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Affinor Growers has successfully shipped its second order of vertically grown, vine-ripened Delizzimo strawberries to Four Seasons Farm and its first order to IGA in Vancouver. This signals increasing demand for their premium, sustainable products. Affinor's innovative greenhouse measures 15,000 square feet, and the company is working on a new greenhouse, 'Atlantis,' which will double its growing capacity. The CEO highlighted the superior quality of their strawberries compared to mass-produced imports. The company plans to enhance sustainability with more solar cells and Tesla Powerwall batteries.
Affinor Growers Inc. (CSE: AFI; OTCQB: RSSFF) announced the successful shipment of its first harvest of vertically grown strawberries to Four Seasons Farm at Granville Island Public Market. This marks a key milestone in validating Affinor's patented growing technology. The strawberries were cultivated in a 15,000 square foot greenhouse in Abbotsford, BC. The company is also in the process of permitting its new 8-level greenhouse, which aims to double production capacity and reduce costs, enhancing its sustainable farming efforts.
Affinor Growers Inc. (CSE: AFI; OTCQB: RSSFF) is set to accept cryptocurrency payments, including Bitcoin, for global licensing and facility development. This initiative positions Affinor as the first publicly listed company on CSE and OTC to accept Bitcoin in private placements, converting crypto payments into legal tender. CEO Nick Brusatore expressed enthusiasm for leveraging unused crypto capital to advance vertical farming technologies and support sustainable food production in developing nations.
Affinor Growers Inc. (OTCQB: RSSFF) announces progress on its Abbotsford greenhouse project following management changes in December 2020. The Company has initiated construction and electrical work for its automated vertical farm, including a critical power upgrade from BC Hydro. Affinor is also repurposing part of the greenhouse for a cannabis program, saving approximately $500,000. Plans include launching composting technology and seeking alternative energy solutions for sustainable farming. The Company aims to license its technology globally and is preparing to submit a micro-cultivation license application to Health Canada.
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