Rocket Lab Ships Twin Satellites to Launch Site for NASA Mars Mission

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Rocket Lab USA (Nasdaq: RKLB) has successfully shipped two Mars-bound spacecraft to Cape Canaveral, FL for NASA's ESCAPADE mission. The twin spacecraft, named Blue and Gold, were designed, built, and tested by Rocket Lab for the University of California Berkeley's Space Science Laboratory and NASA. They will be launched on Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket to study Mars' magnetosphere.

The spacecraft recently completed comprehensive assembly and testing at Rocket Lab's Spacecraft Production Complex in Long Beach, California. Upon arrival at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, the spacecraft will undergo final preparations and fueling. This mission marks Rocket Lab's expansion into deeper space exploration, following their previous lunar mission for NASA.

The ESCAPADE mission aims to measure plasma and magnetic fields around Mars, providing insights into the planet's climate evolution. This project showcases Rocket Lab's capabilities in building interplanetary spacecraft and furthers their role in advancing space exploration beyond Earth orbit.

Rocket Lab USA (Nasdaq: RKLB) ha spedito con successo due veicoli spaziali diretti verso Marte a Cape Canaveral, FL, per la missione ESCAPADE della NASA. I veicoli spaziali gemelli, chiamati Blue e Gold, sono stati progettati, costruiti e testati da Rocket Lab per il Laboratorio di Scienze Spaziali dell'Università della California, Berkeley, e per la NASA. Saranno lanciati con il razzo New Glenn di Blue Origin per studiare la magnetosfera di Marte.

I veicoli spaziali hanno recentemente completato l'assemblaggio e i test presso il Complesso di Produzione di Veicoli Spaziali di Rocket Lab a Long Beach, California. All'arrivo al Kennedy Space Center della NASA, i veicoli spaziali subiranno le ultime preparazioni e il rifornimento. Questa missione segna l'espansione di Rocket Lab nell'esplorazione spaziale profonda, dopo la loro precedente missione lunare per la NASA.

La missione ESCAPADE mira a misurare il plasma e i campi magnetici attorno a Marte, fornendo informazioni sull'evoluzione climatica del pianeta. Questo progetto dimostra le capacità di Rocket Lab nella costruzione di veicoli spaziali interplanetari e promuove il loro ruolo nell'avanzamento dell'esplorazione spaziale oltre l'orbita terrestre.

Rocket Lab USA (Nasdaq: RKLB) ha enviado con éxito dos naves espaciales con destino a Marte a Cape Canaveral, FL, para la misión ESCAPADE de la NASA. Las naves gemelas, llamadas Blue y Gold, fueron diseñadas, construidas y probadas por Rocket Lab para el Laboratorio de Ciencias Espaciales de la Universidad de California, Berkeley, y para la NASA. Serán lanzadas en el cohete New Glenn de Blue Origin para estudiar la magnetosfera de Marte.

Las naves espaciales completaron recientemente un exhaustivo ensamblaje y pruebas en el Complejo de Producción de Naves Espaciales de Rocket Lab en Long Beach, California. Al llegar al Centro Espacial Kennedy de la NASA, las naves espaciales pasarán por los preparativos finales y el abastecimiento de combustible. Esta misión marca la expansión de Rocket Lab en la exploración espacial más allá de la Tierra, tras su misión lunar anterior para la NASA.

La misión ESCAPADE tiene como objetivo medir el plasma y los campos magnéticos alrededor de Marte, proporcionando información sobre la evolución climática del planeta. Este proyecto demuestra las capacidades de Rocket Lab en la construcción de naves espaciales interplanetarias y avanza su papel en la promoción de la exploración espacial más allá de la órbita terrestre.

로켓랩 USA (Nasdaq: RKLB)는 NASA의 ESCAPADE 미션을 위해 두 개의 화성 탐사선을 플로리다주 케이프커내버럴로 성공적으로 발송했습니다. 쌍둥이 우주선인 블루와 골드는 로켓랩에 의해 캘리포니아 대학교 버클리의 우주 과학 연구소와 NASA를 위해 설계, 제작 및 테스트되었습니다. 이들은 블루 오리진의 뉴 글렌 로켓으로 발사되어 화성의 자기권을 연구하게 됩니다.

우주선은 최근 캘리포니아주 롱비치에 있는 로켓랩의 우주선 제작 단지에서 종합 조립 및 테스트를 완료했습니다. NASA의 케네디 우주 센터에 도착하면 최종 준비 작업과 연료 보급을 진행하게 됩니다. 이 미션은 NASA를 위한 이전의 달 탐사 임무에 이어 로켓랩의 심우주 탐사로의 확장을 의미합니다.

ESCAPADE 미션의 목표는 화성 주변의 플라즈마와 자기장을 측정하여 행성의 기후 진화에 대한 통찰을 제공하는 것입니다. 이 프로젝트는 로켓랩의 행성 간 우주선 제작 능력을 보여주고 지구 궤도를 넘어 우주 탐사의 발전에 기여하는 역할을 강화합니다.

Rocket Lab USA (Nasdaq: RKLB) a expédié avec succès deux vaisseaux spatiaux à destination de Mars à Cape Canaveral, FL, pour la mission ESCAPADE de la NASA. Les vaisseaux jumeaux, nommés Blue et Gold, ont été conçus, construits et testés par Rocket Lab pour le Laboratoire des Sciences Spatiales de l'Université de Californie à Berkeley et la NASA. Ils seront lancés à bord de la fusée New Glenn de Blue Origin pour étudier la magnétosphère de Mars.

Les vaisseaux spatiaux ont récemment terminé un assemblage et des tests complets au Complexe de Production de Vaisseaux Spatiaux de Rocket Lab à Long Beach, Californie. Lorsqu'ils arriveront au Centre Spatial Kennedy de la NASA, les vaisseaux subiront les dernières préparations et le ravitaillement. Cette mission marque l'expansion de Rocket Lab vers l'exploration spatiale plus profonde, après leur précédente mission lunaire pour la NASA.

La mission ESCAPADE vise à mesurer le plasma et les champs magnétiques autour de Mars, fournissant des informations sur l'évolution climatique de la planète. Ce projet met en avant les capacités de Rocket Lab dans la construction de vaisseaux spatiaux interplanétaires et renforce leur rôle dans l'avancement de l'exploration spatiale au-delà de l'orbite terrestre.

Rocket Lab USA (Nasdaq: RKLB) hat erfolgreich zwei Mars-fähige Raumschiffe nach Cape Canaveral, FL, für die ESCAPADE-Mission der NASA versendet. Die Zwillingsraumschiffe, genannt Blue und Gold, wurden von Rocket Lab für das Space Science Laboratory der University of California, Berkeley, und die NASA entworfen, gebaut und getestet. Sie werden mit der New Glenn-Rakete von Blue Origin ins All gestartet, um die Magnetosphäre von Mars zu untersuchen.

Die Raumschiffe haben kürzlich eine umfassende Montage und Tests im Spacecraft Production Complex von Rocket Lab in Long Beach, Kalifornien, abgeschlossen. Bei ihrer Ankunft im Kennedy Space Center der NASA werden die Raumschiffe die letzten Vorbereitungen und Betankungen durchlaufen. Diese Mission markiert die Expansion von Rocket Lab in die tiefere Weltraumforschung, nach ihrer vorherigen Mondmission für die NASA.

Die ESCAPADE-Mission zielt darauf ab, Plasma und magnetische Felder um den Mars zu messen und Einblicke in die Klimaentwicklung des Planeten zu geben. Dieses Projekt zeigt die Fähigkeiten von Rocket Lab im Bau interplanetarer Raumschiffe und stärkt ihre Rolle bei der Förderung der Weltraumforschung über die Erdumlaufbahn hinaus.

  • Successful completion and shipment of two Mars-bound spacecraft for NASA's ESCAPADE mission
  • Expansion of Rocket Lab's space exploration capabilities beyond Earth orbit
  • Demonstration of Rocket Lab's ability to design, build, and test interplanetary spacecraft
  • Strengthening of partnership with NASA and academic institutions for space exploration
  • None.

Rocket Lab's successful shipment of the ESCAPADE twin spacecraft marks a significant milestone in interplanetary exploration. The company's ability to design, build and integrate these Mars-bound satellites demonstrates their growing capabilities in space systems beyond Earth orbit. This project showcases Rocket Lab's evolution from a launch provider to a full-service space company.

The ESCAPADE mission represents a important step in understanding Mars' magnetosphere and its interaction with solar wind. This data is vital for future Mars exploration and potential human missions. The use of twin spacecraft for simultaneous two-point observations is an innovative approach that could set a new standard for planetary exploration missions.

From an investor's perspective, this project enhances Rocket Lab's portfolio and positions them as a key player in deep space missions. It could lead to more NASA contracts and partnerships, potentially boosting the company's revenue streams and market position in the competitive space industry.

This news is positive for Rocket Lab (NASDAQ: RKLB) as it demonstrates the company's expanding capabilities and potential for revenue diversification. The successful delivery of complex spacecraft for a NASA mission enhances Rocket Lab's credibility in the space systems sector, which could lead to more high-value contracts.

While the immediate financial impact may be , the long-term implications are promising. Rocket Lab's involvement in interplanetary missions opens up new market opportunities beyond its core launch business. This diversification strategy could help stabilize revenues and potentially improve profit margins, as space systems typically offer higher margins than launch services.

Investors should note that success in this mission could position Rocket Lab as a preferred partner for future NASA and commercial deep space projects, potentially leading to a stronger order book and more predictable future cash flows.

Rocket Lab's involvement in the ESCAPADE mission signifies its entry into a niche but growing market of interplanetary spacecraft manufacturing. This move aligns with the broader trend of commercialization in deep space exploration, where private companies are increasingly taking on roles traditionally held by government agencies.

The global space economy is projected to grow significantly, with estimates ranging from $1 trillion to $3 trillion by 2040. Rocket Lab's expansion into building Mars-bound spacecraft positions them to capture a share of this growing market. Their ability to deliver complex systems for challenging missions like ESCAPADE could give them a competitive edge in securing future contracts for similar projects.

This development may also attract investor attention to Rocket Lab's diverse capabilities, potentially leading to a revaluation of the company's stock as the market recognizes its expanded potential beyond launch services.

LONG BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) (“Rocket Lab” or “the Company”), a global leader in launch services and space systems, has successfully packed and shipped two Mars-bound spacecraft to Cape Canaveral, FL in preparation for launch. These twin spacecraft for the Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers (ESCAPADE) heliophysics mission were designed, built, integrated, and tested by Rocket Lab for the University of California Berkeley’s Space Science Laboratory and NASA.

Rocket Lab built ESCAPADE twin spacecraft fully assembled and ready for shipping at the company's Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California, before shipping to the launch site at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Image Credit: Rocket Lab

Rocket Lab built ESCAPADE twin spacecraft fully assembled and ready for shipping at the company's Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California, before shipping to the launch site at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Image Credit: Rocket Lab

The spacecraft, known as Blue and Gold, recently completed comprehensive assembly, integration, and test at Rocket Lab’s Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California. Following this milestone, the Rocket Lab team conducted final closeout activities, including the installation of spacecraft solar arrays and multi-layer insulation (MLI) blankets, before they were packaged and shipped to Florida for launch.

Upon arrival at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Launch Complex, Rocket Lab team members will transfer the spacecraft to a cleanroom for post-transport inspections and tests. Following thorough checks, the team will commence preparation for fueling the spacecraft in anticipation of their upcoming launch on Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket.

“We’ve already been to the Moon for NASA, so we’re excited to build on that and send Rocket Lab technology deeper into the solar system, this time to the Red Planet,” said Rocket Lab founder and CEO Sir Peter Beck. “Our Space Systems team has built a beautiful and highly capable pair of spacecraft to help NASA and the University of California Berkeley further humanity’s understanding of Mars. We couldn’t be prouder to be an ESCAPADE mission partner enabling science and exploration missions beyond our planet. After a meticulous but speedy build and test phase, we’re excited to have Blue and Gold on their way to the Cape and a step closer to Mars.”

"The successful delivery of the spacecraft to Kennedy Space Center marks a significant milestone and the culmination of over three years of dedicated teamwork from individuals across the project, especially our partners at Rocket Lab,” said Rob Lillis, ESCAPADE Principal Investigator and Associate Director for Planetary Science at the UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory. “Interplanetary spacecraft must be much more resilient than earth satellites, and developing not one, but two of these probes almost from scratch was no small feat. Time and again, Rocket Lab’s agility and tireless efforts have impressed me, exemplified by their frequent 'hero mode' (a saying we have on the project) to troubleshoot and keep the project on course. We couldn’t ask for better partners in this endeavor. Now, we’re thrilled to embark on this first step of our journey to Mars!"

Once launched, the ESCAPADE mission will measure plasma and magnetic fields around the Red Planet. These observations will help scientists unravel the processes that strip atoms from Mars’ magnetosphere and upper atmosphere, offering critical insights into Martian climate evolution.

More info:

+ About the ESCAPADE Mission

NASA’s ESCAPADE is a NASA heliophysics mission that will study Mars’ magnetosphere – the magnetized area of space around the planet – using two identical small spacecraft, which will provide simultaneous two-point observations. The spacecraft will help provide researchers a better understanding of how the magnetosphere interacts with the solar wind, and how energy and plasma enter and leave the magnetosphere. ESCAPADE is part of the NASA Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration program. The mission is managed by the University of California Berkley’s Space Sciences Laboratory, with key partners Rocket Lab, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Advanced Space LLC and Blue Origin.

+ About Rocket Lab

Rocket Lab is a global leader in launch and space systems. Rocket Lab’s Electron launch vehicle is the second most frequently launched U.S. rocket annually and has delivered more than 190 satellites to orbit for commercial and Government partners, including NASA, the U.S. Air Force, DARPA and the NRO. Rocket Lab also delivers proven suborbital hypersonic launch capability with its HASTE launch vehicle. Building on the deep heritage of Electron, Rocket Lab is developing Neutron, an advanced 13-tonne payload class, reusable launch vehicle tailored for constellation deployment and interplanetary missions. Rocket Lab is also a premier supplier of advanced satellites, flight-proven subsystems and spacecraft components. At a component level, Rocket Lab spacecraft technology spans space solar power, composite structures, flight software, star trackers, reaction wheels, separation systems, and more. Rocket Lab satellite technology and components have been integrated into more than 1,700 satellite missions globally.

+ Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We intend such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). All statements contained in this press release other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, statements regarding our launch and space systems operations, launch schedule and window, safe and repeatable access to space, Neutron development, operational expansion and business strategy are forward-looking statements. The words “believe,” “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “potential,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect,” “strategy,” “future,” “could,” “would,” “project,” “plan,” “target,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, though not all forward-looking statements use these words or expressions. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including but not limited to the factors, risks and uncertainties included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as such factors may be updated from time to time in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), accessible on the SEC’s website at and the Investor Relations section of our website at, which could cause our actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management’s estimates as of the date of this press release. While we may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, we disclaim any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause our views to change.

Rocket Lab Media Contact

Lindsay McLaurin

Source: Rocket Lab USA, Inc.


What is the purpose of Rocket Lab's ESCAPADE mission for NASA?

The ESCAPADE mission aims to study Mars' magnetosphere using two identical spacecraft, measuring plasma and magnetic fields to understand how the magnetosphere interacts with solar wind and how energy and plasma enter and leave it.

When will Rocket Lab's ESCAPADE spacecraft be launched for the Mars mission?

The exact launch date is not specified in the press release. The spacecraft have been shipped to Cape Canaveral, FL, and will be launched on Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket after final preparations and fueling.

How many spacecraft did Rocket Lab (RKLB) build for the ESCAPADE Mars mission?

Rocket Lab built two identical spacecraft, named Blue and Gold, for the ESCAPADE Mars mission.

Where were the ESCAPADE spacecraft built and tested by Rocket Lab (RKLB)?

The ESCAPADE spacecraft were built, integrated, and tested at Rocket Lab's Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc.


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