Rimini Street Earns 2024 Tech Cares Award from TrustRadius

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Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) has been awarded the 2024 Tech Cares Award by TrustRadius, recognizing its commitment to corporate social responsibility and community impact. The award honors B2B technology organizations excelling in areas such as sustainability, volunteerism, diversity, equity and inclusion, and community support.

The Rimini Street Foundation, established in 2015, has been instrumental in the company's mission to 'Support Humankind.' Recent activities include:

  • Packing hygiene kits for human trafficking survivors
  • Sorting clothes for flood-affected families in Brazil
  • Hosting a STEM day for students and adults with cerebral palsy in Indonesia

Janet Ravin, founder and committee chair of the Rimini Street Foundation, emphasized that as the company grows, so will its opportunities to give back to the community.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) ha ricevuto il Tech Cares Award 2024 da TrustRadius, riconoscendo il suo impegno nella responsabilità sociale d'impresa e nell'impatto sulla comunità. Il premio onora le organizzazioni tecnologiche B2B che eccellono in aree come sostenibilità, volontariato, diversità, equità e inclusione, e supporto alla comunità.

La Rimini Street Foundation, fondata nel 2015, è stata fondamentale nella missione dell'azienda di 'Supportare l'Umanità.' Le recenti attività includono:

  • Preparazione di kit igienici per le vittime della tratta di esseri umani
  • Selezione di vestiti per famiglie colpite dalle inondazioni in Brasile
  • Organizzazione di una giornata STEM per studenti e adulti con paralisi cerebrale in Indonesia

Janet Ravin, fondatrice e presidente del comitato della Rimini Street Foundation, ha sottolineato che con la crescita dell'azienda, aumenteranno anche le opportunità per restituire alla comunità.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) ha sido galardonada con el Tech Cares Award 2024 por TrustRadius, reconociendo su compromiso con la responsabilidad social corporativa y el impacto en la comunidad. El premio honra a las organizaciones tecnológicas B2B que sobresalen en áreas como sostenibilidad, voluntariado, diversidad, equidad e inclusión, y apoyo a la comunidad.

La Rimini Street Foundation, establecida en 2015, ha sido fundamental en la misión de la empresa de 'Apoyar a la Humanidad.' Las actividades recientes incluyen:

  • Preparación de kits de higiene para sobrevivientes de trata de personas
  • Clasificación de ropa para familias afectadas por inundaciones en Brasil
  • Organización de un día de STEM para estudiantes y adultos con parálisis cerebral en Indonesia

Janet Ravin, fundadora y presidenta del comité de la Rimini Street Foundation, enfatizó que a medida que la empresa crece, también lo harán sus oportunidades de retribuir a la comunidad.

리미니 스트리트, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI)가 트러스트래디우스(TrustRadius)로부터 2024년 테크 케어즈 어워드를 수상했습니다. 이는 기업의 사회적 책임과 지역사회에 미치는 영향에 대한 헌신을 인정받은 것입니다. 이 상은 지속 가능성, 자원 봉사, 다양성, 형평성 및 포용성, 지역사회 지원 등에서 뛰어난 B2B 기술 조직을 기립니다.

리미니 스트리트 재단은 2015년에 설립되어 '인류 지원'이라는 회사의 사명에 중요한 역할을 해왔습니다. 최근 활동으로는:

  • 인신매매 생존자를 위한 위생 키트 포장
  • 브라질의 홍수 피해 가정을 위한 옷 정리
  • 인도네시아에서 뇌성 마비 학생 및 성인을 위한 STEM 데이 개최

리미니 스트리트 재단의 설립자이자 위원장인 자넷 래빈(Janet Ravin)은 회사가 성장함에 따라 지역 사회에 환원할 기회도 함께 증가할 것이라고 강조했습니다.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) a reçu le Tech Cares Award 2024 de TrustRadius, reconnaissant son engagement envers la responsabilité sociale des entreprises et son impact sur la communauté. Le prix honore les organisations technologiques B2B qui excellent dans des domaines tels que la durabilité, le bénévolat, la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion, et le soutien à la communauté.

La Rimini Street Foundation, établie en 2015, a joué un rôle essentiel dans la mission de l'entreprise de 'Soutenir l'Humanité.' Les activités récentes comprennent :

  • Emballage de kits d'hygiène pour les survivants de la traite des êtres humains
  • Tri de vêtements pour les familles touchées par les inondations au Brésil
  • Organisation d'une journée STEM pour les étudiants et les adultes atteints de paralysie cérébrale en Indonésie

Janet Ravin, fondatrice et présidente du comité de la Rimini Street Foundation, a souligné qu'à mesure que l'entreprise se développe, les opportunités de rendre à la communauté augmenteront également.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) wurde mit dem Tech Cares Award 2024 von TrustRadius ausgezeichnet, was ihr Engagement für soziale Unternehmensverantwortung und den Einfluss auf die Gemeinschaft anerkennt. Der Preis würdigt B2B-Technologieorganisationen, die in Bereichen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Freiwilligenarbeit, Vielfalt, Gleichstellung und Inklusion sowie Gemeinschaftsunterstützung herausragende Leistungen erbringen.

Die Rimini Street Foundation, die 2015 gegründet wurde, spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der Mission des Unternehmens, die darin besteht, 'der Menschheit zu helfen.' Jüngste Aktivitäten umfassen:

  • Packen von Hygienekits für Opfer von Menschenhandel
  • Sortieren von Kleidung für von Überschwemmungen betroffene Familien in Brasilien
  • Durchführung eines STEM-Tages für Schüler und Erwachsene mit zerebraler Lähmung in Indonesien

Janet Ravin, Gründerin und Vorsitzende des Komitees der Rimini Street Foundation, betonte, dass mit dem Wachstum des Unternehmens auch die Möglichkeiten zur Unterstützung der Gemeinschaft zunehmen werden.

  • None.
  • None.

Rimini Street and its privately funded charitable program recognized for its commitment to corporate social responsibility and community impact

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support, products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software, and an AWS partner, today announced that TrustRadius has recognized Rimini Street with a 2024 Tech Cares Award. This award celebrates companies that excel in their corporate social responsibility initiatives, “dedicated to driving beneficial progress throughout their organization and community.”

Rimini Street Earns 2024 Tech Cares Award from TrustRadius (Graphic: Business Wire)

Rimini Street Earns 2024 Tech Cares Award from TrustRadius (Graphic: Business Wire)

The 2024 Tech Cares Award honored the top 100 B2B technology organizations whose nominations were outstanding in their dedication to sustainability, volunteerism, diversity, equity and inclusion, generous donations, community impact, employee well-being and development, support for women in technology, and educational support.

“We started the Rimini Street Foundation in 2015 as a way to share our company success with the communities in which we live and from where we serve our clients,” said Janet Ravin, founder and committee chair of the Rimini Street Foundation. “Nine years later, we are as strong as ever in our mission to ‘Support Humankind,’ providing financial donations, hosting volunteer activities around the globe, and partnering with a wide range of charities to bring joy and equal opportunity to the community.”

From gathering 400 employees to pack hygiene kits to be distributed to human trafficking survivors in collaboration with The Cupcake Girls, working with the São Paolo Red Cross to sort clothes for donation to families affected by the Rio Grande do Sul floods, hosting a STEM day with Prestasi Junior Indonesia, a non-profit benefiting young students and adults living with cerebral palsy – and more activities completed and more underway – 2024 is filling up with precious memories for the Rimini Street Foundation and community friends.

“The Tech Care award is very meaningful to us as it spotlights our colleagues’ heart of service, evident in the way we care for our clients, community and one another,” said Ravin. “As our company grows, so will our opportunity to give, and that’s what the Rimini Street Foundation is all about.”

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About Rimini Street, Inc.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a Russell 2000® Company, is a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support, products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software, and an AWS partner. The Company has operations globally and offers a comprehensive family of unified solutions to run, manage, support, customize, configure, connect, protect, monitor, and optimize enterprise application, database, and technology software, and enables clients to achieve better business outcomes, significantly reduce costs, and reallocate resources for innovation. To date, over 5,600 Fortune 500, Fortune Global 100, midmarket, public sector, and other organizations from a broad range of industries have relied on Rimini Street as their trusted enterprise software solutions provider. To learn more, please visit, and connect with Rimini Street on X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. (IR-RMNI)

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements included in this communication are not historical facts but are forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally are accompanied by words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “currently,” “estimate,” “expect,” “future,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “outlook,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seem,” “seek,” “should,” “will,” “would” or other similar words, phrases or expressions. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our expectations of future events, future opportunities, global expansion and other growth initiatives and our investments in such initiatives. These statements are based on various assumptions and on the current expectations of management and are not predictions of actual performance, nor are these statements of historical facts. These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties regarding Rimini Street’s business, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, adverse developments in and costs associated with defending pending litigation or any new litigation, including the disposition of pending motions to appeal and any new claims; additional expenses to be incurred in order to comply with injunctions against certain of our business practices and the impact on future period revenue and costs; changes in the business environment in which Rimini Street operates, including the impact of any recessionary economic trends and changes in foreign exchange rates, as well as general financial, economic, regulatory and political conditions affecting the industry in which we operate and the industries in which our clients operate; the evolution of the enterprise software management and support landscape and our ability to attract and retain clients and further penetrate our client base; significant competition in the software support services industry; customer adoption of our expanded portfolio of products and services and products and services we expect to introduce; our ability to grow our revenue, manage our cost of revenue and accurately forecast revenue; the expected impact of recent and anticipated future reductions in our workforce and associated reorganization costs; estimates of our total addressable market and expectations of client savings relative to use of other providers; variability of timing in our sales cycle; risks relating to retention rates, including our ability to accurately predict retention rates; the loss of one or more members of our management team; our ability to attract and retain additional qualified personnel, including sales personnel, and retain key personnel; our business plan, our ability to grow in the future and our ability to achieve and maintain profitability; our plans to wind down the offering of services for Oracle PeopleSoft products; our need and ability to raise equity or debt financing on favorable terms and our ability to generate cash flows from operations to help fund increased investment in our growth initiatives; risks associated with global operations; our ability to prevent unauthorized access to our information technology systems and other cybersecurity threats, protect the confidential information of our employees and clients and comply with privacy regulations; our ability to maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting; our ability to maintain, protect and enhance our brand and intellectual property; changes in laws and regulations, including changes in tax laws or unfavorable outcomes of tax positions we take, or a failure by us to establish adequate tax reserves; the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters; our credit facility’s ongoing debt service obligations and financial and operational covenants on our business and related interest rate risk, including uncertainty from the transition to SOFR or other interest rate benchmarks; the sufficiency of our cash and cash equivalents to meet our liquidity requirements; the amount and timing of repurchases, if any, under our stock repurchase program and our ability to enhance stockholder value through such program; uncertainty as to the long-term value of Rimini Street’s equity securities; catastrophic events that disrupt our business or that of our clients; and those discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in Rimini Street’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on July 31, 2024, and as updated from time to time by Rimini Street’s future Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K, and other filings by Rimini Street with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, forward-looking statements provide Rimini Street’s expectations, plans or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this communication. Rimini Street anticipates that subsequent events and developments will cause Rimini Street’s assessments to change. However, while Rimini Street may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Rimini Street specifically disclaims any obligation to do so, except as required by law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Rimini Street’s assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this communication.

Janet Ravin

VP, Global Communications

Rimini Street, Inc.

+1 702 285-3532

Source: Rimini Street, Inc.


What award did Rimini Street (RMNI) receive in 2024?

Rimini Street (RMNI) received the 2024 Tech Cares Award from TrustRadius, recognizing its excellence in corporate social responsibility initiatives and community impact.

What is the Rimini Street Foundation and when was it established?

The Rimini Street Foundation is the company's privately funded charitable program, established in 2015 to share the company's success with communities where employees live and serve clients.

What recent charitable activities has Rimini Street (RMNI) been involved in?

Recent activities include packing hygiene kits for human trafficking survivors, sorting clothes for flood-affected families in Brazil, and hosting a STEM day for students and adults with cerebral palsy in Indonesia.

How does Rimini Street (RMNI) plan to expand its charitable efforts?

Rimini Street plans to increase its charitable efforts as the company grows, providing more opportunities to give back to the community through the Rimini Street Foundation.

Rimini Street, Inc. (DE)


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Software - Application
Services-business Services, Nec
United States of America