Rockwell Automation Helps the Royal Mint Reduce E-Waste in Precious Metal-Recovery Facility

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Rockwell Automation's PlantPAx® DCS is being used by The Royal Mint in their new Precious Metals Recovery facility to manage and control the gold extraction process from e-waste. The facility, now operational after two years of design and manufacture, aims to address the growing challenge of electronic waste, which is increasing three times faster than the world's population according to the WHO.

The PlantPAx DCS monitors and controls a chemical extraction process that removes gold from discarded electronic devices like mobile phones and laptops. This technology, scaled up from lab level, is now operational in Llantrisant, Wales. The Royal Mint aims to reach a 4,000-ton per annum target for e-waste processing.

With global e-waste generation expected to exceed 80 million metric tons by 2030, this initiative contributes to improved recycling and recovery infrastructure, supporting sustainability efforts and the circular economy.

Il sistema PlantPAx® DCS di Rockwell Automation viene utilizzato dalla Royal Mint nel loro nuovo impianto di recupero dei metalli preziosi per gestire e controllare il processo di estrazione dell'oro dai rifiuti elettronici. L'impianto, ora operativo dopo due anni di progettazione e produzione, mira ad affrontare la crescente sfida dei rifiuti elettronici, che sta aumentando tre volte più velocemente della popolazione mondiale, secondo l'OMS.

Il PlantPAx DCS monitora e controlla un processo di estrazione chimica che rimuove l'oro da dispositivi elettronici scartati come telefoni cellulari e laptop. Questa tecnologia, scalata dal livello di laboratorio, è ora operativa a Llantrisant, in Galles. La Royal Mint punta a raggiungere un obiettivo di 4.000 tonnellate all'anno per il trattamento dei rifiuti elettronici.

Con la generazione globale di rifiuti elettronici che si prevede supererà le 80 milioni di tonnellate metriche entro il 2030, questa iniziativa contribuisce a migliorare le infrastrutture di riciclaggio e recupero, supportando gli sforzi di sostenibilità e l'economia circolare.

El sistema PlantPAx® DCS de Rockwell Automation está siendo utilizado por la Royal Mint en su nueva instalación de recuperación de metales preciosos para gestionar y controlar el proceso de extracción de oro de los residuos electrónicos. La instalación, ahora operativa después de dos años de diseño y fabricación, tiene como objetivo abordar el creciente desafío de los residuos electrónicos, que aumenta tres veces más rápido que la población mundial, según la OMS.

El PlantPAx DCS monitorea y controla un proceso de extracción química que elimina el oro de dispositivos electrónicos desechados, como teléfonos móviles y computadoras portátiles. Esta tecnología, ampliada desde el nivel de laboratorio, ahora está operativa en Llantrisant, Gales. La Royal Mint tiene como meta alcanzar un objetivo de 4,000 toneladas al año para el procesamiento de residuos electrónicos.

Con la generación global de residuos electrónicos que se espera supere las 80 millones de toneladas métricas para 2030, esta iniciativa contribuye a mejorar la infraestructura de reciclaje y recuperación, apoyando los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad y la economía circular.

록웰 오토메이션의 PlantPAx® DCS는 왕립 조폐국이 새로운 귀금속 회수 시설에서 전자 폐기물에서 금 추출 과정을 관리 및 제어하는 데 사용되고 있습니다. 이 시설은 설계와 제조에 2년이 걸린 후 현재 가동 중이며, WHO에 따르면 전자 폐기물이 세계 인구보다 3배 더 빠르게 증가하는 문제를 해결하기 위한 것입니다.

PlantPAx DCS는 휴대폰과 노트북과 같은 버려진 전자 기기에서 금을 제거하는 화학적 추출 과정을 모니터링하고 제어합니다. 실험실 수준에서 확대된 이 기술은 현재 웨일즈의 Llantrisant에서 가동 중입니다. 왕립 조폐국은 전자 폐기물 처리를 위해 연간 4,000톤 목표를 설정하고 있습니다.

전 세계 전자 폐기물 발생량이 2030년까지 8천만 톤을 초과할 것으로 예상되면서 이 이니셔티브는 재활용 및 회수 인프라 개선에 기여하며, 지속 가능성 노력과 순환 경제를 지원합니다.

Le système PlantPAx® DCS de Rockwell Automation est utilisé par la Monnaie royale dans sa nouvelle installation de récupération des métaux précieux pour gérer et contrôler le processus d'extraction de l'or à partir des déchets électroniques. L'installation, maintenant opérationnelle après deux ans de conception et de fabrication, vise à relever le défi croissant des déchets électroniques, qui augmentent trois fois plus vite que la population mondiale, selon l'OMS.

Le PlantPAx DCS surveille et contrôle un processus d'extraction chimique qui élimine l'or des appareils électroniques jetés tels que les téléphones portables et les ordinateurs portables. Cette technologie, mise à l'échelle depuis le niveau du laboratoire, est maintenant en opération à Llantrisant, au Pays de Galles. La Monnaie royale vise à atteindre un objectif de 4 000 tonnes par an pour le traitement des déchets électroniques.

Avec une génération mondiale de déchets électroniques qui devrait dépasser 80 millions de tonnes métriques d'ici 2030, cette initiative contribue à améliorer l'infrastructure de recyclage et de récupération, soutenant les efforts de durabilité et d'économie circulaire.

Das PlantPAx® DCS von Rockwell Automation wird von der Royal Mint in ihrer neuen Einrichtung zur Wiedergewinnung von Edelmetallen eingesetzt, um den Prozess der Goldextraktion aus Elektronikschrott zu verwalten und zu steuern. Die Einrichtung, die nach zwei Jahren Entwurf und Herstellung nun in Betrieb genommen wurde, soll die wachsende Herausforderung der Elektronikabfälle angehen, die laut WHO drei Mal schneller wächst als die Weltbevölkerung.

Das PlantPAx DCS überwacht und steuert einen chemischen Extraktionsprozess, der Gold aus weggeworfenen elektronischen Geräten wie Mobiltelefonen und Laptops entfernt. Diese Technologie, die aus dem Labormaßstab hochskaliert wurde, ist jetzt in Llantrisant, Wales, betriebsbereit. Die Royal Mint strebt ein Ziel von 4.000 Tonnen pro Jahr für die Verarbeitung von Elektronikschrott an.

Da die weltweite Erzeugung von Elektronikschrott bis 2030 voraussichtlich 80 Millionen metrische Tonnen übersteigen wird, trägt diese Initiative zur Verbesserung der Recycling- und Rückgewinnungsinfrastruktur bei und unterstützt die Bemühungen um Nachhaltigkeit und die Kreislaufwirtschaft.

  • Successful implementation of PlantPAx DCS in The Royal Mint's e-waste gold recovery facility
  • Technology scaled up from lab level to operational facility, demonstrating commercial viability
  • Potential for expansion and increased processing capacity, targeting 4,000 tons per annum
  • Addresses growing global e-waste challenge, supporting sustainability and circular economy efforts
  • None.


The Royal Mint's new Precious Metals Recovery facility, powered by Rockwell Automation's PlantPAx<sup>&reg;</sup> DCS, marks a significant advancement in e-waste management. This technology's ability to extract gold from discarded electronics addresses the rapidly growing global e-waste problem, which is increasing at an alarming rate of 300% faster than population growth.

The successful scaling of this extraction process from lab to industrial scale is a major milestone. With a target of processing 4,000 tons annually, this facility could significantly impact the 62 million metric tons of e-waste generated globally in 2022. The project aligns with circular economy principles and could be a game-changer in urban mining, potentially reducing the need for traditional, environmentally destructive gold mining practices.

While this development is positive for Rockwell Automation, showcasing its technology's versatility and environmental applications, the direct financial impact on the company may be in the short term. However, as e-waste management becomes increasingly critical, with projections exceeding 80 million metric tons by 2030, Rockwell could see growing demand for its control systems in this emerging sector.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / The Royal Mint's new Precious Metals Recovery facility uses the PlantPAx® DCS (distributed control system) from Rockwell Automation (NYSE: ROK) to manage and control the gold extraction process.

After two years of design and manufacture, the plant is now operational and provides a strong foundation for further expansion of this technology to support the world's challenges with electronic waste, which is simply discarded electrical or electronic devices. The World Health Organization says it's the fastest growing solid waste stream in the world, increasing three times faster than the world's population.

The PlantPAx DCS at The Royal Mint's facility is used to monitor and control a chemical extraction process that can remove gold from e-waste such as printed circuit boards found in discarded mobile phones and laptops. The extraction technology, which was only at lab scale a few years ago, has been successfully scaled and is now operational at its site in Llantrisant, Wales.

E-waste is a major sustainability challenge across the globe, and technologies like this are essential towards carbon reduction and material re-use.

According to Statista, electronic waste is one of the world's fastest-growing waste streams. With 62 million metric tons generated across the world in 2022, the volume of discarded electronic material has nearly doubled since 2010. With e-waste generation forecast to exceed 80 million metric tons by 2030, improved recycling and recovery infrastructure will be needed.

Tony Baker, director of manufacturing innovation at The Royal Mint, said: "The successful collaboration with Rockwell and the deployment of its DCS solution allowed us to demonstrate the technical viability of the technology to operate at scale. This puts us firmly on the road to our 4,000-ton per annum target, and discussions are already well underway with regards to usage of the recovered materials, as are the plans to expand the technology further."

Learn more about Rockwell's work to support customers and boost the circular economy.

Rockwell's PlantPAx DCS is proving pivotal to the scaling and eventual commercial viability of a new E-Waste precious-metal-recovery technology at The Royal Mint. This photo of recovered e-waste gold is courtesy of The Royal Mint.

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SOURCE: Rockwell Automation

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What is Rockwell Automation's role in The Royal Mint's e-waste recycling facility?

Rockwell Automation (NYSE: ROK) provided its PlantPAx DCS (distributed control system) to manage and control the gold extraction process in The Royal Mint's new Precious Metals Recovery facility.

How much e-waste is The Royal Mint's facility aiming to process annually?

The Royal Mint is targeting to process 4,000 tons of e-waste per annum at their Precious Metals Recovery facility in Llantrisant, Wales.

What type of e-waste does The Royal Mint's facility process for gold extraction?

The facility processes e-waste such as printed circuit boards found in discarded mobile phones and laptops to extract gold using a chemical extraction process.

How much global e-waste is expected to be generated by 2030?

According to the press release, global e-waste generation is forecast to exceed 80 million metric tons by 2030, highlighting the need for improved recycling and recovery infrastructure.

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