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RE/MAX's National Housing Report for August 2024 reveals a mixed market. New listings increased 1.6% month-over-month and 7.9% year-over-year, while home sales declined 3.3% from July and 3.8% year-over-year. The median sales price dropped 1.1% to $440,000 but remained 3.5% higher than August 2023. Inventory grew for the sixth consecutive month, up 2.4% from July and 37.6% year-over-year.

Key highlights:

  • Buyers paid 99% of asking price
  • Days on market increased to 38
  • Months' supply of inventory rose to 2.4

Phoenix, AZ saw the largest increase in new listings at 25.0% year-over-year. The market shows resilience with continued price growth, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers.

Il Rapporto Nazionale sul Settore Abitativo di RE/MAX per agosto 2024 rivela un mercato misto. I nuovi annunci sono aumentati dell'1,6% mese dopo mese e del 7,9% rispetto all'anno precedente, mentre le vendite di case sono diminuite del 3,3% rispetto a luglio e del 3,8% su base annua. Il prezzo di vendita mediano è sceso dell'1,1% a $440.000, ma è rimasto superiore del 3,5% rispetto ad agosto 2023. L'inventario è aumentato per il sesto mese consecutivo, con un incremento del 2,4% rispetto a luglio e del 37,6% rispetto all'anno precedente.

Punti salienti:

  • Gli acquirenti hanno pagato il 99% del prezzo richiesto
  • I giorni sul mercato sono aumentati a 38
  • Il numero di mesi di approvvigionamento è salito a 2,4

Phoenix, AZ ha registrato il maggior incremento di nuovi annunci con un +25,0% su base annua. Il mercato mostra resilienza con una continua crescita dei prezzi, offrendo opportunità sia per gli acquirenti che per i venditori.

El Informe Nacional de Vivienda de RE/MAX para agosto de 2024 revela un mercado mixto. Los nuevos anuncios aumentaron un 1,6% de un mes a otro y un 7,9% en comparación con el año anterior, mientras que las ventas de viviendas cayeron un 3,3% en comparación con julio y un 3,8% interanual. El precio de venta mediano cayó un 1,1% a $440,000, pero sigue siendo un 3,5% más alto que en agosto de 2023. El inventario creció por sexto mes consecutivo, con un incremento del 2,4% con respecto a julio y del 37,6% en comparación con el año anterior.

Puntos clave:

  • Los compradores pagaron el 99% del precio de venta
  • Los días en el mercado aumentaron a 38
  • El suministro de inventario aumentó a 2,4 meses

Phoenix, AZ tuvo el mayor aumento en nuevos anuncios con un 25,0% interanual. El mercado muestra resiliencia con un crecimiento continuo en los precios, ofreciendo oportunidades tanto para compradores como para vendedores.

RE/MAX의 2024년 8월 국가 주택 보고서는 혼합 시장을 나타냅니다. 새로운 매물은 전월 대비 1.6% 증가했으며, 전년 대비 7.9% 상승했습니다. 반면, 주택 판매는 7월 대비 3.3%, 전년 대비 3.8% 감소했습니다. 중위 판매 가격은 1.1% 하락해 $440,000에 이르렀지만, 2023년 8월보다 3.5% 높은 수준을 유지하고 있습니다. 재고는 6개월 연속 증가하여 7월 대비 2.4%, 전년 대비 37.6% 증가했습니다.

주요 하이라이트:

  • 구매자는 요청 가격의 99%를 지불했습니다
  • 시장에 있는 날 수는 38일로 증가했습니다
  • 재고의 공급량은 2.4개월로 올라갔습니다

피닉스, AZ는 전년 대비 25.0%로 새로운 매물이 가장 많이 증가했습니다. 시장은 지속적인 가격 상승으로 회복력을 보여주며, 구매자와 판매자 모두에게 기회를 제공합니다.

Le Rapport National sur le Logement de RE/MAX pour août 2024 révèle un marché mixte. Les nouvelles annonces ont augmenté de 1,6% par rapport au mois précédent et de 7,9% par rapport à l'année dernière, tandis que les ventes de maisons ont diminué de 3,3% par rapport à juillet et de 3,8% par rapport à l'année précédente. Le prix de vente médian a baissé de 1,1% à 440 000 $, mais reste supérieur de 3,5% à celui d'août 2023. L'inventaire a augmenté pour le sixième mois consécutif, avec une hausse de 2,4% par rapport à juillet et de 37,6% par rapport à l'année précédente.

Points clés :

  • Les acheteurs ont payé 99% du prix demandé
  • Les jours sur le marché ont augmenté à 38
  • Le stock de mois d'inventaire a augmenté à 2,4

Phoenix, AZ a connu la plus forte augmentation de nouvelles annonces avec 25,0% par rapport à l'année précédente. Le marché montre une résilience avec une croissance continue des prix, offrant des opportunités tant pour les acheteurs que pour les vendeurs.

Der nationale Wohnungsbericht von RE/MAX für August 2024 zeigt einen gemischten Markt. Neue Angebote stiegen um 1,6% im Vergleich zum Vormonat und um 7,9% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, während die Verkaufszahlen um 3,3% gegenüber Juli und um 3,8% im Jahresvergleich zurückgingen. Der fiel um 1,1% auf $440.000, liegt jedoch 3,5% über dem Wert von August 2023. Der Bestand wuchs im sechsten Monat in Folge, ein Anstieg von 2,4% gegenüber Juli und 37,6% im Jahresvergleich.

Wichtige Highlights:

  • Käufer zahlten 99% des Angebotspreises
  • Die Tage auf dem Markt stiegen auf 38
  • Die Monatsversorgung des Inventars stieg auf 2,4

Phoenix, AZ verzeichnete den größten Anstieg neuer Angebote mit 25,0% im Jahresvergleich. Der Markt zeigt Widerstandsfähigkeit mit anhaltendem Preiswachstum und bietet sowohl Käufern als auch Verkäufern Möglichkeiten.

  • None.
  • None.

New Listings Pick Up, While Fewer Homes Sell and For Less

DENVER, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- August's new listings inched up 1.6% over the previous month after decreasing 9.4% in July and 5.2% in June. Up 7.9% year over year, new listings have remained above 2023 levels in seven of eight months year to date.

Meanwhile, home sales declined 3.3% from July across the 49 metro areas surveyed. Home sale transactions were also down 3.8% year over year – just the third month of 2024 thus far to trail 2023.

The median sales price dropped for the second consecutive month to $440,000, 1.1% below July but remained 3.5% higher than the $425,000 median recorded in August 2023. Overall, the median sales price has remained higher year over year for 14 consecutive months since June 2023.

Inventory continued to grow for the sixth consecutive month. It was up 2.4% from July and contributed to the 37.6% increase in homes for sale in August 2024 compared to August 2023.

"While we saw a slight dip in sales month-over-month, the market continues to show resilience with some year-over-year price growth," said Amy Lessinger, President of RE/MAX, LLC. "The rise in new listings signals that more homeowners are recognizing the value of listing in today's environment. Buyers and sellers alike can find opportunity, especially with a steady flow of homes entering the market."

Phoenix, AZ experienced the biggest increase in new listings in August, jumping 25.0% from August 2023. RE/MAX Signature Broker/Owner Christy Walker said the influx of new listings put pressure on sellers, making the local market more favorable for buyers. "I believe the slightly lower mortgage rates motivated home sellers who previously felt they were rate-locked. With an increase in homes to choose from, buyers have an advantage: negotiations. Negotiations are more important than ever since many buyers can walk away if repairs or terms are not to their liking since they know there are many more homes coming on the market to choose from."

Other metrics of note:

  • Buyers paid 99% of the asking price in August, same as both July 2024 and August 2023.
  • Days on Market lengthened by two days over July to 38 days and was five days more than August 2023.
  • Months' supply of inventory was 2.4 in August, up from 2.2 in July and 1.7 in August 2023.

Highlights and local market results for August include:

New Listings 
In the 49 metro areas surveyed in August 2024, the number of newly listed homes was up 1.6% compared to July 2024, and up 7.9% compared to August 2023. The markets with the biggest year-over-year increase in new listings percentage were Phoenix, AZ at +25.0%, San Diego at +24.4%, and Dover, DE at +22.8%. The markets with the biggest decrease in year-over-year new listings percentage were Cleveland, OH at -7.3%, Portland, OR at -6.3%, and Boston, MA at -5.2%.

New Listings:
5 Markets with the Biggest YoY Increase


Aug 2024

Aug 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Phoenix, AZ



+25.0 %

San Diego, CA



+24.4 %

Dover, DE



+22.8 %

Las Vegas, NV



+20.4 %

Houston, TX



+18.6 %

Closed Transactions 
Of the 49 metro areas surveyed in August 2024, the overall number of home sales was down -3.3% compared to July 2024, and down -3.8% compared to August 2023. The markets with the biggest decrease in year-over-year sales percentages were Dover, DE at -24.1%, Phoenix, AZ at -10.1%, and St. Louis, MO at -9.5%. The markets with the biggest increase in year-over-year sales percentage were Burlington, VT at +19.0%, Coeur d'Alene, ID at +12.0%, and Fayetteville, AR at +8.5%.

Closed Transactions:
5 Markets with the Biggest YoY Decrease


Aug 2024

Aug 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Dover, DE



-24.1 %

Phoenix, AZ



-10.1 %

St. Louis, MO



-9.5 %

Miami, FL



-9.2 %

Atlanta, GA



-9.2 %

Median Sales Price – Median of 49 metro area prices
In August 2024, the median of all 49 metro area sales prices was $440,000, down -1.1% compared to July 2024, and up 3.5% from August 2023. The markets with the biggest year-over-year increase in median sales price were Burlington, VT at +14.1%, Tulsa, OK at +10.3%, and Seattle, WA at +8.5%. The markets with the biggest year-over-year decrease in median sales price were Coeur d'Alene, ID at -4.5%, Bozeman, MT at -2.1%, and San Antonio, TX at -1.6%.

Median Sales Price:
5 Markets with the Biggest YoY Increase


Aug 2024

Aug 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Burlington, VT



+14.1 %

Tulsa, OK



+10.3 %

Seattle, WA



+8.5 %

Anchorage, AK



+8.5 %

Trenton, NJ



+8.0 %

Close-to-List Price Ratio – Average of 49 metro area prices
In August 2024, the average close-to-list price ratio of all 49 metro areas in the report was 99%, the same as in both July 2024 and August 2023. The close-to-list price ratio is calculated by the average value of the sales price divided by the list price for each transaction. When the number is above 100%, the home closed for more than the list price. If it's less than 100%, the home sold for less than the list price. The metro areas with the lowest close-to-list price ratio were Miami, FL at 94.5%, Bozeman, MT at 96.5% and Tampa, FL at 97.0%. The metro areas with the highest close-to-list price ratios were Hartford, CT at 104.2%, followed by a tie between San Francisco, CA and Trenton, NJ at 102.8%, and Manchester, NH at 102.6%.

Close-to-List Price Ratio:
5 Markets with the Lowest Close-to-List Price Ratio


Aug 2024

Aug 2023

Year-over-Year Difference*

Miami, FL

94.5 %

95.0 %

-0.5 pp

Bozeman, MT

96.5 %

97.3 %

-0.8 pp

Tampa, FL

97.0 %

97.6 %

-0.6 pp

Houston, TX

97.1 %

97.9 %

-0.8 pp

Coeur d'Alene, ID

97.1 %

96.7 %

+0.4 pp

*Difference displayed as change in percentage points

Days on Market – Average of 49 metro areas
The average days on market for homes sold in August 2024 was 38, up two days compared to the average in July 2024, and up five days compared to August 2023. The highest days on market averages were in Fayetteville, AR at 76, San Antonio, TX at 67, and Bozeman, MT at 65. The metro areas with the lowest days on market were a tie between Baltimore, MD and Trenton, NJ at 13, Washington D.C. at 14, and Philadelphia, PA at 16. Days on market is the number of days between when a home is first listed in an MLS and a sales contract is signed.

Days on Market:
5 Markets with the Highest Days on Market


Aug 2024

Aug 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Fayetteville, AR



+8.9 %

San Antonio, TX



+9.7 %

Bozeman, MT



+27.7 %

Coeur d'Alene, ID



+4.4 %

Miami, FL



+25.1 %

Months' Supply of Inventory – Average of 49 metro areas
The number of homes for sale in August 2024 was up 2.4% from July 2024 and up 37.6% from August 2023. Based on the rate of home sales in August 2024, the months' supply of inventory was 2.4, up from 2.2 in July 2024, and up from 1.7 in August 2023. In August 2024, the markets with the highest months' supply of inventory were Miami, FL at 5.4, Bozeman, MT at 4.9, and San Antonio, TX at 4.8. The markets with the lowest months' supply of inventory were Manchester, NH at 0.9, Trenton, NJ at 1.0 and Washington D.C. at 1.1.

Months' Supply of Inventory:
5 Markets with the Highest Months' Supply of Inventory


Aug 2024

Aug 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Miami, FL



+94.3 %

Bozeman, MT



+31.8 %

San Antonio, TX



+30.6 %

Tampa, FL



+102.2 %

Houston, TX



+19.1 %

About the RE/MAX Network
As one of the leading global real estate franchisors, RE/MAX, LLC is a subsidiary of RE/MAX Holdings (NYSE: RMAX) with more than 140,000 agents in nearly 9,000 offices and a presence in more than 110 countries and territories. Nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX, as measured by residential transaction sides. RE/MAX was founded in 1973 by Dave and Gail Liniger, with an innovative, entrepreneurial culture affording its agents and franchisees the flexibility to operate their businesses with great independence. RE/MAX agents have lived, worked and served in their local communities for decades, raising millions of dollars every year for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals® and other charities. To learn more about RE/MAX, to search home listings or find an agent in your community, please visit For the latest news about RE/MAX, please visit

Report Details
The RE/MAX National Housing Report is distributed monthly on or about the 15th. The Report is based on MLS data for the stated month in 49 metropolitan areas, includes single-family residential property types, and is not annualized. For maximum representation, most of the largest metro areas in the country are represented, and an attempt is made to include at least one metro area in almost every state. Metro areas are defined by the Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) established by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

Closed Transactions are the total number of closed residential transactions during the given month. Months' Supply of Inventory is the total number of residential properties listed for sale at the end of the month (current inventory) divided by the number of sales contracts signed (pending listings) during the month. Where "pending" data is unavailable, an inferred pending status is calculated using closed transactions. Days on Market is the average number of days that pass from the time a property is listed until the property goes under contract. Median Sales Price for a metro area is the median sales price for closed transactions in that metro area.  The nationwide Median Sales Price is calculated at the nationwide aggregate level using all sale prices from the included metro areas.  The Close-to-List Price Ratio is the average value of the sales price divided by the list price for each closed transaction.

MLS data is provided by Seventy3, LLC, a RE/MAX Holdings company. While MLS data is believed to be reliable, it cannot be guaranteed. MLS data is constantly being updated, making any analysis a snapshot at a particular time. Every month, the previous period's data is updated to ensure accuracy over time. Raw data remains the intellectual property of each local MLS organization.

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What was the median sales price for homes in August 2024 according to the RE/MAX report (RMAX)?

The median sales price for homes in August 2024 was $440,000, down 1.1% from July but up 3.5% compared to August 2023.

How did new listings change in August 2024 for RE/MAX (RMAX)?

New listings increased by 1.6% compared to July 2024 and were up 7.9% compared to August 2023 across the 49 metro areas surveyed by RE/MAX.

Which city had the biggest increase in new listings for RE/MAX (RMAX) in August 2024?

Phoenix, AZ experienced the biggest increase in new listings, jumping 25.0% compared to August 2023.

How did home sales change in August 2024 according to the RE/MAX report (RMAX)?

Home sales declined 3.3% from July 2024 and were down 3.8% compared to August 2023 across the 49 metro areas surveyed.

What was the average days on market for homes sold in August 2024 for RE/MAX (RMAX)?

The average days on market for homes sold in August 2024 was 38 days, up 2 days from July 2024 and up 5 days from August 2023.



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