/C O R R E C T I O N -- Retrieve Medical Holdings, Inc./
Retrieve Medical Holdings (OTC Pink: RMHI) has emphasized its commitment to compliance amid increased scrutiny of Medicare Advantage billing practices. The company's patent-pending Retrieve Dx technology acts as a virtual research assistant, presenting potential diagnoses from patient records before physician finalization.
The announcement comes as Medicare Advantage programs, representing $462 billion (54%) of federal Medicare spending and serving 32.8 million beneficiaries across 3,500 plans, face intense scrutiny. Retrieve's preprocessing technology ensures accurate diagnosis submissions by integrating research assistant functions without disrupting clinical workflow.
Unlike systems that use AI to retroactively add diagnoses, Retrieve Dx operates prospectively, supporting accurate coding from the outset while maintaining physician control over the CDI process. The company emphasizes that its approach prevents False Claims Act violations by avoiding unsupported diagnosis additions through template addenda forms.
Retrieve Medical Holdings (OTC Pink: RMHI) ha sottolineato il suo impegno per la conformità in un contesto di crescente scrutinio delle pratiche di fatturazione di Medicare Advantage. La tecnologia Retrieve Dx, in fase di brevetto, funge da assistente virtuale alla ricerca, presentando potenziali diagnosi dai registri dei pazienti prima della finalizzazione da parte del medico.
L'annuncio arriva mentre i programmi di Medicare Advantage, che rappresentano 462 miliardi di dollari (54%) della spesa federale per Medicare e servono 32,8 milioni di beneficiari attraverso 3.500 piani, sono oggetto di un attento esame. La tecnologia di preprocessing di Retrieve garantisce invii di diagnosi accurati integrando le funzioni di assistente alla ricerca senza interrompere il flusso clinico.
Contrariamente ai sistemi che utilizzano l'IA per aggiungere retroattivamente diagnosi, Retrieve Dx opera in modo prospettico, supportando una codifica accurata fin dall'inizio, mantenendo il controllo del medico sul processo CDI. L'azienda sottolinea che il suo approccio previene violazioni del False Claims Act evitando aggiunte di diagnosi non supportate attraverso moduli di addenda standardizzati.
Retrieve Medical Holdings (OTC Pink: RMHI) ha enfatizado su compromiso con el cumplimiento en medio de un aumento del escrutinio sobre las prácticas de facturación de Medicare Advantage. La tecnología Retrieve Dx, pendiente de patente, actúa como un asistente de investigación virtual, presentando diagnósticos potenciales a partir de los registros de los pacientes antes de la finalización por parte del médico.
El anuncio se produce en un momento en que los programas de Medicare Advantage, que representan 462 mil millones de dólares (54%) del gasto federal en Medicare y atienden a 32.8 millones de beneficiarios a través de 3,500 planes, enfrentan un intenso escrutinio. La tecnología de preprocesamiento de Retrieve asegura envíos de diagnósticos precisos al integrar funciones de asistente de investigación sin interrumpir el flujo clínico.
A diferencia de los sistemas que utilizan IA para agregar diagnósticos de manera retroactiva, Retrieve Dx opera de manera prospectiva, apoyando una codificación precisa desde el principio mientras mantiene el control del médico sobre el proceso CDI. La empresa enfatiza que su enfoque previene violaciones de la Ley de Reclamos Falsos al evitar adiciones de diagnósticos no respaldados a través de formularios de adenda estándar.
Retrieve Medical Holdings (OTC Pink: RMHI)는 Medicare Advantage 청구 관행에 대한 증가하는 감시 속에서 규정 준수에 대한 의지를 강조했습니다. 이 회사의 특허 출원 중인 Retrieve Dx 기술은 가상 연구 보조자로 작용하며, 의사의 최종 결정을 내리기 전에 환자 기록에서 잠재적인 진단을 제시합니다.
이번 발표는 Medicare Advantage 프로그램이 연방 Medicare 지출의 4,620억 달러 (54%)를 차지하고 3,500개의 계획을 통해 3,280만 명의 수혜자에게 서비스를 제공하는 가운데 이루어졌습니다. Retrieve의 전처리 기술은 임상 작업 흐름을 방해하지 않고 연구 보조 기능을 통합하여 정확한 진단 제출을 보장합니다.
진단을 소급적으로 추가하는 AI를 사용하는 시스템과 달리, Retrieve Dx는 전망적으로 작동하여 처음부터 정확한 코딩을 지원하며, CDI 프로세스에 대한 의사의 통제를 유지합니다. 이 회사는 템플릿 추가 양식을 통해 지원되지 않는 진단 추가를 피함으로써 False Claims Act 위반을 예방하는 접근 방식을 강조합니다.
Retrieve Medical Holdings (OTC Pink: RMHI) a souligné son engagement envers la conformité au milieu d'un examen accru des pratiques de facturation de Medicare Advantage. La technologie Retrieve Dx, en instance de brevet, agit comme un assistant de recherche virtuel, présentant des diagnostics potentiels à partir des dossiers des patients avant la finalisation par le médecin.
L'annonce intervient alors que les programmes Medicare Advantage, représentant 462 milliards de dollars (54%) des dépenses fédérales de Medicare et servant 32,8 millions de bénéficiaires à travers 3 500 plans, font face à un examen minutieux. La technologie de prétraitement de Retrieve garantit des soumissions de diagnostics précises en intégrant des fonctions d'assistant de recherche sans perturber le flux clinique.
Contrairement aux systèmes qui utilisent l'IA pour ajouter rétroactivement des diagnostics, Retrieve Dx fonctionne de manière prospective, soutenant un codage précis dès le départ tout en maintenant le contrôle du médecin sur le processus CDI. L'entreprise souligne que son approche prévient les violations de la loi sur les fausses déclarations en évitant les ajouts de diagnostics non soutenus par des formulaires d'addenda standard.
Retrieve Medical Holdings (OTC Pink: RMHI) hat sein Engagement für die Einhaltung von Vorschriften angesichts der zunehmenden Überprüfung der Abrechnungspraktiken von Medicare Advantage betont. Die patentierte Technologie Retrieve Dx fungiert als virtueller Forschungsassistent und präsentiert potenzielle Diagnosen aus den Patientenakten, bevor der Arzt die endgültige Entscheidung trifft.
Die Ankündigung erfolgt, während die Medicare Advantage-Programme, die 462 Milliarden Dollar (54%) der bundesstaatlichen Medicare-Ausgaben ausmachen und 32,8 Millionen Leistungsempfänger über 3.500 Pläne bedienen, einer intensiven Prüfung ausgesetzt sind. Die Vorverarbeitungstechnologie von Retrieve sorgt dafür, dass Diagnosen genau eingereicht werden, indem sie Funktionen des Forschungsassistenten integriert, ohne den klinischen Arbeitsablauf zu stören.
Im Gegensatz zu Systemen, die KI verwenden, um Diagnosen rückblickend hinzuzufügen, arbeitet Retrieve Dx vorausschauend und unterstützt eine genaue Kodierung von Anfang an, während die Kontrolle des Arztes über den CDI-Prozess erhalten bleibt. Das Unternehmen betont, dass sein Ansatz Verstöße gegen das False Claims Act verhindert, indem er nicht unterstützte Diagnosen durch Standard-Addenda-Formulare vermeidet.
- None.
- None.
In the news release, Retrieve Medical, Inc. Emphasizes Proactive Compliance Amidst Upcoding Scrutiny: Our Patent Pending Preprocessor has Multi-billion Dollar Market Potential, issued 28-Feb-2025 by Retrieve Medical Holdings, Inc. over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that their stock ticker has been added to the release. The complete, corrected release follows:
Retrieve Medical, Inc. Emphasizes Proactive Compliance Amidst Upcoding Scrutiny: Our Patent Pending Preprocessor has Multi-billion Dollar Market Potential
Recent articles have highlighted the intense scrutiny on Medicare Advantage programs, which represent a significant portion (
Retrieve Medical, Inc. is committed to ensuring proper and accurate diagnosis submissions. Acting as a virtual research assistant, Retrieve Dx presents potential additional diagnoses directly from the patient record before the physician finalizes their diagnosis. This prospective approach ensures that all relevant information is considered during the initial diagnostic process, supporting accurate coding from the outset.
Retrieve Medical Holdings has concentrated heavily on design parameters that emphasize physicians' control of the CDI process while integrating the research assistant functions in a way that respects both the integrity of the interaction of the clinician and patient and the clinician workflow. Our patent pending " preprocessing" functions put fact-based findings, with associated annotations in an easily adoptable format, where they can be considered as part of the patient visit flow without disturbing the rhythm of patient care or documentation. Retrieve does not use AI tools to "nudge" providers into retroactively adding unsupported diagnoses via template addenda forms; therefore, Retrieve is not at risk of violating The False Claims Act.
"We understand the concerns surrounding upcoding and the potential for improper billing practices," says Retrieve's Chairman, Dr. Mark Rosenberg. "At Retrieve Medical, our technology is designed to prevent upcoding by providing physicians with a comprehensive view of the patient's health record at the point of diagnosis. Our prospective approach ensures transparency and accuracy, aligning with the highest standards of ethical billing."
"The current investigations validate our technology," adds Dr. Donald Thomas, Chief Medical Officer. "We anticipate increasing market recognition as the importance of compliance becomes ever more apparent."
Retrieve Medical, Inc. is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and accuracy in medical documentation. Retrieve Dx is a testament to this commitment, providing a valuable tool for physicians and healthcare organizations seeking to navigate the complexities of Medicare Advantage with confidence and compliance.
About Retrieve Medical, Inc.
Retrieve Medical, Inc. is a leading provider of innovative solutions of prospective diagnostic tools for the healthcare industry. Committed to improving accuracy and efficiency in medical billing, Retrieve Medical, Inc. empowers healthcare providers with cutting-edge technology and supports a culture of compliance and ethical practice.
For more information, visit Retrieve Medical, Inc. at www.retrievemedical.com.
Contact info: Harriet Donnelly, CMO
Retrieve Medical, Inc.
SOURCE Retrieve Medical Holdings, Inc.
How does Retrieve Medical's (RMHI) technology prevent Medicare Advantage upcoding?
What is the market size for Retrieve Medical's (RMHI) Medicare Advantage compliance solution?
How does Retrieve Medical's (RMHI) preprocessing technology differ from competitors?
What are the key features of Retrieve Medical's (RMHI) Dx platform announced in February 2025?