Riot Announces that Ontario Capital Markets Tribunal Has Terminated Bitfarms’ Poison Pill
Riot Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT) has successfully challenged Bitfarms 's (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF) shareholder rights plan, commonly known as a 'Poison Pill'. The Ontario Capital Markets Tribunal has cease traded the Poison Pill, effectively terminating it immediately. This decision is viewed as a significant victory for shareholder rights.
Riot's CEO, Jason Les, criticized Bitfarms' corporate governance, stating that the Poison Pill adoption was an attempt by Bitfarms' directors to entrench themselves. Riot continues to advocate for the election of its three independent director nominees - John Delaney, Amy Freedman, and Ralph Goehring - at Bitfarms' upcoming Special Meeting of Shareholders on October 29, 2024. Riot believes these nominees will bring fresh perspectives and help repair Bitfarms' governance issues.
Riot Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT) ha sfidato con successo il piano di diritti dei soci di Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF), comunemente noto come 'Poison Pill'. Il Tribunale dei Mercati di Capitale dell'Ontario ha sospeso il Poison Pill, terminandolo effettivamente immediatamente. Questa decisione è vista come una vittoria significativa per i diritti degli azionisti.
Il CEO di Riot, Jason Les, ha criticato la governance aziendale di Bitfarms, affermando che l'adozione del Poison Pill era un tentativo dei direttori di Bitfarms di consolidare la propria posizione. Riot continua a sostenere l'elezione dei suoi tre candidati direttori indipendenti - John Delaney, Amy Freedman e Ralph Goehring - nella prossima Assemblea Speciale degli Azionisti di Bitfarms il 29 ottobre 2024. Riot crede che questi candidati porteranno nuove prospettive e aiuteranno a risolvere i problemi di governance di Bitfarms.
Riot Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT) ha desafiado con éxito el plan de derechos de los accionistas de Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF), comúnmente conocido como 'Poison Pill'. El Tribunal de Mercados de Capital de Ontario ha suspendido el Poison Pill, cancelándolo efectivamente de inmediato. Esta decisión se considera una victoria significativa para los derechos de los accionistas.
El CEO de Riot, Jason Les, criticó la gobernanza corporativa de Bitfarms, declarando que la adopción del Poison Pill fue un intento de los directores de Bitfarms de afianzarse en el poder. Riot sigue abogando por la elección de sus tres candidatos a directores independientes - John Delaney, Amy Freedman y Ralph Goehring - en la próxima Reunión Especial de Accionistas de Bitfarms el 29 de octubre de 2024. Riot cree que estos nominados aportarán nuevas perspectivas y ayudarán a reparar los problemas de gobernanza de Bitfarms.
Riot Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT)가 Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF)의 주주 권리 계획, 일반적으로 'Poison Pill'로 알려진 계획에 성공적으로 도전했습니다. 온타리오 자본 시장 법원은 Poison Pill을 중지시켰습니다, 효과적으로 즉시 종료되었습니다. 이 결정은 주주 권리에 대한 중요한 승리로 간주됩니다.
Riot의 CEO인 제이슨 레스는 Bitfarms의 기업 거버넌스를 비판하며 Poison Pill 도입이 Bitfarms의 이사들이 자신들의 위치를 공고히 하기 위한 시도라고 말했습니다. Riot는 오는 2024년 10월 29일 Bitfarms의 주주 특별 회의에서 세 명의 독립 이사 후보 - 존 델라니, 에이미 프리드만, 랄프 괴링 -의 선출을 계속 주장하고 있습니다. Riot는 이 후보들이 새로운 관점을 가져오고 Bitfarms의 거버넌스 문제를 해결하는 데 도움을 줄 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.
Riot Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT) a réussi à contester le plan de droits des actionnaires de Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF), communément appelé 'Poison Pill'. Le Tribunal des marchés de capitaux de l'Ontario a suspendu le Poison Pill, le mettant effectivement immédiatement à terme. Cette décision est considérée comme une victoire significative pour les droits des actionnaires.
Le PDG de Riot, Jason Les, a critiqué la gouvernance d'entreprise de Bitfarms, déclarant que l'adoption du Poison Pill était une tentative des administrateurs de Bitfarms de se maintenir en place. Riot continue de plaider en faveur de l'élection de ses trois candidats administrateurs indépendants - John Delaney, Amy Freedman et Ralph Goehring - lors de la prochaine Assemblée spéciale des actionnaires de Bitfarms le 29 octobre 2024. Riot croit que ces candidats apporteront de nouvelles perspectives et aideront à résoudre les problèmes de gouvernance de Bitfarms.
Riot Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT) hat den Aktionärsrechteplan von Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF), allgemein bekannt als 'Poison Pill', erfolgreich angefochten. Das Ontario Capital Markets Tribunal hat die Poison Pill ausgesetzt, was ihre sofortige Beendigung zur Folge hat. Diese Entscheidung wird als bedeutender Sieg für die Aktionärsrechte angesehen.
Riot-CEO Jason Les kritisierte die Unternehmensführung von Bitfarms und erklärte, dass die Einführung der Poison Pill ein Versuch der Bitfarms-Direktoren war, sich selbst abzusichern. Riot setzt sich weiterhin für die Wahl seiner drei unabhängigen Direktorenkandidaten - John Delaney, Amy Freedman und Ralph Goehring - bei der bevorstehenden Sonderversammlung der Aktionäre von Bitfarms am 29. Oktober 2024 ein. Riot glaubt, dass diese Kandidaten neue Perspektiven einbringen und helfen werden, die Governance-Probleme von Bitfarms zu beheben.
- Successful challenge of Bitfarms' Poison Pill, potentially increasing shareholder value
- Tribunal's decision supports Riot's position on shareholder rights
- Opportunity to influence Bitfarms' board composition with independent nominees
- Ongoing corporate governance dispute with Bitfarms may lead to increased legal and administrative costs
- Uncertainty around the outcome of the upcoming Special Meeting of Shareholders
The Ontario Capital Markets Tribunal's decision to cease trade Bitfarms' shareholder rights plan, commonly known as a "poison pill," marks a significant legal development in the ongoing corporate governance dispute between Riot Platforms and Bitfarms.
This ruling effectively terminates the poison pill, which was designed with a 15% ownership trigger. Such defensive measures are typically implemented to protect companies from hostile takeovers by diluting the potential acquirer's stake. The Tribunal's decision to invalidate this measure suggests they found it overly restrictive and potentially harmful to shareholder interests.
From a legal standpoint, this ruling underscores the delicate balance between a board's duty to protect the company and shareholders' rights. It sets a precedent that could influence future corporate governance practices in the Canadian market, particularly regarding the implementation of defensive tactics.
The decision also highlights the importance of proper corporate governance and the potential legal consequences of actions perceived as entrenching management at the expense of shareholder value. This could have broader implications for how boards approach shareholder rights and corporate defense strategies in the future.
The Tribunal's decision to invalidate Bitfarms' poison pill represents a pivotal moment in corporate governance. This move significantly alters the power dynamics between Bitfarms' management and its shareholders, particularly Riot Platforms.
The 15% trigger threshold in the now-defunct poison pill was notably low, potentially hindering legitimate shareholder activism and limiting the ability of large investors to increase their stakes. Its removal opens the door for more substantial ownership positions and could facilitate a more robust market for corporate control.
Riot's success in this application empowers minority shareholders and reinforces the principle that boards must act in the best interests of all shareholders, not just in self-preservation. This aligns with global trends towards greater board accountability and shareholder rights.
The upcoming Special Meeting on October 29, 2024, now takes on heightened significance. The proposed nomination of three independent directors by Riot could lead to a substantial shift in Bitfarms' governance structure. If elected, these nominees could bring fresh perspectives and potentially improve oversight and strategic direction, addressing what Riot describes as "broken corporate governance."
This case serves as a stark reminder to public company boards that defensive measures must be carefully considered and proportionate to genuine threats, lest they face regulatory intervention.
Ontario Capital Markets Tribunal Has Cease Traded Bitfarms’ Poison Pill Effective Immediately
Ruling Represents a Significant Victory for Shareholder Rights
Jason Les, Chief Executive Officer of Riot, stated:
“This ruling from the Tribunal in favor of Riot’s application is a win for all Bitfarms shareholders. The adoption of the off-market Poison Pill is yet another example of the broken corporate governance that plagues Bitfarms and of the ongoing attempts by the Bitfarms directors to entrench themselves. We appreciate that the Tribunal acted quickly and decisively to remove the Poison Pill.
We continue to believe that our three director nominees – John Delaney, Amy Freedman and Ralph Goehring (the “Nominees”) – must be elected to the Bitfarms Board at the 2024 Special Meeting of Shareholders (the “Special Meeting”) scheduled for October 29, 2024 in order to repair Bitfarms’ poor corporate governance. These Nominees are fully independent of Riot and Bitfarms, are highly qualified and will bring much-needed fresh perspectives into the boardroom. We look forward to communicating further with shareholders in the coming weeks and months.”
About Riot Platforms, Inc.
Riot’s (NASDAQ: RIOT) vision is to be the world’s leading Bitcoin-driven infrastructure platform. Our mission is to positively impact the sectors, networks and communities that we touch. We believe that the combination of an innovative spirit and strong community partnership allows Riot to achieve best-in-class execution and create successful outcomes.
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Statements contained herein that are not historical facts constitute “forward-looking statements” and “forward-looking information” (together, “forward-looking statements”) within the meaning of applicable
Information in Support of Public Broadcast Exemption under Canadian Law
The information contained in this press release does not and is not meant to constitute a solicitation of a proxy within the meaning of applicable corporate and securities laws. Shareholders of the Company are not being asked at this time to execute a proxy in favour of the Nominees or in respect of any other matter to be acted upon at the Special Meeting. In connection with the Special Meeting, Riot intends to file a dissident information circular in due course in compliance with applicable corporate and securities laws. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Riot has voluntarily provided in, or incorporated by reference into, this press release the disclosure required under section 9.2(4) of National Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations (“NI 51-102”) and has filed a document (the “Document”) containing disclosure prescribed by applicable corporate law and disclosure required under section 9.2(6) of NI 51-102 in respect of the Nominees, in accordance with corporate and securities laws applicable to public broadcast solicitations. The Document is hereby incorporated by reference into this press release and is available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR+ at The registered office of the Company is 110 Yonge Street, Suite 1601,
Neither Riot nor any director or officer of Riot is requesting that Company shareholders submit a proxy at this time. Once formal solicitation of proxies in connection with the Special Meeting has commenced, proxies may be revoked by a registered holder of Company shares: (a) by completing and signing a valid proxy bearing a later date and returning it in accordance with the instructions contained in the accompanying form of proxy; (b) by depositing an instrument in writing that is signed by the shareholder or an attorney who is authorized by a document that is signed in writing or by electronic signature; (c) by transmitting by telephonic or electronic means a revocation that is signed by electronic signature in accordance with applicable law, as the case may be: (i) at the registered office of the Company at any time up to and including the last business day preceding the day the Special Meeting or any adjournment or postponement of the Special Meeting is to be held, or (ii) with the chair of the Special Meeting on the day of the Special Meeting or any adjournment or postponement of the Special Meeting; or (d) in any other manner permitted by law. In addition, proxies may be revoked by a non-registered holder of Company shares at any time by written notice to the intermediary in accordance with the instructions given to the non-registered holder by its intermediary.
This press release and any solicitation made by Riot in advance of the Special Meeting is, or will be, as applicable, made by Riot, and not by or on behalf of the management of the Company. Proxies may be solicited by proxy circular, mail, telephone, email or other electronic means, as well as by newspaper or other media advertising and in person by managers, directors, officers and employees of Riot who will not be specifically remunerated therefor. In addition, Riot may solicit proxies by way of public broadcast, including press release, speech or publication and any other manner permitted under applicable Canadian laws, and may engage the services of one or more agents and authorize other persons to assist it in soliciting proxies on their behalf.
Riot has entered into agreements with Okapi Partners LLC (“Okapi”) and Shorecrest Group Ltd. (“Shorecrest”) in connection with solicitation and advisory services in respect of the requisitioned meeting, for which Okapi will receive a fee not to exceed
The costs incurred in the preparation and mailing of any circular or proxy solicitation by Riot will be borne directly and indirectly by Riot. In the event any of the Nominees are elected or appointed to the Bitfarms Board, Riot intends to seek reimbursement from Bitfarms of all expenses it incurs in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the election of the Nominees at the Special Meeting.
None of Riot, any director or officer of Riot nor any associate or affiliate of the foregoing (i) has any material interest, direct or indirect, by way of beneficial ownership of securities of the Company or otherwise, in any matter to be acted upon at the Special Meeting, other than the election of directors, or (ii) has or has had any material interest, direct or indirect, in any transaction since the beginning of the Company’s last completed financial year or, other than the proposal submitted by Riot to Bitfarms on April 22, 2024 and referred to in Riot’s press release dated May 28, 2024 (which proposal has since been withdrawn by Riot), in any proposed transaction that has materially affected or will materially affect the Company or any of the Company’s affiliates.
No Offer to Purchase or Sell Securities
This press release is for informational purposes only and is not intended to and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer, or an intention to offer, to subscribe for or buy or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of securities in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. Such an offer to purchase securities would only be made pursuant to a registration statement, prospectus, tender offer, takeover bid circular, management information circular or other regulatory filing filed by Riot with the SEC and available at or filed with applicable Canadian securities regulatory authorities on SEDAR+ and available at
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Investor Contacts:
Phil McPherson
303-794-2000 ext. 110
Okapi Partners
Bruce Goldfarb / Chuck Garske, (877) 285-5990
Shorecrest Group
1-888-637-5789 (North American Toll-Free)
Media Contact:
Longacre Square Partners
Joe Germani / Dan Zacchei /
Source: Riot Platforms, Inc.
What was the Ontario Capital Markets Tribunal's decision regarding Bitfarms' Poison Pill?
When is Bitfarms' Special Meeting of Shareholders scheduled?
Who are Riot's proposed independent director nominees for Bitfarms' board?