 서비스가 고객에게 정전과 공공요금 상승으로부터의 독립성과 안전을 제공한다고 강조했습니다. Good Housekeeping은 고객이 초기 비용 없이 태양광의 혜택을 누릴 수 있도록 하는 Sunrun의 ‘접근 가능한 옥상 태양광’ 모델을 칭찬했습니다. 회사의 구독 서비스에는 24/7 시스템 모니터링, 25년 무료 유지보수, 업계 선두의 성능 보장이 포함됩니다.

Sunrun의 시스템은 개별 가정에 이익을 주는 것뿐만 아니라 특정 시장에서 가상 발전소 프로그램을 통해 지역 사회의 전력망 안정성에도 기여합니다. Good Housekeeping의 인정은 10,000시간의 실험과 전문가의 평가를 포함한 엄격한 평가 과정을 거친 결과입니다.

Sunrun, le principal fournisseur de services d'abonnement d'énergie propre, a été reconnu comme Innovateur en Durabilité dans les Good Housekeeping's 2025 Home Renovation Awards. Ce prix souligne le service d'abonnement solaire avec stockage de Sunrun pour sa capacité à protéger les familles contre la hausse des coûts énergétiques et les pannes de courant.

La CEO de Sunrun, Mary Powell, a souligné que leur service offre aux clients indépendance et sécurité face aux pannes de courant et aux augmentations tarifaires. Good Housekeeping a loué le modèle 'Solar sur toiture accessible' de Sunrun, qui permet aux propriétaires de bénéficier des avantages solaires sans coûts initiaux. L'abonnement de l'entreprise comprend une surveillance système 24/7, 25 ans de maintenance gratuite et une garantie de performance leader dans l'industrie.

Les systèmes de Sunrun bénéficient non seulement aux ménages individuels, mais contribuent également à la stabilité du réseau communautaire grâce à des programmes de centrale électrique virtuelle dans certains marchés. La reconnaissance de Good Housekeeping a suivi un processus d'évaluation rigoureux, impliquant 10 000 heures de tests pratiques et de jugements d'experts.

Sunrun, der führende Anbieter von sauberen Energie-Abonnementdiensten, wurde als Innovator für Nachhaltigkeit bei den 2025 Home Renovation Awards von Good Housekeeping ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnung hebt Sunruns Solar-Plus-Speicherung-Abonnementdienst hervor, der Familien vor steigenden Energiekosten und Stromausfällen schützt.

Die CEO von Sunrun, Mary Powell, betonte, dass ihr Service den Kunden Unabhängigkeit und Sicherheit vor Stromausfällen und erhöhten Tarifen bietet. Good Housekeeping lobte Sunruns 'Erreichbare Dachsolaranlage'-Modell, welches es Hauseigentümern ermöglicht, Solarvorteile ohne Vorabkosten zu genießen. Das Abonnement des Unternehmens umfasst eine 24/7-Systemüberwachung, 25 Jahre kostenlosen Wartungsservice und eine branchenführende Leistungsgarantie.

Die Systeme von Sunrun kommen nicht nur einzelnen Haushalten zugute, sondern tragen auch zur Netzstabilität der Gemeinschaft durch virtuelle Kraftwerksprogramme in bestimmten Märkten bei. Die Anerkennung von Good Housekeeping folgte einem rigorosen Bewertungsprozess, der 10.000 Stunden praktischer Tests und Expertenurteile umfasste.

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Good Housekeeping’s trusted home renovation guide recognizes Sunrun’s solar-plus-storage subscription service for helping families protect against rising energy costs and power outages

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sunrun (Nasdaq: RUN), the nation’s leading provider of clean energy as a subscription service, announced today that its home solar-plus-storage subscription service was named a Sustainability Innovator in Good Housekeeping’s 2025 Home Renovation Awards.

“Our customers crave the feeling of independence and security that comes from being protected from power outages and—in many areas across the country—double-digit utility rate increases,” said Sunrun CEO Mary Powell. “Our subscription service is the ultimate home renovation upgrade because it adds immediate value to your home and life. Making energy security affordable by helping families across America tap into and store the cleanest energy on earth is our mission.”

“Good Housekeeping is proud to support a company like Sunrun that has helped bring rooftop solar, along with an array of other energy-saving solutions, to so many homeowners nationwide,” said Dan DiClerico, Director of Home Improvement and Outdoor at the Good Housekeeping Institute.

Good Housekeeping called Sunrun’s subscription service “Attainable Rooftop Solar” because it allows customers to enjoy the benefits of home solar and storage with no upfront costs.

“That’s why we like so-called solar-as-service models, whereby homeowners lease rooftop panels and all the accessories (mounting rack, inverter, electrical cables, etc.) through a solar company that also handles the installation and maintenance,” Good Housekeeping said. “Sunrun invented the concept in 2007, and it’s still the market leader.”

As severe weather and grid instability make power outages more frequent, Sunrun’s solar-plus-storage systems provide families with peace of mind that they can seamlessly keep their entire homes energized—even during prolonged blackouts.

Sunrun’s award-winning service not only benefits households, but also entire communities through virtual power plant programs in certain markets. By sharing their stored solar power back to the grid during peak times, Sunrun customers are compensated for bolstering the grid, reducing power outages, and helping control utility costs for all ratepayers.

Sunrun customers overwhelmingly choose the subscription service because it allows them to generate and store their own clean power with a predictable monthly payment. In addition, Sunrun’s subscriptions include 24/7 system monitoring, 25-year free maintenance and system repairs, 10-year workmanship warranty, and an industry-leading Performance Guarantee.

“We also like the add-on components available through Sunrun, including backup battery storage and a smart electrical panel that gives homeowners even more ways to reduce their energy usage,” Good Housekeeping added.

Founded in 1885, Good Housekeeping is a leading lifestyle media brand that currently inspires a monthly audience of 40-plus million readers. To find the best products and services for its 2025 Home Renovation Awards, Good Housekeeping spent a combined 10,000 hours getting hands-on with every submission. Much of the work took place in the Home Improvement & Outdoor Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute, evaluating factors like performance, safety and durability. Good Housekeeping also brought in outside judges, a trio of professionals with decades of experience in their respective fields, to get their expert take.

About Sunrun
Sunrun Inc. (Nasdaq: RUN) revolutionized the solar industry in 2007 by removing financial barriers and democratizing access to locally-generated, renewable energy. Today, Sunrun is the nation’s leading provider of clean energy as a subscription service, offering residential solar and storage with no upfront costs. Sunrun’s innovative products and solutions can connect homes to the cleanest energy on earth, providing them with energy security, predictability, and peace of mind. Sunrun also manages energy services that benefit communities, utilities, and the electric grid while enhancing customer value. Discover more at

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Wyatt Semanek
Director, Corporate Communications

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Patrick Jobin
SVP, Deputy CFO & Investor Relations Officer


What award did Sunrun (RUN) receive from Good Housekeeping in 2025?

Sunrun (RUN) was named a 'Sustainability Innovator' in Good Housekeeping's 2025 Home Renovation Awards for its solar-plus-storage subscription service.

How does Sunrun's (RUN) subscription service benefit homeowners?

Sunrun's subscription service allows homeowners to enjoy solar and storage benefits with no upfront costs, protection against power outages and rising energy costs, and includes 24/7 monitoring, 25-year free maintenance, and a Performance Guarantee.

What is Sunrun's (RUN) 'Attainable Rooftop Solar' model?

Sunrun's 'Attainable Rooftop Solar' model is a solar-as-service approach where homeowners lease rooftop panels and accessories, with Sunrun handling installation and maintenance, making solar energy more accessible.

How do Sunrun's (RUN) solar-plus-storage systems contribute to community grid stability?

In certain markets, Sunrun customers can participate in virtual power plant programs, sharing stored solar power back to the grid during peak times, helping to reduce outages and control utility costs for all ratepayers.

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