Range Impact Reports 2Q 2024 Financial Results

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Range Impact (OTC: RNGE) reported its Q2 2024 financial results, showing a decline in revenue and negative Adjusted EBITDA. Key highlights include:

- Consolidated revenue of $2,349,738 in Q2 2024, down from $3,998,267 in Q2 2023
- Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA of ($312,994) in Q2 2024, compared to $479,405 in Q2 2023
- Net loss of $1,225,681 in Q2 2024, versus a net income of $36,762 in Q2 2023

The decline was primarily attributed to a mining contractor's performance failure and misalignment between revenues and costs in the Range Reclaim segment. Management plans to review business segments and take steps to reposition the company for future growth and profitability.

Range Impact (OTC: RNGE) ha riportato i risultati finanziari per il Q2 2024, evidenziando un declino dei ricavi e un EBITDA rettificato negativo. I punti salienti includono:

- Ricavi consolidati di $2.349.738 nel Q2 2024, in calo rispetto ai $3.998.267 nel Q2 2023
- EBITDA rettificato consolidato di ($312.994) nel Q2 2024, rispetto ai $479.405 nel Q2 2023
- Perdita netta di $1.225.681 nel Q2 2024, rispetto a un utile netto di $36.762 nel Q2 2023

Il declino è stato principalmente attribuito a un fallimento delle prestazioni di un appaltatore minerario e a un disallineamento tra ricavi e costi nel segmento Range Reclaim. La direzione prevede di esaminare i segmenti aziendali e adottare misure per riposizionare l'azienda per una futura crescita e redditività.

Range Impact (OTC: RNGE) reportó sus resultados financieros del Q2 2024, mostrando un declive en los ingresos y un EBITDA ajustado negativo. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

- Ingresos consolidados de $2,349,738 en el Q2 2024, una caída desde $3,998,267 en el Q2 2023
- EBITDA ajustado consolidado de ($312,994) en el Q2 2024, en comparación con $479,405 en el Q2 2023
- Pérdida neta de $1,225,681 en el Q2 2024, frente a un ingreso neto de $36,762 en el Q2 2023

El declive se atribuyó principalmente a un fallo en el rendimiento de un contratista minero y a un desajuste entre ingresos y costos en el segmento Range Reclaim. La dirección planea revisar los segmentos comerciales y tomar medidas para reposicionar la empresa para un crecimiento y rentabilidad futuros.

Range Impact (OTC: RNGE)는 Q2 2024 재무 결과를 발표하며 수익 감소조정 EBITDA 적자를 보여주었습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 2024년 Q2의 합산 수익은 $2,349,738으로, 2023년 Q2의 $3,998,267에서 감소함
- 2024년 Q2의 조정 EBITDA는 ($312,994)로, 2023년 Q2의 $479,405와 비교됨
- 2024년 Q2의 순손실은 $1,225,681로, 2023년 Q2의 순이익 $36,762와 대조됨

이 감소는 주로 광산 계약자의 성과 실패Range Reclaim 부문에서 수익과 비용 간의 불일치에 기인합니다. 경영진은 사업 부문을 검토하고 회사의 미래 성장과 수익성을 위해 재편성할 계획입니다.

Range Impact (OTC: RNGE) a publié ses résultats financiers pour le Q2 2024, montrant une diminution des revenus et un EBITDA ajusté négatif. Les points essentiels comprennent :

- Revenus consolidés de 2 349 738 $ pour le Q2 2024, en baisse par rapport aux 3 998 267 $ pour le Q2 2023
- EBITDA ajusté consolidé de (312 994 $) pour le Q2 2024, comparé à 479 405 $ pour le Q2 2023
- Perte nette de 1 225 681 $ pour le Q2 2024, contre un bénéfice net de 36 762 $ pour le Q2 2023

La baisse a été principalement attribuée à un échec de performance d'un entrepreneur minier et à un désalignement entre les revenus et les coûts dans le segment Range Reclaim. La direction prévoit de revoir les segments d'activité et de prendre des mesures pour repositionner l'entreprise pour une croissance et une rentabilité futures.

Range Impact (OTC: RNGE) hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das Q2 2024 veröffentlicht, die einen Rückgang der Einnahmen und ein negatives bereinigtes EBITDA zeigen. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

- Konsolidierte Einnahmen von $2.349.738 im Q2 2024, ein Rückgang von $3.998.267 im Q2 2023
- Konsolidiertes bereinigtes EBITDA von ($312.994) im Q2 2024, im Vergleich zu $479.405 im Q2 2023
- Nettoverlust von $1.225.681 im Q2 2024, gegenüber einem Nettogewinn von $36.762 im Q2 2023

Der Rückgang wurde hauptsächlich auf Leistungsversagen eines Bergbauunternehmers und Fehlanpassungen zwischen Einnahmen und Kosten im Segment Range Reclaim zurückgeführt. Das Management plant, die Geschäftssegmente zu überprüfen und Schritte zu unternehmen, um das Unternehmen für zukünftiges Wachstum und Rentabilität neu auszurichten.

  • Range Security segment revenue increased from $115,775 in Q2 2023 to $160,662 in Q2 2024
  • Range Security Adjusted EBITDA improved from $40,665 in Q2 2023 to $60,194 in Q2 2024
  • Corporate Adjusted EBITDA improved from ($270,518) in Q2 2023 to ($243,450) in Q2 2024
  • Consolidated revenue decreased from $3,998,267 in Q2 2023 to $2,349,738 in Q2 2024
  • Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA declined from $479,405 in Q2 2023 to ($312,994) in Q2 2024
  • Net income dropped from $36,762 in Q2 2023 to a net loss of $1,225,681 in Q2 2024
  • Gross profit margin decreased from 21.1% in Q2 2023 to -6.3% in Q2 2024
  • Range Reclaim segment revenue declined from $3,882,492 in Q2 2023 to $2,050,958 in Q2 2024
  • Range Minerals segment underperformed due to a mining contractor's failure

CLEVELAND, OHIO, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Range Impact, Inc. (OTC: RNGE) (“Range Impact”), a public impact investing company dedicated to acquiring, reclaiming and repurposing mine sites in Appalachia, reported its results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.

Range Impact’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 14, 2024 and is available for viewing at Since the information provided in this press release is limited to selected financial and operational information, shareholders and interested parties are encouraged to read Range Impact’s full Form 10-Q available on its website.

Michael Cavanaugh, Range Impact’s CEO, stated, “Our second quarter revenue in 2024 declined relative to our second quarter revenue in 2023, primarily due to the failure in performance of a mining contractor that resulted in lower revenue from our Range Minerals business segment.” Cavanaugh added, “Furthermore, an investment in personnel and equipment was made to support an anticipated increase in revenue in our Range Reclaim business segment from reclamation work on abandoned mine lands in West Virginia in 2024, which unfortunately has not materialized to date, resulting in a misalignment between actual revenues and associated costs during the first half of 2024. Our team is closely reviewing our business segments and plans to proactively take the necessary steps to reset and reposition Range Impact for strong future growth and profitability, including prioritizing the reclamation and repurposing of owned mine sites in Appalachia.”

Second Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights (consolidated and for each business segment)        

  • Range Impact | Consolidated results of all business segments | Consolidated revenue of $2,349,738 in 2Q 2024 compares unfavorably to consolidated revenue of $3,998,267 in 2Q 2023. This revenue decline is primarily due to a failure of performance by a mining contractor. Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA of ($312,994) in 2Q 2024 compares unfavorably to Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA of $479,405 in 2Q 2023 primarily due to a $803,340 decline in Adjusted EBITDA from the Range Reclaim and Range Minerals business segments.

  • Range Reclaim | Performs land reclamation and repurposing on mine sites | Revenue of $2,050,958 in 2Q 2024 compares unfavorably to revenue of $3,882,492 in 2Q 2023 which is largely due to the combination of Range Reclaim and Range Minerals into one business segment in 2Q 2023 and separated as two business segments in 2Q 2024. Adjusted EBITDA of $116,173 in 2Q 2024 compares unfavorably to Adjusted EBITDA of $835,392 in 2Q 2023 which is also the result of different classifications of business segments between 2Q 2024 and 2Q 2023.  

  • Range Minerals | Subcontracts mining and reclamation on mine sites | Revenue of $138,118 in 2Q 2024 compares favorably to revenue of $0 in 2Q 2023, the result of the creation of the Range Minerals business segment in 1Q 2024. Notwithstanding this lack of year-over-year comparison, the Range Minerals business segment underperformed during 2Q 2024 due to the failure of performance by a mining contractor, which largely explains the revenue decline of Range Impact on a consolidated basis. Adjusted EBITDA of ($84,121) in 2Q 2024 compares unfavorably to Adjusted EBITDA of $0 in 2Q 2023 due to additional costs associated with the failure of performance by a mining contractor.
  • Range Water | Develops water treatment and agricultural solutions for mine sites | Revenue of $0 for 2Q 2024 and 2Q 2023 since Range Water is a pre-revenue innovative water and agricultural solutions business. Adjusted EBITDA of ($4,515) for 2Q 2024 compares favorably to Adjusted EBITDA of ($18,690) for 2Q 2023 due a reduced investment in Range Water’s biochar research and development projects during 2Q 2024.

  • Range Security | Provides security services on mine sites being reclaimed | Revenue of $160,662 for 2Q 2024 compares favorably to revenue of $115,775 for 2Q 2023 due to the addition of a new mine site customer in Kentucky. Adjusted EBITDA of $60,194 for 2Q 2024 compares favorably to Adjusted EBITDA of $40,665 for 2Q 2023 also due to the addition of a new mine site customer in Kentucky.

  • Range Land | Owns, reclaims and repurposes mine sites for non-fossil fuel uses | Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA of $0 in 2Q 2024 and 2Q 2023 since Range Land did not recognize any revenue or expenses in either quarterly period. Management expects activity in Range Land to increase in the future as our corporate strategy begins to prioritize reclamation and repurposing of owned mine sites.

  • Graphium Biosciences | Glycosylated cannabinoid drug development business | Revenue of $0 for 2Q 2024 and 2Q 2023 since Graphium Biosciences is a pre-revenue drug development business. Adjusted EBITDA of ($157,275) in 2Q 2024 compares unfavorably to Adjusted EBITDA of ($107,444) in 2Q 2023 due to the reallocation of a corporate executive from the Corporate business segment to the Graphium Biosciences business segment beginning in 2Q 2024. Management is currently evaluating strategic alternatives for this business segment.

  • Corporate | Range Impact corporate overhead and administrative expenses | Adjusted EBITDA of ($243,450) for 2Q 2024 compares favorably to Adjusted EBITDA of ($270,518) for 2Q 2023 due to the reallocation of a corporate executive from Range Impact to Graphium Biosciences, which is offset by increased investment in additional corporate professionals to support the anticipated growth of Range Impact.

Second Quarter 2024 Consolidated Financial Highlights

  2Q 2024  2Q 2023  2Q 2024 LTM  2Q 2023 LTM 
Revenue $2,349,738  $3,998,267  $18,592,783  $11,206,073 
Cost of Goods Sold  2,498,667   3,153,166   13,982,152   8,383,670 
Gross Profit  (148,929)  845,101   4,610,631   2,822,403 
Operating Expenses  854,977   691,408   4,887,330   3,085,498 
Operating Income (Loss)  (1,003,906)  153,693   (276,699)  (263,095)
Other Income  (221,775)  (116,931)  1,158,331   (108,019)
Net Income (Loss)  (1,225,681)  36,762   881,632   (371,114)
Non-Cash Expenses  690,427   377,646   894,475   1,465,241 
Working Capital Changes  (15,232)  (1,488,603)  (2,602,602)  (1,251,236)
Cash Flow from Operations $(550,486) $(1,074,195) $(826,495) $(157,109)
Gross Profit Margin %  -6.3%  21.1%  24.8%  25.2%
Operating Profit Margin %  -42.7%  3.8%  -1.5%  -2.3%
Net Income Margin %  -52.2%  0.9%  4.7%  -3.3%
Cash Flow from Operations Margin %  -23.4%  -26.9%  -4.4%  -1.4%

Second Quarter 2024 Segmented Financial Highlights

  2Q 2024  2Q 2023  2Q 2024 LTM  2Q 2023 LTM 
Range Reclaim $2,050,958  $3,882,492  $15,348,073  $11,063,898 
Range Minerals  138,118   -   2,120,233   - 
Range Water  -   -   -   - 
Range Security  160,662   115,775   1,124,477   142,175 
Range Land  -   -   -   - 
Graphium Biosciences  -   -   -   - 
Corporate  -   -   -   - 
Total Revenue $2,349,738  $3,998,267  $18,592,783  $11,206,073 
Gross Profit                
Range Reclaim $(252,848) $789,687  $3,592,324  $2,756,566 
Range Minerals  20,842   -   357,654   - 
Range Water  -   -   -   - 
Range Security  83,077   55,414   660,653   65,837 
Range Land  -   -   -   - 
Graphium Biosciences  -   -   -   - 
Corporate  -   -   -   - 
Total Gross Profit $(148,929) $845,101  $4,610,631  $2,822,403 
Net Income (Loss)                
Range Reclaim $(579,928) $433,922  $1,160,681  $1,497,180 
Range Minerals  (84,121)  -   152,455   - 
Range Water  (5,154)  (19,116)  (70,296)  (38,280)
Range Security  57,302   37,550   538,645   20,445 
Range Land  -   -   (13,134)  - 
Graphium Biosciences  (157,275)  (107,444)  (534,183)  (450,871)
Corporate  (456,505)  (308,150)  (352,536)  (1,399,588)
Total Net Income (Loss) $(1,225,681) $36,762  $881,632  $(371,114)
Adjusted EBITDA                
Range Reclaim $116,173  $835,392  $3,934,353  $2,677,681 
Range Minerals  (84,121)  -   152,455   - 
Range Water  (4,515)  (18,690)  (67,737)  (37,854)
Range Security  60,194   40,665   550,209   24,988 
Range Land  -   -   (13,134)  - 
Graphium Biosciences  (157,275)  (107,444)  (534,183)  (450,871)
Corporate  (243,450)  (270,518)  (1,451,055)  (954,302)
Total Adjusted EBITDA $(312,994) $479,405  $2,570,908  $1,259,642 

Second Quarter 2024 Reconciliation of Net Income (Loss) to Adjusted EBITDA

  2Q 2024  2Q 2023  2Q 2024 LTM  2Q 2023 LTM 
Net Income (Loss)                
Range Reclaim $(579,928) $433,922  $1,160,681  $1,497,180 
Range Minerals  (84,121)  -   152,455   - 
Range Water  (5,154)  (19,116)  (70,296)  (38,280)
Range Security  57,302   37,550   538,645   20,445 
Range Land  -   -   (13,134)  - 
Graphium Biosciences  (157,275)  (107,444)  (534,183)  (450,871)
Corporate  (456,505)  (308,150)  (352,536)  (1,399,588)
Total Net Income (Loss) $(1,225,681) $36,762  $881,632  $(371,114)
Range Reclaim $61,195  $63,061  $425,260  $149,185 
Range Minerals  -   -   -   - 
Range Water  -   -   -   - 
Range Security  -   224   -   224 
Range Land  -   -   -   - 
Graphium Biosciences  -   -   -   - 
Corporate  104,465   1,712   312,941   16,106 
Total Interest $165,660  $64,997  $738,201  $165,515 
Range Reclaim $-  $-  $-  $- 
Range Minerals  -   -   -   - 
Range Water  -   -   -   - 
Range Security  -   -   -   - 
Range Land  -   -   -   - 
Graphium Biosciences  -   -   -   - 
Corporate  56,600   -   56,600   - 
Total Taxes $56,600  $-  $56,600  $- 
Range Reclaim $634,906  $338,409  $2,348,412  $1,031,316 
Range Minerals  -   -   -   - 
Range Water  639   426   2,559   426 
Range Security  2,892   2,891   11,564   4,319 
Range Land  -   -   -   - 
Graphium Biosciences  -   -   -   - 
Corporate  -   -   -   - 
Total Depreciation $638,437  $341,726  $2,362,535  $1,036,061 
Non-Cash Charges                
Range Reclaim $-  $-  $-  $- 
Range Minerals  -   -   -   - 
Range Water  -   -   -   - 
Range Security  -   -   -   - 
Range Land  -   -   -   - 
Graphium Biosciences  -   -   -   - 
Corporate  51,990   35,920   (1,468,060)  429,180 
Total Non-Cash Charges $51,990  $35,920  $(1,468,060) $429,180 
Adjusted EBITDA                
Range Reclaim $116,173  $835,392  $3,934,353  $2,677,681 
Range Minerals  (84,121)  -   152,455   - 
Range Water  (4,515)  (18,690)  (67,737)  (37,854)
Range Security  60,194   40,665   550,209   24,988 
Range Land  -   -   (13,134)  - 
Graphium Biosciences  (157,275)  (107,444)  (534,183)  (450,871)
Corporate  (243,450)  (270,518)  (1,451,055)  (954,302)
Total Adjusted EBITDA $(312,994) $479,405  $2,570,908  $1,259,642 

Non-GAAP Financial Information

In addition to our results under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”), in this release we also present certain other supplemental measures of financial performance that are not required by or presented in accordance with GAAP, including Adjusted Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization (“Adjusted EBITDA”). We calculate Adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss) before interest expense, income tax expense, depreciation and amortization, non-cash stock-based compensation expenses related to restricted stock grants and stock options issued to directors and employees and consultants, and any one-time non-recurring items. Adjusted EBITDA is one of the primary metrics used by management to evaluate our financial performance, analyze the effectiveness of our business strategies, and make budgeting and capital allocation decisions. However, this non-GAAP measure does have certain limitations and should not be considered as an alternative to net income (loss), earnings (loss) per share or any other performance measures derived in accordance with GAAP. 

About Range Impact, Inc.

Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Range Impact is a public company (OTC: RNGE) dedicated to improving the health and wellness of people and the planet through a novel and innovative approach to impact investing. Range Impact owns and operates several complementary operating businesses focused on developing long-term solutions to environmental, social, and health challenges, with a particular focus on acquiring, reclaiming and repurposing mine sites and other undervalued land in economically disadvantaged communities throughout Appalachia. Range Impact takes an opportunistic approach to impact investing by leveraging its competitive advantages and looking at solving old problems in new ways. Range Impact seeks to thoughtfully allocate its capital into strategic opportunities that are expected to make a positive impact on the people-planet ecosystem and generate strong investment returns for its shareholders.

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” as that term is defined in Section 27(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Statements in this press release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Although we believe that these statements are based on reasonable assumptions, they are subject to numerous factors that could cause actual outcomes and results to be materially different from those indicated in such statements. Such factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainties associated with new projects and development stage companies, timing of clinical trials and product development, business strategy and new lines of business. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release, and we assume no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that any beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that any such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in our annual report on Form 10-K for the most recent fiscal year, our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Range Impact, Inc.
Investor Relations: (216) 304-6556 and
Corporate Website:


What was Range Impact's (RNGE) revenue for Q2 2024?

Range Impact's consolidated revenue for Q2 2024 was $2,349,738, a decrease from $3,998,267 in Q2 2023.

How did Range Impact's (RNGE) Adjusted EBITDA perform in Q2 2024?

Range Impact's Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA for Q2 2024 was ($312,994), down from $479,405 in Q2 2023.

What factors contributed to Range Impact's (RNGE) revenue decline in Q2 2024?

The revenue decline was primarily due to a failure in performance by a mining contractor and misalignment between revenues and costs in the Range Reclaim segment.

How did Range Impact's (RNGE) Range Security segment perform in Q2 2024?

Range Security's revenue increased to $160,662 in Q2 2024 from $115,775 in Q2 2023, with Adjusted EBITDA improving to $60,194 from $40,665.

What is Range Impact's (RNGE) plan to address the Q2 2024 performance issues?

Management plans to review business segments and take necessary steps to reset and reposition Range Impact for strong future growth and profitability, focusing on reclamation and repurposing of owned mine sites in Appalachia.



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