DAT: Spot truckload volumes end December on a positive trend

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DAT Freight & Analytics reported increased spot market truck demand in December 2023, indicating strong retail and grocery sales during the holiday season. The Truckload Volume Index (TVI) showed positive trends with van TVI up 2.4% to 260 and refrigerated TVI up 3% to 220, while flatbed TVI decreased 5% to 237. Year-over-year comparisons were all positive, with van and reefer TVI up 12% and 20% respectively, and flatbed TVI up 7%.

National average spot rates increased across all equipment types: van rates rose 9 cents to $2.11 per mile, reefer rates increased 2 cents to $2.47, and flatbed rates went up 2 cents to $2.39. Contract rates also showed improvement, with van and flatbed rates increasing by 2 and 3 cents respectively. The gap between spot and contract rates narrowed for the fourth consecutive month, reaching its smallest difference since March 2022, suggesting tightening capacity and shifting negotiating power toward carriers.

DAT Freight & Analytics ha riportato un aumento della domanda di camion nel mercato spot a dicembre 2023, indicando forti vendite al dettaglio e nei supermercati durante la stagione delle feste. L'Indice di Volume per Carico Completo (TVI) ha mostrato tendenze positive, con il TVI per i furgoni in aumento del 2,4% a 260 e il TVI refrigerato in aumento del 3% a 220, mentre il TVI per i pianali è diminuito del 5% a 237. I confronti anno su anno sono stati tutti positivi, con il TVI per furgoni e refrigerati in aumento rispettivamente del 12% e del 20%, e il TVI per i pianali in aumento del 7%.

Le tariffe spot medie nazionali sono aumentate per tutti i tipi di attrezzature: le tariffe per furgoni sono aumentate di 9 centesimi a $2,11 per miglio, le tariffe per i refrigerati sono aumentate di 2 centesimi a $2,47, e le tariffe per i pianali sono salite di 2 centesimi a $2,39. Anche le tariffe contrattuali hanno mostrato miglioramenti, con le tariffe per furgoni e pianali in aumento rispettivamente di 2 e 3 centesimi. Il divario tra le tariffe spot e quelle contrattuali si è ristretto per il quarto mese consecutivo, raggiungendo la sua differenza più piccola da marzo 2022, suggerendo una capacità in riduzione e spostando il potere negoziale verso i vettori.

DAT Freight & Analytics reportó un aumento en la demanda de camiones en el mercado spot en diciembre de 2023, lo que indica fuertes ventas al por menor y en supermercados durante la temporada navideña. El Índice de Volumen de Carga Completa (TVI) mostró tendencias positivas, con el TVI de furgones aumentando un 2.4% a 260 y el TVI refrigerado aumentando un 3% a 220, mientras que el TVI de plataforma disminuyó un 5% a 237. Las comparaciones interanuales fueron todas positivas, con los TVI de furgones y refrigerados aumentando un 12% y un 20% respectivamente, y el TVI de plataformas aumentando un 7%.

Las tarifas spot promedio nacionales aumentaron en todos los tipos de equipo: las tarifas de furgones subieron 9 centavos a $2.11 por milla, las tarifas refrigeradas aumentaron 2 centavos a $2.47, y las tarifas de plataformas subieron 2 centavos a $2.39. Las tarifas contractuales también mostraron mejoras, con las tarifas de furgones y plataformas aumentando 2 y 3 centavos respectivamente. La brecha entre las tarifas spot y contractuales se redujo por cuarto mes consecutivo, alcanzando su diferencia más pequeña desde marzo de 2022, lo que sugiere una capacidad ajustada y un cambio en el poder de negociación hacia los transportistas.

DAT Freight & Analytics는 2023년 12월 스팟 시장의 트럭 수요가 증가했다고 보고하며, 이는 연휴 시즌 동안 소매 및 식료품 판매가 강하다는 것을 나타냅니다. 트럭 적재량 지수(TVI)는 긍정적인 추세를 보였으며, 밴 TVI는 2.4% 상승하여 260에 이르고, 냉장 TVI는 3% 상승하여 220에 도달했으며, 평판 TVI는 5% 감소하여 237에 이르렀습니다. 전년 대비 비교는 모두 긍정적이었으며, 밴 및 냉장 TVI는 각각 12% 및 20% 증가하고, 평판 TVI는 7% 증가했습니다.

국가 평균 스팟 요금은 모든 장비 유형에서 증가했습니다: 밴 요금은 9센트 상승하여 마일당 $2.11, 냉장 요금은 2센트 상승하여 $2.47, 평판 요금은 2센트 상승하여 $2.39가 되었습니다. 계약 요금도 개선을 보였으며, 밴과 평판 요금은 각각 2센트와 3센트 상승했습니다. 스팟 요금과 계약 요금 간의 격차는 네 번째 연속 월 동안 축소되었으며, 2022년 3월 이후 가장 작은 차이를 기록했으며, 이는 용량의 압축 및 운송업체 쪽으로 협상 권한이 이동하고 있음을 시사합니다.

DAT Freight & Analytics a signalé une demande accrue de camions sur le marché spot en décembre 2023, ce qui indique de fortes ventes au détail et dans les épiceries pendant la saison des fêtes. L'Indice de Volume de Chargement Complet (TVI) a montré des tendances positives, avec un TVI de camionnette en hausse de 2,4 % à 260 et un TVI réfrigéré en hausse de 3 % à 220, tandis que le TVI pour camions à plateau a diminué de 5 % à 237. Les comparaisons d'une année sur l'autre étaient toutes positives, le TVI pour camionnettes et réfrigéré ayant augmenté respectivement de 12 % et 20 %, et le TVI pour camions à plateau ayant augmenté de 7 %.

Les tarifs spot moyens nationaux ont augmenté dans tous les types d'équipement : les tarifs pour camionnettes ont augmenté de 9 cents à 2,11 $ par mile, les tarifs réfrigérés ont augmenté de 2 cents à 2,47 $, et les tarifs pour camions à plateau ont augmenté de 2 cents à 2,39 $. Les tarifs contractuels ont également montré des améliorations, les tarifs pour camionnettes et camions à plateau augmentant de 2 et 3 cents respectivement. L'écart entre les tarifs spot et contractuels s'est réduit pour le quatrième mois consécutif, atteignant sa plus petite différence depuis mars 2022, ce qui suggère un resserrement de la capacité et un changement de pouvoir de négociation en faveur des transporteurs.

DAT Freight & Analytics berichtete von einer erhöhten Nachfrage nach Lkw auf dem Spotmarkt im Dezember 2023, was auf starke Einzelhandels- und Lebensmittelverkäufe während der Feiertage hinweist. Der Lastwagenvolumenindex (TVI) zeigte positive Trends, mit einem Anstieg des Van-TVIs um 2,4 % auf 260 und einem Anstieg des Kühl-TVIs um 3 % auf 220, während der Flatbed-TVI um 5 % auf 237 sank. Die Jahresvergleiche waren alle positiv, wobei der Van- und Kühl-TVIs um 12 % bzw. 20 % stiegen und der Flatbed-TVI um 7 % zunahm.

Die nationalen Durchschnittspreise für Spotmärkte stiegen bei allen Gerätearten: Die Van-Preise stiegen um 9 Cent auf 2,11 USD pro Meile, die Kühlpreise erhöhten sich um 2 Cent auf 2,47 USD, und die Flatbed-Preise stiegen um 2 Cent auf 2,39 USD. Auch die Vertragspreise zeigten Verbesserungen, wobei die Preise für Vans und Flatbeds um 2 bzw. 3 Cent stiegen. Die Lücke zwischen Spot- und Vertragspreisen verringerte sich im vierten Monat in Folge und erreichte den geringsten Unterschied seit März 2022, was auf eine Einschränkung der Kapazität und eine Verschiebung der Verhandlungsmacht zugunsten der Spediteure hindeutet.

  • Spot market truck demand increased in December
  • Van TVI up 2.4% and refrigerated TVI up 3% month-over-month
  • Year-over-year increases: van TVI +12%, reefer TVI +20%, flatbed TVI +7%
  • National average spot rates increased across all equipment types
  • Gap between spot and contract rates narrowed, indicating improved carrier negotiating power
  • Flatbed TVI decreased 5% month-over-month


The December truckload data reveals important insights into both transportation dynamics and broader economic health. The 2.4% increase in van TVI and 3% rise in refrigerated TVI point to robust retail and grocery demand, with year-over-year improvements of 12% and 20% respectively suggesting significant market recovery.

The narrowing spread between spot and contract rates is particularly noteworthy - reaching its smallest gap since March 2022. This convergence typically precedes a shift in market dynamics favoring carriers, potentially leading to higher transportation costs for shippers in 2024. The 9-cent increase in spot van rates to $2.11 per mile represents the highest monthly average in nearly a year, indicating strengthening carrier positioning.

For investors, these metrics suggest a potential inflection point in the trucking cycle, with implications for transportation stocks and companies heavily dependent on freight costs. The robust December performance, despite fewer shipping days, indicates underlying strength in consumer demand and supply chain efficiency.

The December freight data offers valuable macroeconomic signals. The strong volume trends, particularly in temperature-controlled freight (20% YoY growth), suggest healthy consumer spending and retail inventory management. This contradicts some bearish retail forecasts and indicates resilient household consumption.

The convergence of spot and contract rates is a leading indicator of broader freight market rebalancing. Historical patterns suggest this could precede broader pricing power shifts in the transportation sector, potentially contributing to sticky inflation in the logistics component of consumer goods pricing.

The flatbed sector's mixed performance - 7% YoY growth but 5% monthly decline - reflects ongoing volatility in industrial and construction activity. This aligns with broader economic indicators showing uneven recovery across sectors.

BEAVERTON, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Demand for trucks on the spot market rose in December, suggesting solid retail and grocery sales ahead of the holidays, said DAT Freight & Analytics, which operates the DAT One freight marketplace and DAT iQ data analytics service.

The van and refrigerated Truckload Volume Index (TVI) increased modestly compared to November:

  • Van TVI: 260, up 2.4%
  • Refrigerated TVI: 220, up 3%
  • Flatbed TVI: 237, down 5%

Year over year, the van and reefer TVI were up 12% and 20%, respectively, and the flatbed TVI was 7% higher.

“December freight volumes were strong despite the quirks of the calendar,” said Ken Adamo, DAT Chief of Analytics, noting that Christmas fell on a Wednesday and there were only three non-holiday weeks between Thanksgiving and the end of the year. “The combination of seasonal volumes, fewer shipping days, and truckers taking time off for the holidays led to higher spot prices compared to November. Net fuel, the van rate was the highest monthly average since January 2023.”

Truckload rates shifted higher

The national average spot rates increased for all three equipment types:

  • Spot van: $2.11 per mile ($1.74 net fuel), up 9 cents compared to November
  • Spot reefer: $2.47 ($2.06 net fuel), up 2 cents
  • Spot flatbed: $2.39 ($1.94 net fuel), up 2 cents

National average contract van and flatbed rates edged higher last month:

  • Contract van rate: $2.42 per mile, up 2 cents
  • Contract reefer rate: $2.74 a mile, unchanged
  • Contract flatbed rate: $3.06 a mile, up 3 cents

“The difference between van and reefer spot and contract rates narrowed for the fourth straight month and was the smallest since March 2022, when spot rates entered a severe deflationary period,” Adamo said. “When the gap between spot and long-term contract rates is trending lower, it’s a signal that capacity is tightening and negotiating power is shifting toward truckload carriers.”

About the DAT Truckload Volume Index

The DAT Truckload Volume Index reflects the change in the number of loads with a pickup date during that month. A baseline of 100 equals the number of loads moved in January 2015, as recorded in DAT RateView, a truckload pricing database and analysis tool with rates paid on an average of 3 million monthly loads.

DAT benchmark spot rates are derived from invoice data for hauls of 250 miles or more with a pickup date during the month reported. Linehaul rates subtract an amount equal to an average fuel surcharge.

About DAT Freight & Analytics

DAT Freight & Analytics operates both the largest truckload freight marketplace and truckload freight data analytics service in North America. Shippers, transportation brokers, carriers, news organizations, and industry analysts rely on DAT for market trends and data insights based on more than 400 million annual freight matches, and a database of $150 billion in annual freight market transactions.

Founded in 1978, DAT is a business unit of Roper Technologies (Nasdaq: ROP), a constituent of the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, and Fortune 1000. DAT is headquartered in Beaverton, Ore. Visit for more information

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Georgia Jablon /

Source: DAT Freight & Analytics


What were the key changes in DAT's Truckload Volume Index for December 2023?

In December 2023, the van TVI increased 2.4% to 260, refrigerated TVI rose 3% to 220, while flatbed TVI decreased 5% to 237. Year-over-year, all segments showed growth with van and reefer up 12% and 20% respectively, and flatbed up 7%.

How did spot rates change in the trucking market during December 2023?

Spot rates increased across all equipment types: van rates rose 9 cents to $2.11 per mile, reefer rates increased 2 cents to $2.47, and flatbed rates went up 2 cents to $2.39.

What were the contract rate changes in December 2023 for trucking services?

Contract rates showed modest increases with van rates up 2 cents to $2.42 per mile, flatbed rates up 3 cents to $3.06, while reefer rates remained unchanged at $2.74 per mile.

What does the narrowing gap between spot and contract rates indicate for the trucking industry?

The narrowing gap between spot and contract rates, reaching its smallest difference since March 2022, indicates tightening capacity in the market and a shift in negotiating power toward truckload carriers.

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