This Year Marks a Decade of Chicago as the Rattiest City in America

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For the tenth consecutive year, Chicago has topped Orkin's Top 50 Rattiest Cities List, highlighting the city's ongoing struggle with rodents. Los Angeles and New York have maintained their positions in the top three since 2017. The list is based on new residential rodent treatments from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024.

Orkin emphasizes the serious concerns rodents pose to homeowners, including structural damage, fire risks from chewing wires, and spreading illnesses. The company provides tips for identifying and preventing rodent infestations, such as sealing entry points, eliminating food sources, and maintaining outdoor areas.

Orkin, founded in 1901, is an industry leader in pest control services with 358 owned and operated branch offices and 47 franchises in the U.S., as well as international presence. The company is committed to public health and has partnered with the American Red Cross since 2020 to educate about mosquito health threats.

Per il decimo anno consecutivo, Chicago, ha ottenuto il primo posto nella Top 50 delle città più infestate dai ratti di Orkin, evidenziando la continua lotta della città contro i roditori. Los Angeles e New York hanno mantenuto la loro posizione tra le prime tre dal 2017. La lista si basa sui nuovi trattamenti residenziali contro i roditori effettuati dal 1 settembre 2023 al 31 agosto 2024.

Orkin sottolinea le gravi preoccupazioni che i roditori rappresentano per i proprietari di case, inclusi danni strutturali, rischi di incendio causati dalla masticazione di cavi e diffusione di malattie. L'azienda fornisce consigli per identificare e prevenire infestazioni di roditori, come sigillare i punti di ingresso, eliminare fonti di cibo e mantenere le aree esterne in ordine.

Orkin, fondata nel 1901, è un leader del settore nei servizi di controllo dei parassiti con 358 uffici di filiale di proprietà e operanti e 47 franchise negli Stati Uniti, oltre a una presenza internazionale. L'azienda è impegnata nella salute pubblica ed è partner della Croce Rossa Americana dal 2020 per educare riguardo le minacce alla salute legate alle zanzare.

Por décimo año consecutivo, Chicago ha encabezado la Lista de las 50 ciudades con más ratas de Orkin, destacando la lucha continua de la ciudad contra los roedores. Los Ángeles y Nueva York han mantenido sus posiciones entre las tres primeras desde 2017. La lista se basa en nuevos tratamientos residenciales para roedores realizados del 1 de septiembre de 2023 al 31 de agosto de 2024.

Orkin enfatiza las serias preocupaciones que los roedores representan para los propietarios, incluyendo daños estructurales, riesgos de incendio por masticar cables y la propagación de enfermedades. La compañía proporciona consejos para identificar y prevenir infestaciones de roedores, como sellar puntos de entrada, eliminar fuentes de alimento y mantener las áreas exteriores.

Orkin, fundada en 1901, es un líder de la industria en servicios de control de plagas con 358 oficinas de sucursales propias y operativas y 47 franquicias en los EE. UU., así como una presencia internacional. La empresa está comprometida con la salud pública y ha colaborado con la Cruz Roja Americana desde 2020 para educar sobre las amenazas a la salud relacionadas con los mosquitos.

10년 연속으로 시카고가 오킨의 가장 쥐가 많은 도시 50선에서 1위를 차지하며, 도시가 쥐와의 지속적인 싸움을 하고 있음을 강조했습니다. 로스앤젤레스와 뉴욕은 2017년 이후로 상위 3위에 자리매김하고 있습니다. 이 목록은 2023년 9월 1일부터 2024년 8월 31일까지의 신규 주거용 쥐 치료를 기반으로 합니다.

오킨은 쥐가 주택 소유자에게 미치는 심각한 우려 사항을 강조하며, 구조적 손상, 전선 씹힘으로 인한 화재 위험, 그리고 질병 전파 등을 포함합니다. 이 회사는 진입점을 밀봉하고, 음식 공급원을 제거하며, 야외 지역을 관리하는 등의 쥐 침입을 식별하고 예방하는 방법을 제공합니다.

1901년에 설립된 오킨은 358개의 자회사와 운영 사무소 및 47개의 프랜차이즈를 포함하여 미국에서 해충 방제 서비스의 산업 리더입니다. 또한, 국제적인 존재감도 가지고 있습니다. 이 회사는 공공 건강에 전념하고 있으며, 2020년부터 미국 적십자사와 협력하여 모기의 건강 위협에 대해 교육하고 있습니다.

Pour la dixième année consécutive, Chicago a occupé la première place du Classement des 50 villes les plus infestées par les rats d'Orkin, soulignant la lutte continue de la ville contre les rongeurs. Los Angeles et New York ont maintenu leurs positions dans le top trois depuis 2017. La liste est basée sur de nouveaux traitements résidentiels contre les rongeurs du 1er septembre 2023 au 31 août 2024.

Orkin souligne les graves préoccupations que posent les rongeurs pour les propriétaires, notamment les dommages structurels, les risques d'incendie dus aux câbles rongés, et la propagation de maladies. L'entreprise fournit des conseils pour identifier et prévenir les infestations de rongeurs, comme le scellement des points d'entrée, l'élimination des sources de nourriture et l'entretien des espaces extérieurs.

Fondée en 1901, Orkin est un leader de l'industrie des services de lutte antiparasitaire avec 358 bureaux filiales possédés et gérés et 47 franchises aux États-Unis, ainsi qu'une présence internationale. L'entreprise s'engage pour la santé publique et collabore avec la Croix-Rouge américaine depuis 2020 pour sensibiliser aux menaces sanitaires posées par les moustiques.

Für das zehnte Jahr in Folge hat Chicago die Top 50 der rattenreichsten Städte von Orkin angeführt, was den anhaltenden Kampf der Stadt gegen Nagetiere unterstreicht. Los Angeles und New York haben seit 2017 ihre Positionen in den Top drei gehalten. Die Liste basiert auf neuen Wohnbehandlungen gegen Nagetiere vom 1. September 2023 bis zum 31. August 2024.

Orkin hebt die ernsten Bedenken hervor, die Nagetiere für Hausbesitzer darstellen, darunter strukturelle Schäden, Brandrisiken durch genagte Kabel und die Verbreitung von Krankheiten. Das Unternehmen gibt Tipps zur Identifizierung und Vermeidung von Nagetierbefällen, wie das Abdichten von Zugangsstellen, das Entfernen von Nahrungsquellen und die Pflege von Außenbereichen.

Orkin, gegründet im Jahr 1901, ist ein Branchenführer im Bereich Schädlingsbekämpfung mit 358 eigenen und betriebenen Niederlassungen sowie 47 Franchises in den USA und hat auch international eine Präsenz. Das Unternehmen engagiert sich für die öffentliche Gesundheit und arbeitet seit 2020 mit dem amerikanischen Roten Kreuz zusammen, um über Gesundheitsgefahren von Mücken aufzuklären.

  • Orkin's extensive network of 358 owned and operated branch offices and 47 franchises in the U.S.
  • Partnership with the American Red Cross since 2020 for public health education
  • Orkin's international presence in multiple regions
  • None.

Los Angeles and New York hold strong in the top three for seventh consecutive year

ATLANTA, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- For the tenth straight year, Chicago has secured the top spot on Orkin's Top 50 Rattiest Cities List, maintaining its reign since the list's inception. This decade-long dominance highlights the city's ongoing battle with rodents, as well as the efforts taken to treat their presence, which has been driven largely by the Windy City's infrastructure and environment.

Chicago's abundance of alleys provides rodents with hidden havens, offering plenty of space to hide while feasting on trash. Rodents also love to burrow, finding shelter beneath subway tracks or around underground pipes. In these hidden spots, the rodent population can grow if left unchecked.

Other large cities face similar challenges with rats. Los Angeles, ranked #2, and New York, ranked #3, have been among the top three Rattiest Cities since 2017. Of the 50 cities, New York state is represented the most, with five cities making the list: New York, Albany, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse. 

This year's data was collected by tracking new residential rodent treatments from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024. This data helps Orkin better understand how likely homeowners in each city are to have a rodent problem.

1.    Chicago, Ill.

2.    Los Angeles, Calif.

3.    New York, N.Y.

4.    San Francisco, Cali.

5.    Washington, D.C.

6.    Denver, Colo.

7.    Philadelphia, Pa.

8.    Detroit, Mich.

9.    Baltimore, Md.

10.  Cleveland, Ohio

11.  Minneapolis, Minn.

12.  Boston, Mass.

13.  Hartford, Conn.

14.  Seattle, Wash.

15.  Indianapolis, Ind.

16.  Atlanta, Ga.

17.  Columbus, Ohio

18.  San Diego, Calif.

19.  Milwaukee, Wis.

20.  Sacramento, Calif.

21.  Pittsburgh, Pa.

22.  Dallas, Texas

23.  Miami, Fla.

24.  Norfolk, Va.

25.  Houston, Texas

26.  Charlotte, N.C.

27.  Grand Rapids, Mich.

28.  Raleigh, N.C.

29.  Honolulu, Hawaii

30.  Albuquerque, N.M.

31.  Albany, N.Y.

32.  Phoenix, Az.

33.  Greenville, S.C.

34.  Cincinnati, Ohio

35.  Tampa, Fla.

36.  Nashville, Tenn.

37.  Richmond, Va.

38.  Portland, Ore.

39.  Orlando, Fla.

40.  New Orleans, La.

41.  Buffalo, N.Y.

42.  Flint, Mich.

43.  Rochester, N.Y.

44.  Champaign, Ill.

45.  Kansas City, Mo.

46.  Burlington, Vt.

47.  Oklahoma City, Okla.

48.  Syracuse, N.Y.

49.  Charleston, W.Va.

50.  Greensboro, S.C.

Mice and rats are a serious concern to the millions of homeowners who deal with infestations each fall. As the weather cools, rodents seek warm shelter and food sources.

"Rodents can cause a lot of structural problems for property owners," says John Kane, Orkin National Accounts Entomologist & Quality Manager. "They can get in around piping and even chew through walls. These tiny culprits tend to chew through wiring, which poses an increased risk of fires."

Rodents eat about one or two ounces of food a day, which is the equivalent of a slice of bread. Even if they're not eating, mice and rats are constantly chewing. A rat's teeth have a rating of 5.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, which means they are powerful enough to chew through steel garbage cans.

They also reproduce quickly, causing a small infestation to become a big problem, sometimes before property owners even realize the animals are nearby. Rodents are known to spread illnesses to humans, including Leptospirosis, Salmonellosis, LCM, plague and typhus.

Because of these numerous threats, homeowners and business owners should know how to spot a rodent infestation, and what action to take. Here are a few common signs of a rodent infestation:

  • Droppings: Rodent droppings are commonly spotted near food sources, along baseboards or inside cabinets.
  • Noises: You might hear a rodent infestation before you see it. Listen for scratching or scurrying sounds, especially at night when rodents are more active.
  • Gnaw marks: Mice and rats are constantly chewing on anything they can find. Homeowners might notice holes in food packaging, wires that are bitten into pieces, or gnaw marks on walls and furniture.
  • Rub Marks: Rodents' fur is greasy, leaving a trail where they scurry. This can be spotted along baseboards or around entry points.
  • Burrows: Rats specifically burrow around the foundation of a building, or in piles of debris.

Property owners who think they have a rodent infestation should take quick action to prevent the situation from worsening. Here are some tips:

  • Seal entry points: Rats only need an opening the size of a quarter to access a building, and mice need even less space. That's why it's important to seal any gaps around windows, doors and pipes.
  • Eliminate food sources: Rodents enter buildings if they can find access to food. Property owners can make the area less inviting by storing food in sealed containers, cleaning up crumbs and spills immediately, ensuring garbage is kept in tightly sealed bins, and removing pet food from areas accessible by rodents.
  • Maintain outdoor areas: Clean up debris that rodents could use as nesting materials or shelter. Trim trees and shrubs that are close to the building to prevent rodents from using them as pathways.
  • Patch your trash containers: Look for holes chewed in the bottom, tops or sides of your trash container. Requesting a replacement can be costly and can take months; patching is something that can be done swiftly and ongoing. Professionals use a plastic welder to patch these, but a homeowner can make do with an epoxy adhesive and duct tape. Apply the duct tape to cover the hole from inside, then mix and apply your epoxy adhesive atop the tape back filler, applying thickly. Once it sets, it will take rodents some time to make new holes, but it can be an ongoing struggle and is best won by having nearby burrows addressed.
  • Fix leaks: Eliminate water sources by fixing leaky faucets, pipes or standing water.
  • Set Traps: Place traps in areas where rodent activity is high.
  • Call the Pros: It is important to prevent an infestation from getting worse by calling the experts. Orkin Pros are trained to provide a tailored solution to all pest needs.

For more information about rodent prevention, visit

About Orkin, LLC

Founded in 1901, Atlanta-based Orkin is an industry leader in essential pest control services and protection against termite damage, rodents and insects. Orkin has 358 owned and operated branch offices and 47 franchises in the U.S. The company also has international franchises and subsidiaries in Canada, Europe, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Asia, the Mediterranean, Africa, and Mexico. Orkin is committed to protecting public health by helping prevent and control pests as well as educating consumers on the potential health risks posed by these pests. As such, since 2020, Orkin has partnered with the American Red Cross® to inform the public about the health threats of mosquitoes while boosting our country's blood supply through monetary contributions and blood donations. Orkin is committed to hiring the world's best to help protect the places where we live, work and play. Learn more about careers at Orkin here. Visit for additional information. Orkin is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rollins Inc. (NYSE: ROL). Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. 

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Which city has been ranked as the 'rattiest' for 10 consecutive years according to Orkin (ROL)?

Chicago has been ranked as the 'rattiest' city for 10 consecutive years according to Orkin's Top 50 Rattiest Cities List.

What period does Orkin's (ROL) latest rodent treatment data cover?

Orkin's latest rodent treatment data covers the period from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024.

How many owned and operated branch offices does Orkin (ROL) have in the U.S.?

Orkin has 358 owned and operated branch offices in the U.S.

When did Orkin (ROL) partner with the American Red Cross and for what purpose?

Orkin partnered with the American Red Cross in 2020 to educate the public about health threats from mosquitoes and boost the country's blood supply.

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