Republic Services Hits Emissions Reduction Target Early, Supporting Customers' Climate Goals

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Republic Services (NYSE: RSG) has released its 2023 Sustainability Report, highlighting significant progress towards its 2030 sustainability goals. The company has reduced operational greenhouse gas emissions by 15% compared to 2017, surpassing its interim target of 10% reduction by 2025. This achievement supports customers' climate goals and demonstrates Republic's commitment to environmental leadership.

Key highlights include:

  • Safety improvements with an OSHA Total Recordable Incident Rate 40% better than industry average
  • High employee engagement score of 86, exceeding the national average
  • Opening of North America's first Polymer Center and launch of Blue Polymers initiative
  • Development of five new renewable natural gas plants
  • Positive impact on 4.7 million people through sustainable neighborhood projects
Republic Services has received recognition from Barron's, Fortune, Forbes, and Ethisphere for its sustainability efforts.

Republic Services (NYSE: RSG) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023, evidenziando progressi significativi verso i suoi obiettivi di sostenibilità per il 2030. L'azienda ha ridotto le emissioni di gas serra operative del 15% rispetto al 2017, superando il target intermedio di riduzione del 10% entro il 2025. Questo risultato supporta gli obiettivi climatici dei clienti e dimostra l'impegno di Republic verso una leadership ambientale.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Miglioramenti nella sicurezza con un tasso complessivo di incidenti registrabili OSHA del 40% migliore della media del settore
  • Alto punteggio di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti di 86, superiore alla media nazionale
  • Apertura del primo Centro Polimerico del Nord America e lancio dell'iniziativa Blue Polymers
  • Sviluppo di cinque nuovi impianti di gas naturale rinnovabile
  • Impatto positivo su 4,7 milioni di persone tramite progetti sostenibili nei quartieri
Republic Services ha ricevuto riconoscimenti da Barron's, Fortune, Forbes ed Ethisphere per i suoi sforzi in sostenibilità.

Republic Services (NYSE: RSG) ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023, destacando un progreso significativo hacia sus objetivos de sostenibilidad para 2030. La empresa ha reducido las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero operativas en un 15% en comparación con 2017, superando su meta intermedia de reducción del 10% para 2025. Este logro apoya los objetivos climáticos de los clientes y demuestra el compromiso de Republic con el liderazgo ambiental.

Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Mejoras en seguridad con una tasa total de incidentes registrados de OSHA que es un 40% mejor que la media de la industria
  • Alto puntaje de compromiso de empleados de 86, superando el promedio nacional
  • Apertura del primer Centro de Polímeros de América del Norte y lanzamiento de la iniciativa Blue Polymers
  • Desarrollo de cinco nuevas plantas de gas natural renovable
  • Impacto positivo en 4.7 millones de personas a través de proyectos de vecindario sostenibles
Republic Services ha recibido reconocimientos de Barron's, Fortune, Forbes y Ethisphere por sus esfuerzos en sostenibilidad.

Republic Services (NYSE: RSG)는 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표했으며, 2030 지속 가능성 목표를 향한 Significant progress를 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 2017년 대비 운영 온실가스 배출량을 15% 줄였으며, 2025년까지 10% 감축을 목표했던 중간 목표를 초과 달성했습니다. 이 성과는 고객의 기후 목표를 지원하며 Republic의 환경 리더십에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 산업 평균보다 40% 개선된 OSHA 전체 기록 가능 사고 비율을 통한 안전성 향상
  • 국가 평균을 초과하는 86의 높은 직원 참여 점수
  • 북미 최초의 폴리머 센터 개소 및 Blue Polymers 이니셔티브 시작
  • 다섯 개의 새로운 재생 가능한 천연가스 플랜트 개발
  • 지속 가능한 이웃 프로젝트를 통해 470만 명에 긍정적인 영향 미침
Republic Services는 지속 가능성 노력을 인정받아 Barron's, Fortune, Forbes 및 Ethisphere로부터 인정을 받았습니다.

Republic Services (NYSE: RSG) a publié son Rapport de Durabilité 2023, mettant en avant des progrès significatifs vers ses objectifs de durabilité pour 2030. L'entreprise a réduit ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre opérationnelles de 15% par rapport à 2017, dépassant ainsi son objectif intermédiaire de réduction de 10% d'ici 2025. Cet accomplissement soutient les objectifs climatiques de ses clients et démontre l'engagement de Republic envers un leadership environnemental.

Les points clés incluent:

  • Améliorations de la sécurité avec un taux total d'incidents enregistrables OSHA 40% meilleur que la moyenne de l'industrie
  • Un score d'engagement des employés de 86, dépassant la moyenne nationale
  • Ouverture du premier Centre Polymère d'Amérique du Nord et lancement de l'initiative Blue Polymers
  • Développement de cinq nouvelles usines de gaz naturel renouvelable
  • Impact positif sur 4,7 millions de personnes grâce à des projets de quartier durables
Republic Services a reçu des reconnaissance de Barron's, Fortune, Forbes et Ethisphere pour ses efforts en matière de durabilité.

Republic Services (NYSE: RSG) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht, der bedeutende Fortschritte in Richtung seiner Nachhaltigkeitsziele für 2030 hervorhebt. Das Unternehmen hat die operativen Treibhausgasemissionen um 15% im Vergleich zu 2017 gesenkt und damit das Zwischenziel einer Reduktion um 10% bis 2025 übertroffen. Dieser Erfolg unterstützt die Klimaziele der Kunden und zeigt Republics Engagement für Umweltführerschaft.

Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

  • Sicherheitsverbesserungen mit einer OSHA-Gesamtzahl an meldepflichtigen Vorfällen, die 40% besser als der Branchendurchschnitt ist
  • Hoher Mitarbeiterengagement-Score von 86, der den nationalen Durchschnitt übertrifft
  • Eröffnung des ersten Polymerzentrums in Nordamerika und Start der Blue Polymers-Initiative
  • Entwicklung von fünf neuen Anlagen für erneuerbares Erdgas
  • Positiver Einfluss auf 4,7 Millionen Menschen durch nachhaltige Nachbarschaftsprojekte
Republic Services wurde von Barron's, Fortune, Forbes und Ethisphere für seine Nachhaltigkeitsanstrengungen anerkannt.

  • Achieved 15% reduction in operational GHG emissions, surpassing 10% target two years early
  • Reported OSHA Total Recordable Incident Rate 40% better than industry average
  • Attained employee engagement score of 86, well above national average of 79
  • Opened North America's first Polymer Center and launched Blue Polymers initiative
  • Developed five new renewable natural gas plants, expanding renewable energy portfolio to 86 projects
  • Positively impacted 4.7 million people through sustainable neighborhood projects in 2023
  • None.

As an environmental sustainability expert, I find Republic Services' progress in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions particularly noteworthy. The company has achieved a 15% reduction in operational GHG emissions compared to their 2017 baseline, surpassing their interim target of 10% by 2025 two years early. This accomplishment is significant for several reasons:

  • It demonstrates Republic Services' commitment to climate action and their ability to execute on sustainability goals ahead of schedule.
  • The early achievement provides momentum for reaching their more ambitious 2030 goals.
  • This reduction directly supports their customers' climate goals, potentially enhancing Republic's competitive position in the market.

The company's investment in five new renewable natural gas plants, expanding their portfolio to 86 projects, is a strategic move towards decarbonization. This not only reduces their environmental impact but also positions them as a leader in sustainable waste management solutions.

However, it's important to note that while a 15% reduction is commendable, the waste management industry still faces significant challenges in further reducing emissions. The company will need to continue innovating and investing in new technologies to maintain this momentum towards their long-term sustainability goals.

From a financial perspective, Republic Services' sustainability initiatives present a compelling case for long-term value creation. The company's proactive approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors could translate into tangible financial benefits:

  • Cost Savings: The 15% reduction in GHG emissions likely correlates with improved operational efficiencies and reduced energy costs.
  • Revenue Growth: The launch of Blue Polymers and the Polymer Center positions Republic Services to capitalize on the growing demand for recycled plastics, potentially opening new revenue streams.
  • Risk Mitigation: By surpassing emissions targets early, the company is better prepared for potential future regulations and carbon pricing mechanisms.
  • Competitive Advantage: Strong sustainability performance can attract environmentally conscious customers and partners, potentially leading to market share gains.

The company's inclusion in prestigious lists such as Barron's 100 Most Sustainable Companies and Fortune's America's Most Innovative Companies enhances its reputation, which can positively impact investor sentiment and potentially lower the cost of capital.

However, investors should also consider the capital expenditures required to maintain this sustainability leadership position. While these investments are likely to pay off in the long run, they may impact short-term profitability metrics. Overall, Republic Services' sustainability initiatives appear to be creating a strong foundation for future financial performance and shareholder value.

Company reports 15% decrease, two years ahead of 2025 target, along with progress toward 2030 goals in latest Sustainability Report

PHOENIX, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG), a leader in the environmental services industry, has released its 2023 Sustainability Report, which highlights the company's sustainability initiatives and progress toward its 2030 goals, including a significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that will help support customers' climate goals. As of 2023, Republic has reduced operational GHG emissions 15%, versus a 2017 baseline, ahead of its interim target of a 10% reduction by 2025.

Republic Services releases its 2023 Sustainability Report, highlighting initiatives and progress toward 2030 goals.

"Sustainability is our business. Through investments and innovations, Republic Services is transforming plastics circularity and advancing decarbonization solutions, helping meet the needs of our customers," said Jon Vander Ark, president and chief executive officer. "As we continue to make progress toward our long-term goals, we're driving both economic and environmental sustainability, and working to create a more sustainable world."

Republic Services continues to make meaningful strides toward its ambitious 2030 Sustainability Goals. In addition to its strong Climate Leadership results, the company reported notable progress toward its Safety, Talent and Communities goals, with a safety rate and employee engagement score well above industry and national benchmarks.

2023 Sustainability Highlights


  • Reported an OSHA Total Recordable Incident Rate 40% better than the industry average
  • Deployed more than 2,200 collision-avoidance cameras in collection trucks


  • Achieved an employee engagement score of 86, well above the national average of 79
  • Employed more than 4,600 veterans, on the way to 5,000 by 2025

Climate Leadership:

  • Opened North America's first Polymer Center and launched Blue Polymers, transforming plastics circularity
  • Developed five new renewable natural gas plants, bringing our renewable energy portfolio to 86 projects


  • Positively impacted 4.7 million people through sustainable neighborhood projects, and more than 14 million since 2017
  • Supported 917 community projects through charitable grants

Republic Services' sustainability achievements have received notable third-party recognition over the past year, with inclusion in Barron's 100 Most Sustainable Companies, Fortune's America's Most Innovative Companies and World's Most Admired Companies, Forbes' Net Zero Leaders and Best Employers for Diversity, and Ethisphere's World's Most Ethical Companies.

The 2023 Sustainability Report is part of a suite of sustainability reporting to be released this month that includes Republic Services' 2023 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Report, 2023 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Report, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report, 2023 CDP Climate Change response and Environmental Justice reporting. Current and past sustainability reporting can be found on the company's website, at

About Republic Services
Republic Services, Inc. is a leader in the environmental services industry. Through its subsidiaries, the company provides customers with the most complete set of products and services, including recycling, solid waste, special waste, hazardous waste and field services. Republic's industry-leading commitments to advance circularity and support decarbonization are helping deliver on its vision to partner with customers to create a more sustainable world. For more information, please visit

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SOURCE Republic Services, Inc.


What is Republic Services' (RSG) progress on greenhouse gas emissions reduction?

Republic Services (RSG) has reduced operational greenhouse gas emissions by 15% compared to a 2017 baseline, surpassing its interim target of 10% reduction by 2025 two years ahead of schedule.

How does Republic Services' (RSG) safety record compare to industry standards?

Republic Services (RSG) reported an OSHA Total Recordable Incident Rate that is 40% better than the industry average, demonstrating a strong commitment to workplace safety.

What initiatives has Republic Services (RSG) launched to improve plastics circularity?

Republic Services (RSG) opened North America's first Polymer Center and launched Blue Polymers, initiatives aimed at transforming plastics circularity and advancing sustainable waste management solutions.

How many renewable natural gas plants does Republic Services (RSG) operate as of 2023?

As of 2023, Republic Services (RSG) has developed five new renewable natural gas plants, bringing its total renewable energy portfolio to 86 projects.

What is Republic Services' (RSG) impact on communities through sustainable projects?

In 2023, Republic Services (RSG) positively impacted 4.7 million people through sustainable neighborhood projects, contributing to a total of over 14 million people impacted since 2017.

Republic Services Inc.


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Waste Management
Refuse Systems
United States of America