Regional Management Corp. Offers Assistance to Customers Impacted by Hurricane Helene

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Regional Management Corp. (NYSE: RM), a consumer finance company, is offering assistance to customers in the Southeast affected by Hurricane Helene. The company's programs include loan payment deferrals, loan modifications, and fee waivers for eligible customers. Regional Finance team members are also ready to help with filing insurance claims.

Robert W. Beck, President and CEO, expressed concern for impacted customers and team members, thanking first responders and others working to restore communities. He also praised Regional's team for their support efforts since Friday. The company, headquartered in Upstate South Carolina, encourages affected customers to call 877-762-8011 for assistance options and insurance claims filing.

Regional Management Corp. (NYSE: RM), un'azienda di finanziamento al consumo, sta offrendo assistenza ai clienti nel Sud-est colpiti dall'uragano Helene. I programmi dell'azienda includono rinvii dei pagamenti dei prestiti, modifiche ai prestiti e esenzioni dalle commissioni per i clienti idonei. Anche i membri del team di Regional Finance sono pronti ad aiutare con il filing delle richieste di assicurazione.

Robert W. Beck, Presidente e CEO, ha espresso preoccupazione per i clienti e i membri del team colpiti, ringraziando i soccorritori e tutti coloro che lavorano per ripristinare le comunità. Ha anche lodato il team di Regional per i loro sforzi di supporto sin da venerdì. L'azienda, con sede nel Upstate del Carolina del Sud, incoraggia i clienti colpiti a chiamare il 877-762-8011 per opzioni di assistenza e filing delle richieste di assicurazione.

Regional Management Corp. (NYSE: RM), una empresa de financiamiento al consumidor, está ofreciendo asistencia a los clientes en el sureste afectados por el huracán Helene. Los programas de la compañía incluyen diferimientos de pago de préstamos, modificaciones de préstamos y exenciones de tarifas para los clientes elegibles. Los miembros del equipo de Regional Finance también están listos para ayudar con el pedido de reclamaciones de seguros.

Robert W. Beck, Presidente y CEO, expresó su preocupación por los clientes y miembros del equipo afectados, agradeciendo a los primeros en responder y a otros que trabajan para restaurar las comunidades. También elogió al equipo de Regional por sus esfuerzos de apoyo desde el viernes. La empresa, con sede en Upstate Carolina del Sur, alienta a los clientes afectados a llamar al 877-762-8011 para opciones de asistencia y presentación de reclamaciones de seguros.

리저널 매니지먼트 주식회사 (NYSE: RM), 소비자 금융 회사가 허리케인 헬렌으로 영향을 받은 남동부 고객들에게 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 회사의 프로그램에는 대출 상환 연기, 대출 수정 및 수수료 면제가 포함되어 있습니다. 리저널 파이낸스팀의 멤버들도 보험 청구 제출을 도와줄 준비가 되어 있습니다.

로버트 W. 벡, 사장 겸 CEO는 영향을 받은 고객과 팀원들에 대한 우려를 표명하며, 첫 번째 응답자와 커뮤니티를 복원하기 위해 노력하는 모든 이들에게 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다. 그는 또한 금요일 이후 지원 노력을 해온 리저널 팀을 칭찬했습니다. 해당 회사는 남부 사우스 캐롤라이나에 본사를 두고 있으며, 영향을 받은 고객들이 877-762-8011로 assistance 옵션 및 보험 청구를 위해 연락할 것을 권장합니다.

La Regional Management Corp. (NYSE: RM), une société de financement à la consommation, offre de l’assistance aux clients du Sud-Est touchés par l’ouragan Helene. Les programmes de la société incluent le report des paiements de prêts, les modifications de prêts et les exonérations de frais pour les clients éligibles. Les membres de l'équipe Regional Finance sont également prêts à aider avec le dépôt de demandes d'assurance.

Robert W. Beck, Président et CEO, a exprimé son inquiétude pour les clients et les membres de l’équipe touchés, remerciant les premiers intervenants et ceux qui travaillent à la restauration des communautés. Il a également loué l'équipe de Regional pour leurs efforts de soutien depuis vendredi. L'entreprise, qui a son siège dans le Upstate de la Caroline du Sud, encourage les clients touchés à appeler le 877-762-8011 pour des options d'assistance et le dépôt de réclamations d'assurance.

Die Regional Management Corp. (NYSE: RM), ein Unternehmen für Verbraucherfinanzierung, bietet Kunden im Südosten, die von Hurrikan Helene betroffen sind, Unterstützung an. Die Programme des Unternehmens beinhalten Aufschübe bei der Darlehenszahlung, Darlehensänderungen und Gebührenverzicht für berechtigte Kunden. Die Mitglieder des Regional Finance-Teams stehen auch bereit, um beim Einreichen von Versicherungsansprüchen zu helfen.

Robert W. Beck, Präsident und CEO, äußerte Besorgnis über betroffene Kunden und Teammitglieder und dankte den Ersthelfern sowie anderen, die an der Wiederherstellung der Gemeinschaften arbeiten. Er lobte auch das Team von Regional für ihre Unterstützungsleistungen seit Freitag. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Upstate South Carolina ermutigt betroffene Kunden, sich unter 877-762-8011 zu melden, um Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten und das Einreichen von Versicherungsansprüchen zu besprechen.

  • Offering customer assistance programs for those impacted by Hurricane Helene
  • Providing loan payment deferrals and modifications to eligible customers
  • Assisting customers with filing insurance claims
  • None.

GREENVILLE, S.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Regional Management Corp. (NYSE: RM), a diversified consumer finance company operating through its Regional Finance subsidiaries, is offering borrower assistance programs to provide relief to customers in the Southeast who have been impacted by Hurricane Helene. The programs provide a variety of options to eligible customers, including loan payment deferrals, loan modifications, and certain fee waivers. Regional Finance team members also stand ready to assist eligible customers in filing personal property and other credit insurance claims.

“Hurricane Helene had a devastating impact on many communities where we operate,” said Robert W. Beck, President and Chief Executive Officer of Regional Management Corp. “Our thoughts are with our customers and team members in the affected areas, many of whom suffered damages to their homes and remain without power. We are thankful for first responders, healthcare workers, utility companies, government agencies, and others who have been working tirelessly to assist and restore our communities. I also want to extend a special thank you to our team members in the impacted areas (including our headquarters in Greenville) and across the country who have stepped up since Friday—by working nights and over the weekend—to support our customers and communities in the areas affected by the storm. We have a truly special team at Regional, and we remain ready and eager to support our customers throughout the recovery.”

Regional Finance is headquartered in the Upstate of South Carolina. Impacted customers should call 877-762-8011 to discuss assistance options and credit insurance claims filing.

About Regional Management Corp.

Regional Management Corp. (NYSE: RM) is a diversified consumer finance company that provides attractive, easy-to-understand installment loan products primarily to customers with limited access to consumer credit from banks, thrifts, credit card companies, and other lenders. Regional Management operates under the name “Regional Finance” online and in branch locations in 19 states across the United States. Most of its loan products are secured, and each is structured on a fixed-rate, fixed-term basis with fully amortizing equal monthly installment payments, repayable at any time without penalty. Regional Management sources loans through its multiple channel platform, which includes branches, centrally managed direct mail campaigns, digital partners, and its consumer website. For more information, please visit

Investor Relations

Garrett Edson, (203) 682-8331

Source: Regional Management Corp.


What assistance is Regional Management Corp. (RM) offering to customers affected by Hurricane Helene?

Regional Management Corp. (RM) is offering loan payment deferrals, loan modifications, certain fee waivers, and assistance with filing insurance claims to eligible customers impacted by Hurricane Helene.

How can affected customers of Regional Management Corp. (RM) access hurricane assistance programs?

Customers impacted by Hurricane Helene can call 877-762-8011 to discuss assistance options and credit insurance claims filing with Regional Management Corp. (RM).

Where is Regional Management Corp. (RM) headquartered?

Regional Management Corp. (RM) is headquartered in the Upstate of South Carolina.

What types of insurance claims can Regional Management Corp. (RM) customers file after Hurricane Helene?

Regional Management Corp. (RM) can assist eligible customers in filing personal property and other credit insurance claims related to damages from Hurricane Helene.



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United States of America