Ronn Delivers Exciting New Developments to Shareholders as It Collaborates With Tobique First Nations on a Vision for a Virtual Hydrogen Highway

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RONN Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) has announced an expanded meeting with Tobique First Nations leaders to discuss plans for establishing up to 10 hydrogen hubs across Canada. This initiative aims to create a virtual hydrogen highway on First Nations land, enabling travel with NetZero hydrogen vehicles. The project, estimated to require up to $1 billion investment over the next decade, includes Class 8 hydrogen-electric trucks for freight and future retail passenger vehicles.

The partnership with Tobique is part of a larger strategy involving three wind farms and hydrogen pilot programs for local utilities and airport heating. Financing options include government grants, potential bonds, and green hydrogen sales. A revenue-sharing model for hydrogen sales is included, with plans to export hydrogen to Europe through the local port. RONN is also finalizing a separate joint venture with several hydrogen contracts.

RONN Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) ha annunciato un incontro ampliato con i leader dei Tobique First Nations per discutere i piani per l'istituzione di fino a 10 hub di idrogeno in tutto il Canada. Questa iniziativa mira a creare un autostrada virtuale dell'idrogeno sulle terre delle Prime Nazioni, consentendo il viaggio con veicoli a idrogeno NetZero. Il progetto, che si stima necessiterà di un investimento di $1 miliardo nei prossimi dieci anni, include camion elettrici a idrogeno di classe 8 per il trasporto merci e futuri veicoli passeggeri.

La partnership con Tobique è parte di una strategia più ampia che coinvolge tre parchi eolici e programmi pilota sull'idrogeno per le utility locali e il riscaldamento degli aeroporti. Le opzioni di finanziamento includono sovvenzioni governative, potenziali obbligazioni e vendite di idrogeno verde. È previsto un modello di condivisione dei ricavi per le vendite di idrogeno, con piani per esportare l'idrogeno in Europa attraverso il porto locale. RONN sta anche finalizzando una joint venture separata con diversi contratti sull'idrogeno.

RONN Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) ha anunciado una reunión ampliada con los líderes de Tobique First Nations para discutir planes para establecer hasta 10 centros de hidrógeno en todo Canadá. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo crear una autopista virtual de hidrógeno en las tierras de las Primeras Naciones, lo que permitirá viajar con vehículos de hidrógeno NetZero. El proyecto, que se estima requerirá hasta $1 mil millones de inversión durante la próxima década, incluye camiones eléctricos de hidrógeno de Clase 8 para carga y futuros vehículos de pasajeros.

La asociación con Tobique es parte de una estrategia más amplia que implica tres parques eólicos y programas piloto de hidrógeno para servicios públicos locales y calefacción de aeropuertos. Las opciones de financiamiento incluyen subvenciones gubernamentales, bonos potenciales y ventas de hidrógeno verde. Se incluye un modelo de reparto de ingresos para las ventas de hidrógeno, con planes para exportar hidrógeno a Europa a través del puerto local. RONN también está finalizando una empresa conjunta separada con varios contratos de hidrógeno.

RONN Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN)는 Tobique First Nations의 지도자들과의 확대 회의를 발표하여 캐나다 전역에 최대 10개의 수소 허브를 설립하는 계획을 논의했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 첫 번째 민족의 토지에 가상 수소 고속도로를 생성하여 NetZero 수소 차량으로 이동할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 프로젝트는 향후 10년 동안 10억 달러의 투자가 필요할 것으로 예상되며, 화물 운송을 위한 8급 수소 전기 트럭과 미래의 소매 승용차를 포함합니다.

Tobique와의 파트너십은 세 개의 풍력 발전소와 지역 유틸리티 및 공항 난방을 위한 수소 파일럿 프로그램을 포함하는 더 큰 전략의 일부입니다. 자금 조달 옵션에는 정부 보조금, 잠재적 채권 및 녹색 수소 판매가 포함됩니다. 수소 판매에 대한 수익 공유 모델이 포함되어 있으며, 지역 항구를 통해 유럽으로 수소를 수출할 계획이 있습니다. RONN은 여러 수소 계약과 함께 별도의 합작 투자를 마무리하고 있습니다.

RONN Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) a annoncé une réunion élargie avec les dirigeants des Tobique First Nations pour discuter des projets d'établissement de jusqu'à 10 hubs à hydrogène à travers le Canada. Cette initiative vise à créer une autoroute virtuelle de l'hydrogène sur les terres des Premières Nations, permettant de voyager avec des véhicules à hydrogène NetZero. Le projet, qui devrait nécessiter jusqu'à 1 milliard de dollars d'investissement au cours de la prochaine décennie, comprend des camions électriques à hydrogène de classe 8 pour le fret et de futurs véhicules de passagers.

Le partenariat avec Tobique fait partie d'une stratégie plus large impliquant trois parcs éoliens et des programmes pilotes d'hydrogène pour les services publics locaux et le chauffage des aéroports. Les options de financement incluent des subventions gouvernementales, des obligations potentielles et des ventes d'hydrogène vert. Un modèle de partage des revenus pour les ventes d'hydrogène est prévu, avec des projets d'exportation de l'hydrogène vers l'Europe par le port local. RONN finalise également une coentreprise séparée avec plusieurs contrats sur l'hydrogène.

RONN Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) hat ein erweitertes Treffen mit den Führern der Tobique First Nations angekündigt, um Pläne zur Errichtung von bis zu 10 Wasserstoff-Hubs in ganz Kanada zu besprechen. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, eine virtuelle Wasserstoffautobahn auf dem Land der First Nations zu schaffen, die es ermöglicht, mit NetZero-Wasserstofffahrzeugen zu reisen. Das Projekt, das voraussichtlich bis zu 1 Milliarde Dollar Investitionen im nächsten Jahrzehnt erfordert, umfasst Klasse 8 Wasserstoff-Elektro-Lkw für den Frachtverkehr und zukünftige Passagierfahrzeuge.

Die Partnerschaft mit Tobique ist Teil einer größeren Strategie, die drei Windparks und Wasserstoff-Pilotprogramme für lokale Versorgungsunternehmen und die Heizungen von Flughäfen umfasst. Finanzierungsoptionen beinhalten staatliche Zuschüsse, potenzielle Anleihen und den Verkauf von grünem Wasserstoff. Ein Gewinnbeteiligungsmodell für den Verkauf von Wasserstoff ist enthalten, mit Plänen, Wasserstoff über den lokalen Hafen nach Europa zu exportieren. RONN finalisiert auch ein separates Joint Venture mit mehreren Wasserstoffverträgen.

  • Planned establishment of up to 10 hydrogen hubs across Canada
  • Potential $1 billion investment over the next decade
  • Partnership with Tobique First Nations for virtual hydrogen highway
  • Development of three wind farms and hydrogen pilot programs
  • Revenue-sharing model for hydrogen sales with export potential to Europe
  • Finalizing a separate joint venture with multiple hydrogen contracts
  • Large capital investment required ($1 billion over 10 years)
  • Dependence on securing government grants and potential bonds for financing
  • Project success relies on future market evolution for retail passenger vehicles

SCOTTSDALE, AZ / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / RONN Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) is thrilled to announce, since its S-1 submission, an expanded new requested meeting with the visionary leaders of Tobique First Nations, including the Tribal Chief, Tribal EDC executives, and key governmental representatives. This pivotal gathering focused on the ambitious plan to establish up to 10 hydrogen hubs across Canada, utilizing First Nations land to create an innovative virtual hydrogen highway. This infrastructure corridor will enable seamless travel across Canada, powered by NetZero hydrogen vehicles, starting with Class 8 hydrogen-electric trucks for freight transport and paving the way for retail passenger vehicles as the market evolves.

CEO Ronn Ford expressed enthusiasm for the project's vast potential, estimating an investment needed of up to $1 billion over the next decade. "We have engaged with numerous Tribal leaders from coast to coast and have garnered incredible support for this initiative," he stated. The partnership with Tobique is just one facet of a larger strategy that currently includes three wind farms and promising hydrogen pilot programs aimed at energizing the local utility and providing heating solutions for the airport. "Tobique officials are pioneering thinkers, employing a diverse array of strategies to achieve NetZero status."

Ford highlighted the importance of robust financing options, including government grants, potential bonds, and the sale of green hydrogen generated from the affordable electricity produced by Tobique's wind farms. The agreement includes a revenue-sharing model for hydrogen sales, bolstered by the local port's capabilities, which will facilitate the export of hydrogen to Europe and beyond. RONN is also in the final stages of securing a separate joint venture that encompasses several exciting hydrogen contracts.

This collaboration marks a significant step towards a sustainable future, showcasing the power of partnership in driving innovation and environmental stewardship. Stay tuned for more updates as RONN and Tobique First Nations lead the charge towards a cleaner, greener Canada!

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, the success of RONN, Inc. initiatives in the hydrogen tax credit market. RONN, Inc. undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Contact Information

John Morgan

SOURCE: Ronn Inc

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What is RONN Inc.'s plan for hydrogen hubs in Canada?

RONN Inc. (RONN) plans to establish up to 10 hydrogen hubs across Canada, creating a virtual hydrogen highway on First Nations land for NetZero hydrogen vehicles, starting with Class 8 hydrogen-electric trucks for freight transport.

How much investment is required for RONN's hydrogen hub project?

RONN Inc. (RONN) estimates an investment of up to $1 billion over the next decade for the hydrogen hub project in Canada.

What is the partnership between RONN Inc. and Tobique First Nations?

RONN Inc. (RONN) is partnering with Tobique First Nations to develop hydrogen hubs, wind farms, and hydrogen pilot programs for local utilities and airport heating, with a revenue-sharing model for hydrogen sales.

What are the financing options for RONN's hydrogen project?

Financing options for RONN Inc.'s (RONN) hydrogen project include government grants, potential bonds, and the sale of green hydrogen generated from Tobique's wind farms.



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