Rockwell Automation Supports Relief Efforts for Hurricane Helene

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Rockwell Automation (NYSE:ROK) has pledged $100,000 to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Helene disaster relief efforts. Hurricane Helene is the second-deadliest mainland US Hurricane in the past 50 years, with over 200 lives lost and hundreds still missing. The hurricane has impacted 32 million people and 12 million households, with 15% of those affected living below the poverty level.

The American Red Cross is providing essential supplies, food, medicine, and shelter to those in need. Ashley Johnson, Rockwell's Community Relations manager, expressed sympathy for those affected and emphasized the company's longstanding relationship with the Red Cross in supporting front-line relief efforts.

Rockwell Automation (NYSE:ROK) ha promesso 100.000 dollari alla Croce Rossa Americana per gli sforzi di soccorso in seguito al disastro dell'uragano Helene. L'uragano Helene è stato il secondo uragano più mortale nella storia degli Stati Uniti continentali negli ultimi 50 anni, con oltre 200 vite perse e centinaia di persone ancora disperse. L'uragano ha colpito 32 milioni di persone e 12 milioni di famiglie, di cui il 15% vive al di sotto della soglia di povertà.

La Croce Rossa Americana sta fornendo forniture essenziali, cibo, medicine e rifugio a chi ne ha bisogno. Ashley Johnson, manager delle relazioni con la comunità di Rockwell, ha espresso solidarietà a coloro che sono stati colpiti e ha sottolineato la lunga collaborazione dell'azienda con la Croce Rossa nel supportare gli sforzi di soccorso in prima linea.

Rockwell Automation (NYSE:ROK) se ha comprometido a donar $100,000 a la Cruz Roja Americana para los esfuerzos de ayuda ante desastres del huracán Helene. El huracán Helene es el segundo huracán más mortífero en la costa continental de EE. UU. en los últimos 50 años, con más de 200 vidas perdidas y cientos de personas aún desaparecidas. El huracán ha afectado a 32 millones de personas y 12 millones de hogares, de los cuales el 15% vive por debajo del umbral de pobreza.

La Cruz Roja Americana está proporcionando suministros esenciales, alimentos, medicamentos y refugio a quienes lo necesitan. Ashley Johnson, gerente de relaciones comunitarias de Rockwell, expresó su simpatía por los afectados y destacó la larga relación de la empresa con la Cruz Roja en el apoyo a los esfuerzos de asistencia en el terreno.

록웰 오토메이션(Rockwell Automation, NYSE:ROK)은 허리케인 헬렌(Hurricane Helene) 재해 구호 활동을 위해 미국 적십자에 $100,000를 기부하겠다고 약속했습니다. 허리케인 헬렌은 지난 50년간 미국 본토에서 두 번째로 치명적인 허리케인으로, 200명 이상이 사망하고 수백 명이 여전히 실종 상태입니다. 이 허리케인으로 인해 3200만 명과 1200만 가구가 영향을 받았으며, 그 중 15%는 빈곤선 이하에서 생활하고 있습니다.

미국 적십자는 필요로 하는 사람들에게 필수 용품, 음식, 약품 및 쉼터를 제공하고 있습니다. 록웰의 커뮤니티 관계 매니저인 애슐리 존슨(Ashley Johnson)은 피해자들에 대한 애도를 표하며, 회사가 적십자와 오랜 관계를 유지하며 최전선 구호 활동을 지원하고 있다는 점을 강조했습니다.

Rockwell Automation (NYSE:ROK) a promis 100 000 $ à la Croix-Rouge américaine pour les efforts de secours liés au désastre de l'ouragan Helene. L'ouragan Helene est le deuxième ouragan le plus meurtrier sur le continent américain au cours des 50 dernières années, ayant entraîné plus de 200 pertes humaines et des centaines de personnes encore disparues. L'ouragan a touché 32 millions de personnes et 12 millions de foyers, dont 15 % vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté.

La Croix-Rouge américaine fournit des fournitures essentielles, de la nourriture, des médicaments et un abri aux personnes dans le besoin. Ashley Johnson, responsable des relations communautaires chez Rockwell, a exprimé sa sympathie pour les victimes et a souligné la longue relation de l'entreprise avec la Croix-Rouge dans le soutien aux efforts de secours sur le terrain.

Rockwell Automation (NYSE:ROK) hat 100.000 US-Dollar an das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz für die Katastrophenhilfsmaßnahmen nach dem Hurrikan Helene versprochen. Der Hurrikan Helene ist der zweit tödlichste Hurrikan in den vergangenen 50 Jahren an der US-Küste, mit über 200 verlorenen Leben und hunderten noch vermissten Personen. Der Hurrikan hat 32 Millionen Menschen und 12 Millionen Haushalte betroffen, von denen 15% unterhalb der Armutsgrenze leben.

Das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz stellt den Bedürftigen essentielle Vorräte, Lebensmittel, Medikamente und Unterkunft zur Verfügung. Ashley Johnson, Managerin für Gemeindebeziehungen bei Rockwell, drückte ihr Mitgefühl für die Betroffenen aus und betonte die langjährige Beziehung des Unternehmens zum Roten Kreuz zur Unterstützung der Hilfsmaßnahmen vor Ort.

  • None.
  • None.


Rockwell Automation's $100,000 donation to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Helene relief demonstrates a commendable commitment to corporate social responsibility. While this gesture aligns with the company's values and longstanding relationship with the Red Cross, its financial impact on Rockwell's bottom line is minimal given the company's $30.6 billion market cap.

The donation may generate positive publicity and enhance Rockwell's reputation, potentially leading to improved stakeholder relationships and employee morale. However, the direct impact on the company's financial performance or stock price is likely to be negligible. Investors should view this as a routine CSR activity rather than a significant market-moving event.

From a broader perspective, the severity of Hurricane Helene's impact, affecting over 32 million people and 12 million households, could have indirect implications for Rockwell's business. The company's industrial automation solutions might see increased demand in the reconstruction efforts, particularly in affected areas with a high concentration of manufacturing or industrial facilities.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / Rockwell Automation (NYSE:ROK) has committed $100,000 to the American Red Cross to support disaster relief for Hurricane Helene. Hurricane Helene is the second-deadliest mainland US Hurricane in the past 50 years behind Hurricane Katrina in 2005, claiming more than 200 lives to date with hundreds of people still reported missing.

The American Red Cross is mobilizing truckloads of cots, blankets, and comfort kits, and providing food, medicine, and shelter. Over 32 million people and 12 million households have been impacted, with 15% of those impacted living below the poverty level.

"It is devastating to see so much of our country impacted by Hurricane Helene. Our hearts and thoughts are with all those who have lost their homes, livelihoods and communities," said Rockwell's Ashley Johnson, manager, Community Relations. "We lean on our longstanding relationship with the Red Cross and support their front-line efforts to help so many who are in need."

Red Cross volunteer Kimberley Heater supports hurricane survivor Jennifer Walker at the Red Cross shelter in Clearwater, Florida, in the wake of Hurricane Helene. (Photo by Marko Kokic/American Red Cross)

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SOURCE: Rockwell Automation

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How much has Rockwell Automation (ROK) donated for Hurricane Helene relief efforts?

Rockwell Automation (ROK) has committed $100,000 to the American Red Cross to support disaster relief efforts for Hurricane Helene.

How many people have been impacted by Hurricane Helene according to Rockwell Automation's (ROK) press release?

According to the press release, Hurricane Helene has impacted over 32 million people and 12 million households, with 15% of those impacted living below the poverty level.

What is Rockwell Automation (ROK) doing to support Hurricane Helene survivors?

Rockwell Automation (ROK) is supporting Hurricane Helene survivors by donating $100,000 to the American Red Cross, which is providing essential supplies, food, medicine, and shelter to those affected by the disaster.

How does Hurricane Helene compare to other US hurricanes in terms of casualties?

According to the press release, Hurricane Helene is the second-deadliest mainland US Hurricane in the past 50 years, claiming more than 200 lives to date, second only to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

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