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Designed with both novice traders and seasoned investors in mind, our page aims to simplify the complex world of stock market news. By combining real-time updates, Rhea-AI's analytical insights, and historical stock performance data, we provide a holistic view of RONI's position in the market.

Rhea-AI Summary

NET Power has partnered with Zachry Group for the construction of the world’s first large-scale gas-fired power facility with near-zero emissions. This landmark project aims to transform natural gas into low-carbon power, utilizing NET Power’s patented oxy-combustion technology.

The partnership marks Zachry Group as NET Power’s first EPC collaborator, with Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) work currently underway in Houston and expected to be completed in 2024. Construction is slated to commence shortly thereafter, with the plant expected to begin operations in 2026.

This modular design approach is intended to reduce capital costs and increase production capacity for future plants, highlighting NET Power’s commitment to delivering clean, reliable, and affordable energy.

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Rhea-AI Summary

Rice Acquisition Corp. II successfully closed its IPO, raising $345 million by offering 34,500,000 units at $10.00 per unit. This includes 4,500,000 units from the underwriters' over-allotment. The units began trading on the NYSE under the symbol “RONI U” on June 16, 2021. Each unit comprises one Class A ordinary share and one-fourth of a warrant, allowing for share purchase at an exercise price of $11.50. Citigroup and Barclays were the joint book-running managers for the offering.

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What is the market cap of RONI (RONI)?

The market cap of RONI (RONI) is approximately 565.8M.



RONI Rankings

RONI Stock Data
