RTX's Raytheon completes hydrodynamic testing for the Barracuda Mine Neutralization System

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Raytheon, an RTX business, has successfully completed hydrodynamic testing for the Barracuda Mine Neutralization System at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division. The tests, using a production representative unit, demonstrated Barracuda's ability to operate in various sea states and water currents, as well as detect, track, and hold position on targets autonomously.

This milestone brings the program closer to meeting operational requirements. Barbara Borgonovi, president of Naval Power at Raytheon, emphasized Barracuda's significance in advancing underwater security and naval defense. The system, which is the U.S. Navy's program of record for next-generation mine neutralization, uses sonar and camera systems to locate and neutralize undersea mine threats.

Raytheon was initially awarded the Barracuda contract in 2018. The program completed its critical design review in March 2023 and is now in the qualification testing phase. In July 2023, Raytheon received a contract to deliver engineering development model units to the U.S. Navy. Low-Rate Initial Production is scheduled for 2027.

Raytheon, un'azienda di RTX, ha completato con successo i test idrodinamici per il Barracuda Mine Neutralization System presso il Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division. I test, condotti utilizzando un'unità rappresentativa della produzione, hanno dimostrato la capacità del Barracuda di operare in varie condizioni di mare e correnti oceaniche, oltre a rilevare, tracciare e mantenere posizione sui bersagli in modo autonomo.

Questo traguardo avvicina il programma al raggiungimento dei requisiti operativi. Barbara Borgonovi, presidente di Naval Power in Raytheon, ha sottolineato l'importanza del Barracuda nel migliorare la sicurezza sottomarina e la difesa navale. Il sistema, che rappresenta il programma di riferimento per la neutralizzazione delle mine di nuova generazione della Marina degli Stati Uniti, utilizza sistemi sonar e camere per localizzare e neutralizzare le minacce minerarie sottomarine.

Raytheon ha ricevuto inizialmente il contratto per Barracuda nel 2018. Il programma ha completato la sua revisione progettuale critica a marzo 2023 ed è attualmente nella fase di test di qualificazione. Nel luglio 2023, Raytheon ha ricevuto un contratto per fornire unità di modello di sviluppo ingegneristico alla Marina degli Stati Uniti. La produzione iniziale a basso tasso è programmata per il 2027.

Raytheon, un negocio de RTX, ha completado con éxito las pruebas hidrodinámicas para el Sistema de Neutralización de Minas Barracuda en el Centro de Guerra de Superficie Naval División Carderock. Las pruebas, realizadas con una unidad representativa de producción, demostraron la capacidad del Barracuda para operar en varios estados del mar y corrientes de agua, así como para detectar, rastrear y mantener posición sobre los objetivos de manera autónoma.

Este hito acerca al programa al cumplimiento de los requisitos operativos. Barbara Borgonovi, presidenta de Naval Power en Raytheon, enfatizó la importancia del Barracuda en el avance de la seguridad submarina y la defensa naval. El sistema, que es el programa de registro de la Marina de los EE. UU. para la neutralización de minas de próxima generación, utiliza sistemas de sonar y cámaras para localizar y neutralizar amenazas mineras submarinas.

Raytheon recibió inicialmente el contrato de Barracuda en 2018. El programa completó su revisión de diseño crítico en marzo de 2023 y ahora está en la fase de pruebas de calificación. En julio de 2023, Raytheon recibió un contrato para entregar unidades de modelo de desarrollo de ingeniería a la Marina de los EE. UU. La producción inicial a baja tasa está programada para 2027.

RTX의 사업부인 레이시온이 해양 표면 전투 센터 카더락 부서에서 수력 역학 테스트를 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 테스트는 생산 대표 단위를 사용하여 바라쿠다 시스템이 다양한 해상 상태와 수류에서 작동할 수 있는 능력과 더불어 목표를 자율적으로 탐지, 추적 및 고정할 수 있음을 입증했습니다.

이 이정표는 프로그램이 운영 요구 사항을 충족하는 데 가까워지게 합니다. 레이시온의 해양 전력 담당 회장인 바바라 보르곤노비는 바라쿠다가 수중 보안 및 해군 방어를 개선하는 데 중요한 역할을 한다고 강조했습니다. 이 시스템은 미국 해군의 차세대 해양 기뢰 중화 작업을 위한 공식 프로그램으로, 수중 기뢰 위협을 찾고 중화하기 위해 소나 및 카메라 시스템을 사용합니다.

레이시온은 처음으로 2018년에 바라쿠다 계약을 체결했습니다. 프로그램은 2023년 3월에 중요한 설계 검토를 완료했으며 현재 자격 시험 단계에 있습니다. 2023년 7월, 레이시온은 미국 해군에 공학 개발 모델 장비를 제공하는 계약을 체결했습니다. 저율 초기 생산은 2027년으로 예정되어 있습니다.

Raytheon, une entreprise d'RTX, a réussi à terminer les tests hydrodynamiques pour le Système de Neutralisation des Mines Barracuda au Naval Surface Warfare Center Division Carderock. Les tests, réalisés avec une unité représentative de production, ont montré la capacité de Barracuda à fonctionner dans divers états de mer et courants d'eau, ainsi qu'à détecter, suivre et maintenir une position sur des cibles de manière autonome.

Cette étape rapproche le programme de l'accomplissement des exigences opérationnelles. Barbara Borgonovi, présidente de Naval Power chez Raytheon, a souligné l'importance de Barracuda dans l'avancement de la sécurité sous-marine et de la défense navale. Le système, qui est le programme officiel de l'US Navy pour la neutralisation des mines de nouvelle génération, utilise des systèmes sonar et des caméras pour localiser et neutraliser les menaces de mines sous-marines.

Raytheon a initialement reçu le contrat Barracuda en 2018. Le programme a terminé sa révision de conception critique en mars 2023 et est maintenant dans la phase de tests de qualification. En juillet 2023, Raytheon a reçu un contrat pour livrer des unités de modèle de développement d'ingénierie à l'US Navy. Une production initiale à faible taux est prévue pour 2027.

Raytheon, ein Unternehmen von RTX, hat erfolgreich hydrodynamische Tests für das Barracuda-Minenneutralisierungssystem im Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division abgeschlossen. Die Tests, die mit einer produktionsrepräsentativen Einheit durchgeführt wurden, zeigten die Fähigkeit von Barracuda, in verschiedenen Seekonditionen und Wasserströmungen zu operieren sowie Ziele autonom zu erkennen, zu verfolgen und zu halten.

Dieser Meilenstein bringt das Programm näher an die Erfüllung der operationalen Anforderungen. Barbara Borgonovi, Präsidentin von Naval Power bei Raytheon, betonte die Bedeutung von Barracuda für die Verbesserung der Unterwassersicherheit und maritimen Verteidigung. Das System, das das Programm der US Navy zur nächsten Generation der Minenneutralisation darstellt, nutzt Sonar- und Kamerasysteme, um Unterwasserminenbedrohungen zu lokalisieren und zu neutralisieren.

Raytheon erhielt 2018 den ursprünglichen Vertrag für Barracuda. Das Programm hat im März 2023 seine kritische Entwurfsprüfung abgeschlossen und befindet sich nun in der Phase der Qualifikationstests. Im Juli 2023 erhielt Raytheon einen Vertrag zur Lieferung von Ingenieurentwicklungsmodell-Einheiten an die US Navy. Niedertarif-Initialproduktion ist für 2027 geplant.

  • Successful completion of hydrodynamic testing for Barracuda Mine Neutralization System
  • Demonstration of autonomous target detection, tracking, and positioning capabilities
  • Progress towards meeting operational requirements for the U.S. Navy
  • Contract awarded in July 2023 for engineering development model units
  • None.

Milestone moves program one step closer to operational testing

PORTSMOUTH, R.I., Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon, an RTX (NYSE: RTX) business, recently conducted a series of controlled environmental tests for the Barracuda Mine Neutralization System at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division.

Using a production representative test unit, Barracuda operated and collected data in environments of various sea states and water currents, demonstrating the ability to hydrodynamically control itself in conditions simulating the ocean.

The test demonstrated the ability of the vehicle to detect, track and hold position on a target on its own. It was the first time Raytheon has executed this type of testing with the Barracuda mine neutralizer underwater vehicle and moves the program one step closer towards meeting operational requirements.

"This event marks a significant milestone in the advancement of underwater security and naval defense," said Barbara Borgonovi, president of Naval Power at Raytheon.  "Barracuda's performance reaffirms its position as a game-changing solution for identifying and neutralizing naval mines, a critical challenge in modern naval operations."

Barracuda is the U.S. Navy's program of record for next-generation mine neutralization. It is a semi-autonomous system that uses sonar and camera systems to locate and neutralize undersea mine threats. 

Raytheon was first awarded a contract for Barracuda in 2018. The program completed its critical design review in March 2023, and has now entered its qualification testing phase. In July 2023, Raytheon was awarded a contract to deliver engineering development model units to the U.S. Navy. The program will go into Low-Rate Initial Production in 2027.

About Raytheon

Raytheon, an RTX business, is a leading provider of defense solutions to help the U.S. government, our allies and partners defend their national sovereignty and ensure their security. For more than 100 years, Raytheon has developed new technologies and enhanced existing capabilities in integrated air and missile defense, smart weapons, missiles, advanced sensors and radars, interceptors, space-based systems, hypersonics and missile defense across land, air, sea and space.

About RTX

With more than 185,000 global employees, RTX pushes the limits of technology and science to redefine how we connect and protect our world. Through industry-leading businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, and Raytheon – we are advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems, and developing next-generation technology solutions and manufacturing to help global customers address their most critical challenges. The company, with 2023 sales of $69 billion, is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.

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What is the Barracuda Mine Neutralization System developed by RTX's Raytheon?

The Barracuda Mine Neutralization System is a semi-autonomous underwater vehicle developed by Raytheon for the U.S. Navy. It uses sonar and camera systems to locate and neutralize undersea mine threats, serving as the next-generation mine neutralization solution.

When did RTX's Raytheon complete hydrodynamic testing for the Barracuda system?

Raytheon recently completed a series of controlled environmental tests for the Barracuda Mine Neutralization System at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division, as announced on October 7, 2024.

What capabilities did the Barracuda system demonstrate during RTX's recent tests?

During the recent tests, the Barracuda system demonstrated its ability to operate in various sea states and water currents, as well as autonomously detect, track, and hold position on targets underwater.

When is the Barracuda Mine Neutralization System expected to enter Low-Rate Initial Production for RTX?

According to the press release, the Barracuda Mine Neutralization System is scheduled to enter Low-Rate Initial Production in 2027.

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