RTX's Raytheon awarded $736 million contract to produce AIM-9X missiles

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Raytheon, an RTX business, has been awarded a $736 million contract by the U.S. Navy to produce AIM-9X SIDEWINDER missiles. The contract focuses on the improved Block II variant, which addresses hardware obsolescence and ensures superior performance and long-term reliability. The AIM-9X is described as the most advanced infrared-tracking, short-range, air-to-air and surface-to-air missile in the world.

The missile is compatible with various modern aircraft and provides layered defense capabilities, including integration with the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS). Used by over 30 allied and partner nations, the AIM-9X continues to gain international interest, with the Czech Republic becoming the most recent customer in March 2024. The contract work will be carried out at various locations within the continental U.S. through 2029.

Raytheon, un'azienda di RTX, ha ricevuto un contratto del valore di 736 milioni di dollari dalla Marina degli Stati Uniti per produrre missili AIM-9X SIDEWINDER. Il contratto si concentra sulla variante migliorata Block II, che affronta l'obsolescenza dell'hardware e garantisce prestazioni superiori e affidabilità a lungo termine. L'AIM-9X è descritto come il missile a guida infrarossa più avanzato, a corto raggio, aria-aria e superficie-aria al mondo.

Il missile è compatibile con diversi aerei moderni e offre capacità di difesa multilivello, inclusa l'integrazione con il National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS). Utilizzato da oltre 30 nazioni alleate e partner, l'AIM-9X continua a suscitare interesse internazionale, con la Repubblica Ceca che è diventata il cliente più recente a marzo 2024. Il lavoro relativo al contratto sarà svolto in varie località all'interno degli Stati Uniti continentali fino al 2029.

Raytheon, un negocio de RTX, ha sido adjudicado un contrato de 736 millones de dólares por la Marina de los EE. UU. para producir misiles AIM-9X SIDEWINDER. El contrato se centra en la variante mejorada Block II, que aborda la obsolescencia del hardware y garantiza un rendimiento superior y una fiabilidad a largo plazo. El AIM-9X se describe como el misil de seguimiento infrarrojo más avanzado, de corto alcance, aire-aire y superficie-aire del mundo.

El misil es compatible con varias aeronaves modernas y proporciona capacidades de defensa en capas, incluida la integración con el Sistema Nacional Avanzado de Misiles Superficie-Aire (NASAMS). Usado por más de 30 naciones aliadas y asociadas, el AIM-9X sigue ganando interés internacional, siendo la República Checa el cliente más reciente en marzo de 2024. El trabajo del contrato se llevará a cabo en varias ubicaciones dentro de los EE. UU. continentales hasta 2029.

레이시온(Raytheon), RTX의 사업부가 미국 해군으로부터 73억 6천만 달러 계약을 체결하여 AIM-9X 사이드와인더 미사일을 생산하게 되었습니다. 이 계약은 하드웨어 노후화를 해결하고 우수한 성능과 장기 신뢰성을 보장하는 개선된 Block II 변형에 중점을 두고 있습니다. AIM-9X는 세계에서 가장 진보된 적외선 추적 단거리 공대공 및 지대공 미사일로 묘사됩니다.

이 미사일은 다양한 현대 항공기와 호환되며, NASAMS(국가 고급 지대공 미사일 시스템)와의 통합을 포함하여 계층화된 방어 능력을 제공합니다. 30개 이상의 동맹 및 파트너 국가에서 사용되며 AIM-9X는 2024년 3월 체코 공화국이 가장 최근 고객으로 등장하면서 국제적인 관심을 계속 받고 있습니다. 계약 작업은 2029년까지 미국 본토의 여러 장소에서 진행될 예정입니다.

Raytheon, une entreprise de RTX, a été par la Marine américaine pour produire des . Le contrat se concentre sur la variante améliorée Block II, qui traite l'obsolescence matérielle et garantit de meilleures performances et une fiabilité à long terme. L'AIM-9X est décrite comme le missile de suivi infrarouge le plus avancé, à portée courte, air-air et sol-air au monde.

Le missile est compatible avec divers avions modernes et offre des capacités de défense en couches, y compris l'intégration avec le Système National Avancé de Missiles Sol-Air (NASAMS). Utilisé par plus de 30 nations alliées et partenaires, l'AIM-9X continue de susciter de l'intérêt international, la République tchèque devenant le client le plus récent en mars 2024. Les travaux du contrat seront réalisés à divers endroits aux États-Unis continentaux jusqu'en 2029.

Raytheon, ein Unternehmen von RTX, wurde mit einem Vertrag über 736 Millionen Dollar von der US Navy beauftragt, AIM-9X SIDEWINDER-Raketen zu produzieren. Der Vertrag konzentriert sich auf die verbesserte Block-II-Variante, die der Hardware-Obsoleszenz begegnet und überlegene Leistung sowie langfristige Zuverlässigkeit gewährleistet. Die AIM-9X wird als die fortschrittlichste Infrarot-Tracking-Rakete mit kurzer Reichweite für Luft-zu-Luft- und Luft-zu-Erde-Einsätze der Welt beschrieben.

Die Rakete ist mit verschiedenen modernen Flugzeugen kompatibel und bietet geschichtete Verteidigungsmöglichkeiten, einschließlich der Integration mit dem National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS). Der AIM-9X wird von über 30 verbündeten und Partnerstaaten eingesetzt und gewinnt weiterhin internationales Interesse, wobei die Tschechische Republik im März 2024 der jüngste Kunde wurde. Die Vertragsarbeiten werden bis 2029 an verschiedenen Standorten in den kontinentalen USA durchgeführt.

  • Raytheon secured a $736 million contract for AIM-9X missile production
  • AIM-9X is used by over 30 allied and partner nations
  • Increasing international interest, with Czech Republic as the newest customer
  • Contract work to continue through 2029, providing long-term revenue
  • None.


This $736 million contract for AIM-9X SIDEWINDER missiles is a significant win for RTX's Raytheon business. The deal underscores the continued demand for advanced short-range missile systems, both domestically and internationally. Key points to consider:

  • The contract addresses hardware obsolescence, ensuring long-term reliability and performance improvements.
  • Strong international demand, with over 30 allied nations using the system, indicates potential for future sales and revenue growth.
  • The recent addition of the Czech Republic as a customer, linked to their F-35 procurement, highlights the missile's integration with modern aircraft platforms.
  • The contract's duration through 2029 provides steady, long-term revenue for RTX's Naval Power division.

This contract reinforces RTX's position in the missile defense market and aligns with the growing global focus on air defense capabilities. For investors, it represents a stable revenue stream and potential for market expansion in the defense sector.

The $736 million contract is a positive development for RTX, representing approximately 0.45% of its current market cap. While not transformative, it's a substantial addition to the company's order backlog. Key financial implications include:

  • Revenue visibility: The contract extends through 2029, providing long-term revenue stability for the Naval Power division.
  • Margin potential: As an upgrade to an existing product, the Block II variant likely benefits from established production efficiencies, potentially supporting healthy profit margins.
  • Growth prospects: The expanding international customer base, now including the Czech Republic, suggests opportunities for additional sales and potential follow-on contracts.
  • Production capacity investment: The company's commitment to increasing production capacity indicates confidence in future demand and could lead to economies of scale.

Investors should view this positively as it reinforces RTX's strong position in the defense market and its ability to secure large, long-term contracts in a competitive environment.

Missile is proven across air-to-air and ground-launch domains

TUCSON, Ariz., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon, an RTX (NYSE: RTX) business, was awarded a $736 million contract from the U.S. Navy to produce AIM-9X® SIDEWINDER® missiles.

This contract is for the improved Block II variant, which addresses hardware obsolescence through upgrades to ensure superior performance and long-term reliability.

"AIM-9X remains the weapon of choice for short-range air-to-air and surface-to-air missile defense, and worldwide customer demand is strong," said Barbara Borgonovi, president of Naval Power at Raytheon. "We're investing, innovating, and partnering with our U.S. Navy customer to significantly increase our AIM-9X production capacity starting with orders next year."

AIM-9X is the most advanced infrared-tracking, short-range, air-to-air and surface-to-air missile in the world. It is configured for easy installation on a wide range of modern aircraft and provides proven layered defense with ground-launched capabilities, including the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System, or NASAMS.

A U.S. Navy-led joint program with the U.S. Air Force, AIM-9X is used by over 30 allied and partner nations and continues to gain international interest. In March 2024, the Czech Republic became the most recent international customer by signing a letter of agreement for procurement of the missile for use on their F-35 aircraft.

Work under this contract will take place in various locations within the continental U.S. through 2029.

About Raytheon
Raytheon, an RTX business, is a leading provider of defense solutions to help the U.S. government, our allies and partners defend their national sovereignty and ensure their security. For more than 100 years, Raytheon has developed new technologies and enhanced existing capabilities in integrated air and missile defense, smart weapons, missiles, advanced sensors and radars, interceptors, space-based systems, hypersonics and missile defense across land, air, sea and space.

About RTX
With more than 185,000 global employees, RTX pushes the limits of technology and science to redefine how we connect and protect our world. Through industry-leading businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, and Raytheon – we are advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems, and developing next-generation technology solutions and manufacturing to help global customers address their most critical challenges. The company, with 2023 sales of $69 billion, is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.

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What is the value of the contract awarded to Raytheon for AIM-9X missiles?

Raytheon, an RTX business, was awarded a $736 million contract from the U.S. Navy to produce AIM-9X SIDEWINDER missiles.

What improvements does the Block II variant of the AIM-9X missile offer?

The Block II variant of the AIM-9X addresses hardware obsolescence through upgrades to ensure superior performance and long-term reliability.

How many countries use the AIM-9X missile system?

The AIM-9X missile system is used by over 30 allied and partner nations and continues to gain international interest.

When did the Czech Republic become a customer for the AIM-9X missile system?

The Czech Republic became the most recent international customer for the AIM-9X missile system in March 2024 by signing a letter of agreement for procurement.

What is the timeline for the contract work on the AIM-9X missiles for RTX?

The contract work for the AIM-9X missiles will take place in various locations within the continental U.S. through 2029.

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