Range Announces Retirement of Steve Gray from the Board of Directors

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Range Resources (NYSE: RRC) has announced the retirement of Steve Gray from its Board of Directors, effective October 1, 2024. Gray, who joined the board in 2018, has been praised for his contributions to making Range a more resilient and efficient Marcellus operator. Chairman Greg Maxwell expressed gratitude for Gray's service, highlighting his role in helping the company generate free cash flow and returns of capital through price cycles.

Gray reflected on his tenure, noting Range's successful navigation through challenging times, including volatile commodity prices and the pandemic. He emphasized the company's improved balance sheet, consistent high performance, and capital returns to shareholders. Gray stated that Range is now in its best shape historically, with an inventory of de-risked, high-quality wells capable of delivering significant shareholder value for decades.

Range Resources (NYSE: RRC) ha annunciato il ritiro di Steve Gray dal suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, a partire dal 1 ottobre 2024. Gray, che è entrato nel consiglio nel 2018, è stato lodato per i suoi contributi nel rendere Range un operatore del Marcellus più resiliente ed efficiente. Il presidente Greg Maxwell ha espresso gratitudine per il servizio di Gray, sottolineando il suo ruolo nell'aiutare l'azienda a generare flussi di cassa liberi e rendimenti di capitale attraverso i cicli dei prezzi.

Gray ha riflettuto sul suo mandato, notando la navigazione di successo di Range attraverso periodi difficili, inclusi i prezzi delle materie prime volatili e la pandemia. Ha messo in evidenza il miglioramento del bilancio dell'azienda, le prestazioni elevate e i rendimenti del capitale per gli azionisti. Gray ha dichiarato che Range è ora nella sua migliore forma storicamente, con un inventario di pozzi di alta qualità a basso rischio in grado di fornire un valore significativo per gli azionisti per decenni.

Range Resources (NYSE: RRC) ha anunciado la jubilación de Steve Gray de su Junta Directiva, con efecto a partir del 1 de octubre de 2024. Gray, quien se unió a la junta en 2018, ha sido elogiado por sus contribuciones para hacer de Range un operador del Marcellus más resiliente y eficiente. El presidente Greg Maxwell expresó su agradecimiento por el servicio de Gray, destacando su papel en ayudar a la empresa a generar flujo de efectivo libre y retornos de capital a través de los ciclos de precios.

Gray reflexionó sobre su mandato, señalando la exitosa navegación de Range a través de tiempos desafiantes, incluidos los precios de las materias primas volátiles y la pandemia. Enfatizó la mejora en el balance de la empresa, el rendimiento alto y consistente y los retornos de capital a los accionistas. Gray afirmó que Range está ahora en su mejor forma histórica, con un inventario de pozos de alta calidad y bajo riesgo capaces de ofrecer un valor significativo a los accionistas durante décadas.

Range Resources (NYSE: RRC)는 스티브 그레이 이사가 2024년 10월 1일부로 이사회에서 은퇴한다고 발표했습니다. 2018년에 이사회에 합류한 그레이는 Range를 보다 탄력적이고 효율적인 마르셀루스 운영자로 만드는 데 기여한 것으로 찬사를 받았습니다. 회장 그렉 맥스웰은 그레이의 서비스에 대해 감사의 뜻을 전하며, 가격 주기를 통해 회사가 자유 현금 흐름과 자본 수익을 생성하도록 돕는 그의 역할을 강조했습니다.

그레이는 자신의 재임 기간을 돌아보며 Range가 변동성이 큰 원자재 가격과 팬데믹과 같은 어려운 시기를 성공적으로 극복했음을 언급했습니다. 그는 회사의 개선된 재무 상태, 지속적인 높은 성과 및 주주에 대한 자본 수익에 대해 강조했습니다. 그레이는 Range가 현재 역사적으로 최고의 상태에 있으며, 의미 있는 주주 가치를 수십 년 동안 창출할 수 있는 위험이 낮고 고품질의 우물 재고를 보유하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.

Range Resources (NYSE: RRC) a annoncé le départ à la retraite de Steve Gray de son conseil d'administration, à compter du 1er octobre 2024. Gray, qui a rejoint le conseil en 2018, a été loué pour ses contributions à rendre Range un opérateur du Marcellus plus résilient et efficace. Le président Greg Maxwell a exprimé sa gratitude pour le service de Gray, soulignant son rôle dans l'aide à l'entreprise pour générer des flux de trésorerie libres et des rendements en capital à travers les cycles de prix.

Gray a réfléchi à son mandat, notant la navigation réussie de Range à travers des périodes difficiles, y compris des prix des matières premières volatils et la pandémie. Il a souligné l'amélioration du bilan de l'entreprise, des performances élevées et constantes, et des rendements en capital pour les actionnaires. Gray a déclaré que Range est maintenant dans sa meilleure forme historique, avec un inventaire de puits de haute qualité à faible risque capables de fournir une valeur significative aux actionnaires pendant des décennies.

Range Resources (NYSE: RRC) hat den Rücktritt von Steve Gray aus seinem Vorstand zum 1. Oktober 2024 bekannt gegeben. Gray, der 2018 in den Vorstand eintrat, wurde für seinen Beitrag gelobt, Range zu einem widerstandsfähigeren und effizienteren Betreiber im Marcellus zu machen. Vorsitzender Greg Maxwell drückte seine Dankbarkeit für Grays Dienst aus und hob seine Rolle hervor, die dem Unternehmen half, freien Cashflow und Kapitalrenditen durch Preisschwankungen zu generieren.

Gray blickte auf seine Amtszeit zurück und merkte an, dass Range erfolgreich durch schwierige Zeiten, einschließlich volatiler Rohstoffpreise und der Pandemie, navigiert hat. Er betonte die verbesserte Bilanz des Unternehmens, die konstant hohen Leistungen und die Kapitalrenditen für die Aktionäre. Gray erklärte, dass Range nun in seiner historisch besten Verfassung sei, mit einem Bestand an risikoarmen hochwertigen Bohrlöchern, die über Jahrzehnten erheblichen Aktionärswert liefern können.

  • Board member's positive assessment of company's current financial and operational strength
  • Improved balance sheet and consistent high performance acknowledged
  • Inventory of de-risked, high-quality wells capable of long-term value generation
  • None.

FORT WORTH, Texas, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) today announced that Steve Gray will retire from his position on Range’s Board of Directors, effective October 1, 2024.

Range Chairman, Greg Maxwell stated, “We want to express our gratitude to Steve for his dedicated service to Range. Since joining our Board in 2018, Steve has shared his wisdom, industry experience and expertise, helping Range to become a more resilient and efficient Marcellus operator capable of generating free cash flow and returns of capital through price cycles. We wish Steve and his family the best in his retirement.”

Steve Gray commented, “During my time on the Range Board, I have seen the Company navigate through tough times, volatile commodity prices, and a pandemic, yet emerge as a stronger company. I am proud of how the Range team has managed the business through those challenges by improving the balance sheet, consistently performing at a high level and returning capital to shareholders. It is fulfilling to know that Range is in the best shape in Company history with an inventory of de-risked, high-quality wells capable of returning significant value to shareholders for decades.”

RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) is a leading U.S. independent natural gas and NGL producer with operations focused in the Appalachian Basin. The Company is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas.  More information about Range can be found at

Range Investor Contact:

Laith Sando, Vice President – Investor Relations

Range Media Contact:

Mark Windle, Director of Corporate Communications


When will Steve Gray retire from Range Resources 's (RRC) Board of Directors?

Steve Gray will retire from Range Resources 's (RRC) Board of Directors effective October 1, 2024.

How long has Steve Gray served on Range Resources 's (RRC) Board of Directors?

Steve Gray has served on Range Resources 's (RRC) Board of Directors since 2018, a tenure of approximately 6 years by the time of his retirement in 2024.

What achievements did Range Resources (RRC) make during Steve Gray's board tenure?

During Steve Gray's tenure, Range Resources (RRC) improved its balance sheet, consistently performed at a high level, returned capital to shareholders, and developed an inventory of de-risked, high-quality wells capable of generating significant value for decades.

How did Range Resources (RRC) perform during challenging market conditions according to Steve Gray?

According to Steve Gray, Range Resources (RRC) successfully navigated through tough times, volatile commodity prices, and a pandemic, emerging as a stronger company capable of generating free cash flow and returns of capital through price cycles.

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United States of America