Investortools Integrates SumRidge Partners’ Liquidity into the Investortools Dealer Network, Expanding Secondary Market Visibility

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Investortools, a leading fixed-income software provider, has partnered with SumRidge Partners, a Raymond James company and top-ranked liquidity provider. This collaboration integrates SumRidge's live offerings into the Investortools Dealer Network (IDN), enhancing secondary market visibility for asset managers, broker-dealers, and traders.

The partnership aims to increase transparency, streamline trade execution, and improve efficiency in fixed-income transactions. Investortools clients now have direct access to SumRidge's inventory, enabling bilateral transactions through IDN. This integration is expected to reduce transactional costs and create a more seamless trading environment.

The collaboration aligns with Raymond James' strategy to advance its position in the evolving fixed-income market, following its acquisition of SumRidge Partners. Both companies express commitment to shaping a more efficient and connected municipal bond landscape for their clients.

Investortools, un fornitore leader di software per il reddito fisso, ha stretto una partnership con SumRidge Partners, una società di Raymond James e fornitore di liquidità di alto rango. Questa collaborazione integra le offerte live di SumRidge nella Investortools Dealer Network (IDN), migliorando la visibilità nel mercato secondario per gestori di asset, dealer e trader.

La partnership mira ad aumentare la trasparenza, semplificare l'esecuzione delle operazioni e migliorare l'efficienza nelle transazioni di reddito fisso. I clienti di Investortools hanno ora accesso diretto all'inventario di SumRidge, consentendo transazioni bilaterali attraverso l'IDN. Si prevede che questa integrazione riduca i costi transazionali e crei un ambiente di trading più fluido.

La collaborazione è in linea con la strategia di Raymond James di avanzare la sua posizione nel mercato del reddito fisso in evoluzione, dopo l'acquisizione di SumRidge Partners. Entrambe le aziende esprimono impegno nel plasmare un panorama di obbligazioni municipali più efficiente e connesso per i loro clienti.

Investortools, un proveedor líder de software de renta fija, se ha asociado con SumRidge Partners, una empresa de Raymond James y proveedor de liquidez de primer nivel. Esta colaboración integra las ofertas en vivo de SumRidge en la Investortools Dealer Network (IDN), mejorando la visibilidad en el mercado secundario para gestores de activos, corredores y operadores.

La asociación tiene como objetivo aumentar la transparencia, simplificar la ejecución de operaciones y mejorar la eficiencia en las transacciones de renta fija. Ahora, los clientes de Investortools tienen acceso directo al inventario de SumRidge, permitiendo transacciones bilaterales a través del IDN. Se espera que esta integración reduzca los costos transaccionales y cree un entorno de negociación más fluido.

La colaboración se alinea con la estrategia de Raymond James para avanzar en su posición en el en evolución mercado de renta fija, tras la adquisición de SumRidge Partners. Ambas empresas expresan su compromiso de dar forma a un panorama de bonos municipales más eficiente y conectado para sus clientes.

Investortools는 주요 고정 수익 소프트웨어 제공업체로, SumRidge Partners와 협력했습니다. SumRidge Partners는 Raymond James의 자회사이며 최고 수준의 유동성 제공업체입니다. 이번 협력으로 SumRidge의 실시간 제공 서비스가 Investortools Dealer Network (IDN)에 통합되어 자산 관리인을 위한 2차 시장의 가시성이 향상됩니다.

이 파트너십은 투명성을 높이고, 거래 실행을 간소화하며 고정 수익 거래의 효율성을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다. Investortools의 고객들은 이제 SumRidge의 재고에 직접 접근할 수 있어 IDN을 통해 양자 간 거래를 가능하게 합니다. 이 통합은 거래 비용을 줄이고 보다 원활한 거래 환경을 조성할 것으로 예상됩니다.

이번 협력은 SumRidge Partners 인수 이후 변화하는 고정 수익 시장에서 Raymond James의 입지를 강화하려는 전략과 일치합니다. 두 회사는 고객들을 위해 보다 효율적이고 연결된 지방채 환경을 조성하는 데 헌신할 것을 다짐했습니다.

Investortools, un fournisseur leader de logiciels pour les revenus fixes, s'est associé à SumRidge Partners, une société de Raymond James et un fournisseur de liquidité de premier plan. Cette collaboration intègre les offres en direct de SumRidge dans le Investortools Dealer Network (IDN), améliorant ainsi la visibilité sur le marché secondaire pour les gestionnaires d'actifs, les courtiers et les traders.

Le partenariat vise à accroître la transparence, à rationaliser l'exécution des transactions et à améliorer l'efficacité des opérations sur les revenus fixes. Les clients d'Investortools ont désormais un accès direct à l'inventaire de SumRidge, permettant des transactions bilatérales via l'IDN. Cette intégration devrait réduire les coûts transactionnels et créer un environnement de trading plus fluide.

La collaboration s'inscrit dans la stratégie de Raymond James d'améliorer sa position sur le marché des revenus fixes en évolution, suite à l'acquisition de SumRidge Partners. Les deux entreprises expriment leur engagement à façonner un paysage d'obligations municipales plus efficace et connecté pour leurs clients.

Investortools, ein führender Anbieter von Software für festverzinsliche Wertpapiere, hat sich mit SumRidge Partners, einem Unternehmen von Raymond James und einem hochrangigen Liquiditätsanbieter, zusammengetan. Diese Zusammenarbeit integriert die Live-Angebote von SumRidge in das Investortools Dealer Network (IDN) und verbessert die Sichtbarkeit auf dem Sekundärmarkt für Vermögensverwalter, Broker und Händler.

Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, die Transparenz zu erhöhen, die Handelsausführung zu optimieren und die Effizienz bei festverzinslichen Transaktionen zu verbessern. Investortools-Kunden haben nun direkten Zugang zu SumRidges Inventar, was bilaterale Transaktionen über das IDN ermöglicht. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Integration die Transaktionskosten senkt und eine nahtlosere Handelsumgebung schafft.

Die Zusammenarbeit steht im Einklang mit der Strategie von Raymond James, seine Position im sich entwickelnden Markt für festverzinsliche Wertpapiere zu stärken, nachdem das Unternehmen SumRidge Partners übernommen hat. Beide Unternehmen bekunden ihr Engagement, eine effizientere und besser vernetzte Kommunalanleihelandschaft für ihre Kunden zu gestalten.

  • Integration of SumRidge's liquidity into IDN expands market visibility
  • Partnership aims to reduce transactional costs in fixed-income trading
  • Collaboration expected to improve efficiency and transparency in secondary market
  • None.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. & JERSEY CITY, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Investortools, a leading provider of fixed-income software solutions, today announced a partnership with SumRidge Partners, a Company of Raymond James. SumRidge is a technology-driven fixed-income market maker and top ranked liquidity provider on most major electronic bond exchanges. This collaboration will integrate SumRidge's live offerings into the Investortools Dealer Network (IDN), enhancing the secondary market experience for asset managers, broker-dealers, and traders by providing expanded access to market-making services.

Investortools integrates SumRidge Partners’ liquidity into the Investortools Dealer Network, expanding secondary market visibility. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Investortools integrates SumRidge Partners’ liquidity into the Investortools Dealer Network, expanding secondary market visibility. (Graphic: Business Wire)

The partnership drives greater transparency, streamlines trade execution and price discovery, and increases overall efficiency in fixed-income transactions. With Investortools' clients now enjoying direct access to SumRidge's inventory, both parties can conduct bilateral transactions through the IDN, reducing the typical transactional costs and creating a more seamless, cost-effective trading environment.

“Because of the changing technical landscape, it is critically important to engage our clients where they conduct their business,” said Justin Champagne, Head of Municipal Trading at SumRidge. “As a dealer on IDN, SumRidge provides real-time pricing and trade execution capabilities. This boosts overall liquidity in the municipal bond market and should achieve meaningful outcomes for all parties.”

The Investortools Dealer Network, the industry’s first platform that provides the most comprehensive view of the secondary market, already enables fixed-income professionals with an end-to-end workflow, encompassing portfolio management, trade execution, automation tools, and analytics. With SumRidge’s liquidity now integrated, IDN empowers users with expanded access to market data and improved efficiency in secondary market trading.

“We are thrilled to incorporate SumRidge's liquidity into the Investortools platform, creating new opportunities for our clients to engage with the secondary market more effectively," said James Morris, Senior Vice President at Investortools. “This integration highlights our ongoing commitment to enhancing the trading experience through greater liquidity, comprehensive price discovery, and seamless workflows.”

“Raymond James’ decision to acquire SumRidge Partners was influenced by their advanced technological market making capacity with the vision to advance Raymond James’ standing in the rapidly evolving fixed-income market,” said Horace Carter, President of Fixed Income at Raymond James. “Together, with the Investortools Dealer Network, we are demonstrating our commitment to shaping a more efficient, connected, and resilient municipal bond landscape that will deliver superior results for our clients.”

About Investortools, Inc.

For over four decades, Investortools has been a leading SaaS provider of fixed-income solutions that is regarded by the industry as a prerequisite for investment management. Its comprehensive suite of products address portfolio, order, and execution management, performance analytics, 2a-7 compliance, and credit analysis. Trusted by over 200 firms managing more than $1 trillion in assets, Investortools supports SMA managers, fund managers, broker-dealers, and other market participants. Learn more about Investortools' commitment to innovation at

About SumRidge Partners, a Company of Raymond James

SumRidge Partners is a principal based, fixed-income electronic market maker, specializing in high-yield and investment-grade corporate bonds, municipal bonds, institutional preferred securities, and emerging market bonds. SumRidge currently ranks among the top ranked liquidity providers on most major electronic bond exchanges, leveraging the firm's technological strengths and an experienced sales and trading team. Raymond James Financial (NYSE: RJF) acquired SumRidge Partners, LLC in July 2022. Learn more about SumRidge at

Investortools Product Contact:

James Morris

Senior Vice President

Investortools Media Contact:

Jessica McDaniel Marketing Lead

SumRidge Partners, a Company of Raymond James Contact:

Jana Fuller

Manager, Communications

Source: Investortools, Inc.


What is the purpose of Investortools' partnership with SumRidge Partners (RJF)?

The partnership aims to integrate SumRidge's live offerings into the Investortools Dealer Network (IDN), enhancing secondary market visibility and efficiency for asset managers, broker-dealers, and traders in fixed-income transactions.

How will the Investortools and SumRidge Partners (RJF) collaboration benefit clients?

Clients will benefit from increased transparency, streamlined trade execution, improved price discovery, and reduced transactional costs in fixed-income trading. They will also have direct access to SumRidge's inventory for bilateral transactions through IDN.

What impact does this partnership have on Raymond James' (RJF) fixed-income market strategy?

The partnership aligns with Raymond James' strategy to advance its position in the evolving fixed-income market, leveraging SumRidge Partners' advanced technological market-making capacity to create a more efficient and connected municipal bond landscape.

Raymond James Financial, Inc.


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