Rocket Lab Completes Second Spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Advancing In-Space Manufacturing

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Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) has completed testing and integration of its second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Inc. This follows the successful launch and recovery of the first Pioneer spacecraft in June 2023, which crystallized the HIV drug Ritonavir in orbit. The second mission will again conduct in-space operations, reentry positioning maneuvers, and deorbiting to recover Varda's capsule.

The Pioneer spacecraft, designed and built at Rocket Lab's Spacecraft Production Complex, will provide power, communications, propulsion, and attitude control for Varda's 120 kg reentry capsule. It leverages Rocket Lab's vertically integrated spacecraft components and subsystems. Varda recently received a second reentry license from the FAA, making them the only company to secure such permission twice.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) ha completato i test e l'integrazione della sua seconda navetta Pioneer per Varda Space Industries, Inc. Questo segue il lancio e il recupero con successo della prima navetta Pioneer a giugno 2023, che ha cristallizzato il farmaco HIV Ritonavir in orbita. La seconda missione condurrà nuovamente operazioni nello spazio, manovre di posizionamento per il rientro e deorbitazione per recuperare la capsula di Varda.

La navetta Pioneer, progettata e costruita presso il Complesso di Produzione di Navette di Rocket Lab, fornirà energia, comunicazioni, propulsione e controllo dell'assetto per la capsula di rientro di Varda che pesa 120 kg. Sfrutta i componenti e i sottosistemi delle navette verticalmente integrati di Rocket Lab. Varda ha recentemente ricevuto una seconda licenza di rientro dalla FAA, diventando l'unica azienda a ottenere tale autorizzazione due volte.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) ha completado las pruebas y la integración de su segunda nave Pioneer para Varda Space Industries, Inc. Esto sigue al lanzamiento y recuperación exitosos de la primera nave Pioneer en junio de 2023, que cristalizó el medicamento HIV Ritonavir en órbita. La segunda misión volverá a realizar operaciones en el espacio, maniobras de posicionamiento para el reingreso y desorbitación para recuperar la cápsula de Varda.

La nave Pioneer, diseñada y construida en el Complejo de Producción de Naves de Rocket Lab, proporcionará energía, comunicaciones, propulsión y control de actitud para la cápsula de reingreso de Varda de 120 kg. Aprovecha los componentes y subsistemas de naves integrados verticalmente de Rocket Lab. Varda recibió recientemente una segunda licencia de reingreso de la FAA, convirtiéndose en la única empresa en obtener tal permiso dos veces.

로켓랩 USA, Inc. (NASDAQ: RKLB)는 Varda Space Industries, Inc.를 위한 두 번째 파이오니어 우주선의 테스트 및 통합을 완료했습니다. 이는 2023년 6월 첫 번째 파이오니어 우주선을 성공적으로 발사하고 회수한 후 이루어진 것으로, 이 우주선은 궤도에서 HIV 약물 리토나비르를 결정화했습니다. 두 번째 임무는 다시 우주에서의 작업, 재진입 위치 조정 마 Maneuver 및 Varda의 캡슐을 회수하기 위한 궤도 탈출 작업을 수행합니다.

로켓랩의 우주선 생산 단지에서 설계 및 제작된 파이오니어 우주선은 Varda의 120kg 재진입 캡슐에 대한 전원, 통신, 추진 및 자세 제어를 제공합니다. 로켓랩의 수직 통합 우주선 구성 요소 및 하위 시스템을 활용합니다. Varda는 최근 FAA로부터 두 번째 재진입 라이센스를 받았으며, 이는 두 번의 승인권을 확보한 유일한 회사가 되었습니다.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) a terminé les tests et l'intégration de son deuxième vaisseau spatial Pioneer pour Varda Space Industries, Inc. Cela fait suite au lancement et à la récupération réussis du premier vaisseau spatial Pioneer en juin 2023, qui a cristallisé le médicament anti-VIH Ritonavir en orbite. La deuxième mission effectuera à nouveau des opérations dans l'espace, des manœuvres de positionnement pour la rentrée et une désorbitation pour récupérer la capsule de Varda.

Le vaisseau spatial Pioneer, conçu et construit dans le complexe de production de vaisseaux spatiaux de Rocket Lab, fournira l'énergie, les communications, la propulsion et le contrôle d'attitude pour la capsule de rentrée de 120 kg de Varda. Il exploite les composants et sous-systèmes intégrés verticalement de Rocket Lab. Varda a récemment reçu une deuxième licence de rentrée de la FAA, devenant ainsi la seule entreprise à avoir obtenu une telle autorisation deux fois.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) hat die Tests und die Integration seines zweiten Pioneer-Raumschiffs für Varda Space Industries, Inc. abgeschlossen. Dies folgt dem erfolgreichen Start und der Rückgewinnung des ersten Pioneer-Raumschiffs im Juni 2023, das das HIV-Medikament Ritonavir im Orbit kristallisiert hat. Die zweite Mission wird erneut Operationen im Weltraum, Manöver zur Reentry-Positionierung und eine Deorbitierung zur Rückgewinnung von Vardas Kapsel durchführen.

Das Pioneer-Raumschiff, das im Raumfahrtproduktionskomplex von Rocket Lab entworfen und gebaut wurde, wird Energie, Kommunikation, Antrieb und Lageregelung für Vardas 120 kg schwere Rückkehrkapsel bereitstellen. Es nutzt die vertikal integrierten Komponenten und Teilsysteme von Rocket Lab. Varda hat kürzlich eine zweite Rückkehrgenehmigung von der FAA erhalten und ist damit das einzige Unternehmen, das eine solche Genehmigung zweimal erhalten hat.

  • Successful completion of second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries
  • Demonstrated capability in in-space pharmaceutical processing and hypersonic Earth re-entry
  • Vertical integration of spacecraft components and subsystems
  • Expansion of partnership with Varda Space Industries for future missions
  • None.


Rocket Lab's completion of the second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries marks a significant milestone in advancing in-space manufacturing capabilities. This development builds upon the success of their first mission, which demonstrated the ability to crystallize pharmaceuticals in orbit and successfully return them to Earth.

The collaboration between Rocket Lab and Varda is pushing the boundaries of space utilization, potentially revolutionizing pharmaceutical production and other high-value manufacturing processes. The vertical integration of Rocket Lab's spacecraft components allows for rapid development and delivery, which is important in this fast-evolving sector.

For investors, this news signals Rocket Lab's growing diversification beyond launch services into advanced spacecraft systems. The company's ability to provide end-to-end solutions for complex space missions enhances its competitive position in the commercial space market. While the immediate financial impact may be , the long-term potential for recurring revenue from similar partnerships and missions is substantial.

The successful execution of these missions could open up new markets and revenue streams for Rocket Lab, potentially driving future growth and valuation. However, investors should also consider the risks associated with the complexities of space operations and the nascent stage of in-space manufacturing.

LONG BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) (“Rocket Lab” or “the Company”), a global leader in launch services and space systems, has completed testing and integration of its second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Inc. (“Varda”), the world's first in-space pharmaceutical processing and hypersonic Earth re-entry logistics company.

Rocket Lab has completed testing and integration of its second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Inc. at its Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California. (Photo: Rocket Lab)

Rocket Lab has completed testing and integration of its second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Inc. at its Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California. (Photo: Rocket Lab)

Rocket Lab’s first Pioneer spacecraft for Varda was launched in June 2023. Varda successfully crystallized the HIV drug Ritonavir while on orbit and Rocket Lab and Varda successfully landed the re-entry capsule in the Utah desert in February 2024. The Company is now preparing Varda’s second mission during which Rocket Lab and Varda will once again conduct in-space operations, reentry positioning maneuvers, and deorbiting to recover Varda’s capsule. Varda received permission from the FAA under a Part 450 license earlier this month, making them the only company to ever secure a second reentry license.

Designed and built at Rocket Lab’s Spacecraft Production Complex and Headquarters in Long Beach, California, the Pioneer spacecraft will provide power, communications, propulsion, and attitude control for Varda’s 120 kg reentry capsule. Each Pioneer spacecraft leverages the company’s vertically integrated spacecraft components and subsystems, including star trackers, reaction wheels, solar panels, flight software, and radios.

“By leveraging Rocket Lab’s vertically integrated approach to spacecraft production, we can rapidly develop and deliver the highly capable and reliable spacecraft that Varda needs for their missions,” said Rocket Lab Founder and CEO, Sir Peter Beck. “This close collaboration allows us to push the boundaries of innovation, enabling Varda to create high-value products in microgravity and bring them back to Earth. We’re excited to work alongside Varda as they revolutionize manufacturing processes and open new markets through space.”

“Our partnership with Rocket Lab demonstrates the power of collaboration to evolve the orbital economy,” said Varda CEO and co-founder Will Bruey. “Each reentry is a remarkable milestone that paves the way for future innovations, and the day when reentry is as common as launch.”

Rocket Lab’s Pioneer spacecraft is a flight proven highly configurable medium delta-V platform designed to support large payloads, re-entry capabilities, and dynamic space operations.

Learn more about Rocket Lab and Varda’s partnership: Varda Space Industries | Rocket Lab (

+ About Rocket Lab

Rocket Lab is a global leader in launch and space systems. Rocket Lab’s Electron launch vehicle is the second most frequently launched U.S. rocket annually and has delivered more than 197 satellites to orbit for commercial and Government partners, including NASA, the U.S. Air Force, DARPA and the NRO. Rocket Lab also delivers proven suborbital hypersonic launch capability with its HASTE launch vehicle. Building on the deep heritage of Electron, Rocket Lab is developing Neutron, an advanced 13-tonne payload class, reusable launch vehicle tailored for constellation deployment and interplanetary missions. Rocket Lab is also a premier supplier of advanced satellites, flight-proven subsystems and spacecraft components. At a component level, Rocket Lab spacecraft technology spans space solar power, composite structures, flight software, star trackers, reaction wheels, separation systems, and more. Rocket Lab satellite technology and components have been integrated into more than 1,700 satellite missions globally.

+ Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We intend such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). All statements contained in this press release other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, statements regarding our launch and space systems operations, launch schedule and window, safe and repeatable access to space, Neutron development, operational expansion and business strategy are forward-looking statements. The words “believe,” “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “potential,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect,” “strategy,” “future,” “could,” “would,” “project,” “plan,” “target,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, though not all forward-looking statements use these words or expressions. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including but not limited to the factors, risks and uncertainties included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as such factors may be updated from time to time in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), accessible on the SEC’s website at and the Investor Relations section of our website at, which could cause our actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management’s estimates as of the date of this press release. While we may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, we disclaim any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause our views to change.

About Varda:

Varda Space Industries is expanding the economic bounds of humankind by designing and building the infrastructure needed to make low Earth orbit accessible to industry, from in-orbit production equipment to reliable and economical reentry capsules. The company operates out of El Segundo, California with office and industrial production space. You can follow Varda on X (@vardaspace) and LinkedIn.

+ Rocket Lab Media Contact

Lindsay McLaurin

Varda Media Contact:

Source: Rocket Lab USA, Inc.


What is the latest development for Rocket Lab (RKLB) regarding spacecraft production?

Rocket Lab has completed testing and integration of its second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, advancing in-space manufacturing capabilities.

What was achieved with Rocket Lab's first Pioneer spacecraft for Varda?

The first Pioneer spacecraft, launched in June 2023, successfully crystallized the HIV drug Ritonavir in orbit and landed the re-entry capsule in the Utah desert in February 2024.

What capabilities does Rocket Lab's Pioneer spacecraft provide for Varda's missions?

The Pioneer spacecraft provides power, communications, propulsion, and attitude control for Varda's 120 kg reentry capsule, supporting in-space operations and reentry maneuvers.

Has Varda Space Industries received regulatory approval for their second mission with Rocket Lab (RKLB)?

Yes, Varda received permission from the FAA under a Part 450 license, making them the only company to secure a second reentry license.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc.


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Aerospace & Defense
Guided Missiles & Space Vehicles & Parts
United States of America