DAT: Truckload volumes and rates diverged in August

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DAT Freight & Analytics reports divergent trends in truckload freight for August 2024. The DAT Truckload Volume Index (TVI) increased across all equipment types: van TVI up 2.8%, refrigerated TVI up 4.3%, and flatbed TVI up 0.3% month-over-month. Year-over-year, van and reefer TVI showed growth, while flatbed slightly declined.

Despite volume increases, truckload rates declined for both spot and contract markets. National average spot rates decreased for all equipment types, with van rates down 5 cents to $2.01 per mile. Contract rates also dropped, continuing a year-over-year negative trend since August 2022. Linehaul rates showed slight year-over-year improvements but remain challenging for truckers.

Load-to-truck ratios decreased across all categories, indicating a shift in the supply-demand balance in the truckload market.

DAT Freight & Analytics riporta tendenze divergenti nel trasporto merci su camion per agosto 2024. L'indice di volume dei camion DAT (TVI) è aumentato per tutti i tipi di attrezzature: TVI per furgoni +2,8%, TVI per refrigerati +4,3% e TVI per pianali +0,3% rispetto al mese precedente. Su base annuale, il TVI per furgoni e refrigerati ha mostrato una crescita, mentre il TVI per pianali è leggermente diminuito.

Nonostante gli aumenti di volume, le tariffe per il trasporto merci sono diminuite sia nel mercato spot che in quello dei contratti. Le tariffe medie nazionali per il mercato spot sono diminuite per tutti i tipi di attrezzature, con le tariffe per furgoni in calo di 5 centesimi a $2,01 per miglio. Anche le tariffe dei contratti sono scese, continuando una tendenza negativa su base annuale a partire da agosto 2022. Le tariffe di linea hanno mostrato lievi miglioramenti su base annuale, ma rimangono impegnative per i camionisti.

Le proporzioni carico-camion sono diminuite in tutte le categorie, indicando un cambiamento nel bilancio domanda-offerta nel mercato del trasporto merci su camion.

DAT Freight & Analytics informa sobre tendencias divergentes en el transporte de carga por camión para agosto de 2024. El Índice de Volumen de Carga de DAT (TVI) aumentó en todos los tipos de equipos: TVI de furgones +2,8%, TVI de refrigerados +4,3% y TVI de plataforma +0,3% en comparación con el mes anterior. Año con año, el TVI de furgones y refrigerados mostró crecimiento, mientras que el TVI de plataformas experimentó una ligera disminución.

A pesar de los aumentos de volumen, las tarifas de carga han disminuido tanto en los mercados spot como en los de contrato. Las tarifas promedio nacionales para los mercados spot disminuyeron para todos los tipos de equipos, con tarifas de furgones bajando 5 centavos a $2.01 por milla. Las tarifas de contrato también cayeron, continuando una tendencia negativa interanual desde agosto de 2022. Las tarifas de línea mostraron ligeras mejoras interanuales, pero siguen siendo desafiantes para los camioneros.

Las razones carga-camión disminuyeron en todas las categorías, indicando un cambio en el equilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda en el mercado de carga por camión.

DAT Freight & Analytics는 2024년 8월 화물차 운송에서 서로 다른 경향을 보고합니다. DAT 화물차 물량 지수(TVI)는 모든 장비 유형에서 증가했습니다: 밴 TVI는 2.8% 증가, 냉장 TVI는 4.3% 증가, 플랫베드 TVI는 전월 대비 0.3% 증가했습니다. 전년 대비, 밴과 냉장차 TVI는 성장을 보였고, 플랫베드는 약간 감소했습니다.

물량이 증가했음에도 불구하고, 화물차 요금은 감소했습니다 스팟 시장과 계약 시장 모두에서. 전국 평균 스팟 요금은 모든 장비 유형에 대해 감소했으며, 밴 요금은 5센트 하락하여 마일당 $2.01가 되었습니다. 계약 요금도 하락하며 2022년 8월 이후 연간 부정적인 추세를 계속 이어갔습니다. 라인홀 요금은 연간 약간의 개선을 보였지만, 운전사에게 여전히 어려운 상황입니다.

적재-트럭 비율은 모든 카테고리에서 감소하여 화물차 시장의 수급 균형이 변화했음을 나타냅니다.

DAT Freight & Analytics rapporte des tendances divergentes dans le fret routier pour août 2024. L'indice de volume des chargements de DAT (TVI) a augmenté dans tous les types d'équipement : TVI pour camionnettes en hausse de 2,8 %, TVI réfrigéré en hausse de 4,3 % et TVI de plateau en hausse de 0,3 % par rapport au mois précédent. D'une année sur l'autre, le TVI des camionnettes et des réfrigérés a montré une croissance, tandis que celui des plateaux a légèrement diminué.

Malgré les augmentations de volume, les tarifs de chargement ont diminué tant sur les marchés spot que sur les contrats. Les tarifs moyens nationaux pour les marchés spot ont diminué pour tous les types d'équipement, avec des tarifs de camionnettes en baisse de 5 cents à 2,01 $ par mile. Les tarifs des contrats ont également chuté, poursuivant une tendance négative d'une année sur l'autre depuis août 2022. Les tarifs de transport ont montré de légères améliorations d'une année sur l'autre, mais restent difficiles pour les camionneurs.

Les ratios charge-camion ont diminué dans toutes les catégories, ce qui indique un changement dans l'équilibre offre-demande sur le marché du fret routier.

DAT Freight & Analytics berichtet über divergente Trends im Lkw-Frachtverkehr für August 2024. Der DAT Lkw-Volumenindex (TVI) ist für alle Gerätetypen gestiegen: Van-TVIs stiegen um 2,8%, Kühl-TVI um 4,3% und Flachbett-TVI um 0,3% im Vergleich zum Vormonat. Im Jahresvergleich wiesen Van- und Kühl-TVI ein Wachstum auf, während Flachbett leicht zurückging.

Trotz der Volumensteigerungen sind die Lkw-Tarife zurückgegangen sowohl im Spot- als auch im Vertragsmarkt. Die nationalen Durchschnittspreise für Spot-Tarife sanken für alle Gerätetypen, wobei die Van-Tarife um 5 Cent auf $2,01 pro Meile fielen. Auch die Vertragspreise sanken weiter und setzen einen negativen Trend über ein Jahr fort, der im August 2022 begann. Die Linehaul-Preise zeigten leichte jährliche Verbesserungen, bleiben für Lkw-Fahrer jedoch herausfordernd.

Die Lasten-zu-Truck-Verhältnisse sind in allen Kategorien gesunken, was auf eine Veränderung des Angebots-Nachfrage-Gleichgewichts im Lkw-Frachtmarkt hinweist.

  • Truckload Volume Index (TVI) increased for all equipment types in August
  • Van TVI up 6.3% and reefer TVI up 17.6% year-over-year
  • Linehaul rates were year-over-year positive for the first time since March 2022
  • National average spot truckload rates declined for all equipment types
  • Contract rates dropped and have been year-over-year negative since August 2022
  • Load-to-truck ratios fell, indicating potential oversupply in the market
  • August lived up to its reputation as a tough month for truckload rates


The divergence between truckload volumes and rates in August presents a complex picture for the trucking industry. While the DAT Truckload Volume Index (TVI) showed increases across all equipment types, particularly strong in refrigerated freight (17.6% year-over-year), rates continued to decline. This paradox suggests overcapacity in the market, with supply outpacing demand despite higher volumes.

The first year-over-year positive linehaul rates since March 2022 is a glimmer of hope, but the persistent decline in spot and contract rates indicates ongoing pricing pressure. With 85% of truckload freight moving under contracts, the negative year-over-year contract rates since August 2022 highlight the prolonged challenges for carriers' profitability. Investors should watch for potential industry consolidation and the financial health of smaller carriers in this competitive pricing environment.

The August data reveals intriguing market dynamics. The increase in the Truckload Volume Index across all equipment types, especially the 17.6% year-over-year jump in refrigerated freight, suggests growing economic activity. However, the declining load-to-truck ratios indicate an oversupply of trucks relative to available loads, explaining the downward pressure on rates.

The divergence between volumes and rates points to a highly competitive market where carriers are potentially sacrificing margins to secure loads. This situation could lead to a market correction, either through capacity reduction or increased demand. The upcoming fall shipping season will be important in determining if the positive year-over-year linehaul rate trend continues, potentially signaling a shift towards a more balanced market.

The August data highlights a critical imbalance in the truckload market. Despite increased shipping volumes, particularly in refrigerated freight, the industry faces persistent pricing challenges. The decline in load-to-truck ratios across all equipment types suggests an oversaturated market, with too many trucks chasing available loads.

This scenario is particularly concerning for smaller carriers and owner-operators who may struggle to maintain profitability in a low-rate environment. The industry might see a shift towards consolidation or diversification of services to weather this challenging period. Additionally, the divergence between spot and contract rates indicates potential opportunities for shippers to renegotiate contracts, while carriers may need to focus on operational efficiency and cost management to maintain margins in this competitive landscape.

BEAVERTON, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Truckload freight volumes and rates continued on divergent paths in August, with shipments rising and prices falling for the third straight month, said DAT Freight & Analytics, which operates the DAT One freight marketplace and DAT iQ data analytics service.

Truckload volumes and rates diverged in August (Graphic: DAT Freight & Analytics)

Truckload volumes and rates diverged in August (Graphic: DAT Freight & Analytics)

The DAT Truckload Volume Index (TVI), an indicator of loads moved in a given month, increased for all three equipment types in August:

  • Van TVI: 289, up 2.8% month over month
  • Refrigerated TVI: 220, up 4.3%
  • Flatbed TVI: 287, up 0.3%

The TVI was higher for both van and refrigerated (“reefer”) freight compared to August 2023. The van TVI was up 6.3%, while the reefer TVI was up 17.6%. The flatbed TVI dipped 0.7% year over year.

Meanwhile, August lived up to its reputation as a tough month for truckload rates.

“Linehaul rates were year-over-year positive for the first time since March 2022, a trend that should continue into the fall shipping season,” said Ken Adamo, DAT Chief of Analytics. “However, year-over-year comparisons are little consolation for truckers looking for better pricing now.”

Spot and contract rates declined in August
National average spot truckload rates declined for all three equipment types compared to July:

  • Spot van: $2.01 per mile, down 5 cents
  • Spot reefer: $2.41 a mile, down 4 cents
  • Spot flatbed: $2.41 a mile, down 7 cents

The average van linehaul rate was $1.60 a mile, down 3 cents month over month but 3 cents higher than August 2023. The reefer rate fell 2 cents to $1.96, 1 cent higher year over year. The flatbed rate tumbled 5 cents to $1.92, still 2 cents higher year over year. Linehaul rates subtract an amount equal to an average fuel surcharge.

National average rates for freight moving under long-term contracts also dropped compared to July:

  • Contract van rate: $2.40 per mile, down 3 cents
  • Contract reefer rate: $2.74 a mile, down 7 cents
  • Contract flatbed rate: $3.08 a mile, down 3 cents

Monthly average contract rates for all three equipment types have been year-over-year negative since August 2022, reinforcing the protracted pricing challenges of truckload carriers. Approximately 85% of all truckload freight moves under contract.

Load-to-truck ratios fell
National average load-to-truck ratios turned lower for all three equipment types:

  • Van ratio: 3.6, down from 4.2 in July, meaning there were 3.6 loads for every van truck on the DAT One marketplace
  • Reefer ratio: 6.0, down from 6.5
  • Flatbed ratio: 9.8, down from 11.9

Load-to-truck ratios reflect truckload supply and demand on the DAT One marketplace and indicate the pricing environment for spot truckload freight.

About the DAT Truckload Volume Index
The DAT Truckload Volume Index reflects the change in the number of loads with a pickup date during that month. A baseline of 100 equals the number of loads moved in January 2015, as recorded in DAT RateView, a truckload pricing database and analysis tool with rates paid on an average of 3 million loads per month.

DAT benchmark spot rates are derived from invoice data for hauls of 250 miles or more with a pickup date during the month reported. Linehaul rates subtract an amount equal to an average fuel surcharge.

About DAT Freight & Analytics
DAT Freight & Analytics operates the largest truckload freight marketplace and truckload freight data analytics service in North America. Shippers, transportation brokers, carriers, news organizations, and industry analysts rely on DAT for market trends and data insights based on more than 400 million annual freight matches and a database of $150 billion in annual freight market transactions.

Founded in 1978, DAT is a business unit of Roper Technologies (Nasdaq: ROP), a constituent of the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, and Fortune 1000. DAT is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon.

DAT Contact

Annabel Reeves /; 503-501-0143

Source: DAT Freight & Analytics


How did truckload volumes change in August 2024 according to DAT Freight & Analytics?

According to DAT Freight & Analytics, truckload volumes increased in August 2024. The DAT Truckload Volume Index (TVI) rose for all equipment types: van TVI up 2.8%, refrigerated TVI up 4.3%, and flatbed TVI up 0.3% month-over-month.

What happened to truckload rates in August 2024?

Truckload rates declined in August 2024. National average spot rates decreased for all equipment types, with van rates down 5 cents to $2.01 per mile. Contract rates also dropped, continuing a year-over-year negative trend that began in August 2022.

How did load-to-truck ratios change in August 2024?

Load-to-truck ratios fell in August 2024 for all equipment types. The van ratio decreased from 4.2 to 3.6, the reefer ratio from 6.5 to 6.0, and the flatbed ratio from 11.9 to 9.8, indicating a shift in the supply-demand balance in the truckload market.

What was the year-over-year performance of the Truckload Volume Index (TVI) in August 2024?

Year-over-year, the van TVI was up 6.3%, and the reefer TVI was up 17.6% in August 2024. However, the flatbed TVI dipped 0.7% compared to August 2023.

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