RTX's Collins Aerospace announces Clean Aviation HECATE project has achieved preliminary design review

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Collins Aerospace, an RTX business, announced that the European Union's Clean Aviation HECATE project has achieved Preliminary Design Review (PDR). The HECATE consortium, comprising multiple European aerospace industry partners, aims to develop new high-voltage distribution technologies for future hybrid-electric aircraft. Key achievements include:

  • PDR completion for power conversion and secondary distribution systems by Collins
  • PDR completion for primary distribution, power management systems, and cabling by Safran
  • Definition of top-level project requirements and electrical distribution architecture
  • On track to achieve TRL4 and Critical Design Review by year-end

The project targets demonstrating a 500kW hybrid-electric architecture in ground tests at TRL5 by 2025. This initiative is important for developing technologies to support higher voltages required for hybrid-electric aircraft, contributing to the aviation industry's efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Collins Aerospace, un'azienda di RTX, ha annunciato che il progetto Clean Aviation HECATE dell'Unione Europea ha raggiunto la Revisione Iniziale del Design (PDR). Il consorzio HECATE, composto da diversi partner dell'industria aerospaziale europea, mira a sviluppare nuove tecnologie di distribuzione ad alta tensione per futuri aerei ibrido-elettrici. Tra i principali risultati si annoverano:

  • Completamento del PDR per i sistemi di conversione di potenza e distribuzione secondaria da parte di Collins
  • Completamento del PDR per la distribuzione primaria, i sistemi di gestione dell'energia e il cablaggio da parte di Safran
  • Definizione dei requisiti di progetto di alto livello e dell'architettura di distribuzione elettrica
  • In linea per raggiungere il TRL4 e la Revisione Critica del Design entro la fine dell'anno

Il progetto punta a dimostrare un architettura ibrido-elettrica da 500 kW in prove a terra al TRL5 entro il 2025. Questa iniziativa è importante per lo sviluppo di tecnologie che supportano tensioni più elevate necessarie per gli aerei ibrido-elettrici, contribuendo agli sforzi dell'industria aeronautica per ridurre le emissioni di carbonio.

Collins Aerospace, una empresa de RTX, ha anunciado que el proyecto Clean Aviation HECATE de la Unión Europea ha logrado la Revisión de Diseño Preliminar (PDR). El consorcio HECATE, que comprende varios socios de la industria aeroespacial europea, tiene como objetivo desarrollar nuevas tecnologías de distribución de alta tensión para futuros aviones híbrido-eléctricos. Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Finalización del PDR para sistemas de conversión de potencia y distribución secundaria por parte de Collins
  • Finalización del PDR para la distribución primaria, sistemas de gestión de energía y cableado por parte de Safran
  • Definición de los requisitos del proyecto de alto nivel y la arquitectura de distribución eléctrica
  • En camino para alcanzar el TRL4 y la Revisión Crítica del Diseño para fin de año

El proyecto tiene como objetivo demostrar una arquitectura híbrido-eléctrica de 500 kW en pruebas de tierra en TRL5 para 2025. Esta iniciativa es importante para desarrollar tecnologías que soporten las tensiones más altas requeridas para aviones híbrido-eléctricos, contribuyendo a los esfuerzos de la industria de la aviación para reducir las emisiones de carbono.

Collins Aerospace는 RTX 사업부로서 유럽연합의 청정 항공 HECATE 프로젝트가 초기 설계 검토(PDR)를 완료했다고 발표했습니다. 여러 유럽 항공우주 산업 파트너로 구성된 HECATE 컨소시엄은 미래의 하이브리드 전기 항공기를 위한 새로운 고전압 분배 기술을 개발하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • Collins에 의한 전력 변환 및 2차 분배 시스템의 PDR 완료
  • Safran에 의한 주 분배, 전력 관리 시스템 및 배선의 PDR 완료
  • 최고 수준의 프로젝트 요구 사항 및 전기 분배 아키텍처 정의
  • 연말까지 TRL4 및 비판적 설계 검토 달성을 목표로 진행 중

이 프로젝트는 2025년까지 TRL5에서 지상 시험 중 500kW 하이브리드 전기 아키텍처의 시연을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 하이브리드 전기 항공기에 필요한 더 높은 전압을 지원하는 기술 개발에 중요하며, 항공 산업에서 탄소 배출을 줄이려는 노력에 기여합니다.

Collins Aerospace, une entreprise de RTX, a annoncé que le projet Clean Aviation HECATE de l'Union Européenne a atteint la Revue de Conception Préliminaire (PDR). Le consortium HECATE, composé de plusieurs partenaires de l'industrie aérospatiale européenne, vise à développer de nouvelles technologies de distribution à haute tension pour de futurs avions hybrido-électriques. Les réalisations clés incluent :

  • Achèvement de la PDR pour les systèmes de conversion de puissance et de distribution secondaire par Collins
  • Achèvement de la PDR pour la distribution primaire, les systèmes de gestion de l'énergie et le câblage par Safran
  • Définition des exigences de haut niveau du projet et de l'architecture de distribution électrique
  • Sur la bonne voie pour atteindre le TRL4 et la Revue de Conception Critique d'ici la fin de l'année

Le projet vise à démontrer une architecture hybrido-électrique de 500 kW lors d'essais au sol au TRL5 d'ici 2025. Cette initiative est importante pour le développement de technologies soutenant des tensions plus élevées nécessaires pour les avions hybrido-électriques, contribuant aux efforts de l'industrie aéronautique pour réduire les émissions de carbone.

Collins Aerospace, ein Unternehmen von RTX, hat bekannt gegeben, dass das Clean Aviation HECATE-Projekt der Europäischen Union die vorläufige Entwurfsprüfung (PDR) erreicht hat. Das HECATE-Konsortium, das aus mehreren Partnern der europäischen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie besteht, hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, neue Hochspannungs-Verteilungstechnologien für zukünftige hybrid-elektrische Flugzeuge zu entwickeln. Wichtige Errungenschaften umfassen:

  • Abschluss der PDR für die Leistungskonvertierung und sekundäre Verteilungssysteme durch Collins
  • Abschluss der PDR für primäre Verteilung, Energiemanagementsysteme und Verkabelung durch Safran
  • Definition der obersten Projektanforderungen und der elektrischen Verteilungsarchitektur
  • Auf Kurs, um TRL4 und die kritische Entwurfsprüfung bis zum Jahresende zu erreichen

Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, bis 2025 eine hybrid-elektrische Architektur von 500 kW in Bodentests bei TRL5 zu demonstrieren. Diese Initiative ist wichtig für die Entwicklung von Technologien zur Unterstützung höherer Spannungen, die für hybrid-elektrische Flugzeuge erforderlich sind, und trägt zur Reduzierung der Kohlenstoffemissionen in der Luftfahrtindustrie bei.

  • Achieved Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for key project components
  • On track to achieve TRL4 and Critical Design Review by year-end
  • Targeting demonstration of 500kW hybrid-electric architecture by 2025
  • Collaboration with major aerospace industry partners (Safran, Airbus, Leonardo)
  • Potential for flight testing under Clean Aviation Phase 2 program
  • None.

The progress of the HECATE project marks a significant milestone in the development of hybrid-electric aircraft technologies. Achieving the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) indicates that the project is on a solid trajectory towards its ambitious goals. The focus on high-voltage distribution technologies is critical for the future of sustainable aviation. By demonstrating a 500kW hybrid-electric architecture, the consortium is taking a substantial step towards reducing carbon emissions in aviation, which is a key industry driver. From a technological standpoint, the successful PDR of power conversion and distribution systems showcases Collins Aerospace's leading role in this innovative project. This positions the company well within the growing market for green aviation solutions, likely enhancing its long-term strategic value.

For investors, the news of Collins Aerospace achieving PDR in the HECATE project is promising. This milestone indicates that the project is progressing on schedule, potentially leading to future commercial opportunities in the hybrid-electric aircraft market. The collaboration with prominent industry players like Safran, Airbus Defence and Space and Leonardo further adds credibility and enhances the project's prospects. Given the increasing emphasis on sustainable technologies, successful development in this domain could lead to significant revenue streams for Collins Aerospace and its parent company, RTX. However, it is important to note that these benefits are more likely to materialize in the long term, as the project aims for ground tests by 2025. In the short term, the stock may experience modest positive sentiment due to the perceived progress and strategic alignment with sustainability goals.

The HECATE project's advancements reflect broader industry trends towards sustainable aviation. The pursuit of hybrid-electric technologies is in response to regulatory pressures and consumer demand for greener travel options. By achieving PDR, the consortium demonstrates its readiness to address these market needs. For Collins Aerospace, being at the forefront of such an initiative enhances its brand reputation as an innovator in the aerospace sector. Additionally, public-private partnerships such as this one are important enablers of technological progress, as they provide the necessary funding and collaboration to tackle complex challenges. Investors should consider the strategic implications of Collins Aerospace's engagement in such high-profile projects. While the immediate financial impact may be limited, the long-term benefits could be substantial as the aviation industry transitions towards more sustainable practices.

Program aims to develop new high-voltage distribution technologies for future hybrid-electric aircraft

LONDON, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Farnborough Air Show — Collins Aerospace, an RTX (NYSE: RTX) business, today announced the European Union's Clean Aviation HECATE project has achieved Preliminary Design Review (PDR). The HECATE consortium is comprised of multiple European aerospace industry partners, including Collins, Safran, Airbus Defence and Space, Leonardo and several universities. Collins, through its Applied Research & Technology organization and Power & Controls business, leads the project's steering committee, while Safran serves as technical coordinator.

HECATE, which stands for Hybrid-ElectriC regional Aircraft distribution TEchnologies, has accomplished a number of milestones toward its ultimate goal of demonstrating a 500kW hybrid-electric architecture in ground tests at TRL5 by 2025. In cooperation with the consortium partners, Collins has achieved PDR for the project's power conversion and secondary distribution systems, while Safran has achieved PDR for the primary distribution, power management systems and cabling. Airbus Defence & Space and Leonardo continue to provide the airframer perspective, supporting requirements and validation activities. All top-level project requirements, including the electrical distribution architecture, have been defined and the program is on track to achieve TRL4 and Critical Design Review by year's end.

"Hybrid-electric aircraft are a central pillar of the aviation industry's drive to reduce carbon emissions, yet in order for these aircraft to fly, they will require new distribution technologies that can support significantly higher voltages," said Mauro Atalla, senior vice president, Engineering & Technology for Collins. "Working together with our HECATE consortium partners, we're breaking new ground in the maturation of these critical, enabling technologies and progressing on schedule. Public-private partnerships like Clean Aviation are essential to bringing new, sustainable aviation technologies to market, and we look forward to flight testing HECATE under a potential Clean Aviation Phase 2 program."

"HECATE, targeting to develop a novel power distribution network, is at the core of a future hybrid-electric aircraft development where significantly higher voltages and electrical power have to be managed compared to conventional aircraft," said Costin-Ciprian Miglan, project officer for HECATE at Clean Aviation. "The project has achieved a very important milestone with the preliminary design reviews successfully passed for all primary and secondary distribution key sub-systems. This tremendous work is the result of the proactive cooperation of 37 partners across 10 European countries."

This work was funded by UK Research and Innovation under the UK government's Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant number 10067978].

About Collins Aerospace 
Collins Aerospace, an RTX business, is a leader in integrated and intelligent solutions for the global aerospace and defense industry. Our 80,000 employees are dedicated to delivering future-focused technologies to advance sustainable and connected aviation, passenger safety and comfort, mission success, space exploration and more.

About RTX
With more than 185,000 global employees, RTX pushes the limits of technology and science to redefine how we connect and protect our world. Through industry-leading businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, and Raytheon – we are advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems, and developing next-generation technology solutions and manufacturing to help global customers address their most critical challenges. The company, with 2023 sales of $69 billion, is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.

About Clean Aviation
The Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is the European Union's leading research and innovation programme for transforming aviation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future. It is a European public-private partnership. The programme's disruptive clean aviation technologies will help reduce CO2 of short-medium range aircraft by no less than 30% and -50% for regional range aircraft.

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What is the HECATE project announced by RTX's Collins Aerospace?

HECATE (Hybrid-ElectriC regional Aircraft distribution TEchnologies) is a Clean Aviation project led by Collins Aerospace, aiming to develop new high-voltage distribution technologies for future hybrid-electric aircraft. It involves multiple European aerospace industry partners and targets demonstrating a 500kW hybrid-electric architecture in ground tests by 2025.

What milestone has the HECATE project achieved for RTX in July 2024?

In July 2024, RTX's Collins Aerospace announced that the HECATE project has achieved Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for its power conversion, secondary distribution systems, primary distribution, power management systems, and cabling components.

What is the significance of the HECATE project for RTX and the aviation industry?

The HECATE project is significant for RTX and the aviation industry as it develops critical technologies for hybrid-electric aircraft, which are central to reducing carbon emissions. It supports higher voltage requirements for these aircraft and represents a key step in bringing sustainable aviation technologies to market.

What are the next steps for the HECATE project involving RTX's Collins Aerospace?

The next steps for the HECATE project involving RTX's Collins Aerospace include achieving TRL4 and Critical Design Review by the end of the year, followed by demonstrating a 500kW hybrid-electric architecture in ground tests at TRL5 by 2025. There's also potential for flight testing under a future Clean Aviation Phase 2 program.

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