RE Royalties Announces Change of Auditors

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RE Royalties (TSXV:RE)(OTCQX:RROYF), a global leader in renewable energy royalty-based financing, has announced a change in its auditors. Deloitte LLP has resigned as the company's auditor, effective September 23, 2024, and has been replaced by Davidson & Company LLP on the same date. The change was initiated at the company's request and approved by both the board of directors and the audit committee.

The company confirms that there are no reservations, modified opinions, or reportable events related to Deloitte LLP's previous audits. In compliance with National Instrument 51-102, the Notice of Change of Auditor and required letters from both auditors have been reviewed by the audit committee and board of directors and filed on SEDAR+.

RE Royalties specializes in acquiring revenue-based royalties from renewable energy projects, currently owning over 100 royalties across various renewable energy sectors in Canada, United States, Mexico, and Chile.

RE Royalties (TSXV:RE)(OTCQX:RROYF), un leader globale nel finanziamento basato su royalty per l'energia rinnovabile, ha annunciato un cambio di revisori. Deloitte LLP ha rassegnato le dimissioni come revisore dell'azienda, con effetto dal 23 settembre 2024, ed è stata sostituita da Davidson & Company LLP nella stessa data. Il cambiamento è stato avviato su richiesta dell'azienda ed è stato approvato sia dal consiglio di amministrazione che dal comitato di revisione.

L'azienda conferma che non ci sono riserve, opinioni modificate o eventi riportabili relativi alle precedenti revisioni di Deloitte LLP. In conformità con il Regolamento Nazionale 51-102, il Notifica di Cambio di Revisore e le lettere richieste da entrambi i revisori sono state esaminate dal comitato di revisione e dal consiglio di amministrazione e depositate su SEDAR+.

RE Royalties si specializza nell'acquisizione di royalties basate su entrate da progetti di energia rinnovabile, attualmente possedendo oltre 100 royalties in vari settori dell'energia rinnovabile in Canada, Stati Uniti, Messico e Cile.

RE Royalties (TSXV:RE)(OTCQX:RROYF), un líder global en financiamiento basado en regalías de energía renovable, ha anunciado un cambio de auditores. Deloitte LLP ha renunciado como auditor de la empresa, con efecto a partir del 23 de septiembre de 2024, y ha sido reemplazada por Davidson & Company LLP en la misma fecha. El cambio fue iniciado a solicitud de la empresa y aprobado tanto por la junta directiva como por el comité de auditoría.

La empresa confirma que no hay reservas, opiniones modificadas ni eventos informables relacionados con las auditorías anteriores de Deloitte LLP. De acuerdo con el Instrumento Nacional 51-102, se ha revisado el Aviso de Cambio de Auditor y las cartas requeridas de ambos auditores por parte del comité de auditoría y la junta directiva y se han presentado en SEDAR+.

RE Royalties se especializa en la adquisición de regalías basadas en ingresos de proyectos de energía renovable, poseyendo actualmente más de 100 regalías en varios sectores de energía renovable en Canadá, Estados Unidos, México y Chile.

RE 로열티 (TSXV:RE)(OTCQX:RROYF)는 재생 가능 에너지 로열티 기반 금융의 글로벌 선두주자로서 감사인 변경을 발표했습니다. Deloitte LLP가 회사의 감사인으로서 2024년 9월 23일부로 사임하였으며, 동일 날짜에 Davidson & Company LLP로 대체되었습니다. 이 변경은 회사의 요청에 의해 시작되었으며, 이사회와 감사 위원회의 승인을 받았습니다.

회사는 Deloitte LLP의 이전 감사와 관련하여 이의사항, 수정된 의견 또는 보고 가능한 사건이 없음을 확인합니다. 국가 규정 51-102에 따라 감사인 변경 통지 및 두 감사인으로부터 요구되는 서신이 감사 위원회와 이사회에 의해 검토되었으며, SEDAR+에 제출되었습니다.

RE 로열티는 재생 가능 에너지 프로젝트로부터 수익 기반 로열티를 인수하는 전문 기업으로, 현재 캐나다, 미국, 멕시코 및 칠레의 다양한 재생 에너지 분야에서 100개 이상의 로열티를 보유하고 있습니다.

RE Royalties (TSXV:RE)(OTCQX:RROYF), un leader mondial dans le financement basé sur des redevances dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables, a annoncé un changement de ses auditeurs. Deloitte LLP a démissionné en tant qu'auditeur de la société, avec effet au 23 septembre 2024, et a été remplacé par Davidson & Company LLP à la même date. Le changement a été initié à la demande de la société et approuvé par le conseil d'administration et le comité d'audit.

La société confirme qu'il n'y a aucune réserve, opinion modifiée ou événement rapportable lié aux audits précédents de Deloitte LLP. Conformément à l'Instrument National 51-102, l'Avis de Changement d'Auditeur et les lettres requises des deux auditeurs ont été examinés par le comité d'audit et le conseil d'administration, et ont été déposés sur SEDAR+.

RE Royalties se spécialise dans l'acquisition de redevances basées sur les recettes provenant de projets d'énergie renouvelable, possédant actuellement plus de 100 redevances dans divers secteurs des énergies renouvelables au Canada, aux États-Unis, au Mexique et au Chili.

RE Royalties (TSXV:RE)(OTCQX:RROYF), ein globaler Marktführer in der royalen Finanzierungsstruktur für erneuerbare Energien, hat einen Wechsel der Prüfer bekannt gegeben. Deloitte LLP hat mit Wirkung zum 23. September 2024 als Prüfer des Unternehmens zurückgetreten und wurde an demselben Datum durch Davidson & Company LLP ersetzt. Der Wechsel erfolgte auf Wunsch des Unternehmens und wurde sowohl vom Vorstand als auch vom Prüfungsausschuss genehmigt.

Das Unternehmen bestätigt, dass es keine Vorbehalte, geänderten Meinungen oder berichtspflichtigen Ereignisse in Verbindung mit den vorherigen Prüfungen von Deloitte LLP gibt. In Übereinstimmung mit dem National Instrument 51-102 wurden die Mitteilung über den Wechsel des Prüfers und die erforderlichen Schreiben beider Prüfer vom Prüfungsausschuss und Vorstand überprüft und bei SEDAR+ eingereicht.

RE Royalties spezialisiert sich auf den Erwerb von einkommensbasierten Royalties aus Projekten erneuerbarer Energien und besitzt derzeit über 100 Royalties in verschiedenen Sektoren erneuerbarer Energien in Kanada, den USA, Mexiko und Chile.

  • Company proactively initiated the change of auditors, suggesting good corporate governance
  • No reservations, modified opinions, or reportable events in previous audits, indicating clean financial records
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements in the auditor change process
  • None.

All amounts in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 7, 2024 / RE Royalties Ltd. (TSXV:RE)(OTCQX:RROYF) ("RE Royalties" or the "Company"), a global leader in renewable energy royalty-based financing,is pleased to announce that it has changed its auditors from Deloitte LLP (the "Former Auditor") to Davidson & Company LLP (the "Successor Auditor"). The Former Auditor resigned as the auditor of the Company effective September 23, 2024, and the board of directors of the Company appointed the Successor Auditor on September 23, 2024. The change of auditor occurred at the request of the Company.

The Company's board of directors and the audit committee each approved the resignation of the Former Auditor and the appointment of the Successor Auditor in place of the Former Auditor; there are no reservations, modified opinions or reportable events (as defined in National Instrument 51-102) in connection with each of the Former Auditor's audit of the Company which occurred prior to the resignation as auditors of the Company; and Notice of Change of Auditor was approved by the Company's board of directors.

In accordance with National Instrument 51-102, the Notice of Change of Auditor, together with the required letters from the Former Auditor and the Successor Auditor, have been reviewed by the audit committee and the board of directors and have been filed on SEDAR+ (

About RE Royalties Ltd.

RE Royalties Ltd. acquires revenue-based royalties from renewable energy facilities and technologies by providing a non-dilutive financing solution to privately held and publicly traded companies in the renewable energy sector. RE Royalties is the first to apply this proven business model to the renewable energy sector. The Company currently owns over 100 royalties on solar, wind, hydro, battery storage, energy efficiency and renewable natural gas projects in Canada, United States, Mexico, and Chile. The Company's business objectives are to provide shareholders with a strong growing yield, robust capital protection, high rate of growth through re-investment and a sustainable investment focus.

For further information, please contact:

RE Royalties Ltd.
Talia Beckett, VP of Communications and Sustainability
T: (778) 374‐2000

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Forward Looking Statements
This news release includes forward-looking information and forward-looking statements (collectively, "forward-looking information") with respect to the Company and within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Forward looking information is typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. This information represents predictions and actual events or results may differ materially. Forward-looking information may relate to the Company's future outlook and anticipated events or results and may include statements regarding the Company's financial results, future financial position, expected growth of cash flows, business strategy, budgets, projected costs, projected capital expenditures, taxes, plans, objectives, industry trends and growth opportunities including financing. The reader is referred to the Company's most recent filings on SEDAR+ as well as other information filed with the OTC Markets for a more complete discussion of all applicable risk factors and their potential effects, copies of which may be accessed through the Company's profile page at

SOURCE: RE Royalties Ltd.

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When did RE Royalties (RROYF) change its auditor?

RE Royalties (RROYF) changed its auditor on September 23, 2024, appointing Davidson & Company LLP as the new auditor after the resignation of Deloitte LLP.

Who is the new auditor for RE Royalties (RROYF)?

The new auditor for RE Royalties (RROYF) is Davidson & Company LLP, appointed on September 23, 2024.

Were there any issues with RE Royalties 's (RROYF) previous audits?

No, the company confirmed that there were no reservations, modified opinions, or reportable events related to the previous audits conducted by Deloitte LLP.

How many royalties does RE Royalties (RROYF) currently own?

RE Royalties (RROYF) currently owns over 100 royalties on various renewable energy projects across Canada, United States, Mexico, and Chile.



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Utilities - Renewable
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