Procare Solutions Releases 2025 Child Care Business Trends Report
Procare Solutions has released its third annual Child Care Business Trends Report for 2025, offering comprehensive insights into the early childhood education (ECE) industry. The report, based on surveys from over 100,000 child care professionals, includes a new teacher-focused supplement.
Key findings reveal four main challenges:
- hiring and retaining staff
- maintaining consistent enrollment
- staff burnout
- access to public funding
Notable statistics show that over 180,000 child care seats have been added since 2019, one-third of centers rely on grants, and daycare app usage increased 7% year-over-year. The report highlights that while teachers seek professional development training, approximately 25% of centers have no training implementation plans.
Procare Solutions ha pubblicato il suo terzo rapporto annuale sulle tendenze nel settore della cura dell'infanzia per il 2025, offrendo approfondimenti completi sull'industria dell'educazione nella prima infanzia (ECE). Il rapporto, basato su sondaggi condotti tra oltre 100.000 professionisti della cura infantile, include un nuovo supplemento focalizzato sugli insegnanti.
I principali risultati rivelano quattro sfide principali:
- assunzione e mantenimento del personale
- mantenere un'iscrizione costante
- esaurimento del personale
- accesso ai fondi pubblici
Statistiche notevoli mostrano che oltre 180.000 posti nella cura dell'infanzia sono stati aggiunti dal 2019, un terzo dei centri si affida a sovvenzioni e l'uso delle app per l'asilo è aumentato del 7% anno dopo anno. Il rapporto evidenzia che mentre gli insegnanti cercano opportunità di formazione professionale, circa il 25% dei centri non ha piani di attuazione della formazione.
Procare Solutions ha lanzado su tercer informe anual sobre las tendencias en el negocio de la atención infantil para 2025, ofreciendo información completa sobre la industria de la educación infantil (ECE). El informe, basado en encuestas a más de 100,000 profesionales de la atención infantil, incluye un nuevo suplemento centrado en los docentes.
Los hallazgos clave revelan cuatro desafíos principales:
- contratación y retención de personal
- mantener una inscripción constante
- agotamiento del personal
- acceso a financiación pública
Estadísticas notables muestran que se han añadido más de 180,000 plazas de atención infantil desde 2019, un tercio de los centros dependen de subvenciones y el uso de aplicaciones de guardería ha aumentado un 7% interanual. El informe destaca que, aunque los docentes buscan capacitación profesional, aproximadamente el 25% de los centros no tiene planes de implementación de formación.
Procare Solutions는 2025년 아동 돌봄 비즈니스 트렌드 보고서의 세 번째 연례 보고서를 발표하며, 조기 아동 교육(ECE) 산업에 대한 포괄적인 통찰력을 제공합니다. 이 보고서는 100,000명 이상의 아동 돌봄 전문가를 대상으로 한 설문조사를 기반으로 하며, 교사 중심의 새로운 보충 자료를 포함하고 있습니다.
주요 발견 사항은 네 가지 주요 과제를 드러냅니다:
- 직원 채용 및 유지
- 일관된 등록 유지
- 직원 탈진
- 공공 자금 접근
주목할 만한 통계에 따르면, 2019년 이후로 180,000개 이상의 아동 돌봄 자리가 추가되었고, 센터의 3분의 1이 보조금에 의존하며, 어린이집 앱 사용이 연간 7% 증가했습니다. 보고서는 교사들이 전문 개발 교육을 원하지만, 약 25%의 센터는 교육 실행 계획이 없다는 점을 강조합니다.
Procare Solutions a publié son troisième rapport annuel sur les tendances du secteur de la garde d'enfants pour 2025, offrant des informations complètes sur l'industrie de l'éducation de la petite enfance (ECE). Le rapport, basé sur des enquêtes menées auprès de plus de 100 000 professionnels de la garde d'enfants, comprend un nouveau supplément axé sur les enseignants.
Les principales conclusions révèlent quatre défis majeurs :
- recrutement et fidélisation du personnel
- maintien d'une inscription constante
- épuisement du personnel
- accès au financement public
Des statistiques notables montrent que plus de 180 000 places de garde d'enfants ont été ajoutées depuis 2019, un tiers des centres dépendent des subventions et l'utilisation des applications de garde d'enfants a augmenté de 7 % d'une année sur l'autre. Le rapport souligne que, bien que les enseignants recherchent des formations professionnelles, environ 25 % des centres n'ont pas de plans de mise en œuvre de la formation.
Procare Solutions hat seinen dritten jährlichen Bericht über die Trends im Bereich der Kinderbetreuung für 2025 veröffentlicht und bietet umfassende Einblicke in die Branche der frühkindlichen Bildung (ECE). Der Bericht basiert auf Umfragen von über 100.000 Fachleuten der Kinderbetreuung und enthält ein neues, auf Lehrer fokussiertes Supplement.
Wesentliche Ergebnisse zeigen vier Hauptprobleme auf:
- Personal einstellen und halten
- konstante Einschreibungen aufrechterhalten
- Burnout des Personals
- Zugang zu öffentlichen Mitteln
Bemerkenswerte Statistiken zeigen, dass seit 2019 über 180.000 Betreuungsplätze hinzugekommen sind, ein Drittel der Einrichtungen auf Zuschüsse angewiesen ist und die Nutzung von Kita-Apps im Jahresvergleich um 7 % gestiegen ist. Der Bericht hebt hervor, dass, während Lehrer nach Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten suchen, etwa 25 % der Einrichtungen keine Umsetzungspläne für Schulungen haben.
- 180,000+ increase in child care capacity since 2019
- 7% YoY growth in daycare app adoption
- 50%+ teachers report time savings from management software
- One-third of centers dependent on grants for operations
- 25% of centers lack professional training plans
- Multiple operational challenges including staff retention and enrollment
The 2025 Procare Solutions Child Care Business Report also includes insights from ECE experts on topics ranging from classroom management to maximizing revenue. And it delves into government-funded ECE programs with a look at how public funds to providers could be impacted in the coming year.
The findings in this report have been collected from a comprehensive survey shared with more than 100,000 child care leaders, directors, teachers (who completed a specialized survey) and other stakeholders in our industry.
Four main challenges were highlighted: hiring and retaining staff, maintaining consistent enrollment, staff burnout and limited access to public funding such as grants and subsidies.
Other findings of the report include:
- More than 180,000 seats in child care centers have been added since 2019, even as the number of young children in the country has dropped.
- One-third of respondents say they rely on grants to run their business.
- Around one-third of respondents continue to create their own curriculum. A similar number still rely on paper-based curriculum.
- Respondents to the Procare Solutions survey who said they use a daycare app increased
7% from last year, which confirms that family engagement apps are no longer a nice perk – parents expect them, and they are a necessity for real-time communication. - Over half of teachers who took the survey said using child care management software made their daily tasks easier and a similar number said it saves a "significant" amount of time.
Teachers who completed the Procare Solutions survey said professional development training would help them overcome the challenges they encounter in their careers.
Yet even as ECE teachers ask for more training, roughly a quarter of respondents have no plans to implement professional training.
"By working together, we can address these challenges while also supporting the workforce that makes ECE possible," said Jon Pollock, Chief Product Officer of Procare Solutions. "Investing in staff training improves their job satisfaction, and teachers who have earned a Child Development Associate credential are better equipped to meet the needs of young learners."
With the help of technology such as child care management software to support busy child care owners and directors, and online professional development programs designed for busy teachers, the challenges outlined in the report can be overcome. The data in this report will help child care leaders make plans to grow their businesses while supporting their staff.
Download your free copy of the 2025 Procare Solutions Child Care Business Report to make informed decisions on how best to thrive in child care this year, and beyond.
For more information or to schedule an interview about the report, email Leah Woodbury, head of content at Procare Solutions, at
About Procare Solutions
For over 30 years, Procare Solutions has been dedicated to empowering early childhood educators by providing products and services that enable them to focus on the care, safety and education of children.
We recognize the responsibility that comes with nurturing and educating children, which is why our child care management solutions are designed to automate business processes, help ensure safety and compliance, communicate with families and provide educational resources and training to help teachers and children thrive.
Over 40,000 satisfied customers have chosen Procare Solutions as their trusted partner in providing exceptional care for young minds.
Procare Solutions is a business unit of Roper Technologies (Nasdaq: ROP), a constituent of the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500 and Fortune 1000. For more information, please visit
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SOURCE Procare Solutions
What are the main challenges facing child care centers in 2025 according to Procare Solutions' report?
How has child care capacity changed since 2019?
What percentage of child care centers depend on grants for operations?
How has technology adoption changed in child care centers?