Ascend 2025 Goes Global: Riskified’s Leading Ecommerce Fraud Summit to Take Place in Six Cities Worldwide
Riskified (NYSE:RSKD) announced the global expansion of its premier fraud and risk intelligence summit, Ascend 2025, which will now be held in six major cities worldwide: New York City, London, Melbourne, Shanghai, Tokyo, and São Paulo. Previously exclusive to the United States, the summit aims to provide merchants with regional strategies to combat fraud and drive growth.
The event will feature notable speakers including executives from, Macy's, Louis Vuitton, Wolfe, and Appriss Retail. The summit schedule spans from March to September 2025, with confirmed dates for London (March 31-April 1), Shanghai (April 24), and New York City (June 16-17). Registration is currently open for these three locations, with other venues to follow. The event is sponsored by Mastercard, Appriss Retail, Primer, IXOPAY, and Optimized Payments.
Riskified (NYSE:RSKD) ha annunciato l'espansione globale del suo prestigioso summit sulla frode e l'intelligenza dei rischi, Ascend 2025, che si terrà ora in sei importanti città del mondo: New York, Londra, Melbourne, Shanghai, Tokyo e San Paolo. Inizialmente esclusivo per gli Stati Uniti, il summit mira a fornire ai commercianti strategie regionali per combattere la frode e promuovere la crescita.
L'evento presenterà relatori di spicco, tra cui dirigenti di, Macy's, Louis Vuitton, Wolfe e Appriss Retail. Il programma del summit si estende da marzo a settembre 2025, con date confermate per Londra (31 marzo-1 aprile), Shanghai (24 aprile) e New York (16-17 giugno). La registrazione è attualmente aperta per queste tre località, con altri luoghi che seguiranno. L'evento è sponsorizzato da Mastercard, Appriss Retail, Primer, IXOPAY e Optimized Payments.
Riskified (NYSE:RSKD) anunció la expansión global de su cumbre principal sobre fraude e inteligencia de riesgos, Ascend 2025, que ahora se llevará a cabo en seis ciudades importantes del mundo: Nueva York, Londres, Melbourne, Shanghái, Tokio y São Paulo. Anteriormente exclusiva de los Estados Unidos, la cumbre tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los comerciantes estrategias regionales para combatir el fraude y fomentar el crecimiento.
El evento contará con ponentes destacados, incluidos ejecutivos de, Macy's, Louis Vuitton, Wolfe y Appriss Retail. El programa de la cumbre se extiende de marzo a septiembre de 2025, con fechas confirmadas para Londres (31 de marzo-1 de abril), Shanghái (24 de abril) y Nueva York (16-17 de junio). La inscripción está actualmente abierta para estas tres ubicaciones, con otros lugares que seguirán. El evento es patrocinado por Mastercard, Appriss Retail, Primer, IXOPAY y Optimized Payments.
Riskified (NYSE:RSKD)는 주요 사기 및 리스크 인텔리전스 정상 회담인 Ascend 2025의 글로벌 확장을 발표했습니다. 이제 이 회담은 뉴욕, 런던, 멜버른, 상하이, 도쿄 및 상파울로의 여섯 개 주요 도시에서 열릴 예정입니다. 이전에는 미국에서만 개최되던 이 회담은 상인들에게 사기와 싸우고 성장을 촉진하기 위한 지역 전략을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
이번 행사에는, Macy's, Louis Vuitton, Wolfe, Appriss Retail의 경영진을 포함한 저명한 연사들이 참석할 예정입니다. 정상 회담 일정은 2025년 3월부터 9월까지 이어지며, 런던(3월 31일-4월 1일), 상하이(4월 24일), 뉴욕(6월 16-17일)에서의 확정된 날짜가 있습니다. 현재 이 세 곳에 대한 등록이 열려 있으며, 다른 장소들도 곧 발표될 예정입니다. 이 행사는 Mastercard, Appriss Retail, Primer, IXOPAY, Optimized Payments의 후원을 받습니다.
Riskified (NYSE:RSKD) a annoncé l'expansion mondiale de son sommet phare sur la fraude et l'intelligence des risques, Ascend 2025, qui se tiendra désormais dans six grandes villes du monde : New York, Londres, Melbourne, Shanghai, Tokyo et São Paulo. Auparavant exclusif aux États-Unis, le sommet vise à fournir aux commerçants des stratégies régionales pour lutter contre la fraude et favoriser la croissance.
L'événement mettra en vedette des intervenants notables, y compris des dirigeants de, Macy's, Louis Vuitton, Wolfe et Appriss Retail. Le programme du sommet s'étend de mars à septembre 2025, avec des dates confirmées pour Londres (31 mars-1er avril), Shanghai (24 avril) et New York (16-17 juin). Les inscriptions sont actuellement ouvertes pour ces trois lieux, d'autres suivront. L'événement est sponsorisé par Mastercard, Appriss Retail, Primer, IXOPAY et Optimized Payments.
Riskified (NYSE:RSKD) hat die globale Expansion seines führenden Gipfels für Betrugs- und Risikointelligenz, Ascend 2025, angekündigt, der nun in sechs wichtigen Städten weltweit stattfinden wird: New York City, London, Melbourne, Shanghai, Tokio und São Paulo. Ursprünglich exklusiv für die Vereinigten Staaten, zielt der Gipfel darauf ab, Händlern regionale Strategien zur Bekämpfung von Betrug und zur Förderung des Wachstums zu bieten.
Die Veranstaltung wird bemerkenswerte Redner umfassen, darunter Führungskräfte von, Macy's, Louis Vuitton, Wolfe und Appriss Retail. Der Zeitplan des Gipfels erstreckt sich von März bis September 2025, mit bestätigten Terminen für London (31. März-1. April), Shanghai (24. April) und New York City (16.-17. Juni). Die Registrierung ist derzeit für diese drei Standorte geöffnet, weitere Veranstaltungsorte werden folgen. Die Veranstaltung wird von Mastercard, Appriss Retail, Primer, IXOPAY und Optimized Payments gesponsert.
- Global expansion of flagship event from US-only to six major international markets
- Strategic partnerships with major brands and industry leaders as speakers
- Secured sponsorships from prominent payment and retail technology companies
- None.
The global summit will equip merchants with actionable strategies to fight fraud and unlock growth opportunities across regions.
A Global Summit for Global Challenges
Ascend 2025 will bring together ecommerce and retail leaders, fraud experts, and payments innovators. Featured speakers across the globe include Andreas Zodhiates, Operations Manager, Payments Fraud at; Paul Woosley, Director of Fraud Analytics at Macy's; Pierre-Edouard Potdevin, Ecommerce Manager, Louis Vuitton; Marie Rousselot, Global Fraud & BO Project Manager, Louis Vuitton; Dajana Gajic-Fisic, Vice President of Fraud at Wolfe; and Michael Osborne, Chief Executive Officer at Appriss Retail.
“As ecommerce fraud grows more sophisticated and widespread, merchants need to adopt smarter, more nuanced strategies for each region they do business in. Ascend 2025’s global expansion reflects this need to bring ecommerce industry peers together at events in their region, opening new doors for collaboration and knowledge sharing across borders,” said Jeff Otto, Chief Marketing Officer, Riskified.
Ascend 2025 summit dates:
Europe (London ), March 31 - April 1, 2025 -
China (Shanghai ) - April 24, 2025 -
North America (New York City ), June 16-17, 2025 -
Australia (Melbourne ), May 2025 -
Brazil (São Paulo), September 2025 -
Japan (Tokyo ), September 2025
Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for Ascend 2025 in
Ascend 2025 is sponsored by Mastercard, Appriss Retail, Primer, IXOPAY, and Optimized Payments.
About Riskified
Riskified (NYSE:RSKD) empowers businesses to unleash ecommerce growth by outsmarting risk. Many of the world’s biggest brands and publicly traded companies selling online rely on Riskified for guaranteed protection against chargebacks, to fight fraud and policy abuse at scale, and to improve customer retention. Developed and managed by the largest team of ecommerce risk analysts, data scientists, and researchers, Riskified’s AI-powered fraud and risk intelligence platform analyzes the individual behind each interaction to provide real-time decisions and robust identity-based insights. Riskified was named to CNBC's World’s Top Fintech Companies in 2024. Learn more at
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Cristina Dinozo
Sr. Director of Communications
Chett Mandel
Head of Investor Relations
Source: Riskified
When and where will Riskified's Ascend 2025 summit take place?
Who are the key speakers at RSKD's Ascend 2025 summit?
What is the main focus of Riskified's Ascend 2025 global summit?