Ronn Announces the Submission of Its Confidential Application for S-1 Registration Related to Our Proposed Uplist to a Senior Exchange

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Ronn, Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) has confidentially submitted a Form S-1 to the SEC for initial review, aiming to uplist its common stock to the NASDAQ Senior Exchange. The company plans an associated offering, though details on share numbers and price range are yet to be determined. The uplist is expected to proceed after SEC review, subject to market conditions and exchange approval. Ronn anticipates retaining its "RONN" ticker symbol.

CEO Ronn Ford highlighted the company's progress in overcoming regulatory challenges and marketing their hydrogen Hypercar. He also noted successes in securing hydrogen hub contracts with Indigenous Nations of Canada and acquiring new patented hydrogen technologies. Ford expressed optimism about the company's future in the emerging hydrogen industry.

Ronn, Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) ha presentato riservatamente un Modulo S-1 alla SEC per una revisione iniziale, con l'obiettivo di trasferire le sue azioni ordinarie al NASDAQ Senior Exchange. L'azienda prevede un'offerta connessa, anche se i dettagli sul numero di azioni e l'intervallo di prezzo devono ancora essere definiti. Si prevede che il trasferimento avvenga dopo la revisione della SEC, soggetto alle condizioni di mercato e all'approvazione dell'exchange. Ronn prevede di mantenere il suo "simbolo ticker RONN".

Il CEO Ronn Ford ha evidenziato i progressi dell'azienda nell'affrontare le sfide normative e nel commercializzare il loro Hypercar a idrogeno. Ha anche notato i successi nell'ottenere contratti per hub di idrogeno con le Nazioni Indigene del Canada e nella acquisizione di nuove tecnologie brevettate per l'idrogeno. Ford ha espresso ottimismo riguardo al futuro dell'azienda nell'emergente industria dell'idrogeno.

Ronn, Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) ha presentado confidencialmente un Formulario S-1 a la SEC para una revisión inicial, con el objetivo de mover sus acciones ordinarias al NASDAQ Senior Exchange. La empresa planea una oferta asociada, aunque los detalles sobre el número de acciones y la gama de precios aún no se han determinado. Se espera que el ascenso se lleve a cabo después de la revisión de la SEC, sujeto a las condiciones del mercado y a la aprobación de la bolsa. Ronn anticipa mantener su "símbolo ticker RONN".

El CEO Ronn Ford destacó el progreso de la empresa en la superación de desafíos regulatorios y en la comercialización de su Hypercar de hidrógeno. También mencionó éxitos en asegurar contratos de hub de hidrógeno con las Naciones Indígenas de Canadá y adquirir nuevas tecnologías patentadas de hidrógeno. Ford expresó optimismo sobre el futuro de la empresa en la emergente industria del hidrógeno.

Ronn, Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN)는 SEC에 S-1 양식을 비공식적으로 제출했습니다, 초기 검토를 위해, 목표는 자사의 보통주를 NASDAQ 최고 거래소에 상장하는 것입니다. 회사는 관련된 공모를 계획하고 있으나, 주식 수와 가격 범위에 대한 세부 사항은 아직 결정되지 않았습니다. SEC 검토 후, 시장 상황과 거래소 승인에 따라 상장이 진행될 것으로 예상됩니다. Ronn은 "RONN" 티커 심볼을 유지할 것으로 예상합니다.

CEO Ronn Ford는 회사가 규제 문제를 극복하고 수소 하이퍼카를 마케팅하는 데 있어 진전을 보였다고 강조했습니다. 그는 또한 캐나다 원주민 국가들과 수소 허브 계약을 확보하는 데 성공한 것과 새로운 특허 수소 기술을 취득한 것에 대해서도 언급했습니다. Ford는 신흥 수소 산업에서 회사의 미래에 대해 낙관적인 견해를 나타냈습니다.

Ronn, Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) a déposé confidentiellement un formulaire S-1 auprès de la SEC pour un examen initial, visant à faire passer son action ordinaire au NASDAQ Senior Exchange. L'entreprise prévoit une offre associée, bien que les détails concernant le nombre d'actions et la fourchette de prix restent à déterminer. Le passage est prévu après l'examen de la SEC, sous réserve des conditions du marché et de l'approbation de la bourse. Ronn prévoit de conserver son "symbole ticker RONN".

Le PDG Ronn Ford a souligné les progrès de l'entreprise dans le surmontage des défis réglementaires et dans la commercialisation de leur hypercar à hydrogène. Il a également noté les réussites dans la sécurisation de contrats pour des hubs à hydrogène avec les Nations Indigènes du Canada et l'acquisition de nouvelles technologies brevetées à hydrogène. Ford a exprimé son optimisme quant à l'avenir de l'entreprise dans l'industrie émergente de l'hydrogène.

Ronn, Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) hat vertraulich ein Formular S-1 bei der SEC zur ersten Prüfung eingereicht, mit dem Ziel, seine Stammaktien an die NASDAQ Senior Exchange hochzustufen. Das Unternehmen plant ein damit verbundenes Angebot, wobei die Einzelheiten zur Anzahl der Aktien und dem Preisrahmen noch festgelegt werden müssen. Die Hochstufung wird voraussichtlich nach der Überprüfung durch die SEC erfolgen, abhängig von den Marktbedingungen und der Genehmigung durch die Börse. Ronn erwartet, sein "RONN" Tickersymbol beizubehalten.

CEO Ronn Ford hob den Fortschritt des Unternehmens bei der Überwindung regulatorischer Herausforderungen und der Vermarktung ihres Wasserstoff-Hypercars hervor. Er wies auch auf Erfolge hin, wie Verträge für Wasserstoff-Hubs mit den indigenen Nationen Kanadas zu sichern sowie neue patentierte Wasserstofftechnologien zu erwerben. Ford äußerte Optimismus über die Zukunft des Unternehmens in der aufstrebenden Wasserstoffindustrie.

  • Confidential submission of Form S-1 for potential NASDAQ uplist
  • Planned offering associated with the uplist
  • Secured hydrogen hub contracts with Indigenous Nations of Canada
  • Acquired new patented hydrogen technologies
  • Progress in marketing hydrogen Hypercar
  • Undetermined number of shares and price range for the proposed offering
  • Uplist subject to SEC review, market conditions, and exchange approval

SCOTTSDALE, AZ / ACCESSWIRE / October 4, 2024 / Ronn, Inc. (OTC PINK:RONN) announced that it has confidentially submitted a Form S-1 to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") regarding the pr initial review and the company's proposed uplist of RONN's common stock to the NASDAQ Senior Exchange. There will be an expected offering associated with this uplist. The number of shares to be offered and the price range for the proposed offer have not yet been determined. The initial up-list is expected to occur as soon as possible after the SEC completes its review process, subject to market and other conditions and review by senior exchanges. We are expected to continue under the ticker "RONN."

Ronn Ford, company CEO, stated, "It has been a long and arduous process to put the company back into a position for a senior exchange listing. Our team has worked tirelessly through the various regulatory issues and processes to market our hydrogen Hypercar and much-needed awareness of our successes in closing hydrogen hub contracts with the Indigenous Nations of Canada and acquiring new patented hydrogen technologies. We, as a company, look forward to the future and continued success as the hydrogen industry emerges as the power of the future."

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, the success of RONN, Inc. initiatives in the hydrogen tax credit market. RONN, Inc. undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Any offers, solicitations, offers to buy, or any sales of securities will be made per the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("Securities Act"). This announcement is being issued under applicable securities laws.

Contact Information
John Morgan


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What is Ronn's (RONN) plan for uplisting its stock?

Ronn (RONN) has confidentially submitted a Form S-1 to the SEC, aiming to uplist its common stock from the OTC Pink market to the NASDAQ Senior Exchange.

Will Ronn (RONN) conduct an offering with its proposed uplist?

Yes, Ronn (RONN) plans to conduct an offering associated with its proposed uplist to NASDAQ, though the number of shares and price range have not yet been determined.

What recent business developments has Ronn (RONN) announced?

Ronn (RONN) has announced securing hydrogen hub contracts with Indigenous Nations of Canada, acquiring new patented hydrogen technologies, and progress in marketing its hydrogen Hypercar.

When is Ronn (RONN) expected to complete its uplist to NASDAQ?

Ronn (RONN) expects to complete its uplist as soon as possible after the SEC completes its review process, subject to market conditions and exchange approval.



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