Republic Services Polymer Center Honored as Industry's 2023 Sustainability Game Changer

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Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) has been awarded the National Waste & Recycling Association's 2023 Sustainability Game Changer Award for its innovative Polymer Center in Las Vegas. This first-of-its-kind facility is part of a national network being developed to enhance circularity for rigid plastics and support sustainable packaging.

The Polymer Center processes sorted plastics from recycling facilities, further separating them by type and color to produce recycled PET flake and color-sorted olefins. Republic Services has also launched Blue Polymers, a joint venture to create custom drop-in solutions for packaging manufacturers.

A second Polymer Center is under development in Indianapolis, co-located with a Blue Polymers facility, with construction expected to be completed later this year. The company plans to establish additional sites to create a regional hub-and-spoke network for nationwide coverage, aiming to transform the plastics value chain and enable true bottle-to-bottle circularity.

Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) ha ricevuto il National Waste & Recycling Association's 2023 Sustainability Game Changer Award per il suo innovativo Polymer Center a Las Vegas. Questa struttura unica nel suo genere fa parte di una rete nazionale in fase di sviluppo per migliorare la circolarità della plastica rigida e supportare imballaggi sostenibili.

Il Polymer Center elabora le plastiche selezionate provenienti dagli impianti di riciclaggio, separandole ulteriormente per tipo e colore per produrre fiocchi di PET riciclato e olefine ordinate per colore. Republic Services ha anche lanciato Blue Polymers, una joint venture per creare soluzioni personalizzate per i produttori di imballaggi.

Un secondo Polymer Center è in fase di sviluppo a Indianapolis, co-localizzato con un impianto Blue Polymers, con la costruzione che dovrebbe essere completata entro la fine di quest'anno. L'azienda prevede di stabilire ulteriori siti per creare una rete regionale a hub-and-spoke per una copertura nazionale, con l'obiettivo di trasformare la catena del valore della plastica e abilitare una vera circolarità bottiglia-a-bottiglia.

Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) ha sido galardonada con el National Waste & Recycling Association's 2023 Sustainability Game Changer Award por su innovador Polymer Center en Las Vegas. Esta instalación única en su tipo forma parte de una red nacional en desarrollo para mejorar la circularidad de los plásticos rígidos y apoyar envases sostenibles.

El Polymer Center procesa plásticos clasificados de instalaciones de reciclaje, separándolos aún más por tipo y color para producir escamas de PET reciclado y olefinas clasificadas por color. Republic Services también ha lanzado Blue Polymers, una empresa conjunta para crear soluciones personalizadas para los fabricantes de envases.

Un segundo Polymer Center se está desarrollando en Indianápolis, co-localizado con una instalación de Blue Polymers, con la construcción esperada para completarse a finales de este año. La empresa planea establecer sitios adicionales para crear una red regional de centro y spoke para una cobertura nacional, con el objetivo de transformar la cadena de valor del plástico y permitir una verdadera circularidad de botella a botella.

Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG)는 라스베가스에 위치한 혁신적인 폴리머 센터로 인해 National Waste & Recycling Association의 2023 Sustainability Game Changer Award를 수상했습니다. 이 유일무이한 시설은 경질 플라스틱의 순환성을 향상시키고 지속 가능한 포장을 지원하기 위해 개발 중인 국가 네트워크의 일환입니다.

폴리머 센터는 재활용 시설에서 선별된 플라스틱을 처리하며, 이를 다시 유형 및 색상에 따라 분리하여 재활용 PET 조각 및 색상 분류된 올레핀을 생산합니다. Republic Services는 또한 포장 제조업체를 위한 맞춤형 솔루션을 만들기 위한 합작 투자인 Blue Polymers를 시작했습니다.

두 번째 폴리머 센터는 인디애나폴리스에서 Blue Polymers 시설과 함께 개발 중이며, 올해 말 완료될 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 회사는 전국적 범위를 위한 지역 중심-주변 네트워크를 만들기 위해 추가 사이트를 설립할 계획이며, 플라스틱 가치 사슬을 변혁하고 진정한 병에서 병으로의 순환성을 가능하게 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) a reçu le National Waste & Recycling Association's 2023 Sustainability Game Changer Award pour son centre de polymères innovant à Las Vegas. Cette installation unique en son genre fait partie d’un réseau national en cours de développement pour améliorer la circularité des plastiques rigides et soutenir des emballages durables.

Le Centre de Polymères traite des plastiques triés provenant des installations de recyclage, en les séparant davantage par type et couleur pour produire flocons de PET recyclé et oléfines triées par couleur. Republic Services a également lancé Blue Polymers, une coentreprise pour créer des solutions sur mesure pour les fabricants d'emballages.

Un deuxième Centre de Polymères est en cours de développement à Indianapolis, co-localisé avec une installation Blue Polymers, dont la construction devrait être achevée d'ici la fin de l'année. L'entreprise prévoit d'établir d'autres sites pour créer un réseau régional en étoile pour une couverture nationale, visant à transformer la chaîne de valeur des plastiques et à permettre une véritable circularité bouteille-à-bouteille.

Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) wurde mit dem National Waste & Recycling Association's 2023 Sustainability Game Changer Award für ihr innovatives Polymer Center in Las Vegas ausgezeichnet. Diese einzigartige Einrichtung ist Teil eines nationalen Netzwerks, das entwickelt wird, um die Kreislauffähigkeit von Hartkunststoffen zu verbessern und nachhaltige Verpackungen zu unterstützen.

Das Polymer Center verarbeitet sortierte Kunststoffe aus Recyclinganlagen und trennt sie weiter nach Typ und Farbe, um recycelte PET-Flakes und farbsortierte Olefine herzustellen. Republic Services hat auch Blue Polymers ins Leben gerufen, ein Joint Venture zur Schaffung maßgeschneiderter Lösungen für Verpackungshersteller.

Ein zweites Polymer Center wird in Indianapolis entwickelt, wo es neben einer Blue Polymers-Anlage angesiedelt ist, mit einem Abschluss der Bauarbeiten, die voraussichtlich noch in diesem Jahr erfolgen. Das Unternehmen plant, weitere Standorte einzurichten, um ein regional verteiltes Netzwerk für eine landesweite Abdeckung zu schaffen, mit dem Ziel, die Wertschöpfungskette für Kunststoffe zu transformieren und eine echte Flasche-zu-Flasche-Kreislauffähigkeit zu ermöglichen.

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National Waste and Recycling Association recognizes first-of-its-kind facility for innovations in plastics circularity

PHOENIX, July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) has been honored with the National Waste & Recycling Association's (NWRA) 2023 Sustainability Game Changer Award for its Polymer Center, celebrating the facility's innovative approach to plastics circularity. The Polymer Center in Las Vegas is the first in a national network under development to enable greater circularity for rigid plastics and support sustainable packaging, helping customers achieve their sustainability goals.

"Through the Polymer Center, we're transforming the plastics value chain, from curbside collection to consumer packaging and back again," said Pete Keller, vice president of recycling and sustainability. "Our goal is to enable true bottle-to-bottle circularity and help consumer packaged goods companies meet their recycled content goals. We're grateful to NWRA for recognizing the Polymer Center as 2023's Sustainability Game Changer."

Republic Services' Polymer Center processes sorted and baled plastics from recycling facilities, further separating plastics by type and color to produce hot-washed recycled PET flake and color-sorted olefins. Republic also launched the Blue Polymers joint venture to further process olefins from Polymer Centers and create custom drop-in solutions for packaging manufacturers.  

"Game changer means the narrative has shifted," said NWRA President and CEO Michael E. Hoffman. "Republic Services Polymer Center's strategy has changed the circular economy narrative and demonstrated market-based circular solutions are viable."

The company's second Polymer Center is under development in Indianapolis, where it will be co-located with a Blue Polymers facility. Construction is expected to be complete later this year. Additional sites are planned to create a regional hub-and-spoke network for nationwide coverage.

About Republic Services
Republic Services, Inc. is a leader in the environmental services industry. Through its subsidiaries, the company provides customers with the most complete set of products and services, including recycling, solid waste, special waste, hazardous waste and field services. Republic's industry-leading commitments to advance circularity and support decarbonization are helping deliver on its vision to partner with customers to create a more sustainable world. For more information, please visit

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What award did Republic Services (RSG) receive for its Polymer Center in 2023?

Republic Services (RSG) received the National Waste & Recycling Association's 2023 Sustainability Game Changer Award for its Polymer Center in Las Vegas.

Where is Republic Services (RSG) building its second Polymer Center?

Republic Services (RSG) is developing its second Polymer Center in Indianapolis, which will be co-located with a Blue Polymers facility.

What does Republic Services' (RSG) Polymer Center process?

Republic Services' (RSG) Polymer Center processes sorted and baled plastics from recycling facilities, separating them by type and color to produce recycled PET flake and color-sorted olefins.

What is the goal of Republic Services' (RSG) Polymer Center network?

The goal of Republic Services' (RSG) Polymer Center network is to enable true bottle-to-bottle circularity and help consumer packaged goods companies meet their recycled content goals.

When is the construction of Republic Services' (RSG) second Polymer Center expected to be complete?

The construction of Republic Services' (RSG) second Polymer Center in Indianapolis is expected to be complete later in 2024.

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