RTX STEP-Tech hybrid-electric demonstrator continues to progress in lab tests

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RTX has achieved a significant milestone in developing its hybrid-electric STEP-Tech demonstrator, validating sustained operation of key components and energy transfer through a high-voltage electrical network. The STEP-Tech program aims to prototype distributed propulsion concepts in the 100-500kW class, scalable to 1MW+, for various next-generation aircraft platforms.

The company has successfully tested the battery system's ability to start the thermal engine and use electrical power from the turbogenerator to charge propulsor motor batteries. These tests were conducted at RTX's Technology Research Center in East Hartford, Connecticut, featuring an 800-volt electrical architecture for aerospace applications.

RTX's hybrid-electric initiatives, including STEP-Tech, position the company to offer advanced propulsion technologies for improved fuel efficiency across various aircraft segments, supporting the aviation industry's goals of reduced carbon emissions and sustainable flight.

RTX ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo nello sviluppo del suo dimostratore ibrido-elettrico STEP-Tech, convalidando il funzionamento continuo di componenti chiave e il trasferimento di energia attraverso una rete elettrica ad alta tensione. Il programma STEP-Tech mira a prototipare concetti di propulsione distribuita nella classe 100-500kW, scalabile a oltre 1MW, per diverse piattaforme aeree di nuova generazione.

La società ha testato con successo la capacità del sistema di batterie di avviare il motore termico e utilizzare l'energia elettrica del turbogeneratore per caricare le batterie dei motori di propulsione. Questi test sono stati condotti presso il Centro di Ricerca Tecnologica di RTX a East Hartford, Connecticut, con un'architettura elettrica da 800 volt per applicazioni aerospaziali.

Le iniziative ibride-elettriche di RTX, incluso STEP-Tech, posizionano l'azienda per offrire tecnologie di propulsione avanzate per migliorare l'efficienza del carburante in vari segmenti di aerei, supportando gli obiettivi dell'industria aeronautica di ridurre le emissioni di carbonio e promuovere un volo sostenibile.

RTX ha logrado un hito significativo en el desarrollo de su demostrador híbrido-eléctrico STEP-Tech, validando el funcionamiento continuo de componentes clave y la transferencia de energía a través de una red eléctrica de alta tensión. El programa STEP-Tech tiene como objetivo prototipar conceptos de propulsión distribuida en la clase de 100-500kW, escalable a más de 1MW, para diversas plataformas de aeronaves de próxima generación.

La empresa ha probado con éxito la capacidad del sistema de baterías para arrancar el motor térmico y utilizar energía eléctrica del turbogenerador para cargar las baterías de los motores propulsores. Estas pruebas se llevaron a cabo en el Centro de Investigación Tecnológica de RTX en East Hartford, Connecticut, utilizando una arquitectura eléctrica de 800 voltios para aplicaciones aeroespaciales.

Las iniciativas híbrido-eléctricas de RTX, incluido STEP-Tech, posicionan a la empresa para ofrecer tecnologías de propulsión avanzadas para mejorar la eficiencia del combustible en varios segmentos de aeronaves, apoyando los objetivos de la industria de la aviación de reducir las emisiones de carbono y promover un vuelo sostenible.

RTX는 하이브리드 전기 STEP-Tech 시연기 개발에서 중요한 이정표를 달성했으며, 주요 구성 요소의 지속적인 작동과 고전압 전기 네트워크를 통한 에너지 전송을 검증했습니다. STEP-Tech 프로그램은 100-500kW 클래스의 분산 추진 개념을 프로토타입 하여 1MW 이상으로 확장 가능한 다양한 차세대 항공기 플랫폼을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

회사는 배터리 시스템이 열 엔진을 시작하고 터보 발전기에서 전력을 사용하여 추진 모터 배터리를 충전할 수 있는 능력을 성공적으로 테스트했습니다. 이 테스트는 코네티컷주 이스트 하트퍼드에 있는 RTX 기술 연구 센터에서 800볼트 항공 우주 응용 분야의 전기 아키텍처를 사용하여 수행되었습니다.

STEP-Tech를 포함한 RTX의 하이브리드 전기 이니셔티브는 다양한 항공기 부문에서 연료 효율성을 향상시키기 위한 첨단 추진 기술을 제공할 수 있는 회사로 자리매김하고 있으며, 항공 산업의 탄소 배출 감소 및 지속 가능한 비행 목표를 지원하고 있습니다.

RTX a atteint une étape importante dans le développement de son démonstrateur hybride-électrique STEP-Tech, validant le fonctionnement soutenu de composants clés et le transfert d'énergie à travers un réseau électrique haute tension. Le programme STEP-Tech vise à prototyper des concepts de propulsion distribuée dans la classe de 100 à 500 kW, évolutif à plus de 1 MW, pour diverses plateformes aériennes de nouvelle génération.

L'entreprise a testé avec succès la capacité du système de batteries à démarrer le moteur thermique et à utiliser l'énergie électrique du turbogénérateur pour charger les batteries des moteurs propulseurs. Ces tests ont été réalisés au Centre de Recherche Technologique d'RTX à East Hartford, Connecticut, utilisant une architecture électrique de 800 volts pour des applications aérospatiales.

Les initiatives hybrides-électriques de RTX, y compris STEP-Tech, positionnent l'entreprise pour offrir des technologies de propulsion avancées pour améliorer l'efficacité énergétique dans divers segments d'avions, soutenant les objectifs de l'industrie aéronautique en matière de réduction des émissions de carbone et de vol durable.

RTX hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in der Entwicklung seines hybrid-elektrischen STEP-Tech-Demonstrators erreicht, indem es den kontinuierlichen Betrieb von Schlüsselkomponenten und den Energietransfer über ein Hochvolt-Elektromerknetz validiert hat. Das STEP-Tech-Programm hat zum Ziel, Konzepte der verteilten Propulsion in der Klasse von 100-500kW zu prototypisieren, die auf über 1MW skalierbar sind, für verschiedene Plattformen von Flugzeugen der nächsten Generation.

Das Unternehmen hat erfolgreich die Fähigkeit des Batteriesystems getestet, den Thermomotor zu starten und elektrische Energie vom Turbogenerator zu nutzen, um die Batterien der Antriebsmaschinen aufzuladen. Diese Tests wurden im Technology Research Center von RTX in East Hartford, Connecticut, durchgeführt, das über eine 800-Volt-Elektroarchitektur für aerospace Anwendungen verfügt.

Die hybrid-elektrischen Initiativen von RTX, einschließlich STEP-Tech, positionieren das Unternehmen, um fortschrittliche Antriebstechnologien anzubieten, die die Kraftstoffeffizienz in verschiedenen Flugzeugsegmenten verbessern und die Ziele der Luftfahrtindustrie unterstützen, die Kohlenstoffemissionen zu reduzieren und nachhaltiges Fliegen zu fördern.

  • Successful validation of STEP-Tech demonstrator's key components and energy transfer
  • Potential applications for various next-generation aircraft platforms
  • Scalable technology from 100-500kW to 1MW and beyond
  • Positions RTX to offer advanced propulsion technologies for improved fuel efficiency
  • Supports aviation industry's goals of reduced carbon emissions and sustainable flight
  • None.

The completion of a major testing milestone for RTX's hybrid-electric STEP-Tech demonstrator is a significant achievement in the aerospace sector. This technology positions RTX as a pioneer in advanced propulsion systems, which can play a important role in the future of aviation. Hybrid-electric propulsion can result in substantial improvements in fuel efficiency, which directly translates to cost savings for airlines and reduced carbon emissions.

From a technological perspective, the validation of energy transfer between components of the STEP-Tech system is a critical step. This demonstrates the feasibility of integrating these advanced systems into future aircraft, potentially transforming the industry. Not only does this align with global sustainability goals, but it also places RTX at the forefront of innovation in aviation technology.

The modular nature of the STEP-Tech platform, capable of scaling from 100-500kW to 1MW and beyond, is particularly noteworthy. This scalability offers flexibility and adaptability across a range of aircraft, including advanced air mobility vehicles and electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft, which are expected to be pivotal in the future of urban transportation.

For investors, RTX's progress with the STEP-Tech hybrid-electric demonstrator signals a strong commitment to innovation and sustainable technology. The aviation industry is under increasing pressure to reduce its environmental footprint and companies that can offer practical solutions are likely to benefit from regulatory support and market demand.

The involvement in various international projects like the Hybrid-Electric Flight Demonstrator and SWITCH project indicates RTX’s strategic positioning in the global market. Support from governments and industry bodies further validates the potential of these technologies and could lead to additional funding and partnerships.

In the short term, this milestone may positively influence RTX’s stock price by boosting investor confidence. Long-term impacts include potential market leadership in hybrid-electric propulsion systems, which could drive revenue growth and enhance brand reputation. However, it's essential to monitor ongoing developments and market adoption rates to gauge the full financial impact.

RTX’s advancement in hybrid-electric propulsion technology is a promising development for environmental sustainability in aviation. The aviation sector is a significant contributor to global carbon emissions and innovations in hybrid-electric technology are important for achieving industry-wide emission reduction targets.

The STEP-Tech demonstrator’s ability to integrate and validate energy transfer between thermal engines, electrical generators, battery systems and propulsors represents a leap forward in sustainable aviation. By potentially enabling greater fuel efficiency and reduced emissions, this technology aligns with international climate goals and regulatory frameworks aimed at curbing greenhouse gases.

Moreover, RTX’s collaboration with international initiatives like the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking underscores its commitment to not just technological advancements but also environmental stewardship. This proactive approach can enhance RTX’s reputation among eco-conscious consumers and investors, leading to long-term trust and loyalty.

LONDON, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Farnborough Air Show – RTX (NYSE: RTX) today announced it has completed a significant milestone in the development of its hybrid-electric STEP-Tech (Scalable Turboelectric Powertrain Technology) demonstrator. The company has successfully validated sustained operation of the thermal engine, electrical generator, battery system and propulsors to demonstrate energy transfer between these components through the high-voltage electrical network.

As a modular demonstrator program, STEP-Tech is intended for prototyping future distributed propulsion concepts in the 100-500kW class, with capability to scale to 1MW and beyond. These concepts could have application for a range of next-generation platforms, including advanced air mobility vehicles, high-speed electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft and blended wing body aircraft.

"When combined with RTX's other hybrid-electric demonstrator programs, STEP-Tech positions us to offer advanced propulsion technologies that enable greater fuel efficiency across all future aircraft segments, from advanced air mobility to large commercial," said Juan de Bedout, chief technology officer for RTX. "These new hybrid-electric architectures are key to our strategy for supporting the aviation industry's goal of reduced carbon emissions and more sustainable flight."

RTX has validated the capability of STEP-Tech's battery system to start the thermal engine and use electrical power produced by the turbogenerator to charge the batteries used to drive the propulsor motors. This follows previous tests of each of STEP-Tech's system components, including the first engine run at partial power and the electrical system integration test. All tests were conducted at the RTX Technology Research Center in East Hartford, Connecticut, which features a class-leading 800-volt electrical architecture designed for aerospace applications.

In addition to STEP-Tech, RTX's other hybrid-electric propulsion programs address a range of future aircraft applications up to single-aisle, including the RTX Hybrid-Electric Flight Demonstrator, supported by the governments of Canada and Quebec, and the SWITCH project, which is supported by the European Union's Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking.

About RTX
With more than 185,000 global employees, RTX pushes the limits of technology and science to redefine how we connect and protect our world. Through industry-leading businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, and Raytheon – we are advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems, and developing next-generation technology solutions and manufacturing to help global customers address their most critical challenges. The company, with 2023 sales of $69 billion, is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.

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What is the STEP-Tech demonstrator program by RTX (NYSE: RTX)?

STEP-Tech (Scalable Turboelectric Powertrain Technology) is RTX's hybrid-electric demonstrator program for prototyping future distributed propulsion concepts in the 100-500kW class, scalable to 1MW and beyond. It aims to develop advanced propulsion technologies for next-generation aircraft platforms.

What milestone has RTX (NYSE: RTX) achieved with the STEP-Tech demonstrator in July 2024?

RTX has successfully validated sustained operation of the thermal engine, electrical generator, battery system, and propulsors, demonstrating energy transfer between these components through a high-voltage electrical network.

How does the STEP-Tech program contribute to RTX's (NYSE: RTX) strategy for sustainable aviation?

STEP-Tech positions RTX to offer advanced propulsion technologies that enable greater fuel efficiency across future aircraft segments, supporting the aviation industry's goal of reduced carbon emissions and more sustainable flight.

Where are the STEP-Tech demonstrator tests conducted by RTX (NYSE: RTX)?

The STEP-Tech demonstrator tests are conducted at the RTX Technology Research Center in East Hartford, Connecticut, which features a class-leading 800-volt electrical architecture designed for aerospace applications.

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