Transact Campus + CBORD Announce 2025 Transact Distinction Award Winners at Annual Transact 360 Conference
Transact Campus + CBORD announced the winners of their annual Transact Distinction Awards at the Transact 360 Annual Users Conference in Las Vegas. The awards recognize institutions demonstrating excellence in campus technology implementation and innovation.
Eight institutions were honored across four categories:
- New Client of Distinction: University of Mount Olive and Southwestern Oregon Community College
- Student Experience: Wingate University, Wayne State University, and Doane University
- Marketing and Outreach: UNC Charlotte
- Innovation: Colorado School of Mines and University of Alabama
Additionally, partner awards were presented to Brian Krause of Progressive Technologies (Tommy Eubank Excellence), Ellucian (Partner of the Year), and USEFULL (Innovation Partner Award). CEO Nancy Langer emphasized the company's commitment to promoting technology-driven campus experiences.
Transact Campus + CBORD hanno annunciato i vincitori dei loro annuali Transact Distinction Awards durante la Transact 360 Annual Users Conference a Las Vegas. Questi premi riconoscono le istituzioni che dimostrano eccellenza nell'implementazione e nell'innovazione della tecnologia nei campus.
Otto istituzioni sono state premiate in quattro categorie:
- Nuovo Cliente di Distinzione: Università di Mount Olive e Southwestern Oregon Community College
- Esperienza Studentesca: Wingate University, Wayne State University e Doane University
- Marketing e Outreach: UNC Charlotte
- Innovazione: Colorado School of Mines e Università dell'Alabama
Inoltre, sono stati assegnati premi ai partner a Brian Krause di Progressive Technologies (Premio Tommy Eubank), Ellucian (Partner dell'Anno) e USEFULL (Premio Partner Innovativo). Il CEO Nancy Langer ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nella promozione di esperienze nei campus guidate dalla tecnologia.
Transact Campus + CBORD anunciaron a los ganadores de sus anuales Transact Distinction Awards en la Transact 360 Annual Users Conference en Las Vegas. Los premios reconocen a las instituciones que demuestran excelencia en la implementación e innovación de tecnología en los campus.
Ocho instituciones fueron honradas en cuatro categorías:
- Nuevo Cliente Distinguido: Universidad de Mount Olive y Southwestern Oregon Community College
- Experiencia Estudiantil: Wingate University, Wayne State University y Doane University
- Marketing y Difusión: UNC Charlotte
- Innovación: Colorado School of Mines y Universidad de Alabama
Además, se presentaron premios a socios a Brian Krause de Progressive Technologies (Premio Tommy Eubank), Ellucian (Socio del Año) y USEFULL (Premio Socio Innovador). La CEO Nancy Langer enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con la promoción de experiencias en el campus impulsadas por la tecnología.
Transact Campus + CBORD는 라스베가스에서 열린 Transact 360 Annual Users Conference에서 연례 Transact Distinction Awards의 수상자를 발표했습니다. 이 상은 캠퍼스 기술 구현 및 혁신에서 우수성을 보여주는 기관을 인정합니다.
여덟 개 기관이 네 가지 카테고리에서 수상했습니다:
- 우수 신규 고객: 마운트 올리브 대학교 및 사우스웨스턴 오리건 커뮤니티 칼리지
- 학생 경험: 윙게이트 대학교, 웨인 주립 대학교, 도안 대학교
- 마케팅 및 홍보: UNC 샬럿
- 혁신: 콜로라도 마인스 학교 및 앨라배마 대학교
또한, 파트너 상이 브라이언 크라우스(Progressive Technologies, 토미 유뱅크 우수상), 엘루시안(올해의 파트너), 그리고 USEFULL(혁신 파트너 상)에게 수여되었습니다. CEO 낸시 랑거는 기술 주도의 캠퍼스 경험을 촉진하려는 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다.
Transact Campus + CBORD ont annoncé les lauréats de leurs Transact Distinction Awards annuels lors de la Transact 360 Annual Users Conference à Las Vegas. Ces prix reconnaissent les institutions qui démontrent l'excellence dans la mise en œuvre et l'innovation technologique sur les campus.
Huit institutions ont été honorées dans quatre catégories :
- Nouveau Client de Distinction : Université de Mount Olive et Southwestern Oregon Community College
- Expérience Étudiante : Wingate University, Wayne State University et Doane University
- Marketing et Sensibilisation : UNC Charlotte
- Innovation : Colorado School of Mines et Université de l'Alabama
De plus, des prix partenaires ont été remis à Brian Krause de Progressive Technologies (Prix Tommy Eubank), Ellucian (Partenaire de l'Année) et USEFULL (Prix Partenaire Innovant). La PDG Nancy Langer a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à promouvoir des expériences sur campus axées sur la technologie.
Transact Campus + CBORD haben die Gewinner ihrer jährlichen Transact Distinction Awards auf der Transact 360 Annual Users Conference in Las Vegas bekannt gegeben. Die Auszeichnungen würdigen Institutionen, die Exzellenz in der Implementierung und Innovation von Campus-Technologie demonstrieren.
Acht Institutionen wurden in vier Kategorien ausgezeichnet:
- Neuer Kunde des Jahres: University of Mount Olive und Southwestern Oregon Community College
- Studentenerfahrung: Wingate University, Wayne State University und Doane University
- Marketing und Outreach: UNC Charlotte
- Innovation: Colorado School of Mines und University of Alabama
Zusätzlich wurden Partnerpreise an Brian Krause von Progressive Technologies (Tommy Eubank Excellence), Ellucian (Partner des Jahres) und USEFULL (Innovationspartnerpreis) verliehen. CEO Nancy Langer betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens zur Förderung technologiegestützter Campus-Erlebnisse.
- None.
- None.
This year’s winners recognized for excellence in Campus Technology and Innovation
The Transact Distinction Awards honor institutions that are shaping the future of campus technology through their innovative approaches to student engagement, payments, and campus ID solutions. This year’s program celebrated 8 institutions across four categories: New Client of Distinction, Distinction Award for Student Experience, Distinction Award for Marketing and Outreach, and the Distinction Award for Innovation. These institutions were selected for their forward-thinking initiatives that improve the student experience and drive operational efficiencies.
New Client of Distinction:
- University of Mount Olive
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Distinction Award for Student Experience:
- Wingate University
- Wayne State University
- Doane University
Distinction Award for Marketing and Outreach:
- The University of North Carolina Charlotte
Distinction Award for Innovation:
- The Colorado School of Mines
The University of
In addition to recognizing institutions, Transact also honors outstanding partners who play a pivotal role in driving innovation and enhancing the campus experience. The Partner Awards acknowledge organizations that have demonstrated excellence in collaboration, technology advancement, and strategic vision. This year’s Partner Awards include:
Tommy Eubank Excellence in Partnership Award:
- Brian Krause of Progressive Technologies
Partner of the Year:
- Ellucian
Innovation Partner Award:
"As a leader in integrated campus technology and innovations, Transact is dedicated to championing institutions that embrace the vision of a connected, tech-driven campus experience,” said Nancy Langer, CEO of Transact. “It’s truly an honor to celebrate all of this year’s Transact Distinction Award winners, recognizing their innovative spirit and commitment to enriching student life through technology. Their achievements set a high standard for excellence in seamlessly integrating payment and ID solutions within the educational realm."
About Transact Campus
Transact Campus (Transact), is a business unit of Roper Technologies (Nasdaq: ROP), a constituent of the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, and Fortune 1000. Transact is a leader in innovative payment, campus ID, and commerce solutions for a connected campus. Transact’s highly configurable, mobile-centric campus technology ecosystem simplifies the user experience across the full spectrum of campus life. Transact’s offerings include integrated solutions for tuition and other student expense payments, multi-purpose campus IDs, and campus commerce. For more information, visit
The CBORD Group, Inc. (CBORD), a Roper Technologies Company, is a leading provider of food and nutrition service management software, integrated security solutions, campus card and cashless systems, and commerce platforms for healthcare, senior living, higher education, and business campuses. With over 10,000 organizations using CBORD solutions globally, CBORD is committed to delivering innovative and comprehensive technology solutions that enhance the daily lives of patients, residents, students, staff, and administrators.
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Media contact
The Fletcher Group for Transact
Geoff Renstrom
Source: Transact Campus
Which universities won the 2025 Transact Distinction Awards for Innovation?
How many categories were included in the 2025 Transact Distinction Awards?
What institutions received the Student Experience Distinction Award in 2025?
Where was the Transact 360 Annual Users Conference held in 2025?