ReNew Publishes First Annual Integrated Report Aligned With International Integrated Reporting Standards

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ReNew Energy Global Plc (NASDAQ: RNW), India's leading decarbonization solutions provider, has released its first Annual Integrated Report for FY 2023-24. The report, titled 'Innovating Clean Energy Solutions', aligns with the International Integrated Reporting Council Framework and the EU taxonomy, with 97.79% of capital expenditure aligned with this classification. Key highlights include:

- Crossed 10 GW set up cumulative capacity
- Recorded a net profit of INR 4,147 million (US$ 50 million)
- Mitigated 16 million tonnes of CO2e, accounting for ~0.6% of India's total carbon emissions
- Achieved carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the fourth consecutive year
- 40% gender diversity at the Board level
- 358 million liters of water saved, a ~13% increase YoY
- Certified as a 'Great Place to Work' for the fourth consecutive year

ReNew aims to double its aggregate portfolio to ~21 GW in the next five years, focusing on expanding its footprint in India and select emerging markets globally.

ReNew Energy Global Plc (NASDAQ: RNW), principale fornitore di soluzioni di decarbonizzazione in India, ha pubblicato il suo primo Rapporto Annuale Integrato per l'esercizio 2023-24. Il rapporto, intitolato 'Innovare Soluzioni Energetiche Pulite', è in linea con il Framework del Consiglio Internazionale per il Reporting Integrato e la tassonomia dell'UE, con il 97,79% delle spese in conto capitale allineate a questa classificazione. I principali risultati includono:

- Superamento di 10 GW di capacità cumulativa installata
- Utili netti registrati pari a 4.147 milioni di INR (50 milioni di USD)
- Mitigazione di 16 milioni di tonnellate di CO2e, che rappresentano circa lo 0,6% delle emissioni di carbonio totali dell'India
- Raggiunta della neutralità carbonica per le emissioni di Scopo 1 e 2 per il quarto anno consecutivo
- 40% di diversità di genere a livello di Consiglio
- 358 milioni di litri d'acqua risparmiati, un incremento del ~13% rispetto all'anno precedente
- Certificato come 'Great Place to Work' per il quarto anno consecutivo

ReNew mira a raddoppiare il suo portafoglio aggregato a circa 21 GW nei prossimi cinque anni, concentrandosi sull'espansione della sua presenza in India e in mercati emergenti selezionati a livello globale.

ReNew Energy Global Plc (NASDAQ: RNW), el principal proveedor de soluciones de descarbonización en India, ha publicado su primer Informe Anual Integrado para el año fiscal 2023-24. El informe, titulado 'Innovando Soluciones de Energía Limpia', está alineado con el Marco del Consejo Internacional de Reporte Integrado y la taxonomía de la UE, con un 97,79% del gasto de capital alineado con esta clasificación. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

- Superación de 10 GW de capacidad instalada acumulada
- Ganancia neta registrada de 4.147 millones de INR (50 millones de USD)
- Mitigación de 16 millones de toneladas de CO2e, representando aproximadamente el 0,6% de las emisiones de carbono totales de la India
- Logrado la neutralidad de carbono para las emisiones de Alcance 1 y 2 por cuarto año consecutivo
- 40% de diversidad de género en el nivel de la Junta
- Ahorro de 358 millones de litros de agua, un aumento de aproximadamente el 13% interanual
- Certificado como 'Great Place to Work' por cuarto año consecutivo

ReNew tiene como objetivo duplicar su cartera agregada a aproximadamente 21 GW en los próximos cinco años, centrando su atención en expandir su presencia en India y en mercados emergentes seleccionados a nivel mundial.

ReNew Energy Global Plc (NASDAQ: RNW)는 인도의 주요 탈탄소화 솔루션 제공업체로, 2023-24 회계연도 첫 번째 연간 통합 보고서를 발표했습니다. '청정 에너지 솔루션 혁신'이라는 제목의 이 보고서는 국제 통합 보고 위원회 프레임워크 및 EU 분류와 일치하며, 자본 지출의 97.79%가 이 분류와 일치합니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 누적 설치 용량 10 GW 초과
- 순이익 4,147백만 INR(5천만 USD) 기록
- 1600만 톤의 CO2e 절감, 이는 인도 전체 탄소 배출량의 약 0.6%를 차지
- 4년 연속으로 스코프 1 및 2 배출량에 대한 탄소 중립성 달성
- 이사회 수준에서 40%의 성별 다양성
- 3억 5천8백만 리터의 물 절약, 전년 대비 약 13% 증가
- 4년 연속 '일하기 좋은 곳' 인증

ReNew는 향후 5년 내에 포트폴리오를 약 21 GW로 두 배로 확대할 계획이며, 인도 및 선택한 신흥 시장에서의 입지를 확대하는 데 집중하고 있습니다.

ReNew Energy Global Plc (NASDAQ: RNW), leader indien des solutions de décarbonisation, a publié son premier Rapport Annuel Intégré pour l'exercice 2023-24. Le rapport, intitulé 'Innover des solutions d'énergie propre', est conforme au Cadre du Conseil International sur le Reporting Intégré et à la taxonomie de l'UE, avec 97,79 % des dépenses d'investissement conformes à cette classification. Les points forts incluent :

- Dépassement de 10 GW de capacité cumulée installée
- Bénéfice net enregistré de 4 147 millions INR (50 millions USD)
- Mitigation de 16 millions de tonnes de CO2e, représentant environ 0,6 % des émissions de carbone totales de l'Inde
- Neutralité carbone atteinte pour les émissions de portée 1 et 2 pour la quatrième année consécutive
- 40 % de diversité de genre au niveau du Conseil
- 358 millions de litres d'eau économisés, une augmentation d'environ 13 % par rapport à l'année précédente
- Certifié comme 'Great Place to Work' pour la quatrième année consécutive

ReNew vise à doubler son portefeuille agrégé à environ 21 GW au cours des cinq prochaines années, en se concentrant sur l'expansion de sa présence en Inde et dans certains marchés émergents à l'échelle mondiale.

ReNew Energy Global Plc (NASDAQ: RNW), Indiens führender Anbieter von Dekarbonisierungslösungen, hat seinen ersten Jahresbericht für das Geschäftsjahr 2023-24 veröffentlicht. Der Bericht mit dem Titel 'Innovationen für saubere Energielösungen' entspricht dem Rahmen des International Integrated Reporting Council und der EU-Taxonomie, wobei 97,79% der Investitionen in Anlagevermögen dieser Klassifizierung entsprechen. Zu den wichtigsten Höhepunkten gehören:

- Überschreitung von 10 GW installierter Gesamtkapazität
- Nettogewinn von 4.147 Millionen INR (50 Millionen USD)
- Minderung von 16 Millionen Tonnen CO2e, was etwa 0,6% der gesamten Kohlenstoffemissionen Indiens ausmacht
- Erreichte Kohlenstoffneutralität für die Emissionen der Bereiche 1 und 2 im vierten Jahr in Folge
- 40% Geschlechtervielfalt auf Vorstandsebene
- 358 Millionen Liter Wasser gespart, ein Anstieg von etwa 13% im Jahresvergleich
- Vierte Hintereinander 'Great Place to Work'-Zertifizierung

ReNew plant, sein gesamtes Portfolio in den nächsten fünf Jahren auf etwa 21 GW zu verdoppeln, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Expansion in Indien und ausgewählten Schwellenländern weltweit liegt.

  • Crossed 10 GW set up cumulative capacity
  • Net profit of INR 4,147 million (US$ 50 million)
  • Mitigated 16 million tonnes of CO2e, ~0.6% of India's total carbon emissions
  • 97.79% of capital expenditure aligned with EU taxonomy
  • ~10% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared to FY 2021-22 baseline
  • Carbon neutrality achieved for Scope 1 and 2 emissions for fourth consecutive year
  • Certified as a 'Great Place to Work' for fourth consecutive year
  • 40% gender diversity at Board level
  • 358 million liters of water saved, ~13% increase YoY
  • None.


ReNew's inaugural Integrated Report marks a significant milestone in corporate sustainability reporting. The company's alignment with the EU Taxonomy, reporting 97.79% of capital expenditure in compliance, sets a new benchmark for Indian firms. This demonstrates ReNew's commitment to transparency and sustainable practices.

Key highlights include:

  • Achieving 40% gender diversity at the Board level, showcasing strong governance
  • Saving 358 million liters of water, a 13% YoY increase, indicating improved resource management
  • Sourcing 41% of electricity from clean sources, progressing towards their 50% target by FY 2025

These achievements, coupled with their net-zero commitment by 2040 validated by SBTi, position ReNew as a leader in sustainable business practices. However, the true test will be maintaining this momentum and translating these efforts into long-term financial performance.

ReNew's integrated report provides valuable insights into its financial and operational performance. The company's achievement of 10 GW cumulative capacity is a significant milestone, indicating strong growth potential. However, the reported net profit of INR 4,147 million (US$ 50 million) seems modest relative to the scale of operations.

The commitment to double the aggregate portfolio to ~21 GW in the next five years is ambitious and could drive substantial revenue growth. However, investors should closely monitor the capital expenditure required for this expansion and its impact on profitability.

ReNew's alignment with global reporting standards and the EU Taxonomy could enhance its appeal to international investors, potentially improving access to capital. The 16% reduction in CO2 emissions, accounting for 0.6% of India's total carbon emissions, demonstrates the company's significant environmental impact, which could translate into long-term value creation.

  • ReNew becomes one of the pioneers among Indian companies to align with the EU taxonomy, reporting 97.79% of capital expenditure aligned with this classification
  • First Annual Integrated Report aligns with the International Integrated Reporting Council Framework as ReNew goes above and beyond to set new standards on ESG
  • ReNew sourced 41% of electricity through clean sources across all operations, making quick strides in its journey to reach 50% by FY 2025, as per the company’s stated target
  • The report includes achievements such as 40% gender diversity at the Board level and 358 million liters of water saved, which was a ~13% increase YoY

GURUGRAM, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ReNew Energy Global Plc ("ReNew") (NASDAQ: RNW), India’s leading decarbonization solutions provider, released its first Annual Integrated Report (for FY 2023-24) today. The report titled ‘Innovating Clean Energy Solutions’ reinforces ReNew’s position as a global pioneer in the clean energy landscape while integrating sustainability, nurturing equity, and embodying responsible stewardship.

From left to right: Vaishali Nigam Sinha, Co-Founder & Chairperson, Sustainability, ReNew; Sir Sumantra Chakrabarti, Chairperson, ESG Committee and Independent Director, ReNew; and Sumant Sinha, Founder, Chairman & CEO, ReNew at ReNew Hub on Friday, 2 August, 2024 (Photo: Business Wire)

From left to right: Vaishali Nigam Sinha, Co-Founder & Chairperson, Sustainability, ReNew; Sir Sumantra Chakrabarti, Chairperson, ESG Committee and Independent Director, ReNew; and Sumant Sinha, Founder, Chairman & CEO, ReNew at ReNew Hub on Friday, 2 August, 2024 (Photo: Business Wire)

The report demonstrates ReNew’s commitment to ensure its disclosures go above and beyond any single geographical reporting standard and to continue to advance towards enhanced global reporting standards. ReNew has, for the first time, aligned with the EU Taxonomy and reports 97.79% of its capital expenditure aligned with it. The taxonomy is a classification system that lays out the criteria for economic activities which are aligned with a net-zero trajectory by 2050. This strategic move bolsters sustainable investment and elevates the transparency of its economic activities, in harmony with climate objectives and broader environmental goals.

Sumant Sinha, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, ReNew, said: “As a pioneer in India’s renewable energy sector, we are committed to strategically expanding our footprint in the Indian market with targeted investments in select emerging markets globally. As we look ahead, we envision doubling our aggregate portfolio to ~21 GW in the next five years. Our first Annual Integrated Report reflects our commitment to scale up renewable energy projects and meet the growing demand for clean and sustainable power solutions in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.”

ReNew also undertook its first Double Materiality Assessment in FY 2023-24, a notable responsibility in its journey towards sustainable excellence. Double materiality is an impact assessment method which shows an organization’s actual and potential adverse impacts on people, society and the environment from both a financial and non-financial perspective.

As outlined in the report, FY 2023-24 was marked by significant milestones for ReNew. The Company crossed the mark of 10 GW set up cumulative capacity and recorded a net profit of INR 4,147 million (US$ 50 million).

Vaishali Nigam Sinha, Co-Founder and Chairperson - Sustainability, ReNew, said: “As the world inches closer to the critical 1.5 degrees Celsius climate threshold, we, at ReNew, are playing a pivotal role in enabling India’s low carbon development pathways. We have committed to net-zero goals by 2040, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which makes us one of the first pure-play renewable energy companies to receive this recognition.”

Solidifying its position as a leading clean energy player, ReNew reported 16 million tonnes of CO2e mitigation, accounting for ~0.6% of India’s total carbon emissions. Demonstrating tangible progress towards its own net-zero commitment by 2040, the Company witnessed a ~10% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions for FY 2023-24 compared to the baseline year FY 2021-22. ReNew also achieved carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for the fourth consecutive year. Scope 1 are direct emissions owned or controlled by a company, whereas Scope 2 are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity consumed by a company.

ReNew has reinstated its commitment to building an environment that prioritizes employee safety and inclusivity. The Company was certified a ‘Great Place to Work’ for the fourth consecutive year and recorded an employee gender diversity rate of ~14%, with ~10% women representation in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) roles, far surpassing industry standards.

ReNew’s Annual Integrated Report FY 2023-24 is available here.

Note to Editors:

About the Report:

The Annual Integrated Report FY 2023-24 was crafted in alignment with the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) framework established by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation. In preparing this report, ReNew has also referenced the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards 2021, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (UNWEP), International Finance Corporation (IFC) Standards, Equator Principles (EP) and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Double Materiality methodology was based on the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and aligns with the requirements of IFRS standards. The non-financial sustainability information presented in the Report is externally assured by Ernst and Young Associates LLP. The financial statements presented in the Report are audited by S.R. Batliboi & Co. LLP, a network firm of Ernst & Young.

About ReNew

ReNew is a leading decarbonization solutions company listed on Nasdaq (NASDAQ: RNW). ReNew's clean energy contracted portfolio of ~15.6 GW as of May 31, 2024, is one of the largest globally. In addition to being a major independent power producer in India, we provide end-to-end solutions in a just and inclusive manner in the areas of clean energy, value-added energy offerings through digitalization, storage, and carbon markets that increasingly are integral to addressing climate change. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Press Enquiries

Shilpa Narani |

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Nathan Judge, Anunay Shahi, Nitin Vaid |

Source: ReNew Energy Global Plc


What was ReNew's net profit for FY 2023-24?

ReNew reported a net profit of INR 4,147 million (US$ 50 million) for FY 2023-24.

How much CO2e emissions did ReNew mitigate in FY 2023-24?

ReNew mitigated 16 million tonnes of CO2e emissions in FY 2023-24, accounting for approximately 0.6% of India's total carbon emissions.

What is ReNew's target for aggregate portfolio growth in the next five years?

ReNew aims to double its aggregate portfolio to approximately 21 GW in the next five years.

What percentage of ReNew's capital expenditure is aligned with the EU taxonomy?

97.79% of ReNew's capital expenditure is aligned with the EU taxonomy.

How much water did ReNew save in FY 2023-24?

ReNew saved 358 million liters of water in FY 2023-24, which was a ~13% increase year-over-year.

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