Rocket Lab Completes Integration and Testing of Twin Spacecraft for NASA Mars Mission

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Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) has completed integration and testing of two spacecraft for NASA's ESCAPADE mission to Mars. The twin spacecraft, named Blue and Gold, were built for the University of California Berkeley's Space Science Laboratory and NASA. They will measure plasma and magnetic fields around Mars to study its magnetosphere and upper atmosphere.

Based on Rocket Lab's Explorer spacecraft platform, the duo features company-built components including solar panels, star trackers, and propulsion systems. The project was completed in just three and a half years, showcasing Rocket Lab's efficient production capabilities. The spacecraft are scheduled to ship to Cape Canaveral in August for integration onto Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket, with launch planned for this year.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) ha completato l'integrazione e il collaudo di due veicoli spaziali per la missione ESCAPADE della NASA su Marte. I veicoli spaziali gemelli, chiamati Blue e Gold, sono stati realizzati per il Laboratorio di Scienze dello Spazio dell'Università della California a Berkeley e la NASA. Misureranno plasma e campi magnetici attorno a Marte per studiare la sua magnetosfera e l'atmosfera superiore.

Basati sulla piattaforma del veicolo spaziale Explorer di Rocket Lab, i due veicoli presentano componenti realizzati dall'azienda, incluse le pannelli solari, i tracciatori stellari e i sistemi di propulsione. Il progetto è stato completato in soli tre anni e mezzo, dimostrando le capacità produttive efficienti di Rocket Lab. I veicoli spaziali sono programmati per essere spediti a Cape Canaveral ad agosto per l'integrazione sul razzo New Glenn di Blue Origin, con il lancio previsto per quest'anno.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) ha completado la integración y las pruebas de dos naves espaciales para la misión ESCAPADE de la NASA a Marte. Las naves gemelas, llamadas Blue y Gold, fueron construidas para el Laboratorio de Ciencias Espaciales de la Universidad de California en Berkeley y la NASA. Medirán plasma y campos magnéticos alrededor de Marte para estudiar su magnetosfera y la atmósfera superior.

Basadas en la plataforma de la nave espacial Explorer de Rocket Lab, las dos naves cuentan con componentes construidos por la empresa, incluyendo paneles solares, rastreadores estelares y sistemas de propulsión. El proyecto se completó en solo tres años y medio, mostrando las capacidades de producción eficientes de Rocket Lab. Las naves espaciales están programadas para ser enviadas a Cape Canaveral en agosto para su integración en el cohete New Glenn de Blue Origin, con el lanzamiento planeado para este año.

로켓랩 USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB)는 NASA의 화성 ESCAPADE 임무를 위한 두 개의 우주선 통합 및 테스트를 완료했습니다. 쌍둥이 우주선, Blue와 Gold는 캘리포니아 대학교 버클리의 우주 과학 연구소와 NASA를 위해 제작되었습니다. 이들은 화성 주변의 플라즈마와 자기장을 측정하여 화성의 자기권과 상층 대기를 연구할 것입니다.

로켓랩의 익스플로러 우주선 플랫폼을 기반으로 하는 이 두 우주선은 회사가 제작한 구성 요소인 태양광 패널, 별 추적기 및 추진 시스템을 포함하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 단 3년 반 만에 완료되어 로켓랩의 효율적인 생산 능력을 보여주고 있습니다. 이 우주선은 블루 오리진의 뉴 글렌 로켓에 통합하기 위해 8월에 케이프 커내버럴로 배송될 예정이며, 올해 발사가 계획되어 있습니다.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) a achevé l'intégration et le test de deux engins spatiaux pour la mission ESCAPADE de la NASA vers Mars. Les deux engins jumeaux, appelés Blue et Gold, ont été construits pour le Laboratoire de Science Spatiale de l'Université de Californie à Berkeley et la NASA. Ils mesureront le plasma et les champs magnétiques autour de Mars afin d'étudier sa magnétosphère et sa haute atmosphère.

Basé sur la plateforme de l'engin spatial Explorer de Rocket Lab, le duo comprend des composants fabriqués par l'entreprise, y compris des panneaux solaires, des traqueurs d'étoiles et des systèmes de propulsion. Le projet a été achevé en seulement trois ans et demi, démontrant les capacités de production efficaces de Rocket Lab. Les engins spatiaux sont prévus pour être expédiés à Cape Canaveral en août pour leur intégration sur la fusée New Glenn de Blue Origin, avec un lancement prévu pour cette année.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) hat die Integration und Tests von zwei Raumfahrzeugen für die ESCAPADE-Mission der NASA zum Mars abgeschlossen. Die beiden Zwilling-Raumfahrzeuge, genannt Blue und Gold, wurden für das Space Science Laboratory der University of California, Berkeley und die NASA gebaut. Sie werden Plasma und Magnetfelder um den Mars messen, um dessen Magnetosphäre und obere Atmosphäre zu untersuchen.

Basierend auf der Explorer-Raumfahrzeugplattform von Rocket Lab sind die beiden Raumfahrzeuge mit von dem Unternehmen gebauten Komponenten ausgestattet, einschließlich Solarpanels, Sternenverfolgern und Antriebssystemen. Das Projekt wurde in nur dreieinhalb Jahren abgeschlossen und zeigt die effizienten Produktionsfähigkeiten von Rocket Lab. Die Raumfahrzeuge sollen im August nach Cape Canaveral verschifft werden, um in die New Glenn-Rakete von Blue Origin integriert zu werden. Der Start ist noch in diesem Jahr geplant.

  • Successful completion of two Mars-bound spacecraft for NASA
  • Demonstration of efficient production capabilities, completing the project in 3.5 years
  • Vertical integration strategy enabling streamlined production
  • Expansion into interplanetary missions, showcasing advanced capabilities
  • None.

Rocket Lab's successful integration and testing of twin spacecraft for NASA's ESCAPADE mission marks a significant milestone in space exploration and spacecraft manufacturing. The completion of these Mars-bound spacecraft in just three and a half years demonstrates Rocket Lab's efficiency and vertical integration strategy, which could potentially disrupt the traditional timeline for interplanetary missions.

From a technical perspective, the use of Rocket Lab's Explorer spacecraft platform showcases the company's ability to adapt its technology for complex missions. The incorporation of in-house components like solar panels, star trackers and propulsion systems highlights Rocket Lab's growing capabilities beyond launch services. This vertical integration not only streamlines production but also positions the company as a one-stop-shop for space missions, potentially increasing its market share in the space industry.

The ESCAPADE mission's focus on Mars' magnetosphere and atmosphere aligns with the growing interest in Mars exploration. Success in this mission could lead to more contracts for Rocket Lab in future Mars-related projects, solidifying its position in the interplanetary mission market. However, investors should note that the ultimate success of the mission will depend on the launch and operation phases, which still carry inherent risks.

Rocket Lab's involvement in NASA's ESCAPADE mission represents a strategic expansion of its business model. By moving beyond launch services to spacecraft manufacturing for interplanetary missions, Rocket Lab is diversifying its revenue streams and potentially increasing its profit margins. The company's ability to complete complex spacecraft in a shorter timeframe than industry norms could lead to competitive advantages in securing future contracts.

Investors should consider the following financial implications:

  • Increased revenue potential from high-value spacecraft contracts
  • Potential for higher profit margins due to vertical integration
  • Reduced reliance on launch services, which can be affected by weather and other external factors
  • Enhanced brand value and market position in the space industry

However, it's important to note that space missions carry significant risks and any failures could impact Rocket Lab's reputation and future contract opportunities. Additionally, the company's increased investment in spacecraft manufacturing capabilities may impact short-term profitability as it scales this segment of its business.

While specific financial figures aren't provided, the successful delivery of these spacecraft could serve as a catalyst for future growth and potentially positively impact Rocket Lab's stock performance. Investors should monitor the mission's progress and any subsequent contract announcements to gauge the long-term impact on the company's financial health.

Rocket Lab's involvement in NASA's ESCAPADE mission signifies a shift in the dynamics of space exploration partnerships. Traditionally, such complex interplanetary missions were the domain of large aerospace corporations or national space agencies. Rocket Lab's success in this venture demonstrates the growing capabilities of newer, more agile space companies in contributing to high-profile scientific missions.

This collaboration between NASA, a university research institution and a commercial space company like Rocket Lab represents a model for future space exploration endeavors. It leverages the strengths of each entity: NASA's scientific expertise, UC Berkeley's research capabilities and Rocket Lab's efficient spacecraft production.

From a policy perspective, this partnership aligns with the broader trend of increased commercialization in space activities. It supports the U.S. government's strategy of fostering a robust commercial space sector while advancing scientific goals. The success of this mission could influence future NASA procurement strategies, potentially leading to more opportunities for commercial companies in interplanetary missions.

However, policymakers and industry stakeholders will be closely watching the outcome of this mission. Its success or failure could impact decisions on future funding allocations and regulatory frameworks for commercial participation in deep space exploration. As the space industry continues to evolve, the ESCAPADE mission may serve as a benchmark for assessing the readiness of commercial entities to take on increasingly complex roles in space science and exploration.

LONG BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) (“Rocket Lab” or “the Company”), a global leader in launch services and space systems, has completed integration and testing of two spacecraft destined for Mars orbit.

Rocket Lab completes integration and testing of twin spacecraft for the University of California Berkeley’s Space Science Laboratory and NASA's ESCAPADE mission at Rocket Lab's Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California. (Photo: Rocket Lab)

Rocket Lab completes integration and testing of twin spacecraft for the University of California Berkeley’s Space Science Laboratory and NASA's ESCAPADE mission at Rocket Lab's Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California. (Photo: Rocket Lab)

Rocket Lab built the twin spacecraft for the University of California Berkeley’s Space Science Laboratory and NASA to enable the Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers (ESCAPADE) mission, scheduled to launch from Cape Canaveral this year. This heliophysics mission will measure plasma and magnetic fields around the Red Planet, helping scientists learn more about the processes that strip away atoms from Mars’ magnetosphere and upper atmosphere, driving Martian climate evolution.

Named Blue and Gold, the spacecraft were designed, built, integrated, and tested at Rocket Lab’s Spacecraft Production Complex and headquarters in Long Beach, California. Based on Rocket Lab’s Explorer spacecraft, a configurable, high delta-V interplanetary platform, the duo features Rocket Lab-built components and subsystems, including solar panels, star trackers, propellant tanks, reaction wheels, reaction control systems, radios, and more.

“Building one Mars spacecraft is an achievement, but building two and doing it on an accelerated timeline is testament to our team’s deep experience and our vertical integration strategy,” said Rocket Lab founder and CEO Sir Peter Beck. “We are immensely proud to once again partner with NASA and support the UCB team to deliver new and important science from Mars.”

“Rocket Lab has been an invaluable partner to UC Berkeley over the last four years of ESCAPADE’s development,” said ESCAPADE Principal Investigator and Associate Director for Planetary Science at the UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory, Rob Lillis. “Their energetic, talented engineers and managers have consistently gone above and beyond in responding rapidly and constructively to both our requests and the inevitable challenges inherent in developing new scientific spacecraft. We are proud to be flying with Rocket Lab to Mars."

Mars missions can take a decade or more from proposal to launch, but Rocket Lab was able to produce Blue and Gold in just three and half years due to mature, proven spacecraft development experience, as well as a vertically integrated supply chain that enables streamlined production.

Blue and Gold are scheduled to ship to Cape Canaveral in August where they will be integrated onto Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket.

+ About Rocket Lab

Rocket Lab is a global leader in launch and space systems. Rocket Lab’s Electron launch vehicle is the second most frequently launched U.S. rocket annually and has delivered more than 172 satellites to orbit for commercial and Government partners, including NASA, the U.S. Air Force, DARPA and the NRO. Rocket Lab also delivers proven suborbital hypersonic launch capability with its HASTE launch vehicle. Building on the deep heritage of Electron, Rocket Lab is developing Neutron, an advanced 13-tonne payload class, reusable launch vehicle tailored for constellation deployment and interplanetary missions. Rocket Lab is also a premier supplier of advanced satellites, flight-proven subsystems and spacecraft components. At a component level, Rocket Lab spacecraft technology spans space solar power, composite structures, flight software, star trackers, reaction wheels, separation systems, and more. Rocket Lab satellite technology and components have been integrated into more than 1,700 satellite missions globally.

+ Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We intend such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). All statements contained in this press release other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, statements regarding our launch and space systems operations, launch schedule and window, safe and repeatable access to space, Neutron development, operational expansion and business strategy are forward-looking statements. The words “believe,” “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “potential,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect,” “strategy,” “future,” “could,” “would,” “project,” “plan,” “target,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, though not all forward-looking statements use these words or expressions. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including but not limited to the factors, risks and uncertainties included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as such factors may be updated from time to time in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), accessible on the SEC’s website at and the Investor Relations section of our website at, which could cause our actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management’s estimates as of the date of this press release. While we may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, we disclaim any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause our views to change.

+ About the ESCAPADE Mission

NASA’s ESCAPADE is a NASA heliophysics mission will study Mars’ magnetosphere – the magnetized area of space around the planet – using two identical small spacecraft, which will provide simultaneous two-point observations. The spacecraft will help provide researchers a better understanding of how the magnetosphere interacts with the solar wind, and how energy and plasma enter and leave the magnetosphere. ESCAPADE is part of the NASA Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration program. The mission is managed by the University of California Berkeley’s Space Sciences Laboratory, with key partners Rocket Lab, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Advanced Space LLC and Blue Origin.

+ Rocket Lab Media

Lindsay McLaurin

Source: Rocket Lab USA, Inc.


What is the ESCAPADE mission that Rocket Lab is involved in?

ESCAPADE (Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers) is a NASA mission to study Mars' magnetosphere and upper atmosphere. Rocket Lab built two spacecraft, Blue and Gold, for this mission to measure plasma and magnetic fields around Mars.

When are the RKLB-built spacecraft for the Mars mission scheduled to launch?

The ESCAPADE mission spacecraft built by Rocket Lab (RKLB) are scheduled to launch from Cape Canaveral this year (2024). They will be integrated onto Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket.

How long did it take Rocket Lab to build the spacecraft for the ESCAPADE mission?

Rocket Lab completed the integration and testing of the two spacecraft for the ESCAPADE mission in just three and a half years, which is significantly faster than the typical decade-long development cycle for Mars missions.

What components did Rocket Lab (RKLB) provide for the ESCAPADE spacecraft?

Rocket Lab provided numerous components for the ESCAPADE spacecraft, including solar panels, star trackers, propellant tanks, reaction wheels, reaction control systems, radios, and more. The spacecraft are based on Rocket Lab's Explorer spacecraft platform.

Rocket Lab USA, Inc.


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